The UTTERMOST Dawn of War races(factions) combiner, vanilla races revamp, AND MORE. Search no further. Really. (Latest Unification version: 7.2.5 - (29/5/2024)

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It was long awaited indeed, we admit, but for a good reason.

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Greetings everyone and welcome back to our Dev Blog posting.

We know we haven't posted an article since our release last February,but if you have been following us both here and on our Discord server,you may have seen that some big things are coming for the next version.
However,the time has come to answer fully on some important questions that you have been asking us regarding our roadplan for the mod.

For starters,we shall begin with the continuation of our Titan Project,or as known as Tier II Titans.
The February release saw the introduction of Titan units in many races,where all vanilla races got one.Originally, the plan was just to give something to the vanilla races to be able to stand against the titanic and heroic units of the added races but just as the mod itself has evolved, so does have this idea.Hence why the first version was more of a ''test drive'' for these.And we are happy to announce its next stage.
And I think it is better to let Brother Gambit,our main coder,to explain it best in his own words:

1] Each of the next Tier Titans will be unlocked via successive researches. Specifically, T1 Titans will be available promptly as they are now, and for T2 ones there will be a Technology research allowing them, same for T3, etc.
These researches will require enough time (many mins) and have high costs.
2] The Titans themselves will definitely be more durable, but they will be slower and of similar (up to +50% more, maximum) fire power.
3] To keep the engine "happy", the sizes will not increase proportionally to the fluff, but we will deviate within acceptable margins.
OVERALL: The idea for T2 and T3 Titans will be to follow a strategic approach, carefully investing any excessive resources.

Here,it should be noted that for the next version,we will be focusing only on Tier II and like last time,we will observe and note the feedback of the Community first, before moving on to the next Tier,if we have to actually move or do something else.
So, for now,let's have a look on some of the upcoming units for the races(Please note it is not all of them, so stay tuned for future updates!):

Dark Eldar
The Dark Eldar now get the much stronger and bigger Void Raven Bomber in Tier II.
In its place,for Tier I,they get the Void Dragon Phoenix, a custom Phoenix crafted by a Drukhari-allied Corsair.The idea came from the actual tabletop rules for the DE which includes it as one of their Lighter titans.

Armed with an array of Dark Matter missile launchers, twin frontal Thermal Lances, a Darklance cannon and agility, it makes the perfect candidate for the position.

I think everyone knows what was going to be for the Tau as we have been teasing its existence for quite some time.So finally, we can announce the return and redemption of a model we have been making,the Tau'nar Supremacy Armour.The following screenshots speak for themselves:

Imperial Guard
The first confirmed Tier II Titan, the Dominus Pattern Knight.Just like with the regular Imperial Knights, the Dominus comes with all its wargear options available.For this reason, the regular version in the IG has the weapons also used by the Dominus removed and a more focus on its leftover weapon upgrades to compensate.

The Æonic Orb is an iconic unit that has finally received the rework it deserved.Fitted as a titan destroyer, nothing can withstand its Solar Beam for long!


Sisters of Battle:
The Sisters are more tricky, as like the Dark Eldar,they lack regular Titan units.
So,instead,after consulting the feedback from the Community, we have decided to move the already powerful Archangel(now properly renamed to Living Archangel Alicia Dominica-the Founder of the Adepta Sororitas) to Tier II while at Tier I, try something different.Two famous Saints of the Sisterhood join you,St.Mina of the Bloody Rose and St.Silvana of the Argent Shroud.You can train both without any caps between them and he regular relic level Living Saint you can choose(so,a total of three at tier I if you have the resources).
In addition,in the Campaign,to the Tier I Living Saints, the famed St.Sabbat is available, but only if you have beaten the Imperial Guard!
All three Tier I Living Saints come with their own abilities and characteristics, corresponding to their lore and backstory.

And to close the vanilla races for now, we leave the below as a hint of what else is coming(many thanks to Joazzz for his great help in making this happen):

Of course,this does not mean only the vanilla races will get more titanic toys.
Enter the Daemon Hunters Psi-Titan of the Ordo Sinister for a great example.
In times of great need(and as part of the Tier II system), the Ordo Malleus can call upon their loyal and secret Titan Ordo to lend their much needed support.
The Psi-Titan is a special variation of the famous Warlord Class titans.Armed with psionic weaponry and powers,it is equally dreaded by all.

Moving on,we would like to address the other main aim of the next version.Due to time constraints last time,we were not able to finish the remakes some of the vanilla races fully, like the Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines for example.This is something we want to fully rectify and so,you can expect the full care we have given to what we have finished already to all ''left behind''.
In particular,we have already finished the full Sisters rework that we have been showcasing for quite some time and now,currently, we are working on the Orks rework as some of our more recent images indicate,with the aforementioned Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines following suit.Of course,this does not mean that more additions and improvements are not planned for races like the Imperial Guard(and the introduction of the Imperial Air Force that we have revealed earlier), Eldar and the Necrons.

Anarkyr the Traveller,the fourth contender for the Phareon choice and one of the two named characters we have confirmed they will be added.

On the part of the added races, aside from any improvements, fixes, rebalances and any additional unit we have showcased(like Grimaldus and the Land Raider Achilles for the Black Templar), one of the main tasks is the final rework of the Steel Legion,to be finally updated to the contemporary standards.By now, we think you have seen some of our posts regarding that.
But the main deal is of course the long awaited introduction of the Followers of Father Nurgle, the Death Guard, thus completing the Tetrarchy of the Marked Chaos Armies.
Furthermore, we are delighted to confirm the addition of the fan favourite Death Korps of Krieg.Officially joining forces with Comrade Ork(the main coder and pioneer of the DKoK race), we are fully part in its development, so once the race is done, you can surely expect them as a main part of Unification(yes, this means the Plague Wars and the Siege of Vraks can finally be recreated properly).

Furthermore, an another significant breakthrough has been made, no less thanks to the great efforts of our brother AndO3131(andreowsiejczuk), who has managed to make big advancements in one of the most hard aspects of DOW1 modding, the Campaign.The Unification Campaign(which will be part as its own addon/module, mostly for technical reasons) will for now include three new custom races as additional armies aiming to control the Karauva System, the Legio Investigato of the Daemon Hunters, the Hive Fleet Kraken of the Tyranids and the Daemons of Chaos Undivided.All with custom backstories and lore points for their intentions and existence.

And to conclude, we would like to make ourselves fully clear and transparent about the actual release of the next version.Quite frankly,at the moment, we can't be sure when but other than when it is done.Development does not only include just adding new units and models but also fully testing and making sure everything works as intended.And even then, some things may be manage to slip, yet we still aim these to be as minimal as possible.To add, we develop during our free time and we never know what real life has in store for us (last Summer had some very nasty surprises for some of our team members,including health issues but managed to thankfully overcome and return back).
Originally,we hoped for a Christmas release, however it is clear that date is not possible.The most likely scenario is probably around the same date as the previous version, last February but please do not consider it a confirmed date.One thing is for sure, when the final push is coming, just like last time, we shall let you know.All we ask in return is to be patient and hang in tight!

That is all for now.As always, this is but a fraction of what we actually are working on and have in our pipeline, so do stay tuned for more updates both here on Modb and on our Discord server!
Many thanks once again for your great ongoing support during this time.Every single one of you is awesome in their own way!
Take care and remember, hold the line!

-Team Unification.

Post comment Comments
egozi44 - - 2,225 comments

We should definitely hold that line for the future of mankind o7.

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n0b0dy123 - - 6 comments

Lets gooooo

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Maoist - - 93 comments

i just calcoomed

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Agalethria - - 163 comments

on the way to the victory,Hurray!

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Guest - - 693,680 comments

still no custodes.............

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,626 comments

Patience is rewarded. ;)

Reply Good karma+20 votes
Wraithlord_Zeratul - - 402 comments

So Dark Eldar doesn't have any land based titans? =(

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,626 comments

Well,you can always ask GW to make some!

Reply Good karma+9 votes
WackyModder[84] - - 405 comments

I fail to see a problem with this, as long as they have the means to fight back against Quality with Quantity. Don't the Dark Eldar have a variety of Super-Heavies to compensate for lack of titan-class units? Plus, IIRC doesn't Vect have like a Pyramid Esque Mobile Fortress that shows his face on a screen and fires antimatter lasers on the corners or something? I forget the details on it, but I seem to recall that somewhere. If so, then that could be an option too, perhaps?

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,626 comments

Pyramid not but this is the reason we have added the Reaper in the first place actually.Being a proper DE superheavy.
The Dark Eldar always counted on speed and hit and run tactics and much less on frontal siege.

Reply Good karma+6 votes
ShatterTheirSkies - - 29 comments

I have been having a blast with the current Unification release for quite a while now, adding in bigger maps and playing full 60/60 pop battles on them and it has been glorious. The game is surprisingly stable in my experience, even under extreme conditions(rare crashes do happen though and no EC on anything above 4 players from personal experience)! The only thing that can top Unification in its current state is its very next update.

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Guest - - 693,680 comments

My body is ready

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Guest - - 693,680 comments

This is all fantastic work, although I'm really hanging out for the Admech remake :)

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,626 comments

It will come eventually but for now, other things have priority.

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JordanThomas - - 44 comments

I am learning how to mod DoW in ALL my spare time right now. I will contact these bigger teams once I have finished what I am working on. I am remaking Admech myself. I found and played a little known indie RTS game called Warzone 2100 which I think you can find for free online now. Basically it had this really cool idea. You could create a research building where you could create blueprints for vehicles. You could select body type small, medium or large. Then select tire type Tank treads, hovercraft, wings for aircraft. Finish up by selecting weapons and other add-ons. Once the blueprint is designed you could then use a separate building to build the vehicles. I think if I can make this work it would make the Admech a very unique army. You will literally be able to design and construct your own vehicles. That coupled with the current Admech unique elements like how their resources and research system behaves right now will make them a VERY cool army.

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ausomgamer112 - - 70 comments

Your guys are creating the Dawn of War 3 we always wanted but never got! Great job!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
BigEl_nobody - - 18 comments

Holy ****, you guys outdid yourself yet again it seems. These new Tier 2 Titan Models are above and beyond. The Supremacy Suit, Aeonic Orb, Reaver and Psi Titan looks absolutely incredible.
Looking forward the most to the completed Ork Rework however!

Waiting for the Release next year is going to be even tougher now D: You plan to include the full overhaul for Space Marines and Chaos Marines with it?

One thing is certain, you make the best RTS to play these days even better and better.

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,626 comments

All vanilla races will be reworked and finished for the next release.
Hence why the release date won't be on Christmas but at a later time.
But as mentioned in the article,one of the main aims is to finish all vanilla races,like SM and CSM,we couldn't finish last time.

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Swagernator - - 65 comments

There is no future in which Macha is not present :(

(Im just messing with ya, im really looking forward to the revorked steel legion and death korps of krieg. Having both in a single game ? That's christmas right there)

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Sightlessfate - - 52 comments

Thanks for the Update! Looking forward to all the new stuff when it comes! It's this kind of work that keeps the 40K spirit alive and well!

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Guest - - 693,680 comments

Bla bla bla bla bla... the unification campaign... own module... technical reasons... include 3 new custom races... bla bla bla bla.

Not that it's appropriate to call the rest of the news bla bla bla at all. Yet in comparison with that bit of news it is. Just... wow.

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deathtrooper900 - - 780 comments

You can't be mad when there are more titans to be had. I know there's a lot of work to be done but I can't wait to see what the other races unmentioned will get. Plus we have to remember for every 2 hours of content creation there will need to be 6 of balancing. It's cool that we even have a release date idea that's not "idk check back in like 2 years".

Also let's not gloss over additional campaign races! that's probably one of the coolest parts of this whole thing! Well done for figuring out how to push this mod even further!

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Dark_One99 - - 1,323 comments

For me does not matter when you guys release the next version. Im loving every update you guys post and thats enough for me. When the new version comes out I will enjoy it more than the current one. Thats a fact.
Continue the great works guys and many thanks for this lovely blog update.
Kind regards to all!

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Guest - - 693,680 comments

What about space marines??

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,626 comments

''Moving on,we would like to address the other main aim of the next version.Due to time constraints last time,we were not able to finish the remakes some of the vanilla races fully, like the Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines for example.This is something we want to fully rectify and so,you can expect the full care we have given to what we have finished already to all ''left behind''.
In particular,we have already finished the full Sisters rework that we have been showcasing for quite some time and now,currently, we are working on the Orks rework as some of our more recent images indicate,with the aforementioned Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines following suit.Of course,this does not mean that more additions and improvements are not planned for races like the Imperial Guard(and the introduction of the Imperial Air Force that we have revealed earlier), Eldar and the Necrons.''

Be patient and stay tuned.They are scheduled. ;)

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Hazop - - 25 comments

I pray that the Vostroyan Firstborn will see the light of day eventually, seeing the Death Korp is awesome though!

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,626 comments

They will eventually receive their rework in order to be included officially.

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Guest - - 693,680 comments

So glad this was posted, don't have time for discord thanks to life dishing things at me. So finding this today during some free time is great. Looking forward to the update and all the new toys to try out.

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Romazeo - - 19 comments

Hello, can I suggest some features to SM chapters factions?

-Add apothecaries to ordinary marines and terminators (like sergeants)
-Would like to see more weapons in tactical and devastator squads.
-New optional setting to build as many terminator squads as you like.
-Can you rethink separation for high tier units (like in Dark Angels), where we have to choose will be in game terminators only or some other new units only. I wish many of us would see the option, where player can build every unit the faction has at the same time.

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,626 comments

-They already exist as attachable heroes.Makes no sense to have them as squad leaders,not to mention,too OP.Because other mods may do it,it does not mean it is right.
-Devastators are confirmed.The current Space Marine Squad are tactictals.
-Check out the Unification Unlimited addon here.It does exactly that.
-I do not understand the suggestion.There is already a win condition that enables the new units.As for a system similar to the Deathwing,no point again as this is the regular Space Marines,not the Dark Angels.

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Romazeo - - 19 comments

Whas is second part concerned.. I don't understand the answer xD I've asked about new weapons. To be specific - will we see grav-guns, grav-canons, multi meltas and all of known weaponry that Space Marines can equip?
I also would like to see possibility to build not old school SM models, but a new ones. For example, instead of tactical I order intercessors and so on. I saw it in salamanders mod, but AFAIR you can have 2 squad or so only what is not seriously without a doubt.

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,626 comments

-Yes,they will have the weapons choices.
But the heavy weapons will be in Devastators.
We are planning on a full priamris race once the Ultramarines mod is done that we are working on for future versions.
And as for the cap,again,I would recommend the Unification Unlimited addon which removes the individual unit caps.

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Asasin5071 - - 4 comments

Can't wait to play for death corp. Also Vostroyan Firstborn mod exist and i have a question, you have any plan for adding them into Unification?

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,626 comments

Eventually yes.
It just needs its rework before it can be included.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Asasin5071 - - 4 comments

Great, soon we can Vostroyan hardbass charge into heretics in the name of the Omnissiah and the Holy Emperor, while drinking finest kvas made from the **** of the urban potato bear

Also renegade guard and praetorian guard looks almost completed, they'll join the party?

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oyun papağanı
oyun papağanı - - 1,049 comments

The goal is that all six semi supported races, including those 2, will eventually be fully integrated.

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Sylena - - 29 comments

mmm coffee

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Fry_Kickstart - - 342 comments

That you can rework / mod the campaign is really great news. Hopefully it will finally have more variety and play on a better world map.

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Fry_Kickstart - - 342 comments

On the subject of new units:
Hopefully you will add some sorely missed units to the Tau.
There is no 2nd Tau Commander #1, no XV9 #2, and no current XV88 #3.
Up until the Coalition Center, the Tau play almost like they do in vanilla DoW. They lack units that are present even in a comparatively conservative mod like the Titanium War mod.




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Fry_Kickstart - - 342 comments

On the subject of the release period. I think it's very good that you at least strive for a regular release schedule.
Just for comparison: I'm waiting since 2014 (!!!) for an update of the Killer App Mod #1. Other mods on my watchlist will probably never be released #2.
On that note, I wouldn't get stressed out if you are at all and wish happy and peaceful holidays!



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Guest - - 693,680 comments

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