Kingdoms of Arda is a Singleplayer & Multiplayer total conversion of Mount & Blade II Bannerlord, that brings the world of Tolkien into the game. This includes: characters, locations, weapons etc. from The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Silmarillion and other works by Tolkien and media made for his universe.

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A compilation of all of the completed and up to date troop trees for Kingdoms of Arda.

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This is a compilation of the troop trees for Kingdoms of Arda. They are not complete, many are work in progress or missing.

In Kingdoms of Arda there are generally four types of troop trees:

  • Militia - Militia troops are the weakest and most abundant troop of any faction. They can be recruited anywhere and are generally the cheapest and most easily upgraded troops.
  • Nobles - Noble troops are the standard elites of a faction. They cannot be recruited in villages, are more expensive, rare, hard to recruit, and are higher quality than militia.
  • Fiefdom - Fiefdom troops are the rarest in a faction, they are restricted to certain locations and lords. Typically within the fiefdom troops will be the strongest troops of a faction, along with specialized forces.
  • Player - Player troops are unique to the player. They often have a "theme" where they are stylized to a specific playstyle or design, but they are customizable to a large degree.


Gondor Levies - Militia

When Gondor is threatened, the levies are the kingdom’s first line of defense. Hastily organized from local freemen, the levies are primarily expected to fulfill their civic duties by defending their homes and local holdings from smaller threats, though their responsibilities also include supplementing the ranks of larger armies embarking on campaign.

Fresh levies generally have little to no training, and are expected to provide their own equipment, which is often inadequate for sustained warfare, as most commoners are of very modest means. However, what the levies may lack in experience and equipment they make up for with their resolve and courage, which comes from fighting to protect their homes and loved ones. Moreover, levies that survive the rigors of battle may become seasoned veterans, more than capable of holding their own. Their finest warriors excel at formation fighting, where they bear the burdens of war together with their neighbors and kinsmen by standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the shieldwall. Additionally, many levies have experience with the bow and with training can become competent archers, following the kingdom’s Númenórean heritage.

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Gondor Regulars - Nobles

The core of Gondor’s army is its professional infantry and longbowmen. Nobility’s young sons, wealthy civilians, and freemen of high physical condition are recruited into Gondor’s Regulars. They are drilled extensively in formation fighting and tactical manoeuvres. Equipped in state funded equipment, the most promising among the ranks don full harness plate armour.

The primary kit of a Gondor Regular includes a sword, long spear, and board shield, all essential to their formation fighting. Besides infantry, Gondor’s tradition of highly practised archers allows these men to wield heavy bows that will out range and out-power most of Sauron’s forces.


Gondor Noble Cavalry - Nobles

Gondor’s focus on infantry opens a need for cavalry, a role many of Gondor’s nobility fills. These nobles and knights supply their own mounts, not as mighty as the steeds of Rohan or the Land of the Prince, but bear the weight of fully equipped Gondorians and will carry their riders into the flanks of orcs and evil men alike.

Knights of Gondor have no shield, the standard board shield being too large for horseback and forsaking a smaller shield to wield a longer lance to outrange their counterparts. The lack of shield opens a weakness to missile fire but confidence in the well made Gondorian plate compensates.


Ithilien Rangers - Fiefdom

The Rangers of Ithilien, renowned throughout the kingdom of Gondor for their swiftness with bow. The rangers are selected from the descendants of the people who had once dwelt in Ithilien, before it fell from Gondor's control. The rangers are dressed in camouflaging green and brown and known for being masters of camouflaging in the area. They cross the river Anduin in secret to harass the forces of the Enemy in Gondor's old domain. Everything from orcs, easterlings and Haradrim, none escape the arrows of the rangers, if first detected. Great hunters and trackers can rise to high ranks among the rangers led by Faramir, the Steward’s son. They operate mainly from secret retreats in the region, most famous of these is Henneth Annûn.

Ithilien Rangers are foremost deadly archers, while the best of them are skilled with the blade, they are lightly armoured and will fall quickly in melee against any competent infantry. They are the best archers within all of Gondor and are best used at a distance utilising their mobility to keep them out of harm's way.


Dol Amroth Nobles - Fiefdom

With both elven and Númenórean blood in their veins, the heritage of the Dol Amroth nobles are without doubt regarded as some of the purest in the Kingdom of Gondor. From birth these nobles have been trained in all arts of chivalry and they represent Gondorians in both spirit and deed. They are said to be the best horsemen in the entire kingdom, and the tales of Dol Amroth knights are even told as far away as Dale.

These nobles are always eager to protect the lands under the prince’s rule; they ride along coasts, over hills and great grasslands, so that every village in the fiefdom feels secure. Even beyond the Prince’s Land they do their best to protect the Gondorian shores from the Enemy.

With lance, sword, and shield they charge forward on their noble steeds with silver swan helmets. Horses bred for the Swan Knights are some of the most powerful in the land and their knightly armour has craftsmanship inspired from days old. Their great charge can make an army of orcs route and cause panic even among the Southrons of Harad. The dismounted formation of Dol Amroth Knights prove to be as valorous as the ones ahorse, when the need for infantry arises the Knights of Dol Amroth bring the strength equal to any of Gondor. A noble of Dol Amroth never flees, always prepared to fight to the very end with his sword and shield. For the Prince and the Steward, to the end if needs be.


Belfalas Regulars - Fiefdom

Dor-en-ernil, the Land of the Prince, encompases a large swathe of land and coastline that must be protected. Under threat of corsair invasion or need to march to Gondor’s defence strong men of Belfalas must be equipped and trained.

The prince funds local men-at-arms to be equipped with strong plate and sturdy arms. Pikemen are drilled in formation fighting and excel at repelling corsair pirates or haradrim horsemen. The Belfalas Regulars are relied on to hold a strong battle line while the Knights of the Swan decimate their foes.


Pelargir Mariners - Fiefdom


Lebennin Nobles - Fiefdom


Lossarnach Axemen - Fiefdom

Simple to craft, convenient to repair, and devastating against both wood and flesh, the axe is the chosen weapon of the woodsmen of Lossarnach, whose people have taken it to war for hundreds of years. This tradition has been refined over the ages, and by the time of the war of the ring, Lossarnach is proudly able to field a caste of fine warriors, who have abandoned the crude tools of their predecessors in favour of specialised waraxes that can devastate even the most heavily armed of Mordor’s troops. These warriors are uniformed in quality plate and green cloth, indicating their origins, but like all shock troops, most lack the protection of shields.


Lamedon Swordmen - Fiefdom

Lamedon, being a relatively well-developed region of Gondor, is able to field many fine warriors from among its landowning classes who follow the middlemen traditions of the valleys and the woods by their reverence of the greatsword making them some of the most skilled swordmen in the land. These warriors hence specialise as heavy shock troops, able to inflict great damage in a short time amongst the ranks of their enemies. However, though their well-crafted armour ensures their survivability, these swordsmen, lacking shields, are vulnerable to prolonged fighting or missile exposure. Therefore, they should be placed with care.


Pinnath Gelin Warriors - Fiefdom

The Pinnath Gelin, or Green Hills are famous throughout Gondor for their humble yet majestic beauty. Hills like green waves of water as far as the eye can see. The men of this region have always used the hills to their advantage, and it is no different in the Third Age. Despite being of different descent than the Dúnedain and proudly holding on to their heritage, the people of Pinnath Gelin nobly serve side by side to all Gondorians. For in times of trouble, they do not stand back idle as raiding men from the mountains attack, nor when raiding Corsairs plagues the coasts of Anfalas and Belfalas.

With spear, sword, shield and steed they stand firmly as mountains facing their enemies head on. On horseback they ride over the hills to defend every corner of the fiefdom, and with braced spears they defend from hill to hill, masters in defensive tactics. The common man of Pinnath Gelin proves himself very capable, even with the lack of equipment and formal training, he is strong of heart and arm.


Blackroot Vale Archers - Fiefdom

The legendary Morthond vales tell of fertile lands in the valleys of the white mountains, and of ancient giants living and dying in the area. Most famous of these giants are Tarlang, whose neck later formed a pass into Lamedon. The archers from here are as legendary as the tales of old, for with great skill in both precision and hunting they are often hired when there is a need for a great bowman.

The archery skills of Morthond Vales was known throughout Gondor and under their leader Duinhir, they fearlessly go into battle, even against overwhelming odds, even against the mighty Mûmakil if needed. Such is the courage of the archers of the Blackroot Vale.


Tower Guards - Fiefdom

Members of the Tower Guard are hand picked men entrusted with the protection of Minas Tirith’s seventh level and the captains of the White City. While honour and loyalty are primary traits sought after, the selection is always done among the most skilled nobles and commoners in the Land of Stone, so despite the lack of direct deployment in Gondorian armies, they are the most effective infantry Gondor has to offer.

Citadel and Fountain Guards bear mithril helmets, heirlooms of Númenor and Gondor’s ancient wealth. The Tower Guards receive the best arms, armour, and training to ensure the defence of the Citadel of Minas Tirith and the White Tree of Gondor in hope that it may bloom again and the King will come.


Guardians of Minas Ithil - Player

The halls of Minas Morgul have been cleared of foe once more and all across Gondor the reclamation of Minas Ithil is cheered. Yet despite council of some among the Gondorian court to rend the dreaded fort, the prideful Captains of the West have decided to man the mighty fortress once more. Inspired warriors across the land flock to the banners of Minas Ithil’s captains. Great forges and smiths are assembled and the Guardians of Minas Ithil are garbed with new livery and black plate in memory of Sauron’s transgression.

The most skilled and proven warriors of Gondor join Minas Ithil’s ranks, and being equipped with the finest arms and armour available, they reckon back to the days of Elendil the Tall and renew Sauron’s fear of Númenórean blood.


Elessar's Guard - Fiefdom

The Grey Company is made up of Dúnedain of the North, Aragorn’s own kinsmen among them. For years they fought and ranged against the forces of the dark having the strongest of arms and noble hearts. They follow their chieftain, now king, into any battle.

The Grey Company, some of the most skilled warriors in the land, are now equipped with plate armour out of Minas Tirith’s forges inspired by old Númenórean-craft. Elessar’s Guard now shine as a symbol of Dúnedain hope as they follow their king against the enemies of the Reunited-Kingdom.



Rohan Peasants - Militia


Éored - Nobles

An Éored would consist of Rohirrim trained for war employed by Rohan lords as household guards or war parties. Éoreds would consist of strong able-bodied men with promising skill. The best riders would make up their parties and they would be drilled in the art of war. These professional soldiers are equipped with steel helmets, long hauberks, stout lances, and bring strong war-trained mounts.

While lords may have some dedicated infantry in their retinue, the Éored would be fully mounted thanks to the abundance of horses and horsemanship in the Mark. Rohirrim are accustomed to dismounting and fighting on foot if necessary, making units without horses redundant. The Éored has both strong lancers and skilled horse archers in their ranks, representing the pride of Rohan.


West-March Warriors - Fiefdom

West-March has a history of intermingling with the Dunlendings. Many of its inhabitants would call their lineage to the northern hills, yet the lords in power remain loyal to the King of Rohan despite the political complications. The influence of Dunlending culture gives the warriors of West-March fighting styles not utilized by the rest of Rohan.

The best of West-March are equipped in heavy mail, scale, and furs. Featuring great axes, spears and large round shields they are some of the few dedication foot troops from Rohan. The most veteran and wealthy men from this region not taking horseback guarantees that they can match their neighbours elite infantry on the battlefield.


Westfold - Fiefdom

West of Folde lies Westfold, home to many brave loyalists and fierce Rohirrim that are masters of defensive tactics against the endless Dunlending raids from across the fords of Isen. From the Hornburg riders are sent out by the Marshal to defend the borders along the Isen, and slay any trespassing Dunlending or orc. In recent years more and more orcs have been seen in the area, and now even the fighting Uruk-hai from Isengard are a threat.

With the same ferocity as Helm Hammerhand these proud warriors fight to the last man, like wild creatures on the field, thrusting, swinging and taunting with shield and sword, all hoping to one day live up to the name of Helmingas. While the Westfold features their own unique cavalry, their specialty lay with these Helmingas, who are competent with bow, sword, and shield, making them an ideal siege troop to defend the Hornburg.


Wold Outriders - Fiefdom

The Wold was a rocky and hilly grassland in northern Rohan bordering both Limlight and the great Anduin river. There were two crossings of Anduin known as the Undeeps and from here swept in dangers from both the steppes of Rhûn and the Shadows of Dol Guldur.

With fast horses and exceptionally skilled in whatever weapon the situation demands, the Wold outriders are the perfect match to these intruders of Rohan. Patrolling along the rivers and defending old Gondorian ruins, these men have been tested in battle in all types of terrain and weather. This land turns the volunteer soldiers into hard men and deeply devoted and loyal subjects that are ready to die for their king, just like the first king, Eorl the Young, once fell on the very same fields they now seek to defend. It is with pride that they fight and die in the name of the king of the Rohirrim.


Rohan Royal Guard - Fiefdom

The King of Rohan commands a Royal Guard atop of Edoras in Meduseld. These King’s Men are selected from noble houses within the Mark who wish to serve their king and country on the battlefield. Young nobility and veterans of war swear loyalty to the King of Rohan ensuring no death falls upon him or his line.

The King’s Men are afforded great experience and training to be counted among its ranks. The best equipment in Rohan is given to these guards, some of which is issued from skilled smiths of Gondor. The mounts used by the Royal Guard are either war mounts from prestigious families or even gifts from the king himself, some of which have a lineage tied to the Mearas. Rohan’s Royal Guard is some of its most effective fighting force, both as cavalry and as dismounted infantry.


Eastfold Nobles - Fiefdom

The nobles of Eastfold are all said to have relatives that once owned land in or around Aldburg, dating back to the first Rohirrim that settled Rohan when Eorl the Young was granted the land. Some of these nobles claim to descend from loyal captains of Eorl and heroes of local legends speaking of orcs, dragons and wild creatures of the land. Both loyal to their marshal and the king, these nobles stand faithfully on the ground no matter the odds. From the age of 4 they learn how to ride, and are said to have perfected it before they reach adulthood and swear loyalty to the king. They focus on horseback archery and often practise by riding past targets and shooting with their bows.

With both sword and bow they practise as often as they can, protecting Rohan’s eastern and northern borders from invading orcs and easterlings. They are feared among their enemies as they are hard to catch and dangerous due to their precision with their bows.


West Emnet - Fiefdom


East Emnet - Fiefdom

Éored Captains - Player



Uruk-Hai Scouts - Militia

The Uruk-hai scouts of Isengard have been specifically trained to track and hunt down the enemies of the White Hand, and most important of all, to hunt down the Ringbearer and bring the One Ring to Saruman. With their light equipment they move faster than their armoured brethren. With both bow and sword they strike down any Rohirrimin their way.

Uruk-Hai Legion - Nobles


Warg Riders - Nobles


Bulwark Legion - Fiefdom


Storm Legion - Fiefdom


Orthanc Legion - Fiefdom


Trolls of Isengard - Fiefdom



Mordor Orcs - Militia

The endless horde of orcs, the most known of Sauron’s minions. The orcs of Mordor have lived most of their lives in the shadows of Mordor and under the fear of their master. The common Mordor orc is not a professional warrior, but they are conscripted, often being slaves known as snaga.

Their strength lies in their numbers, if they stay united they can swarm even the mightiest of warriors. With numbers and a captain to control them, their numbers can be a decisive factor on the field.. With sharp swords, short bows, spears and any arms they can find they march forward, to plunder the land, enslave the weak and kill any life they wish.

Mordor Uruks - Nobles

Black Númenóreans - Fiefdom

The legendary Black Númenóreans of Mordor are a proud race of men who - unlike their southern counterparts in Umbar - can trace their undiluted lineage directly back to the King’s Men of old.
Fittingly for men of such stature, the Black Númenóreans answer to none save the Mouth and his Master. They occupy the most prestigious positions within Mordor, and from their court in Barad Dur, they enact their Master’s will throughout the realm. Like no other race, the Black Númenóreans are entrusted with a great degree of agency, for their fates and interests are directly intertwined with those of their master, upon whose patronage they have become wholly dependent. For their service, the Black Numenoreans are promised great power, long life, and the privilege of governing conquered lands.

In war, the Black Númenóreans serve as an elite core within Mordor’s strongest field armies. Their equipment is like no other found in Mordor. Their fine plate, adorned with floral patterns reminiscent of Elenna, is no simple steel; it is rumored to be forged with the Dark Lord’s malice himself. Likewise, their swords are said to have taken on magical properties; it has been told that many a foe wounded by their blades expired even after the cuts themselves had healed.

Men of Morgul - Fiefdom

Wicked Men of Minas Morgul, consumed by power under the dark sorcery and magic of the Nine. Black Númenóreans and other men of great evil are recruited into the tower of sorcery as devices of Sauron that contribute to the war out of Minas Morgul.

With unwavering fealty the Men of Morgul are armed as Knights and Captains with Morgul weaponry and plate. The Morgul Knights extend the terror of the Nazgûl and provide cavalry to the war party of the Witch-King. Morgul Captains command with terror over their Morgul hosts, ensuring orcs will equally fear fleeing as they fear their enemies.

Trolls of Mordor - Fiefdom

Gaer Dûrlith Olog-Hai - Fiefdom

The Fiefdom of Gaer Dûrlith is forever cursed to live in the shadows of the great ash-clouds from Mount Doom.
But some creatures thrive in this ashy darkness. In the Ash-mountains are many caves and tunnels where great olog-hai trolls dwell. The great olog-hai from here are trained for war in the great orc fortresses of Gaer Dûrlith dating back to the Second age, when Sauron and his minions founded them. With both great armour and weapons of might, the Gaer Dûrlith olog-hai trains for the vanguard of Sauron’s armies

Great Beasts - Fiefdom

Around the lake of Nûrnen lives a strange creature of unknown origin and unknown history, known to most as great beasts. Yet it’s calm and of friendly nature, the wrath of a great beast is not something you want to stir. When first a beast charges towards something, there is nothing that will stop it. It will crush both man and his armour if first it stumbles on him or pierce through him with its horn. The local men of the area have always let the creature live in peace, as it means no harm, yet the orcs of Mordor have captured many and trained them for both warfare and as beasts of burden for the Great Eye.

From the back of the beast groups of orcs charge through the battlefield and shoot wildly around them with both arrows, javelins and anything else they have. Even the bravest of men can lose heart when a great beast charges towards them.

Morgai Orcs - Fiefdom

Morgai, a hilly and mountainous fiefdom in the shadow mountains of Mordor. The edge of the Morgai was notched and jagged with fang-like crags. The Morgai formed the inner wall of the fences of Mordor. To the north lay the great orc fortress of Durthang, that had once been used by Gondor to watch over the lands of Mordor, but long ago orcs infested the place and turned it into a truly evil place that no longer looked Gondorian in any way. The orcs here patrolled the road between Carach Angren and the castle of Cirith Ungol, guarding the pass to Minas Morgul. For this reason many armies of Mordor wandered through this fiefdom in times of war.

The orcs of Morgai have perfected their javelin-throwing with great war darts, almost as long as themselves. The orcs throw their weapon without second thought, and the darts pierce through their targets with ease, armour and flesh. Few have survived getting pierced by a war dart as the jagged point makes it hard to pull out around without making an even larger wound. When engaged in melee the war darts double as spears making the Morgai Orcs quite functional on the battlefield.

Nurn Beastmasters - Fiefdom

Udun Uruks - Fiefdom

The Black Gate of Mordor stands as a symbol of Sauron’s power reaching out of the Black Lands. Night and day the Dark Lord’s allies march to his aid through Udun. None of Sauron’s enemies could hope to break the mighty fortress, less likely still with the elite guard stationed there.

The Uruks of Morannon yield great war bows no orc could ever hope to draw, and with them they can shower arrows onto anyone foolish enough to approach the Black Gate. They are fitted with dependable armour and wield greatswords for melee.

Lithlad - Fiefdom



Dunlending Hillmen - Militia

Dunlending Nobles - Nobles

Isenmarch Warriors - Fiefdom

Wulf's Raiders - Fiefdom

Caerdh Woodsmen - Fiefdom

The Dark Woods of Choil Caerdh has a long history dating back to the First Age. The woods are full of mysteries, ancient stones, statues and secretive woses hiding in the shadows of the trees.

From the woods comes also great woodsmen that have mastered the axe as their primary weapon, splitting both wood and foe. They use the woods for hunting and to gain wood they sell and which is used for buildings and weapons throughout Dunland. The wood from Choil Caerdh is hard and tough to break, perfectly fit for shields and sturdy weaponry.

The men of Caerdh bring a diverse cast of warfare to Dunland. They bring numerous javelins to battle, constantly harassing foes at a distance. Yet once they might battle lines, they brandish their axes and ferociously hack away their enemies. Their Raven Riders are excellent horsemen, shy of the Rohirrim’s prowess, yet bringing speed and manoeuvrability to Dunland’s flanks.










Orcs of the Misty Mountains




Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 88)
I_Support_Me - - 21 comments

Very happy to see Lothlorien troop trees, one of my favorite faction, but of course Mordor will be the most formidable with their trolls, olog-hai and great beasts, can't wait to fight them! I'm very glad that you began to publish the results of your work even more often, it looks awesome!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments

As other troop trees are finished, they will be posted here as well

Reply Good karma+13 votes
Guest - - 693,674 comments

Is that it for Lothlorien trops? seems a bit empty

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments

No. "They are not complete, many are work in progress or missing."

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Guest - - 693,674 comments

will elves and dwarvs the same tier as men be stronger, and will men the same tier as orcs be stronger.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments

If they are the same tier, they are the same strength.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 693,674 comments

why do the dragonslayers have a special symbol on there name

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments

An error.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
MattTheLegoman - - 1,258 comments

Thanks for showing the troop trees, it looks exciting and I wish you the best in creating all these models!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+15 votes
John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments

Appreciated :)

Reply Good karma+8 votes
Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,870 comments

Really disappointed that you forgot about the Bonebreakers ^^

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments

What's Bonebreakers, Precious, what's Bonebreakers?

Reply Good karma+13 votes
Guest - - 693,674 comments

Yo.....devs from TLD Overhaul!Really nice to see you guys here XD

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Canned_Knight - - 2 comments

I love the troop trees, especially evil factions, but I wish they were more ranks like fell orc of Mordor instead of Mordor orc feller, but other than that I think its great!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
BombadilMiffy - - 2 comments

I found that Orcs of the Misty Mountains didn't have Warg Riders =.=

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments

Not yet, though Gubdabad will have a larger focus on warg riders.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
sevennationarmy - - 140 comments

Wow they looks great. Mostly hyped for dwarfs and mordor

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Sgt.Frost - - 169 comments

Wow. Do I detect some influence from Third age Total war and its submods?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments

Of course, hard not to.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Fucking-Qapla - - 390 comments

Aw, no Dale?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments

They will come with time.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Drako528 - - 29 comments

why is Rohan's cavalry weaker than Gondor's?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Argeomer - - 5,582 comments

I think because of Swan Knights, really elite heavy cavalry. Rohan has in general excellent Cavalry, Gondor in general lacks a bit in cav BUT it has the best knights of all Middle-Earth, the Swan Knights.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
thezeroalchemist - - 1 comments

Rhun seems a little bit underpowered, maybe the cataphracts should be tier 8? Looks great overall! Good work

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments

Rhun will have more elite units.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
redsimonDE - - 133 comments

Good to hear that. Compared to for example Harad they lack as their units only go up to tier 7 while Harad reaches tier 9 (and has the tier 10 Mumak [AFAIK Mumakil is plural btw]).

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Argeomer - - 5,582 comments

really love the troop trees so far. Really like the diversity in all of these. Something that always lacked in Native Warband for e.g.

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Guest - - 693,674 comments

No Harad and Black Numenorians?

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
Tayfun2896 - - 2 comments

He only post finished troop trees ! the others will come later. I'm waiting for elven cavalry :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Knez - - 1,416 comments

There is black numenorian troop tree under "mordor" troop tree, just where it belongs, and there is haradrim troop tree just bellow Dunland troop tree.

And i am yet to see elven cavlary being mentioned anywhere in the books, only one mentioned to ride horses are elven lords.

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Guest - - 693,674 comments

Lindon has cav, or am i wrong?

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
Knez - - 1,416 comments

I do not remember anything regarding them and cavalry in the books, or maybe those are different Lindon elves who did not fought together with Arnor during the third era.

I am not speaking about video games, thing which i am speaking about are the books, and movies.

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Guest - - 693,674 comments

This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view.

The_Bowman_TW - - 64 comments

There are two 'Morgai Orc' instances in the same troop tree.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
WitchKingOfAngmar:) - - 1 comments

if i can have a duel against Lurtz im sold tbh XD

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Nefki - - 64 comments

I can't wait to see the dunedain and rhun models

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Knez - - 1,416 comments

Well done, glad to see that we can get different types of recruits from different cities and villages given what region they belong to

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 693,674 comments

Congrats!!! Amazing stuff

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
redsimonDE - - 133 comments

Those are some beautiful troop trees. Even seeing just the names makes me quiver in anticipation. Like seeing Grey Company tier 9 cavalry or Trollmen and Half-Orc troop trees. :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
John_Henry - - 33 comments

Cant hardly believe that even the Dunedain are there! really this mod is seemingly becoming a dream made into reality!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Guest - - 693,674 comments

Is there any discord which I can join to help or watch the progress of the mod?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments Reply Good karma+1 vote
nitebones - - 222 comments

I see Mumakil, and oh god that would be great to see but I do worry about trying to get it working in engine

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Emrakyz - - 43 comments

This is just well done fuckibg love your stuff

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
masoldo - - 68 comments

Good! Eärendil_Ardamírë should learn how to make a good trooptree 😂

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments

He adds all of the bone breakers, eh

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Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,870 comments

What? Lies! Moria will get their Bonebreakers though :P

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mirekosw - - 127 comments

Why there are only Galadhrim elves? WTF? What about Mirkwood or Lindon and Rivendell? :/ Please make some team, best regards! :)

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John.M Author
John.M - - 1,812 comments

"This is a compilation of the troop trees for Kingdoms of Arda. They are not complete, many are work in progress or missing."

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jakublaucek - - 261 comments

Woooow this is awesome ,were you inspired by some units from Lord of the rings mods for medieval 2 total war?can't wait to play this ,I wish you good luck .

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