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I've undertaken the ambitious task of making a Timeline for the Clone Wars, a 3 year period between Episode's 2 & 3 of the Star Wars Saga

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Delta's Timeline Project Header Image
Using the Star Wars: New Essential Guide to Chronology for accurate dating and Wookieepedia for event synopsis of sources that I do not own or have not read, I have compiled a bunch of images from various sources and I've arranged them in chronological order to paint a picture of what happened in the 3 years between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. These images ar accompanied by dates and a brief synophsis of each event stating why the battle was fought, who won the battle, and what happened as a result of that battle. All rights to the images and stories go to their respected authors. This timeline is by no means complete, there are dozens of other book sources that did not make it into this timeline because they did not have illustrations (either official or fan made) to depict those events. Enjoy

Delta's Timeline Project: Geonosis

Battle of Geonosis

Year: 22BBY Objective: Rescue of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padme Amidala
Outcome: Republic Victory; CIS tactical retreat; Destruction of Battle Droid Manufacturing Facilities by Republic Commando units.

Delta's Timeline Project: Atraken

Battle of Atraken

Year: 22BBY (1-2 weeks after Geonosis)
Objective: Republic seizure of the resource: Doonium
Outcome: Republic Victory (Battle lasts for 11 months)

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to the Wheel

Mission to The Wheel

Year: 22BBY (1-2 weeks after Geonosis)
Objective: Aylaa Secure sent to report on her former master, Quinlan Vos's, who is operating as a spy under the alias; Koro Vos
Outcome: Plans recovered for a CIS invasion of Kamino

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Eredenn Prime

Battle of Eredenn

Year: 21.95 BBY (1 month after Geonosis)
Objective: Seizure of the experimental "Decimators" for the CIS
Outcome: CIS victory; Decimators obtained by the Confederacy of Independant Systems

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Alaris Prime

Battle of Alaris Prime

Year: 21.95 BBY
Objective: Acquisition of Decimator activation codes for the CIS
Outcome: CIS victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Sarapin

Battles of Sarapin

Year: 21.95 BBY
Objective: Seizure of the planet as a launching point for assaults on the Core Worlds by the CIS
Outcome: Republic Victory (CIS took the planet and the Republic sent a force to retake it immediately after the first battle)

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Krant

Battle of Krant

Year: 21.95 BBY
Objective: seizure of the planet Krant for the Republic; to hunt donw and destroy CIS general Sev'rance Tann
Outcome: Republic Victory; Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon goes into exile

Delta's Timeline Project:Battle of Rhen Var

Battle of Rhen Var

Year: 21.9 BBY
Objective: find Ulic Qel-Droma's tomb; learn the location of the Force Harvester; Eliminate the Republic outpost & Garrison
Outcome: CIS Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Raxus Prime

Battle of Raxus Prime

Year: 21.9 BBY
Objective: Investigate strange activity on Raxus Prime for the Republic
Outcome: Draw; Dooku and Cydon Prax escape

Second Battle of Alaris Prime

Year: 21.9 BBY
Objective: Liberate the moon of Alaris Prime; rescue Anakin Skywalker
Outcome: Republic/ Wookiee Victory

Second Battle of Rhen Var

Year: 21.9 BBY
Objective: Retake Rhen Var for the Republic; Gain information on the Dark Reaper
Outcome: Republic Victory; Anakin learns how to withstand the effects of the Dark Reaper

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Thule

Battle of Thule

Year: 21.9 BBY
Objective: Locate and destroy the Dark Reaper
Outcome: Republic Victory; Dark Reaper destroyed

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Kamino

Battle of Kamino

Year: 21.83 BBY (2 months after Geonosis)
Objective: CIS Destruction of the Cloning Facilities on Kamino
Outcome: Republic Victory; Cloning Facilities successfully defended; ARC Troopers (Advanced Recon Clone Troopers) are deployed to active duty.

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Ohma D'un

Mission to Ohma D'un

Year: 21.8 BBY
Objective: Investigate the extinction of the Gungan population on Ohma D'un
Outcome: CIS: Massacre of Gungan Population; Republic: Able to stop the transportation of Swamp Gas to Naboo

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Lianna

Battle of Lianna

Year: 21.77 BBY (3 months after Geonosis)
Objective: Defend Sienar Fleet Systems Engineering from a CIS Invasion
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Teyr

Battle of Teyr

Year: 21.77 BBY (concurrent to Battle of Lianna)
Objective: Seizure of the planet Teyr for the Galactic Republic
Outcome: Republic Pyrrhic (extremely high casualty count) Victory; K'Kruhk is shellshocked and joins the growing Jedi Dissident movement on Ruul

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Ruul

Mission to Ruul

Year: 21.75 BBY
Objective: Mace Windu Investigates reports of a Jedi Dissident Movement on Ruul; after a heated debate he is assaulted by Sora Bulq and Asajj Ventress
Outcome: Sora bulq and other Dissident Jedi join Dooku's Dark Alcolytes; some Dissident Jedi (including K'Kruhk) rejoin the Jedi Order and return to the front lines

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Pengalan IV

Battle of Pengalan IV

Year: 21.75 BBY
Objective: Locate and destroy a CIS Diamond Boron Missile Facility
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Tarhassan

Mission to Tarhassan

Year: 21.75 BBY
Objective: Recover Agent Edbit Teeks who went missing after the CIS takeover of Tarhassan
Outcome: Teeks recovered

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Qiilura

Mission to Quiilura

Year: 21.75 BBY (concurrent to the mission to Tarhassan)
Objective: Aprehend Ovolot Qail Uthan; Destroy CIS research facility; Stop research on the Clone Killing Nanovirus
Outcome: Omega Squad captures Ovolot Qail Uthan, halts research on the Clone Nanovirus

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Queyta

Mission to Queyta

Year: 21.7 BBY
Objective: Infiltrate the CIS bio weapons facility; Obtain antidote for Swamp Gas
Outcome: Antidote found; Jedi Master Knol Ven'nari, Jedi Master Nico Diath, Jedi Master Fay, and Jedi Master Jon Antilles are killed in action by Asajj Ventress & Durge; Obi-wan Kenobi is the only survivor

Delta's Timeline Project: Spaceport Hostage Crisis

Galactic City Spaceport Hostage Crisis

Year: 21.67 BBY (4 months after Geonosis)
Objective: Rescue Senator Meena Tills and other hostages
Outcome: Hostages successfully rescued, Terrorists killed

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Axion

Battle of Axion

Year: 21.67 BBY
Objective: Seizure of Axion for the Republic; Destroy the CIS research facility; Halt production of Protodekas
Outcome: CIS Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Dantooine

Battle of Dantooine

Year: 21.66 BBY
Objective: Seizure of the planet Dantooine for the Galactic Republic
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Muunilinst

Battle of Muunilinst

Year: 21.66 BBY (concurrent to the Battle of Dantooine)
Objective: Seizure of the planet for the Republic; halt the production of Gun Platforms; deal a large financial blow to the Confederacy's treasury
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Mon Calamari

Battle of Mon Calamari

Year: 21.66 BBY
Objective: Reunite the planet who's races have divided; eliminate the Quarren Isolation League
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Ilum

Mission to Ilum

Year: 21.66 BBY
Objective: CIS: Destroy the Jedi temple on Ilum; Republic: Rescue Luminara Undili and Bariss Offee
Outcome: CIS Victory; Temple destroyed; Liminara and Bariss successfully rescued by Yoda with help from Senator Amidala

Delta's Timeline Project: Duel on Yavin IV

Duel on Yavin IV

Year: 21.66 BBY
Objective: hunt down and defeat Asajj Ventress
Outcome: Anakin manages to defeat Asajj Ventress but she recovers from her wounds and manages to retreat offworld

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Hypori

Battle of Hypori

Year: 21.66 BBY
Objective: Seizure of the planet for the Galactic Republic; deal a crippling blow to the Confederacy by destroying Baktoid Armour Workshops which produces many of their droids.
Outcome: CIS Victory; CIS successfully defended Hypori with General Grievous leading the defense; Many Jedi killed and wounded by General Grievous; Aylaa Secura; Shaak Ti, and Ki-Adi Mundi are rescued by Captain Fordo and his ARC Trooper team The Muunilinst 10. K'Kruhk is believed to be KIA but later reveals he was in a healing trance and manages to rejoin his Jedi Brethren

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Brentaal IV

Battle of Brentaal IV

Year: 21.6 BBY (5 months after Geonosis)
Objective: Retake the seceding Brentaal IV for the Republic; maintain control of the Perlemain Trade Rout
Outcome: republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Nar Shaddaa

Mission to Nar Shaddaa

Year: 21.52 BBY (6 months after Geonosis)
Objective: Quinlan Vos must establish his cover as a Jedi fugitive
Outcome: Quinlan Vos successfully establishes his cover as a Jedi fugitive; Agen Kolar is nearly killed at the hands of Vos

Battle of Haruun Kal

Year: 21.51 BBY
Objective: Prevent Haruun Kal from defecting to the CIS; Eliminate the Balawai militia and Separatist presence on the world
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Devaron

Mission to Devaron

Year: 21.41 BBY (6 months and 1 week after Geonosis)
Objective: Tholme, Aayla Secura, Kit Fisto, An'ya Kuro, and T'ra Sa Investigate CIS raids on Republic supply lines near the Corellian trade Spine
Outcome: Republic Victory; Aurra Sing is sentanced to the prison of Oovo IV

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Antar IV

Mission to Antar IV

Year: 21.38 BBY (7.5 Months after Geonosis)
Objective: Quinlan Vos must win Dooku's favor to establish his cover as a Jedi Defect and worthy of Dooku's Dark Acolytes
Outcome: Quinlan Vos wins Dooku's favor, thus ingratiating himself into the CIS high command to report on their doings for the Republic

Tibrin Revolution

Year: 21. 38 BBY
Objective: Execute the Dictator of Tibrin, Suribran Tu
Outcome: Count Dooku is hailed as a liberator and Tibrin Defects to the CIS

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Kiffu

Mission to Kiffu

Year: 21.38 BBY
Objective: Persuade Tinté Vos to have Kiffu join the CIS
Outcome: Negotiations fail and Tinte Vos orders her guards to attack Dooku and his acolytes; Dooku orders Quinlan Vos to kill Tinte Vos, hesitant to kill his Aunt; Quinlan then learns that Tinte had orchestrated the murder of his parents. Quinlan then taps into his rage and the Dark side and strikes down his own aunt, gaining full acceptance into Dooku's cadre of acolytes, as it was clear now his conversion was no deception.

Delta's Timeline Project:Cortosis Battledroid cris

Cortosis Battle Droid Crisis

Year: 21.17 BBY (10 months after Geonosis)
Objective: Defend the Jedi Temple on Coruscant; Destroy the Cortosis Battle droid Manufacturing plant on Metalorn
Outcome: The Jedi successfully defended their Temple on Coruscant. Anakin Destroys the Cortosis Battledroid Manufacturing plant on Metalorn.

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Ord Cestus

Battle of Ord Cestus

Year: 21 BBY (1 year after Geonosis)
Objective: Halt the production of JK-13 "Jedi Killer" Droids; Eliminate the 5 families of Cestus Cybernetics.
Outcome: Republic Victory; Production of JK-13 Droids halted; 5 Families of Cestus cybernetics eliminated.

Delta's Timeline Project:Mission to the Prosecutor

Mission to the Prosecutor

Year: 21 BBY (367 Days after Geonosis)
Objective: Investigate the Prosecutor; an Acclimator class assault ship that went missing and reappeared
Outcome: Delta Squad uncovers a Trandoshan slaving operation on Kashyyk backed by the CIS

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Jabiim

Battle of Jabiim

Year: 20.79 BBY (1 year, 2-4 months after Geonosis)
Objective: Aid the Republic Loyalists against Alto Stratuss; Defend the AT-AT testing facility
Outcome: CIS Victory; Obi-Wan Kenobi & Alpha-17 Taken captive by Asajj Ventress; Massive Casualties; AT-AT Testing facility destroyed; Anakin Skywalker is placed under a new Master: A'sharad Hett as a result of the battle.

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Aargonar

Battle of Aargonar

Year: 20.67 BBY (16 months after Geonosis)
Objective: Seizure of the planet for the Galactic Republic
Outcome: CIS Victory; Anakin Skywalker's Apprenticeship was switched to Master Ki-Adi Mundi

Delta's Timeline Project: Escape from Rattatak
Delta's Timeline Project: Escape from Rattatak

Escape from Rattatak

Year: 20.67 BBY
Objective: Obi Wan Kenobi and ARC Trooper Alpha 17 must escape from Asajj Ventress's dungeon on Rattatak
Outcome: Obi-wan Kenobi & Alpha 17 escape from Asajj Ventress's Castle on Rattatak; Obi- Wan goe to be reunited with his padawan, Anakin; Alpha-17 returns to Kamino to train the next batch of Clones (the phase 2's) amungst his trainees is Commander Cody.

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Duro

Battle of Duro

Year 20.2 BBY (1 year, 10 months after Geonosis)
Objective: Seizure of the planet for the CIS; part of operation Durge's Lance
Outcome: CIS victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Foerost

Battle of Foerost

Year: 20.1 BBY (1 year 11 months after Geonosis)
Objective: Break the CIS siege of Foerost; Destroy the CIS Bulwark fleet
Outcome: Draw; Bulwark Fleet escapes

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Amaltana

Battle of Amaltana

Year: 20.1 BBY
Objective: Seizure of Amaltana for the Republic
Outcome: Draw

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Drongar

Battle of Drongar

Year: 20 BBY (2 years after Geonosis)
Objective: Seizure of Drongar for the Republic; Securing the Resource: Bota
Outcome: Republic Victory; Bota secured; Bariss Offee Knighted as a result of her actions dering the battle

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Honoghr

Battle of Honoghr

Year: 20 BBY
Objective: Investigate the crash of a CIS research Vessel that crashed on the planet's surface, poisoning It's water supply.
Outcome: Republic Victory; Duel between Aayla Secura and Quinlan Vos; Both escape with their lives

A few Battles I Forgot: Alderaan

Battle of Alderaan

Year: 20 BBY
Objective: Send aid to Alderaan; relieve them of the harassing CIS forces
Outcome: Republic Victory; Alderaan dismantles all of it's weapons after the horrors it's citizens witnessed.

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Vantos

Mission to Vantos

Year: 20 BBY
Objective: Capture or kill General Grievous, whose string of victories during Operation Durge's Lance had cut a swath into the Republic
Outcome: CIS victory; failure to capture General Grievous

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Nivek

Mission to Nivek

Year: 20 BBY
Objective: Locate CIS weapon caches on Nivek
Outcome: Republic Victory; CIS Weapon Caches Discovered

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Iktotch

Battle of Iktotch

Year: 20 BBY
Objective: Liberate the planet from CIS occupation
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Terra Sool

Battle of Terra Sool

Year: 20 BBY
Objective: Aid the local militia against the CIS occupation forces
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Nadiem

Battle of Nadiem

Year: 20 BBY
Objective: Defend the planet from invading CIS forces
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Omphalos

Mission to Omphalos

Year: 19.9 BBY (2 years, 1 month after Geonosis)
Objective: Destroy the "Planet Killer" super weapon
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Ord Mentell

Mission to Ord Mantell

Year: 19.75 BBY
Objective: Recover stolen package from Trandoshan bounty hunters
Outcome: Republic Victory; package retrieved, trandoshan bounty hunters killed

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Praesitlyn

Battle of Praesitlyn

Year: 19.5 BBY
Objective: Defend Praesitlyn from invading CIS forces wishing to retake the planet
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Vjun

Mission to Vjun

Year: 19.49 BBY (2 years, 6 months after Geonosis)
Objective: Negotiate with Count Dooku
Outcome: Stalemate; Negotiations fail; Count Dooku escapes

Delta's Timeline Project: Skywalker's Knighting

Anakin Skywalker is Knighted

Year: 19.49 BBY (2 years, 6 months after Geonosis)
After proving himself on Yavin IV, Raxus Prime, Azure, Praesitlyn, Jabiim,and many other battles, Anakin Skyalker is knighted.

All events from this point on take place during the Outer Rim Sieges, an offensive started by the Republic to push back the CIS in the Outer Rim of the Galaxy. Most of these next events run concurrent (at the same time) to one another

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Rendili

Battle of Rendili

Year: 19.48 BBY
Objective: Force the government of Rendili to give up it's Home Defense Fleet of powerful dreadnaughts; prevent the Rendili Government from defecting to the CIS
Outcome: Republic Victory; Rendili Home Fleet is confiscated; Obi-Wan Kenobi encounters Quinlan Vos escaping from Asajj Ventress and Tol Skorr; Vos reveals to Obi-Wan; that he is a double agent working for the Jedi by prentending to be loyal to Dooku and that everything he did while under his guise as a Dark Acolyte was nessisary to establish his cover, however his cover was blown which is wwhy he was running from Ventress & Skorr. After escaping with Obi-Wan, Quinlan Vos is accepted back into the Jedi order
Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Bomis Koori IV

Battle of Bomis Koori IV

Year: 19.48 BBY
Objective: Eliminate the CIS stronghold on Bomis Koori IV
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Saleucami

Battle of Saleucami

Year: 19.48 BBY
Objective: Seizure of Saleucami for the Republic; Eliminate the Morgukai clone army created by the CIS and trained by the Anzati.
Outcome: Republic/Imperial Pyrrhic victory (lasts until order 66); Sorra Bulq is defeated by Quinlan Vos, Aylaa Secure and Tholm

A few Battles i Forgot: Sarrish

Battle of Sarrish

Year: 19.48 BBY
Objective: Seizure of the planet for the Republic; push the CIS up the Corellian Trade Spine; destroy a key CIS stronghold
Outcome: CIS Victory; the second most devastating Republic defeat of the war rivaled only by the Battle of Jabiim.

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Mygeeto

Battle of Mygeeto

Year: 19.48 BBY
Objective: Seizure of Mygeeto for the Republic; Seizure of Mygeetian power crystal for the Death star Super laser (501st Mission to Mygeeto)
Outcome: Republic/Imperial Victory (lasts until order 66)


Battle of Orto

Year: 19.48
Objective: Seizure of the planet for the CIS
Outcome: CIS Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Bal'Demnic

Battle of Bal'demnic

Year: 19.48 BBY
Objective: Seizure of the planet for the CIS
Outcome: CIS Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Maramere

Mission to Maramere

Year: 19.43 BBY
Objective: Investigate an abandoned research vessel orbiting Maramere
Outcome: Durge, a Gen'Dai general who killed numerous Jedi throughout the war, is finally slain by Anakin Skywalker. He is force pushed into an escape pod and jettisoned into Maramere's Star

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Boz Pity

Battle of Boz Pity

Year: 19.43 BBY
Objective: Investigate CIS activity on Boz Pity; Capture Asajj Ventress (Obi-Wan's vendetta)
Outcome: Republic Victory; Adi Gallia KIA; Asajj Ventress is finally Defeated and goes into hiding never to be seen again.

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Xagobah

Battle of Xagobah

Year: 19.42 BBY
Objective: Seizure of Xagobah for the Republic; Capture or kill Techno Union Forman Watt Tambor
Outcome: Republic Victory; Watt Tambor escapes

Delta's Timeline Project: 2nd Battle of Kamino

Second Battle of Kamino

Year: 19.42 BBY
Objective: Backed by the CIS; Mandalore the Resurrector (a rogue Null Class ARC trooper named Spaar) invades Kamino to cripple the Republic's resources.
Outcome: Republic Victory; Failed assault by Spaar's Mandalorian Protectors

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of New Bornalex

Battle of New Bornalex

Year: 19.42 BBY
Objective: Seizure of the planet for the CIS; Restore Mandalorian glory
Outcome: Republic Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Norval II

Mission to Norval II

Year: 19.42 BBY
Objective: Capture Padme Amidala
Outcome: Republic Victory; Fen Shysa, Tobi Dala, and Mandalore the Resurrector (Spaar) return to Mandalore in shame. Though the Mandalorian clans are now reunited under Mandalore the Resurrector, They will not redeem themselves for the disaster of Norval II until the Yuuzhan Vong War in 25 ABY under the leadership of a new Mandalore: Boba Fett

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Ruhe

Mission to Ruhe

Year: 19.1 BBY (2 years, 11 months after Geonosis)
Objective: Lay Siege to Count Dooku's Citidel on Ruhe
Outcome: CIS Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Cato Neimoidia

Battle of Cato Nemodia

Year: 19.1 BBY
Objective: Capture Viceroy Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation
Outcome: Republic Victory; Viceroy Gunray's Mechano-chair captured; Gunray escapes

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Felucia

Battle of Felucia

Year: 19.1 BBY (lasts until order 66)
Objective: Capture Shu Mai, president of the Commerce Guild
Outcome: Republic/ Imperial Victory

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Nelvaan

Mission to Nelvaan

Year: 19BBY (3 years after Geonosis)
Objective: Investigate the CIS presence on Nelvaan (its speculated that General Grievous is there)
Outcome: Republic Victory; Techno Union Laboratory Destroyed; Nelvaanian Males returned to their Tribes, Reversal of Ice Age effects caused by the techno union begin to reverse

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Coruscant
Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Coruscant

Battle of Coruscant

Year: 19 BBY
Objective: Kidnap Chancellor Palpatine of the Galactic Republic; stage a massive ground & space battle as an elaborate ruse
Outcome: Republic Victory; Chancellor Palpatine Rescued; Count Dooku Eliminated

Delta's Timeline Project: DS' Mission to Kashyyk

Delta Squad's mission to Kashyyk

Objective: eliminate Trandoshan Slaver Camps; Investigate CIS presence on Kashyyk; Rescue Tarful, the Wookiee resistance leader
Outcome: Wookiee slaves successfully freed from Trandoshan Slave Camps, Paved the way for a Full Scale Invasion by Master Yoda, Commander Gree and the 41st elite corps.

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Kashyyk

Battle of Kashyyk

Year: 19 BBY
Objective: Liberate the planet from the CIS occupation force
Outcome: Republic/Imperial Victory (lasts up until order 66)

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Utapau

Mission to Utapau

Year: 19 BBY
Objective: Jaing Skirata Investigates General Grievous's presence on Utapau
Outcome: General Grievous's presence on Utapau confirmed by Jaing Skirata

Delta's Timeline Project: Battle of Utapau

Battle of Utapau

Year: 19BBY
Objective: Capture or kill General Grievous
Outcome: Republic/ Imperial Victory; General Grievous slain

Delta's Timeline Project: Coruscant Showdown

Coruscant Showdown

Year: 19BBY
Objective: Arrest Chancellor Palpatine who has been confirmed to be the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidous
Outcome: Master Agen kolar: slain, Master Kit Fisto: slain, Master Saesee Tiin: slain, Grand Master Mace Windu; slain; Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader, under Darth Sidious; Order 66 Declaired

Delta's Timeline Project: Order 66

Order 66

Order 66 is issued to all Clone Commanders throughout the galaxy. Instructed to execute their Jedi generals. Years of training and genetic modification kick in and they preform their duty.

Delta's Timeline Project: Operation Knightfall

Operation Knightfall

Objective: A detachment of the 501st Battalion lead by Darth Vader & Commander Appo assault the Jedi temple on Coruscant: all Jedi (even the younglings) in the temple are slain; Holobooks destroyed

Delta's Timeline Project: Mission to Mustafar

Mission To Mustafar

All CIS leaders are slain, the Battle Droid Mastersignal is deactivated, effectivly ending the Clone Wars

Delta's Timeline Project: The New Order

The New Order Is Declared

With his Emergency Powers still granted to him from the beginning of the Clone War, Palpatine declares the Galactic Republic an Empire and crowns himself Emperor.

A Message from the Compiler:

I hope those of you who had taken the time to look at this Timeline enjoyed it and I hope it has painted a picture of what happened in between Episodes II and III of the Star Wars saga. You have just witnessed the Comics, Novels, Clone Wars Mini-Series, Databank Entries, and Video Games of the Clone Wars Multi-Media Project working in harmony to create a symphony of good story telling.

If you gain anything from this experience, I hope that its this: Not one comic book, not one TV series, not one novel and not one video game alone can tell the tale of the Clone War, but rather all of theses sources working in harmony, together, to tell a story. They don't try to over write each other, they don't try to contradict each other, they work together (at least they try to, there are some minor discrepancies between 1 or 2 sources but nothing major) and that's what the Clone Wars Multi-Media Project is about; working with one another to tell a story leading up to Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

Thanks for Reading, Delta289

Post comment Comments
Beskamir - - 7,030 comments

TOO LONG!!! but since it's star wars I may end up reading it...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Commissar_Delta Author
Commissar_Delta - - 5,829 comments

well of course its long. 6 years of canon on one page is bound to be a bit long. and this isnt including some of the minor books and Databank entries that dont have images tied to them

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Boss-1138 - - 531 comments

Thanks for this, it'll really come in handy for my writing :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta Author
Commissar_Delta - - 5,829 comments

there are a few battles that I forgot to put in. ill add those in tomorrow

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Niner Skirata Creator
Niner Skirata - - 1,807 comments

You should make a pdf file of that

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta Author
Commissar_Delta - - 5,829 comments

if only i knew how to make one

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta Author
Commissar_Delta - - 5,829 comments

alright so i did one last read over, fixed a few spelling errors, and added 1 or 2 battles and i think im happy with it now

Reply Good karma+1 vote
jedimastereraol - - 946 comments

good work keep it up

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templarnordbyzantine - - 544 comments

Nice, but Durge didn't die.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta Author
Commissar_Delta - - 5,829 comments

he was thrown into a star. hes dead. i'll gladly scan Obsession issue #4 if you dont believe me

Reply Good karma+1 vote
templarnordbyzantine - - 544 comments

I'm not debating that he was thrown into a star, but he did survive.
Look it up on the Wookieapedia if you don't believe me.

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The_Darker_Side - - 1,257 comments

What about the Battle of christpohsis :P Trololol jk. Great job. But you are missing the mission to the Prosecutor... Battle of Haruugab (Republic Commando True Colors) and several other things.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta Author
Commissar_Delta - - 5,829 comments

prosecutor yes, Haruugab didn't have any images associated with it since its a book source. ive excluded several battles from several novels simply because they had no images associated with them.

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LaserSniper501st - - 19 comments

Incomplete! missing quite alot of the battles of the clone wars conflict (like the battle of Umbara, ryloth, cristophis, 2nd battle of geonosis, malevolence conflict, and a couple more).

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Commissar_Delta Author
Commissar_Delta - - 5,829 comments

This timeline is for the Clone Wars Multi-media project which proceeded TCW

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