Duke Nukem 3D Savior of Babes is yet another fresh take on a classic PC game from yours truly that aims to reconstruct everything into a bloody over the top power fantasy using Eduke32. In Savior of Babes Duke Nukem is tougher and stronger than ever armed with all kinds of upgrades, heavy duty weapons, incredible powerups, and many other awesome features that help him to dominate the massive onslaught of alien scum jam packed into every single map in the game. Battle hordes of enemies and overcome the opposition at hand with extreme prejudice and take on new enemy types ready to destroy this world as we know it. It's time to save some babes and rip them a new one.

Post news Report RSS SOB Version 0.96 RELEASED!!!

It's here. After 3 months version 0.96 of SOB is here to provide you yet again with another dose of Duke fueled chaos. This release is a definite great way to get into the action if you haven't already experienced SOB in all its glory. And if you're a veteran to this mod, expect loads of polish and plenty of new things to enjoy. Show them how Duke takes out the trash.

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DN3D SOB Version 0.96 Changelog

Fixed a bug that caused Overlord Sentries to spawn in large groups of enemies on map start like the Overlord Boss does.
Fixed a bug that would cause the Liztroop Captains' AI to bug out when they tried to turn a civilian into a Pigbeast while in stealth mode.
Fixed a bug that caused the underwater starting positon of E2L9 to not turn your screen palette blue.
Fixed a bug that kept green gibs from spawning correctly for green blooded enemy types.
Fixed a bug that caused sector effects like the demolishioned building on E1L2 to not fall down properly if the Alien Brain Weapon's time freezing attack was used before or during the event.
Fixed a bug that caused looping bouncing sound effects issues with gibs and debris on sprite based floor surfaces.
Fixed a bug that caused Automatic Nightvision to turn on and off rapidly when in sectors with flickering light effects.
Fixed a bug that caused the new particle effects that appear on the loading screen to not fully disappear when their animation is complete.
Fixed a bug that caused artillery shell portals to not spawn in the same place as the artillery shells when indoors.
Fixed a bug that caused Firstaid Kits spawned by saved babes to appear flipped horizontally.
Fixed a bug that caused the Syphon Chamber's primary projectile to sometimes blind your vision.
Fixed a bug that caused Pipebombs to not always explode when hitting cracks in walls.
Fixed a bug that caused some dead bodies to block your movement sometimes.
Fixed a bug that would cause the Liztroop Captains' AI to bug out when they stopped trying to transform a civilian.
Fixed a bug that allowed bloodpools to spawn on sloped surfaces.
Fixed a bug on E3L11 that created a hole in a sector floor in an upper room.
Fixed a bug on E3L5 that caused Duke to not say his intro line, "that's the second time those alien...", properly.
Fixed a bug on E3L5 that caused Duke to say his intro line, "that's the second time those alien...", each time he entered or exited the secret area in the huge movie billboard.
Fixed a bug that caused Pipebombs attached to Spider Mines to disappear if left alone for a long period of time.
Fixed a bug that caused the Syphon Chamber to not shoot a projectile or reduce ammo if the FIRE MODE 1 Button was quickly tapped one time instead of held down.
Fixed a bug that caused the Syphon Chamber to not have a message delay after shooting the Black Hole projectile.
Fixed a bug that allowed more than one Death Drone to be picked up and spawned at your side when you already had one active instead of just extending the life time of the one you currently have.
Fixed a bug that caused the Death Drone to stop seeking enemies if the Long Strike's aim assist mode was used while the drone was active.
Fixed a bug that did not stop a boss's dynamic battle music if that boss was shrunk and then killed.
Fixed a bug that caused the Heavy Mech vehicle jumping capabilities less responsive.
Fixed a bug that would leave the Heavy Mech vehicle's invisible barriers behind after Self Destruct Mode was used.
Fixed a bug that caused Heavy Pigcops and Pig Bosses to not use their proper standing animation before their AI kicks in.
Fixed a bug that would crash the game when killing Gorilla Captains and destroying their corpses in the process while on Steroids.
Fixed a bug that caused some destructible actors hit by lots of bullet projectiles at one time to spawn tons of debris or gibs that could crash the game and bug out the actor.
Fixed a bug that caused battle music to not turn off when a sub-boss was squished by map sectors.

Frame Rate Optimizations
Reduced the amount of paper/cloth/money debris produced by gibbed/destroyed actors to reduce frame rate issues.
Rescripted how ceiling and wall gibs and blood splats are spawned and handled to allow more appearances and to reduce frame rate issues.
Reduced the amount of extra explosion effects Pigcop Tanks and Recon Vehicles create when destroyed to reduce frame rate issues.
Reduced the amount of extra explosion effects Drones create when destroyed to reduce frame rate issues.
Bullet casings now have a chance of being removed after 10 seconds instead of 30 seconds to reduce frame rate issues.

Added a new variable near the top of the USER.CON file called BULLETTIMEKILLCOUNT that controls how many kills you have to have to fully charge the Bullet Time gauge.
Added a new variable near the top of the USER.CON file called SCREENSHAKING that enables or disables weapon screen shaking.
The HUD now reflects whether the Pipebomb or the Spider Mine is currently selected and how much time is left for their specific reload time and when they are available.
Replaced the PIPEBOMB_LAUNCHER Button with an EXPLOSIVES_LAUNCHER Button that fires which ever explosive type (Pipebombs or Spider Mines) you currently have selected.
Replaced the SPIDER_MINE_LAUNCHER Button with a TOGGLE_LAUNCHER_MODE Button that allows you to switch between launching Pipebombs or Spider Mines.
Added new sprites for the Scuba Gear HUD display.
The "Incoming Missile" warning message has been moved to the middle/top of the screen and has been doubled in size.
The numbers that represent amounts or delay timers for the new inventory HUD icons as well as vehicle HUD info are much more accurate and better reflect their true values.
Added more screen quotes to indicate various HUD toggles, item pickups, weapon toggles, and timer depletions.
When fighting the DC Boss his HUD picture will have a forcefield overlay that indicates which stage of his forcefield he is using before it is depleted.
Added female VO lines to indicate various HUD toggles, item pickups, weapon toggles, and timer depletions.
Added more Duke VO lines that play randomly when picking up weapons.
Added more Duke VO lines for rage filled shouts that play sometimes when killing enemies while the Bullet Time Kill Counter is over 20 or full.
Added more Duke VO lines that play sometimes when getting a headshot.
Added more Duke VO lines that play sometimes when killing pig type enemies.
Added more Duke VO lines that play sometimes when babes get killed.

The Spider Mines are now on a timed reloading system that takes 20 seconds to reload once you've fired one.
Spider Mine projectile velocity has been increased.
Spider Mine pickups in maps are now replaced by Death Drone pickups when indoors and Almighty Lance pickups when outdoors.
Launching a Pipebomb at a primed Spider Mine will create a combo explosive that deals more damage when the Spider Mine detonates.
Spider Mines now reset and search for a new enemy if the enemy they were tracking is killed before they can reach them to explode.
Spider Mines no longer attack shrunken or invisible enemies.
You can now recollect deployed Spider Mines even if you have one ready for launch.
Syphon Chamber primary projectiles have a small chance to deal explosive damage to enemies only.
Increased the chance a little more that an attempt to use the rocket launchers from the back of a dead Overlord Sentry would be successful.
Syphon Chamber Black Hole projectiles pass through corpses and will not explode when impacting with them.
SBC Cannon Ball projectiles pass through corpses and will not explode when impacting with them.
You can no longer interact with map objects using the USE Button while time is frozen during the Alien Brain Weapon's time freezing attack.
Reloading the Desert Eagle will leave behind an empty magazine.
Dual American Pigs now eject shell casings from the left and right weapon properly.
Desert Eagle now ejects actual shells created specifically for it.
Shrapnel Storm now ejects actual shells created specifically for it.
Artillery shells spawned indoors will no longer spawn in neighboring rooms from the room you launched an artillery strike in.
Weapon switching when picking up new weapons has been disabled by default.
The Zsalinski Culverin's FIRE MODE 2 expander attack now costs 5 rounds of ammo to use.
Reduced the spread for growspark projectiles fired by the Zsalinski Culverin.
Enemies killed by growspark projectiles will now release lots of other growspark projectiles in all directions upon exploding triggering a chain reaction of expansion deaths when near other enemies.
Beefed up the Desert Eagle's firing sound effects.
Increased the Desert Eagle's primary fire projectile damage from 11 to 12.
The Long Strike rail projectiles produce blood effects when passing through enemies.
Beefed up the particle and sound effects for the Long Strike rail projectile impact effects.
Increased the attack distance a little for Duke's punches and kicks.
Light Saber weapon view sprites have been increased in length.
A thrown Light Saber now passes through enemies dealing lots of damage to everyone it comes in contact with and stays on when it lands on the floor.
All player weapon view muzzle flashes and glow effects that put off heat are now affected by the night vision palette effects.
Artillery shells dropped during an artillery strike make red target reticles on the floor as they fall to give you an idea of where they will impact.
Added a metal rail grip to the Meat Grinder weapon view sprites.
Added a side mounted grip to the Long Strike weapon view sprites.
Added a side mounted grip and some electrical cables/hoses to the Syphon Chamber weapon view sprites.
When the Syphon Chamber's Heat Gauge is fully charged a message now pops up at the top of the screen and lights on the weapon pulsate.
Added a beefier firing sound for the Syphon Chamber that plays along with the original.
The Inhuman Devastator no longer auto selects whether it will shoot artillery rounds vertically or horizontally depending on your inside or outside location.
To toggle whether the Inhuman Devastator will shoot artillery rounds vertically or horizontally crouch and then press the USE Button.
Added particle effects to the Syphon Chamber's Blackhole projectile.
Added smoke trails to artillery shells.
Added flare effects to missile/RPG projectiles.
Added some pitch variation to all weapon firing sounds and some of their other sounds.
Added new sprites for the Lizboss Dual Chainguns.
Lizboss Dual Chainguns now eject shells to the left and right of the player.
Dual 50 Cal Turrets now eject shells to the left and right of the player.
Long Strike weapon pickups now give 5 rounds of ammo instead of 10.
Doubled the damage dealt by Zsalinski Culverin expander projectiles.
Increased the firing rate for the Inhuman Devastator's primary fire mode.
The Inhuman Devastator now fires 3 missiles per volley instead of 2.
Increased the velocity for the Inhuman Devastator's missile projectiles.
Added glow maps for the BFG's red lights.
Added glow maps for the Four Horsemen's yellow lights.
Added glow maps for the Danger Close Shoulder Cannon's red lights.
Added glow maps for the Spas12's green dot sights.
Stopped using the quake command in player weapon scripts to make the screen shake to keep from activating sector effectors in maps that spawn debris.
Added a new screen shaking system that occurs while using player weapons and ranges from very light to heavy.

Reduced the priority for Pigboss, Lizboss, Megabrain, and Devourer Sub-Boss sound effects so that they're not so overbearing when other sounds are being played.
Added a headshot death animation for Heavy Pigcops.
Added a headshot death animation for Rocket Lizardmen.
Added better sound effects for male civilians to enhance their fear, idle, and death states.
Scuba Liztrooper corpses now get properly gibbed when they are destroyed before their explosive countdown is complete.
Added an explosive death animation for Battlelord Sentries.
Added an explosive death animation for Overlord Sentries.
Added an explosive death animation for Pigboss Sub-Bosses.
Added an explosive death animation for Lizboss Sub-Bosses.
Added an explosive death animation for Gorilla Captain Sub-Bosses.
Added an explosive death animation for Devourer Sub-Bosses.
All enemy hitscan bullets have been replaced with actual bullet projectiles.
Liztrooper Captains have a chance to drop an explosive mortar round when killed in a last ditch effort to take you out.
Pigcops have a chance to drop a smoke bomb when killed in a last ditch effort to distort your vision and cause you to be killed.
Pigcops now eject shotgun shell casings.
Civilians now take damage from floor damage like toxic slime, lava, etc.
Civilians will no longer spawn outside in space.
Civilians will now fall to the floor correctly and not float sometimes.
Civilians will no longer spawn in small areas that they shouldn't be in.
You can now perform the MIGHTY DEATH BOOT attack on civilians by pressing the USE Button when near them causing major damage to them and nearby enemies.
Green Slimers on your face now get killed when attacking/shooting with the FIRE MODE 2, FIRE MODE 3, DANGER CLOSE, or MIGHTY DEATH BOOT attacks.
Devourer Sub-bosses should not spawn outside of playable areas anymore.
Devourer Sub-bosses can now be shrunk by shrinker projectiles.
Liztroopers fire their weapons a little faster during their attack animation.
Liztrooper Captains fire their weapons a little faster during their attack animation.
Liztrooper Captains can no longer transform civilians into Pigbeasts.
Spawning a Turret via the console no longer has a chance of spawning a Rocket Turret instead.
Rocket Turrets can now be hit by Duke's punches and kicks.
Commanders can target civilians for transformation much better now.
Gorilla Captains now shoot random numbered volleys of mortars instead of just constantly shooting.
The Cycloid Incinerator can now aim his fire breath up and down.
The Zero Hour Mech Boss now has its health get fully restored when killed the first time and will have more devastating attacks on its second and last chance at victory.
When his health is 50% or less the Battlelord Boss will fire mini RPG projectiles along with the bullets from his chaingun and he will fire multiple mortar rounds at you instead of just 1 at a time.
When his health is 50% or less the Overlord Boss can now charge at you with incredible speed in an attempt to devour you whole.
When his health is 50% or less the Cycloid Emperor Boss will fire mortars at you along with his RPG's and if he does his psychic energy attack he will spawn in more enemies to assist him.
When her health is 50% or less the Alien Queen Boss will unleash waves of electrified projectiles in all directions as she does her electrical attack.
When his health is 50% or less the Cycloid Incinerator Boss will fire RPG's along with his firelaser/bouncing explosive fireball attacks and perform a psychic energy attack along with his firebreathing attack.
When his shields have been depleted the DC Gray Man Boss will fire mini RPG projectiles along with the standard firelasers and random RPG's and he will occasionally spin in a circle and fire everything he has in all directions.
When its killed the first time and then revived the Zero Hour Mech Boss will always fire a mortar along with his RPG attack, will fire mini RPG projectiles along with his firelaser attack, and will have double the chance to spawn a Drone to help it.
Pigcop melee animations have been swapped out with sprites that have the Pigcop strike you with the butt of his gun instead of a club.
New Beast Drones spawned by the Alien Queen Boss now awake much faster.
Darkened the sprites for the DC Boss.
Darkened the sprites for the Gray Man.
Shrunken enemies can now be killed with weapons and don't have to be stepped on.
Headshots now deal extra bonus damage.
Added particle effects to shrinking enemies.
You now only get a kill count credit when you destroy a Pig Tank if the driver inside is also killed.
Decreased the chance that Liz Trooper jetpacks will malfunction when they are killed while flying.
The Gorilla Captains no longer shoot mortars in random directions when they are killed by explosives or their corpses are partially destroyed.
Sentry Battlelords and Sentry Overlords now drown when underwater.
Actual bosses have more resistance to Shrapnel Cannon, Meat Grinder, Zsalinski Culverin expander projectile, and Inhuman Devastator damage.
Added the Liztrooper's malfunctioned jetpack death animation to the list of actors that get highlighted by Night Vision.
Laser Turrets are no longer replaced by Rocket Turrets if they are sitting over water surfaces due to room over room issues.
Reduced the height of the Rocket Turret sprites to fit better in maps like the Laser Turrets.

Death Drones now last for 1 minute instead of 30 seconds.
Death Drone hitscan bullets have been replaced with actual bullet projectiles and now deal 10 damage instead of 12.
While a Death Drone is active pressing the USE Button while your crosshair is over an enemy target will mark that target and the Death Drone will focus it's fire on it (multiple targets can be marked).
While in focused mode Death Drones will fire an RPG at marked targets every 3 seconds.
While a Death Drone is active pressing the USE Button while your crosshair is over an enemy target that has been previously marked will unmark that target.
Further optimized the Death Drone's capability to cease fire when the player enters its line of sight.
Death Drones no longer attack shrunken enemies.
Death Drones no longer target Green Slimers.
After the Steroids powerup has worn off you now have a 3 second window of invulnerability to keep from accidental suicides.
Added some screen effects and overlays when using night vision.
Death Drones can no longer be hit by projectiles.
Punching while on Steroids is far more reliable now and hits what you're aiming at much better.
Death Drones can target their enemies much better now.
Added more projectiles to the list of actors that are affected by the night vision palette effects.
You can now pick up a Death Drone item even if you already have one at your side which will replenish the current drone's lifetime.
Death Drones can now follow you into water and out of water.
Death Drones can now target Scuba Troopers better.
When a Death Drone senses friendly fire there will be a 1 second delay before it goes back to attacking if friendly fire is not detected anymore.
Lizardman spit no longer covers your screen while on Steroids.

Toilet's angled position on E1L2 has been fixed.
Duke now says his intro line on E2L9, "I'm gonna rip your head off and...", at the beginning of the map and not during the loading screen.
A toilet not facing the right direction on E3L11 has been rotated.
Added different palette variants for the bus textures on for example E3L5.
Closed up a window at the start of E5L4 that made getting the Red Key Card too easy with the jetpack.
Rotated a toilet on Tiberius Station E2L6 to face the right direction.
Devourers no longer spawn out of bounds at the Dark Side E2L8 entrance where the egg nest is located.
Added some new textures and decorations to the Dark Side E2L8 entrance where the egg nest is located.
Moved the Scrappie Doo name tag to a better position on a wall on E4L2.
Upscaled the girls sitting on the bed on E4L7 which also lets them use the new Night Vision palette effect.
Moved the position of one of the Battlelord Sentry spawns on E4L6 to keep him from getting stuck and unable to participate in the ambush.
On E4L2 Duke Burger's Duke statue no longer gets highlighted when using Night Vision.
Rotated a toilet to the right direction on E5L5 and also remodeled the restroom.

Updated Eduke32 to the latest version.
File name extentions now match what is being called on in scripts for better compatibility with case sensitive non-Windows OS's.
Cleaned up error messages pertaining to allied actors seeking out other actors for attacking purposes via scripting.
Cleaned up error messages pertaining to new bullet projectiles impacting actors and surfaces.
When damaged exploding barrels will sometimes shoot up into the air and then explode.
Seenine exploding canisters now produce more explosion effects when they are not invisible.
Lots of actors that explode have a higher chance of creating streams of fire and smoke projectiles.
Blood splats on walls, floors, and ceilings, don't always get removed when too close to each other, but instead they sometimes become transparent to blend in with each other better.
Decapitated bodies always spawn a blood pool now.
Added a another variant of wall, ceiling, and floor red gib chunks.
Added new brain gibs for headshots.
All gibs lying on the floor create more blood and gore effects when destroyed.
Reduced the velocity of some gibs.
Bullet casings make bouncing sound effects everytime they bounce and not just when they come to rest.
Added a new bounce sound effect for Desert Eagle spent shell casings.
Gave the Balls of Steel Episode's Motorcycle actor a red paint job and cleaned up its sprites.
Replaced the Motorcycle actor in the Zero Hour Episode with the one used in the Balls of Steel Episode.
Restored palette swaps for lots of map actors/objects that were only using the default blue color.
Added an upwards blood spray effect to gibbed enemies.
Restored original shotgun shell casings.
Added burning fire sound effects to the title screen.
Added a looping smoke overlay to the end of map stats screen.
Added a spark particle shockwave screen overlay and explosion sound effect to the loading screen.
Brain gibs get lit up by Nightvision.
Added glow maps to some items.
Added glow maps to some projectiles.
Added glow maps to some map textures.
Added glow maps to some enemies.
Added glow maps to some captured babes.
Enemy kills and enemy total counts on the end of map stats screen is accurate now.
Broken toilets no longer block your movement.
Reduced the distance that bullet impact sound effects can be heard.
Added a confetti cannon screen overlay to the end of map stats screen that plays if all babes have been saved on the previous map.
Made lots of wooden wall decorations destructible.
Made lots of paper wall decorations destructible.
Made lots of metal wall decorations destructible.
Added new death sound effects for the babes when they are killed.
Added some more textures to the list of metal surfaces.
Reconfigured the title and subtitle on the main menu.
Added metal object breaking sound effects for metal props.
Added wooden object breaking sound effects for wooden props.
All dead bodies now splatter on the floor when they fall from great heights.
Rescripted and resized all blast rings from explosions.
Fire vase props now explode with firey explosions.
Screen shaking effects while using certain weapons no longer makes a faint earthquake sound effect.
Added more explosion ring effects to the nuclear explosion.
All screen overlay effects no longer get disabled when using access keycards.
More blood and gore is created when squishing or killing shrunken enemies.
Cleaned up bullet casing sprites.
Removed the "SQUISHED!" quote.

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TheHappyFriar - - 519 comments

For some reason some of my graphics are messed up. For example, the spinning Duke symbol in the menu glitches out. Monsters keep blinking.

I unzipped the mod to it's own folder & then put my Duke3d.grp in the folder like the instructions said. It's a fresh install of the mod.

I've got the GOG Atomic Edition.

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VGames Author
VGames - - 3,973 comments

Wow haven’t seen you in a long time. Hope things are going well.

I’m not sure what your problem could be. You seem to have installed it properly.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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