Add job Report Programmer at Bell-A

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Bell-A on

Coding knowledge required. Preferably C# experience, since we are hopefully going to get the game onto the Nintendo Switch. The game in question being developed is called Tabanu: World Unbound and will be a 3d real time rpg rated E or E10+. It has an instagram @tabanu_game where you can see the gist of what has been done so far, and also contact me. I have plans for 3 Tabanu games in the series, and it would please me greatly to have others along for the ride. If the game does well, everyone involved will be financially compensated through splitting the money.

To Apply

Send a resume to or contact me on discord at Belly Button #2490. Or, feel free to send a message on Instagram at @tabanu_game