Warsword Conquest is a total conversion of warbands mount and blade 1.153 based on the warhammer fantasy world by Games workshop and is single player only at moment.

Post news Report RSS Update and new features/changelog/Q &A part 3

The latest update from the warsword team.The Q & A section will be updated as and when.

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Greetings warsword fans


All the major model packs are in. We just have a few little texture errors left and one or two slight issues but nothing so far that will stop release either way. Now we are in the final balance testing phase and we expect to be able to announce the release date on Friday.

Changelog and new features part 3

Generic companions

One feedback we have had from players for a long time is that if they are a non human race, especially an evil aligned non human race, it is hard to make a lore friendly companion set that has lots of companions in it.

We have aimed to solve this by adding 80+ generic companions (5 of each race) who all cost 100 gold, are level 1 and will start with 1 point in 2 skills and the rest will be at 0. They have no likes or dislikes, no interactions with other companions and they cannot be used for the right to rule or gaining intel quests.

Retinue troops

A small number of lords (usually the leader and VIP well known character lords) in each faction will gain a number of retinue troops in their armies over time. These troops are a second special troop and are very powerful. For those factions who do not have a unique retinue troop they will get an increase in the amount of normal special troops. There is no way for the player to obtain these troops other than rescuing them as prisoners.

Pest lords

Another piece of key feedback we have had about the past version is that virtually defeated factions have lords on their own going around being really annoying and just pop up again if you defeat them. I have added some code in which should stop this from happening. Now if a faction has no towns or castles when they are due to respawn they will be removed from the game. If at any point that faction retakes any castles or towns then all of the removed lords will reappear together. If the remaining lords are unable to retake a location before they all fall in battle then the faction will be defeated.

Due to the nature of the change and some hardware issues restricting testing this code has not been fully tested but any feedback saying it is not working as intended will be looked into asap.

Party composition and morale

Gsanders has done a lot of work on racial prejudice and the effect it can have on your army morale. Now if you mix races and factions who have a natural tendency to dislike each other then morale will start to drop quickly. Prisoners will also be less likely to join you unless your party meets their expectations.

Ship battles:

Thanks to the Brytenwalda team we have improved ship battles in the mod which work in the same way as they do in Brytenwalda but with a different ship. There are some issues where the ships fall apart on a high impact but gsanders has added a buoyancy code in so that those troops who are not too weighed down are able to float and survive. It is recommended that you approach and board as slowly as possible to avoid the collapse. This is a feature we will look to improve in future releases.

The wizards:

The wizards are still in the mod and Cyrus has the added ability to sell ward saves to the player. Previously the wizards would sell to anyone who is over level 20 but this has been increased to level 30 due to the power of their goods.

However the medal system has been scrapped. You still get medals for winning tournaments but now they are just for selling. The other requirement to buy from the wizards is to win 10 tournaments and once this is done you will get permanent access to them rather than just the one time. You only need to do one of those two things to get access (level 30 or 10 tournaments), not both.

Now there are 48 towns the wizards are very hard to find and you may go through an entire play through and only find them a few times. This is intended, just save up some money for when you do find them.

Some other notable changes:

New human face textures male and female

Spouse as companion

Some dialogue made more lore friendly

Battle mini map (toggleable)

Troop trees viewable in reports

Parties get ship icon over water

New special weapons and armour

Some questions that may be worth answering now

Why did this update take 2 years to make?

We don’t work constantly, since Del and I started in 2010 we have always produced content in bursts. Despite taking 2 years to get this version out it has probably only been actively worked on by myself for a year and Del even less, most of it in the last year when we have been lucky to get some new talented team members/contributors.

Does this mean that the next update will not be for a long time?

I intend to start new features quite soon after release and I will be around to help look into and fix any issues which arise from this release as soon as is needed. Gsanders is already working on a lot of new features which need to be tested and intergrated so I imagine we will be back to back to work relatively quickly.

Why is Sylvania compressed to such a small area of the map?

Their land is only a small area on the real map but it is also done for its own protection. It is surrounded by the Empire with no allies nearby and although they do not start at war with the Dwarves if and when it happens they are completely locked in. Factions confined to a small area are generally very hard to conquer and tend to be the aggressors which is what we want for them.

Is the start harder without freelancer?

Probably but with the improved economy you can make good money trading and the new tournaments allow lower levelled players to be more competitive than they were in the past version. There are more low level bandits around as well as small forager and scouting parties for each faction you can choose to fight.

The key is picking your battles. Choosing the right battles you can get your low level party trained up to decent levels in no time but similarly pick the wrong one and you will lose it all. Once you learn where the danger is it will get easier, warsword was always meant to be on the tricky side.

Don’t underestimate the usefulness of mercenaries in the early game. Even 2 or 3 can make a big difference.

The power levels of different troops and armies will need to be relearnt if you are accustomed to the current warsword version. Top tier troops are even more powerful compared to what they are now and even a few more than average in an army can have a big outcome on the result of the battle. What I have noticed in testing is you really need to look at what troops are in your potential opponents army (or both sides if you are joining a battle in progress) before you decide whether to go ahead.

One reason for this is because there are so many kingdom parties lots more prisoners are changing hands and army makeups can vary a lot over time even if the numbers are quite similar so always keep an eye on what you are fighting before you charge in if your army isn't top tier.

Can you recruit Dryads and other woodland spirits?

Not currently but next on our modelling list are dryads and treemen. Treemen will be the new wood elf special troop and dryads will be mercenaries in wood elf towns and also part of the wood elf patrols.

If the player doesnt get to use their special abilities in the tournament(ward saves, mighty blow, etc) does that mean the npcs dont get to use them either?

That is right. Tournaments would be close to impossible if combat skills are on. Prince Tyrion, for example, has dodge, 4+ ward save and regenerate, there is just no way to beat that with the weapons at your disposal in the arena, especially as he one of the best fighters in the game offensively as well. So combat skills are turned off for everyone in tournaments.

Any way to guarantee recruitment of Braganza's Besiegers and other Dogs of War companies? Going for a DoW themed army

The more popular dogs of war can be found in all human faction taverns apart from Nippon who have their own seperate mercenary set.

Am I still going to find chaos based npcs in tarvens in places where they wouldn't be?

We have added a script aiming ot put companions in lore friendly taverns. It brings up some odd results every now and again but overall it mostly keeps them in preferable towns.

Is diplomacy in this version?

No. We plan to add diplomacy to the next version but as there is so much of diplomacy which needs to be tweaked, removed and altered to fit warsword we have decided to leave it until we have more time.

I will update this post with other questions over time.

Thanks for reading

Nameless Warrior

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 51)
Yoye - - 11 comments


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Mormacur_Blackheart - - 191 comments

I'm gonna assume there are more towns and villages now. Also now that Total War Warhammer is out do you plan on editing the map to fit theres or are you using lore maps for the warhammer world? Also has anything been changed to the units tress like names or more added too them?

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dot113 - - 60 comments

.. why would they want to edit the map to look like total war?

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Guest - - 693,677 comments

By all accounts the total warhammer map is unbelievably cool. I can only hope bannerlord can support a similarly awesome map.

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Vizog - - 2 comments



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Voljin - - 8 comments

If you would have read more than 2 sentences, you'd have known they'll probably announce a date on Friday ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
Mladen. - - 1,830 comments

Oh yeah!
Can't wait to see those special weapons and armors.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
wolas3214 - - 33 comments

If the player doesnt get to use their special abilities in the tournament(ward saves, mighty blow, etc) does that mean the npcs dont get to use them either?

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hairboy - - 940 comments


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AlbinoDolphine - - 1,160 comments

You seductive bastards :D

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lorentzo1 - - 16 comments

How about the "Ignore pain" perk that you announced before. Will it be still present in the game?

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Nameless_Warrior Author
Nameless_Warrior - - 274 comments

Absolutely, just not in tournaments or the arena.

Reply Good karma+7 votes
lorentzo1 - - 16 comments

Great. Thank you for the answer

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Hirakhos - - 29 comments

But really, thank you so much for that change, especially the no likes and dislikes, I love that it also means you can properly cater a group from any race.
You're the best.
I want that in every mod to be honest.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Trefan - - 104 comments

What/where is Sylvania please? I don't know very much about Warhammer lore, never played it, still love your mod.
Also, there will still be normal, non-genecric companions, right?
Thank you for answers.

These text updates are giving me more eyegasm than the screenshots, they leave so much place for the imagination on what the new version will be like.

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Voljin - - 8 comments

Sylvania is the domain of the Vampire Counts (Von Carstein to be precise). Like they said, it's next to the Empire.

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Trefan - - 104 comments

To answer my other question. Polloio said there will still be non-generic lore companions if anyone else is still wondering.

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Asbjorn_Ironside - - 100 comments

Generally, picture Sylvania as a realm of bat-sh!t crazy Necromancers who would do anything to benefit themselves. :P

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Voljin - - 8 comments

Thanks for the update boys

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
dot113 - - 60 comments

Really awesome. You guys are amazing :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Kick_Abbot - - 112 comments

Wait, no more freelancer? Ah ****

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
SuperSchokokeks - - 52 comments

what? 2 years? .. I waited 2 years? .. lol.. time goes by.. didn't notice.
be careful with release dates :P

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
dot113 - - 60 comments

Sorry if I missed this somewhere else, but with all the new races and so on, does that mean you can also start as these races?

Does this mean we can start playing as, for instance, a vampire in sylvania?

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Trefan - - 104 comments

This is what Polloio stated in one of the comments few days ago:
"The playable races (not everyone of these is a playable FACTION in the mod) at the moment are:
- Humans (male/female)
- Elves (High, Dark, Wood; male/female)
- Vampires (male only)
- Halflings (male only)
- Beastmen (male only)
- Goblins (Forest, Night; male only)
- Chaos Warriors (male only)
- Orcs (male only)
- Dwarves (male only)
- Lizardmen (male only)
- Skaven (male only)
- Tomb Kings (male only)"

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
dot113 - - 60 comments


The worst part about this mod is that I won't have time to play all the races I want at the same time. Human, Dark elf, maybe wood elf, goblins (night goblins ftw!), vampires and maybe skaven. Orcs. Beastmen. Maybe Chaos.

I can skip... Halflings, lizardmen and.. tomb kings. Maybe tombkings. hmm..


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Kagestorn - - 326 comments

80 companions.


Just what I need.

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hairboy - - 940 comments

An army of all companions would be interesting lol

None of them could die.
Upgrade all of their pathfinding and whew

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Kagestorn - - 326 comments

Exactly. However I'm not sure it will be available. We'l have to see how dev's made it. Maybe their recruitment will be restricted somehow. I hope we can find a way to use them all anyway. Best army ever.

80 is a lot though. And all are lvl1 with basic stats, gonna be a pain in the *** to manage them. For me, it's either around 30-35 to have a small but effective group, or strait up 100-120, to have a full fledge company.

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Hirakhos - - 29 comments

Ten Int trainers with crossbow and 70 soldiers.

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dot113 - - 60 comments

Just a few need pathfinding? They don't all give speed right? Just the highest one.

Still, get a few at first and lvl them, maybe 10 or so. Make them fighters with some int for training skill, then you get the other 70 and they will lvl one lvl a day :p that's how you train an army

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Krauten - - 121 comments

"Dialogue more lore friendly"!
Sweet i am looking forward to ork banters.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Hirakhos - - 29 comments

"Player character, yer a git, a boy without a boss"

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Asbjorn_Ironside - - 100 comments

Who needs da Boss when yu can make yurself da Boss? Heh, id like to be da boss on day. (I am horrible at Orc speech :P)

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DazBayne - - 15 comments

excellent news, thanks for your hard work

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sapoio - - 29 comments


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T64 - - 13 comments

YES! I've been checking for the next comment for like a week haha! So excited to hear the release date on Friday! HUGE PROPS to the developers! LOVING IT!

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IceExplosive - - 38 comments

I must admit that I've never played that mod. I found it few days ago, tried it for a while and since then I just can't wait for that new release. My favorite was Gekokujo till now and when I read that you are implementing those models as Nippon there... ah, can't wait.

Great work.

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Djape66 - - 30 comments

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Frakass - - 5 comments

Thank you for all your efforts. This mod is "top-tier" in my heart.

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Zarathos - - 1 comments

Why the hell are you removing freelancer from the mod?

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Guest - - 693,677 comments

Do you guys plan to release free lancer with this in the future?

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dwarfurious - - 89 comments

Will factions no longer bleed generals in the late game? All the sides got jumbled up so much, Orcs with human/skaven/elf/dwarf/tombking/pirate generals...

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Guest - - 693,677 comments

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Guest - - 693,677 comments

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Gavrilo_Princip - - 10 comments

How to get spouse companion?

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GeneralPatton3 - - 290 comments

How do I get Vampires in my army?

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placelle - - 1 comments

How do I download the new version with beastmen?

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hectorpereira397 - - 23 comments

When i play as Chaos the camera is totally in front of him, does this patch fix that? I can't play third person because my character is way too big ;(

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Firefox007 - - 4 comments

Please Please! fix the hair for humans. i don't want to be an empire guy and have Japanese hair, can you put in the original hairstyles. oh and will we ever possibly see freelancer again? O_0

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Sinfulmoon - - 1 comments

Sorry for necro posting but, I had my wife join my retinue but I can't figure out how to get rid of her after she joined. How do I get her to go back to my castle, or any castle.

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