This mod is not monetised. I will not be doing any paid mods nor set up a patreon. This is not an official GW licensed product. I will also not pull the mod, and will keep it on the net since any takedowns would be without merit. This mod aims at modifying Dawn of War 2 Retribution to portray combat in a more lore-accurate manner. Prepare to find Space Marines as powerful as the books depict them, ork hordes in their hundreds, and dozens of Guard tanks shelling into an incoming tyranid horde!

Post news Report RSS 1.7 Release notes

Here are the release notes for 1.7 full release that adds the Deathwatch and Primaris squads.

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Already patched for 1.6 bugs:

-Proximity mines armour not working for the Legion Techmarine. Fixed.
-Possessed Tooltips. Fixed.

1.7 Features:

-Various bugfixes.
-Deathwatch Squad for the Grey Knights and SM armies. This is a very versatile tactical squad. Akin to Sternguard, but instead of combi weapons they gain access to special heavy weapons and Vortex Grenades.
-Primaris Intercessor Squad for Space Marines. These are basically a long ranged tactical squad that forgoes heavy and special weapons for extra range and durability. Can take Stalker Bolters or Auto bolt rifles, which have shorter range but better rate of fire.
-Primaris Hellblaster Squad for Space Marines. Similar to Intercessors, but these come with the Plasma Incinerator,a longer ranged plasma gun variant. They can replace them with Assault Incinerators, which have greater AOE but fire at shorter range, and Heavy Incinerators, which are basically plasma cannons.
-Primaris Reavers (No I'm not using the retarded GW spelling) are a harassment melee unit with Stealth. They have rapid fire bolt pistols, power knives and blind grenades, as well as a paralyzing scream ability that debilitates enemies.
-New Warp Talon squad for all CSM at the Chaos Shrine.
-Tempest and Implosion Bolter shells for Deathwatch.

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epic40k - - 276 comments

Sorry if this is a fight worthy question but I've been away from DoW and DoW II for a long time now. Is the retribution campaign playable with this mod yet? I'm thinking of installing WotBR again, It's been a while!

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

I'm sorry. Since the campaign is for all races, I can not make it work with the mod.

It kinda should work but now when it spawns 2 ig squad vs 2 csm squads, that won't work out well.

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yaranaikANG - - 185 comments

Please,I want you to remember what I said.
It means Aspiring Champion of Raptors and Warp Talons's Attack animaion bug.

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

I already addressed this to you in two other places.

That is a pathfinding engine error caused by enemies dying too fast and the maul swing animation being too slow.

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yaranaikANG - - 185 comments

But Thank you for your help. I will put it on hold.

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Vengefulnoob - - 375 comments

Would it be possible to see Biovores, Zoanthropes, Hive guard and Tyrant Guard get their 3 creature broods? Would be a very welcome increase in squad size for those guys!

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Khoran_Gutsplitter - - 1,389 comments

Would be nice to have them as squad leaders for sure.

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

It is already in for the Zoanthropes, but not sure about the rest. I'll see what I can do.

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WackyModder[84] - - 406 comments

Well, sad to say the Space Marine AI is still suffering the same problem.

They just absolutely refuse to go any higher than Tier 1 Tech 99% of the time. Only ONCE did I see a Space Marine go up to Tier 2, but it never went any higher than that.

Perhaps you should hit up Thudmeizer to help out with the AI? He's an expert with it, and has help the Elite Mod with their AI as well AFAIK.

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

I'll see if I can get it to work first.

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cannonfodder101 - - 36 comments

Couple suggestions for balancing Grey Knights:

Change their starting squad to the 5 model team instead of the 10 model. The current set up gives them an outrageous advantage over all the other factions in the early game.

Purgaton squads, despite being smaller numbers, should still cost at least as much as chapter Devastator squads.

Interceptors are waaaaay under priced. They need to be more expensive than their Raptor and Assault Marine counterparts. They have the same numbers, but they all get essentially power weapons.

The regular Combat squad probably needs a price increase as well, given again, all of em get Power Weapons.

Just for context, this is coming from someone who regularly plays GK. I love them and the way they play, but I think they are kinda OP with the current pricing. You don't need to change stats at all, just tweak pricing for the tier 1 units.

Somewhat unrelated: Possibly replace the Cadian General's bodyguard with Kasrkins, much like the Krieger has Grenadiers for his escort. You could also just scrap Stormtroopers from IG rosters entirely as Kasrkins and Grenadiers fill exactly the same role, and Stormtroopers are in the GK roster.

Otherwise, keep up the fantastic work.

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

I like to keep IG stormtroopers in accordance of the old Lore, as being Schola Progenium trained troops as they were in Cain's time, not the Tempestus stuff that really aren't commandos.

As for GK, I do not really want to make them any harder because tanks really hard counter them.

They got no meltas, no lascannons, no plasma cannons, the only anti tank thing their infantry can do is melee. I may make them a bit more expensive, but its not a priority.

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cannonfodder101 - - 36 comments

Thank you for the reply, Deus

The Stormtrooper thing is perfectly respectable, although I do still reccomend replacing the GK starting squad with Stormtroopers.

I would like to put forward a few counter arguments for the GK for your consideration, then I'll rest my case.

You bring up that "Tanks really hard counter them" and that the only AT that the infantry has is melee. My response:

1. I'm only asking for price increases on Tier 1 units, because of how dominant they are in the early game. The Tier 2 and 3 (the same tier that the tanks start rolling out) don't need any changes.

2. In regards to melee being their only option for AT, this is true, its what makes them somewhat unique to play, but I've watched 2 squads of GKs shred a predator in less than 5 seconds, and a battlefortress in less than 10. Also, with how fast they are, actually getting IN to melee isn't a problem. Not to mention half of em teleport.

3. This is more relevant to PvP, but the GK squads are SO dominant that I've been able to flat prevent my opponents from actually getting tanks in the first place.

Thats all. Just wanted to put that forward, and I respect any decision that you end up making. This is still my favorite DoWII mod, OP GKs or not :p

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Guest - - 693,690 comments

Primarchs, primaris space marines?

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

I can't make new models, so no.

I can make Primaris marines with just kitbashing Mark 8 armour with a Mark 4 helmet, but that's it.

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Superpershingator - - 20 comments

if you feel like your running out of ideas you could think about adding primarchs, or primaris space marines

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DeusImperator Author
DeusImperator - - 1,296 comments

I can't make new models, so no.

I can make Primaris marines with just kitbashing Mark 8 armour with a Mark 4 helmet, but that's it.

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Guest - - 693,690 comments

Great mod, but - could someone explain me several things:

a) why the welcome screen of this mod states, that it is "Destroyer 40k"?
b) where on Earth can I find the mentioned Primaris squads? Are they available right from the HQ or as some upgrades of existing units?

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Khoran_Gutsplitter - - 1,389 comments

This mod is based on destroyer 40k, hence the welcome screen logo.

You have to build the Teleporter homer (the building the scouts can construct) in order to be able to produce primaris, along with terminators and the other SM commanders/heroes. It also acts as a secondary base building and can also be used as a forward base of sorts, but keep in mind that it does not regenerate the health of surrounding units like the HQ.

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