We are an indie studio founded by AAA veterans who want to get back to making smaller, more personal and creative games.

Add job Report 2D Artists and Animators at Madorium Inc

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Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Madorium Inc on

Hello, and thanks for stopping by our job Ad!

We are looking for 2D artists and animators with strong understanding of art fundamentals. Some understanding of Unity would be helpful, but i snot required. This is a small team at the moment so multi-tasking is something we’ll all be doing. To see an example of the quality that we are looking for, follow this link:


About Us

Madorium Interactive L.L.C operates on a rev share system and is backed by talented professionals with over 50 years of experience under its hood. Our goal is a short demo to take to investors or Early Access, in order to obtain funding.

About the Game

Sprout is a 2D, Hand-painted, Metroidvania styled side-scroller. The game features hidden secrets, collectibles and fun environments to explore as well as challenging bosses and co-op. We’re animating using of mix of traditional and spine animation so experience with spine would be a bonus.

Madorium Interactive

To Apply

Send your portfolio and a little bit about yourself to daymelgupp@gmail.com, if we think you're a good match we’ll contact you and add you to our team!