Mount and Blade: Warband is the first sequel for the action role-playing video game Mount and Blade. First announced in January 2009, the game was developed by TaleWorlds and was published by Paradox Interactive on March 30, 2010. Warband expands on the original game by introducing a sixth faction, increasing the political options, allowing players to start their own faction, and incorporating multiplayer modes. Reveiws of the game were generally favourable, with the addition of multiplayer the most highly praised element.


MnB SaveGame Editor & Converter is a tool which lets you edit your saved games and also converts them from a mod's version to another. Compatible with Mount & Blade Warband.

Mount & Blade SaveGame Editor & Converter
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Gerard_bob - - 333 comments

Wow, thats awesome. I always hated the fact that i had ro re-conquer the whole map again after a major update.

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ursaq - - 3 comments

can't download any alternative mirrors ??

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

Can't do i'm afraid, get back in 5 minutes, download should be back again. It's a common problem on moddb.

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ursaq - - 3 comments

after some hours, i finally have been able to get it. thanks for the polite reply.

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cossackrider1 - - 78 comments

How do I edit troops and whatnot? Like whose in my party etc?

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seabasst44 - - 11 comments

Amazing! have been waiting for somthing like this! your awesome!

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mrimmer2 - - 5 comments

Does this actually work, is it legit??

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Swyter - - 664 comments

It's legit and handy. Confirmed.

- Main TaleWorlds thread here:
- Source code here:

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mrimmer2 - - 5 comments


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khanh93vn - - 11 comments

Thank you!

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reynaldiv39 - - 228 comments

still no work for mods ??

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Guest - - 694,791 comments

Works great so far for Warband, any chance this could be updated for compatibility with the original Mount and Blade?

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

It looks like nobody has been able to reverse engineer original M&B save games. Eventhough it should pretty well looks like warband's.

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

Thanks for all your comments. I'm glad it works well for everyones.

About Converting save game from a mod version to another, be carefull, all basic features are supported :
Player, territories, party, items, businesses, romances and many others things are supported.
But some features of the game may be not correctly supported (MnB is really complicated :), above all if your mod adds new features.
If you find a way to transfer missing game save values via editing MnB SG Editor data files, your welcome to share it here or on the forum at

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NexBlades - - 1 comments

Ever since I did this my game crashes on start up, any solution?

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

Hi NexBlades.
Do you mean that right after you load the modified gamesave, M&B crashes ?
Did it occur after you manually modified a game save or after you converted a game save ?
If you modified the game save manually, ensure yourself you haven't inserted wrong values in the game save. (like : player level = -1)
My program doesn't check wether modified values are valid or not.

If you saved over your original save, there is unfortunately nothing I can do. Unless you can manage to undo your modifications.

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Guest - - 694,791 comments

Can somebody walk me though how to change the date displayed in-game?

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

Have you tried to modify "hour", "day", "week", "month" and "year". It's should be line 11 to 15 in the save.
There is also "game_time" line 2, and "date" in the "header" line 1 (but this last one may be only for the game save title i suppose).

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Guest - - 694,791 comments

There is a tutorial for this right?

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

No i'm sorry about that. MnB data system is particular.
Please read the readme.txt first, before you modify values.

In short :
-Player : troops/#0
-Player's party : party_records/#0/party/stacks/
(replace heroes units by heroes and non-heroes by non-heroes only) heroes = Unique NPCs (lords, npc...)
-Towns : party_records/

Also, many datas are stored in "slots", this way :
-Town's lord : party_records/"cityname"/party/slots/#7

And Global_Variables, this way :
-current's Player courtship lady ID : global_variables/#255

If you'are looking for something particular you can do some search in the .cfg files, or as well in the module's text files.

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

Version 1.01
-Faction relations are now transfered smarter (by recognizing name, instead of raw ID)

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bodosaher - - 2 comments

You are awesome for making this, Though I noticed a propblem with converting the saves is that it doesnt copy all of GlobalVariables to the other save (Maybe just 5 properties from it).
And that results in reseting my character to not being related to any faction or married and some other issues... Can you please fix that or let us know of a way to counter that?

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

Hello Bodosaher,
Sorry for late answer. Did you figure it out ?
I can't work on this program anymore.

Try to edit "GlobalVariablesBehaviour.cfg" and add new inputs and how variables should be replaced. (so far it transfers only 7 global variables)
If you find it out, please share in the comment ! I didn't put much global variables, there are surely some important things missing.

About factions check the following datas in your save :

Check these 2 faction ids match the right faction in

If not, something went wrong. If values are corrects, then there should be something i missed, you should try to edit .cfg files, (slots and global variables).

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bodosaher - - 2 comments

Yea I checked it and the problem is with GlobalVariablesBehaviour.cfg just like you said, I guess if I get some free time on my hands I will try to add the rest of the global variables to the cfg and if I do I will surely add the file here.
Thanks again for the tool :)

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

You can find global variables names in my program, but also in MnB Directory/Modules/ACOK 1.1/variables.txt (Will be easier to search in this text file)

After a short search you should start adding these inputs in GlobalVariablesBehaviour.cfg.

g_faction_selected : REPLACE_BY_FACTION_ID
faction_selected : REPLACE_BY_FACTION_ID

I don't have a save game with another faction than player ones. Tell me if it changes anything for you, and i will update the program.

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Guest - - 694,791 comments

Hey Kushulain86, when I load the save game it says "Unable to find troop file..." what do I need to do in order to fix it?

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

It looks like you didn't give a right path to the module directory (which contains should the troops.txt).
The program needs 2 things : The savegame file, and the module's directory.

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

(which should contains the troop.txt file)*

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Guest - - 694,791 comments

hola kushulain86 tengo un problema con el programa, pongo todo, la carpeta del modulo y la carpeta donde esta en .sav. carga hasta el 30% y me aparece un erro. primero antes de todo donde tengo que instalar el programa? capaz que lo puse en un lugar donde no tiene que ir.

gracias igual . un saludo master

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

I've been aware about this bug just few days ago. Some other people had the same problem. It looks like my program doesn't work with some particular mods (I suspect it has something to do with player's troops, may be you can try to get rid of all your troops and try again, or only unique troops like heroes).

I will try to fix it soon, I would really appreciate you tell me which mod you are using. If you are using any.

You don't need to place this program to a specific place.

Regards, Kush.

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

I figured it out ! Problem solved.
I uploaded a new version (1.02) of my program, it should be avalaible in few hours.

If you download the new version, and the problem still occurs, i may need your save game file.


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Guest - - 694,791 comments

hey, gracias por contestar tan rapido :O, voy a descargar la nueva version. tengo el mod 1257AD si el error persiste te voy a contactar. tenes skype?

un abrazo genio (Y)

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

I will be available right here if you need.
I'm pretty sure it will works now.
Enjoy this great mod.

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lucaED001 - - 1 comments

te paso mas detalles, tengo el mod 1257 1.03 y me aparece este error:
30% : game/troops/slots time: 43.844
============ERROR: could not find variable : renamed, lets assume it's 1
============ERROR: could not find variable : renamed, lets assume it's 1
============ERROR: could not find variable : renamed, lets assume it's 1

(y haci 8 veces mas)

despues de eso me aparece:

========WARNING: long string,continue? : game/tropps/notes/text/text/text

ojala te pueda ayudar a resolver ese error, o capaz que la version del mod no es compatible aunque es practicamente imposible, bueno gracias capo segui haci que esta herramienta es re buscada pero poca encontrada :D

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

Check your private messages, i will need your save game file.

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

Fixed. If someone encounter the same problem, try to run the program as administrator.

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cevana - - 1 comments

Looks like I'm having a similar problem, running as admin doesn't seem to solve it though.

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ResFu - - 2 comments

How can i change Athletic skill for my character with this tool? I know it is cheaty but im really ****** that even with 5 points in athletics nearly every infantry troop can catch me up - in battles it is not cool - especially when they swarm on me. I have enough of dieing becuase of that.
Please help
(Why to help? Because i dont know if i will be able to level up in near future - the xp values seems out of reach...)

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

I hope you enjoy maths, and binary...
Otherwise this image should help you to understand :

Skills are 4bits value (from 0 to 15) stored through 6 integers.

-First look at the right column what is the number of your skill. (if you are using a mod, then you should see this list in the mod's directory \MountBlade Warband\Modules\ModName\skills.txt)
-Then look at the middle of the image to see where the 4 bits of your skill is located and in which skill variable.
-Open your save game editor, copy and paste the skill value to this website (in "Decimal") :
-It will translate to binary, change the 4 bits pack you are interested in. You can get help from my image (the binary list on the right) to easily know what to type in.
-Copy and paste the new website value to the original value in the game save.

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

In your case, Athletics (26th skill) is stored in "skills (3)" 5th bit to 9th (from the right to the left !).

Maybe i'll make an update someday to display skill values correctly.

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Guest - - 694,791 comments

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Guest - - 694,791 comments

Hi, I'm having quite alot of trouble with this.
Every time I try and convert my ACOK 1.11 save to 1.2, when I import it the converter either crashes or imports a completely blank save. If I manage to get both imported and converted, when I then try to export them it crashes without fail.
Any advice?

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

Hi. I don't know what would cause that. It seems to happens randomly for you ? Are you sure you show the program the right module's path ?
Try to run the program as Administrator.
Try on a different computer.
In last resort you can send me both saves, I could try and debug myself. (Won't be able to do that the next 2 weeks though)
Good luck with that !

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Guest - - 694,791 comments

I've honestly tried everything, how could I send them to you?

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

Please register yourself on moddb and send me a private message. I'll send you my email back.

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curlymcg - - 1 comments

Ok I've sent you a message

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Guest - - 694,791 comments

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Guest - - 694,791 comments

Also, when changing the "color" value in the editor, in-game when I hover over a city, there's no lettering, just the box. Is that something I can fix?

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

The color is displayed with decimals. To convert it to hex use this website :
You most likely missed the alpha value when you typed your color in, that is why the lettering wouldn't display.
The alpha value seems to be first on the left followed by red, green and blue. (ARGB)

Example :
Opaque Blue : FF0000FF
Transparent Blue : AA0000FF
Transparent green : AA00FF00

I didn't try, but it should very likely work this way.

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jaytea_org - - 2 comments

Is this compatible with Warband version 1.160? I tried to use this with that version and the Diplomacy mod and a little modification by me installed (that got a little bit wrong, hence me using this) but it always fails at "98% : game/troops/inventory_items/item_kind_id time : ...". When I use visual studio to debug it also tells me "Unhandled exception at 0x00d33469 in MnBSaveGameEditor v1_02.exe: 0xC0000005: Access Violation reading at position 0x00000004".

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

I can't help you with this i'm afraid. :(
I haven't tried every warband versions. Didn't know some people would have this need, I admit. It maybe have something to do with the save game structure, it could also be the program too...
Sources are here (it's an old verion) :
You can edit it with QT Creator, if you have programming skills. (not even sure it's ready to compile though)

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jaytea_org - - 2 comments

As it seems the version 1.160 is just 1.158 for steam.
Thanks anyways for the reply, when I have some spare time I will try to debug it. And yes, I know QT fairly well ;)

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Kushulain86 Author
Kushulain86 - - 36 comments

Oh. Yes, they indeed released a new patch a week ago. I updated the game, ran a new game, and succeeded to open the game save.
So I don't know why you would have trouble yourself. :/
Diplomacy is made for 1.153. Have you installed the mod after installed the 1.160 patch ? Is your save game loading correctly in game ?
You can send me your save game via private message, I'll see what I can do.

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