
A simple modification that adds some female npc's among the random stalkers around the Zone, as well a single "important" (for a lack of a better word) character in the shape of a medic. As usual, PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION

Women of the Zone (for 1.5.1)
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insumatologia1 - - 13 comments

you cand do a hd model or make a compatibility patch for that
ty for the mod 👉🏼👈🏼

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Karelian Author
Karelian - - 71 comments

Hi! I can edit textures, but making a model is unfortunately, beyond the scope of my abilities. I guess I could use a model created by someone else, if it’s okay with them, of course. But even then, making new textures for all the factions it´s going to take some time so I can´t make any promises, but maybe.

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insumatologia1 - - 13 comments

ty for the effort uwu
sorry for the bad english i'm from arg xd

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Karelian Author
Karelian - - 71 comments

Arg like argentina?

If so, yo soy de argentina también jaja

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Tegarccio - - 130 comments

que rico el churrasco

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Guest - - 694,806 comments

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Guest - - 694,806 comments

ajajaja somos mas de lo nos podemos llegar a imaginar

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sik001 - - 35 comments

jajaj somos mas de lo que nos imaginamos

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Guest - - 694,806 comments

jajaja sos un grande

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Guest - - 694,806 comments

ajajaja no lo puedo creer aguante argentina papa, aunque ahora se esta yendo a la mrd, *Ejem* Sáquenme de ARGENTINAAAAAAA!

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orel_R - - 7 comments

If possible, you can use the Hip HD Models addon since hip has every faction variant of her outfit already. You can tweak it a little bit to add some variety. But with permission from the creator of the mod, of course.

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L4U6H1N6-LUN4T1C - - 1,181 comments

exactly! that would be really awesome!!!!!

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Karelian Author
Karelian - - 71 comments

Yes, i'm working on it, hopefully It's going to be ready soon


Here are some screenshots showing some of the progress in making a patch for the HD models

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L4U6H1N6-LUN4T1C - - 1,181 comments

looking good!!!!

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person-that-likes-HL - - 8 comments

how's the progress? been a few months

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smeg1 - - 37 comments

**** yeah bro

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Guest - - 694,806 comments

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ak.72 - - 33 comments

Идея хорошая. Поправить у себя в игре этих женских персонажей в плане брони,оружия и визуалов (они есть и хорошие) для любого модмейкера не составит труда. Тем более, основную работы ты уже сделал - "заменил" некоторых НПС на женский вариант. А вот создать отдельную группировку? И разместить ее к примеру в Темной лощине ? На той же Лесопилке. Сможешь ?

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Karelian Author
Karelian - - 71 comments

Здравствуйте, прежде всего я должен сказать, что я практически не знаю русского (причина, по которой мод только на английском), поэтому я буду зависеть от переводчика Google в этом, поэтому я заранее прошу прощения за любые трудности в общении.
Что касается вопроса, единственный NPC, который был заменен, был медиком бандитов, остальные - это новые профили, которые могут появиться вместо другого сталкера.
Создайте нового NPC и разместите его на одной из карт, я полагаю, что смогу, но мне еще предстоит познакомиться с процессом поближе.

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ak.72 - - 33 comments

Everything is fine with your translation. And the work is good. If I come up with something in my game and it turns out, I will share information with you.

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ak.72 - - 33 comments

Are you in Discord? And in which language is it better to write?

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KAPKYH - - 69 comments

pffffff man changing some npc's its not even close to that you ask.
It requres to revork some basics of anomaly:
change IIG story, cuz they start in dark valley
Change relations
Add spawns, quests, etc or new faction ramain dead

and dont say it not takes problems to any modder till you even dont write on english, making new visuals (models) it not ez at all.
Я не автор, но сам-то ты ... сможешь ?

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ak.72 - - 33 comments

Me? I'm working on it. And with the IIG there is nothing to do in general! This is a separate line of quests. This is a translation from Russian to English by Yandex. А чем тебе русский не нравиться?

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Jurkonov - - 377 comments

Very good effort.
10/10 from me

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Karelian Author
Karelian - - 71 comments


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Shock175 - - 39 comments

I like it, but I would not use it in my current game. I will wait for it to be updated and most of the errors and problems that I may have are repaired.

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LadyLuck1881 - - 1 comments

Thank you so much for this! I've been looking for a mod like this for ages

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Karelian Author
Karelian - - 71 comments

Glad you like the idea, I was unsure at first about how worth it was to upload this ha ha

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Schuchart - - 1,644 comments

If this tickles your fancy, check ****, it also started adding female stalkers a few updates back!

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Guest - - 694,806 comments

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YSNDR - - 28 comments

Does the voices change too? Great mod man, I've been thinking few days ago why there's no females on the zone

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Karelian Author
Karelian - - 71 comments

Yes, they're no very talkative, but they indeed do have female voices when getting hurt and all that stuff

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Rexar785 - - 61 comments


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BadaBoom_0325 - - 588 comments

Strange, but I can't see some stalkers, who thinks that women aren't supposed to be in the Zone.

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platoon1993 - - 230 comments

Problem is not whether or not women should be there. Problem is you wount see women casually wandering around in any conflict zone. It also doesnt mean they dont exist in any confict zones, but it is a futile attemt to seek social justice in a place where society collapse.

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BadaBoom_0325 - - 588 comments

Directly some kind of philosophy. Good one!

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Karelian Author
Karelian - - 71 comments

Hello! This is honestly not an attempt at any kind of "social justice" or anything like that. Maybe the addon is realistic, maybe not, the truth is that, that was not one of my priorities when I created it. In fact, the Zone is a strange place and if only physical abilities determined survival, individuals like Forester or Doc would hardly be alive, but at the end of the day they survive when groups of military men or professional mercenaries disappear without a trace. I'm not saying that those factors don't matter or that women can be as strong as men or anything like that, but being physically weaker does not prevent you from being brave, even if it leads to certain death.

Anyway, thanks for commenting, the points are valid and that is why I am not saying that the changes implemented by this addon should be incorporated into the base game or anything like that, it is only an option for those who may be interested.

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supra107 - - 78 comments

If it would be possible, female stalkers should be very rare, that way you'll have women in the Zone, but in a realistic saturation where only a handful of them manage to survive in the Zone. Also make it so that not all factions have a female stalker, since Duty, Military or Mercenaries would be more conservative in their military setting, Monolith would require getting unique female voice lines, but female Loners would definitely be a thing, as well as female Freedom members, since Hip used to be one and Freedom is much more laid back so they'd be fine with having female stalkers.

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Guest - - 694,806 comments

Butcher himself says in one of his stories that women are not a rare occurrence in the zone, and that Nimble even met his wife in the Zone. Just that everyone looks alike under armor and helmets

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kret69 - - 3 comments

Exactly. The real reason Stalker had no female characters was production/ delivery issues.

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aleho - - 4 comments

Sorry for this interference, but you appear online and I'm in a sort of hurry, so, can you tell me if this addon works in 1.5.2 (without any other addon, yet)

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alisen88 - - 288 comments


It is that women should not be in the area. It's like the miniseries about Chernobyl, the only woman in it was invented, a character that didn't exist. They have to be everywhere just because!!!! The wars of the future are only fought by women, bravo!

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Karelian Author
Karelian - - 71 comments

Hola! creo que es exagerar un poco, sí, el personaje de la serie de chernobyl fue un personaje "compuesto" para representar a parte de la comunidad cientifica involucrada. Pero primero, hay poca relación entre lo que lleva a que la Zona tenga las caracteristicas que tiene en la saga de stalker y el accidente del 86. Y segundo, de nuevo, son personajes poco comunes, que está muy lejos de decir que que solo hay mujeres o algo de ese estilo.

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alisen88 - - 288 comments


El único lugar del planeta donde ni en el accidente (no habia liquidadoras joder) ni después hay mujeres por la zona, pero aqui llegan tambien, con que logica? para que sean carne de cañon de los hombres de la Zona, de cualquier facción, en un sitio sin ley. La larga mano del hembrismo llega también a este juego, no basta con que los juegos actuales (ejemplo la basura Battlefield 2042), pongan irreales personajes femeninos o que en la caratula aparezcan mujeres incluso en la 1ª GM, dios santo, que puta manipulación, lo dicho las guerras del futuro solo para las tias, perfecto a dar el hocico coño, los hombres en casa viendo por la CNN como se desenvuelven.

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Karelian Author
Karelian - - 71 comments

Me parece que hablar de "hembrismo" en relación a este addon es bastante poco razonable, pero bueno, ciertamente nadie está obligado a usarlo. Por otra parte, aunque su número fue (por diferentes razones) muchísimo menor que el de los hombres, si existen registros de "liquidadoras" entre las personas que ayudaron en diversas tareas luego de la catástrofe de Chernóbil y no es muy difícil encontrar algo de información al respecto. Igual, incluso si absolutamente todos los liquidadores hubiesen sido hombres, como ya dije antes, poca relación guardaría eso con el contexto de los juegos, en fin...

Esto es un addon y como todos los addons nadie está obligado a utilizarlo en su juego si no le place. De modo que no término de entender a qué viene tanto escándalo. No soy quién para decir que tan fuera de lugar están o no las mujeres en la Zona, pero bueno, no me resultan mucho más implausibles que la abundancia de ciertas armas como los AN 96 en manos de las fuerzas de seguridad ucraniana, el número inmenso de personas que uno acaba matando en el gameplay normal, la inexplicable abundancia de ciertos tipos de mutantes o la misteriosa capacidad para sobrevivir en uno de los lugares más peligrosos de la Zona de un hombre mayor y sin equipo avanzado como el guardabosques. Al final del día me parece que juzgar a la existencia de alguna que otra mujer en la Zona como la gota que rebasa el vaso de lo aceptable es un tanto injusto.


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alisen88 - - 288 comments

Es muy ponderado lo que escribes, no quería dar replica, es cierto que es un mod, esta bien, y no hay que pensar en más.....
Quizá la culpa no la tengas tu, ni yo, sino de la absurda sociedad que con discriminaciones estúpidas nos ha enfrentado al 50% por ciento de la humanidad contra la otra, es decir hombres contra mujeres, cuando hoy la discriminación positiva aplasta a los hombres, sobre todo blancos, contra personas de color y aún más mujeres empoderadas en busca de no se que libertad, somos o no somos todos iguales?

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Karelian Author
Karelian - - 71 comments

Si, mucha gente hoy en día parece cargar demasiada animosidad infundada hacia los hombres y la masculinidad.

Pero bueno, me alegra que hayamos podido mantener un intercambio civilizado, un soplo de aire fresco en estos tiempos donde bloquear o "cancelar" a quienes no repiten exactamnete lo que queremos oir es la moneda corriente.


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alisen88 - - 288 comments

Me encanta leer esto, la palabra TOLERANCIA, existe es real, sobre todo para todos aquellos, que facilmente llaman intolerantes a todos, cuando ellos van de, presuntamente TOLERANTES, puta vida y putos humanos, mi mejor amigo mi perrita
Respeto por tu trabajo y por tu tiempo en el addon, una cosa no quita la otra, mi voto 10/10

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kret69 - - 3 comments

they don't remember original game had none because the devs didn't deliver on time. There were female stalkers mentioned in the vanilla game story but the models were not provided on time.

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xbamfo - - 4 comments

For the moment this mod is conflicting with Trader overhaul. Specifically neutral traders in the Dark Valley. May want to do a patch later on. Love the idea though :)

Also it is conflicting with English voices complete in multiple spots.

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Karelian Author
Karelian - - 71 comments

Thanks for the info, I’m currently not using those addons, but I was thinking of trying trader overhaul, so I may do a patch soon.

Edit: A patch for the neutral traders option has been added.

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xbamfo - - 4 comments

Whoo great to hear :)

For the English voices I did some WinMerge work and it seemed to make it so the English male voices are playing just fine, but I haven't come across any women in the game just yet so see what happens there.

I've been sick and haven't been able to do much testing. I'll let you know what I find out later :)

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