Add job Report Developer / Programmer at Choice Fables

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Choice Fables on

Hi guys, It´s so nice to be part of this great community of talented people. My team and I are currently creating a gamebook called Nighthaven. I hope you like the trailer:

If you are a Javascript programmer/developer and interested in joining our team, we are looking for someone to help us with the development of our game. Nighthaven is currently a web browser based adventure rpg interactive fiction game built in HTML5/Javascript on the client side and Node + Express on the server-side. We have completed a closed beta and are working towards the open beta release. We also want to explore potentially turning our browser-based game into a standalone game for PC and/or mobile to be able to sell via Steam, Play Store, App Store, etc.Essential skills/experience needed:Javascript web app or browser game development experience, especially with backend server-side technologies. A good knowledge of NodeJS/ExpressJS would be key in addition to solid Javascript skills. The role will be to work together with our lead developer/programmer, to provide assistance with debugging and testing, improving server and game performance, and development of future game releases. Some experience with either desktop and/or mobile app or game development would also be a great asset if we decide to make it into a standalone game. Any experience/skills in turning a web app or browser game into a desktop or mobile app, with something like React Native or Apache Cordova, would be a bonus. We look forward to hearing from you!

To Apply

If you are interested please send me an email to

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!