Add job Report C# Unity Programmer needed for Turn based Deck building game at Anywhere

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Ben550 on

Hello, I am currently looking for a Programmer to work on a project with. At the moment the game is just an idea but I would like to begin making progress on it as soon as possible, with the right person to assist me.

  • Ideally worked with Unity and C# before
  • Can spend at least 5 hours a week developing the game
  • Enjoy games with Turn Based and Deck building mechanics
  • Contribute ideas and criticism to the development

This is an unpaid position, but hopefully if we make something high quality and fun, can share the revenue evenly. I have a picture of the game idea and hope to set up the basics in Unity soon. I am mostly a Game Mechanics and Designer, but have basic programming knowledge. I also have a basic Trello Board set up and can add you to it, and can communicate on Discord.

Thanks for reading :)

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