Hello! My name is Kai. I like to make games. I am 9. I am working on a Metroidvania named Birdstory.

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MiniRPG Java Game Dev-Log 1

kaitabuchi314 Blog

MiniRPG Devlog 1. Watch my new devlog on my new Java game. It is a minirpg and it is in development using Java and JMonkey Engine.

MiniRPG Devlog 1

My journey.

kaitabuchi314 Blog

Hey! I am Kai. My sister introduced me to scratch when I was 5... Yes... My games were CRINGE. Also, at this point, my dad was teaching me HTML... Also at some point I switched to a computer for using scratch. Now, at 6, I watched a couple tutorials on Java and Python. I loved this. Python, Java... everything. At 7, I got my new computer... A computer that didn't run unity well. But I learned... I made Explore 1, 2, and 3... Yep... Also I made a horrible goop fighting game called Goop Shoot 3D... with a sequel... Goop Shoot 3D: Island Attack. Now I have been bouncing back and form between projects and now I am set on making a new game: Birdstory.