Post news Report RSS Half-Life Absolute Zero Update 8 - Transparency

Well, it is time to be completely transparent on the development of Half-Life: Absolute Zero and how the mod will not be completed.

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Haha, you're joking right? Half-Life: Absolute Zero can't be dead, right? ....right?

Nope, no jokes here. It is completely true, Half-Life: Absolute Zero has ceased development, after almost a decade worth of development.

So, why exactly are you guys abandoning Half-Life: Absolute Zero?

It has been nearly 10 years to the day since we started development on Half-Life: Absolute Zero and to be quite frank, we want to move on; passion only lasts for so long. If it didn’t work out for the past 10 years, I doubt it is going to work out for any more amount of time.

We were unable to secure any level designers since our search for one started back in December, 2018. So as a result, we were asking and relying on friends and friends of friends for help on the project, but ultimately most of them would only work on the project from a range of 3 days to 2 weeks until they would give up. As a result, not much really got done post-beta access release.

Realistically, we knew the project had been doomed since December of 2018. We had already missed our intended release date of November 26, 2018 (the 25th anniversary of Sonic Spinball’s European release, which was a week after Half-Life’s 20th anniversary, it is a in-joke among the team) and we had to delay to the 20th anniversary of Half-Life: Uplink’s release. A lot of us had been burnt out for working on the project for such a long time and we had a level designer who had vanished. We had put out a job listing on ModDB in hope we would be able to quickly find a replacement to be able to salvage the project, but that clearly didn’t happen.

What is going to happen to the Steam release of Half-Life: Absolute Zero?

We are currently actively working on getting the page delisted off of Steam around the 12th to prevent people from accidentally wandering into a barely functioning product. Despite being delisted from Steam, you should still be able to download the mod via “steam://install/<appid>.”

Why delist the store page opposed to condensing down the experience? Well, the mod only currently contains 2 chapters that we would consider mostly complete, which isn’t too exciting considering our 2017 demo contained 5 chapters. We had to deal with a surplus of people who didn’t read the store page or any pinned thread on the discussions and just assumed the product was 100% complete. If we had this problem during the public development phase, we’re going to have the problem tenfold when the mod is supposed to be “complete.” There’s also the fact we don’t want another unfinished product to clog up the Steam storefront, we would rather take responsibility and take down our product instead of letting it rot with every other abandoned project.

We only made a Steam release as our mod is not fully compatible with the 2013 updates to the GoldSource engine. Shadows cause the game to crash and various game behaviors would act sporadic. A Steam release allowed us to ship with a branch of the engine that we knew was fully compatible with Half-Life: Absolute Zero, but it still provided its own host of problems. Such as us changing the executable name which resulted in Windows 10’s internal compatibility hack for GoldSource games to not take effect, which resulted in the game’s window being extremely zoomed in. Luckily that was a fix as easy as just renaming the executable back to HL.exe, but there were still issues with the engine itself that were either fixed in the modern engine, were just things from Source that people expected to be in GoldSource, or were issues that affect most versions of the engine. Ultimately, there’s not a version of GoldSource out there that is perfect, they all have severe issues that hinder the experience some way or another and we had to pay the price for it. We did not and still do not have access to the engine code, so being able to fix anything with-in the engine would be impossible for us to do and if the engine was open source we could have at least attempted to but as it currently stands, GoldSource is closed source.

We will push out a final update for the mod on Steam, we held back on an update since August 14th in hope to be able to ship out a Milestone update in September, clearly that Milestone update did not work out.

What will happen with Half-Life: Absolute Zero after the 12th?

Well, the Steam build will be posted to ModDB for those to download there (minus the engine, of course.) But more importantly, the entire development drive of Half-Life: Absolute Zero will be uploaded to the internet and will be licensed under Creative Commons. This will allow any developer or modder to be able to reuse our work and all you need to do is credit us for the work you’ve borrowed! This had been our plan for several years now, regardless of completion, releasing the full source tree on the 10th anniversary of the mod’s development beginnings. This allows us to be able to have the community learn from our work and for our work to live on beyond a beta mod.

We are currently actively sorting through our unsorted backups making sure as much of our content is backed up and available. This will release on the 12th, alongside the mod release on ModDB.

What will happen to Cobalt-57 after the 12th?

This does NOT mark the end of Cobalt-57 as a team, we have no plans to dissolve or disband! Little do many people know, Cobalt-57 was never created as a throwaway team to have a pseudonym for all of us as a team for our modding projects. We will be shifting our focus to game development after the 12th, in fact, we actually have some games and projects in the pipeline. Some relating to pre-existing IPs (some of which will likely never see the light of day) and some being completely original IPs. As you may expect, yes, we are still in fact looking for level designers and even more than that! We can’t promise that we’ll hire or even speak to everyone, but we will read every message.


While it is sad to see Half-Life: Absolute Zero go, we’re glad it is over. It is bittersweet, sure we didn’t get to complete the project that united us to begin with; but we will forever get to keep those memories and get to work together on things that don’t limit our creative direction.

Finally, we would like to thank you for supporting us til the very end. While we don’t know when the next time you’ll hear from us will be, we will still be creating things and when we stop creating we’ll let the world know. If you want to keep in-touch, please follow us on Twitter, as that’s currently our only social media presence where we can provide quick updates.

Until next time,

- Cobalt-57

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 87)
HEVScientist - - 1,353 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Super1Hawk - - 216 comments

I knew that this was going to happen.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
HEVScientist - - 1,353 comments

It's sad that it died, It was beta content mod I first played

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
MTD_BK - - 30 comments

damn, rip

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
MrNick2020 - - 24 comments

I thin you guys should think of not release the source files and assets of the mod here knowing that there's a indivual called Aulov who is know for stealing and using assets and coded for his hls - smod ******** i would think its a good idea release over the SMC discord server rather than here

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
The_uaredead Author
The_uaredead - - 215 comments

We’re the ones who he stole the work from. We’re also the ones who blew up the story by taking action and not letting him get away from it.

Reply Good karma+11 votes
Maestra_Fenix - - 51 comments

He will steal them anywhere no matter where you post them, the best we can do is just keep reporting his accounts and mod pages so he doesn't come back.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


I am not going to sugarcoat it and just say it: There is no "Alpha-Beta Mod Curse" , It is almost always the developers' fault that a restoration project such as this one is never completed.

Everyone is complaining about "burning out" and wanting to create new things, not wanting to stuck with one project etc. etc. Don't you people have jobs, actual jobs that require you to do things that you don't want to do, but you still do them because you have to? If the developers of mods such as this could see their projects as works that NEED to be completed they would have completed them, simple as that. Do you also resign from your job because you are "burnt out?"

Look at Black Mesa. While I am personally not a fan and don't like to hail it as the greatest thing that happened to HL1 like 90% of the "fans" do, I still have to respect the effort and time they spent on the project. Now people are going to say thing like: "They sold the game on Steam, they had money to spend on the project" No, the game was finished sans the Xen chapters and it was long and detailed even before that, whereas Absolute Zero can't even finish maps for GoldSRC that requires much less detail and work in nearly 10 years?

So you spent more than one year doing what? If you really wanted to see this mod take off and completed, you would have gone out of your way to find members. Same thing happened to Shaft and Quiver before that. Saw it happen for years: Developers don't take their work seriously enough, get bored, wander off to other projects and neither the new nor the old projects get completed in the end, there is no work ethic.

This is a rant that stems from not seeing a restoration project ever be properly completed for Half-Life, a game that I adore. I say this because I care, not out of hate. I have nothing against Cobalt-57 nor the efforts and hours that was spent on this mod, just my take on things and a criticism on project management.

Bring on the hate and dislikes.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-24 votes
The_uaredead Author
The_uaredead - - 215 comments

Black Mesa wasn’t a 4 man team and the team for the commercial version of Black Mesa is VASTLY different from the original mod team, barely containing the same developers. Not only that, more people would want to work on Black Mesa. Not only is it an extremely high profile mod, they will receive a payment for their work due to the price tag of the project. Something we could never do with HLAZ nor want to do with it.

The difference between a paying job and a mod you work on in your free time is that you get paid to show up and do the work at a job. LeonelC had to quit the project completely due to the situation in his country that required him to get a stable income. Do you want me to demand and force him to come back and become homeless or not be able to eat just so he can finish a free beta mod for a 2 decade old game? Also hate to break it to you, people do resign from jobs and move onto new companies and even different career paths to freshen things up or when they’re sick of working there. This is a completely normal thing for people to do. A large majority of the people who worked on HL1 or HL2 are no longer at Valve, likewise with id. Most people who worked at id Software during the golden years are no longer at the company. People move on to new creative endeavors or outright retire entirely.

I also actively sought out people to finish the mod, as even stared in the article. Most people gave up after two weeks, some let us know they wouldn’t be working on the project any further and some just never did.

I legitimately get migraines working on and thinking about working on Half-Life: Absolute Zero. I typically have to actively force myself to work on the mod and I no longer have fun working on it. I care vastly more about the well being of my team and myself than a silly little beta mod.

Reply Good karma+17 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


As I said, bring on the hate.

If you see your project as a "silly little beta mod" no wonder it is a dead, ten year old waste of manpower.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-13 votes
MisterSandmanAU - - 127 comments

> no wonder it is a dead, ten year old waste of manpower.
Jesus, I can tell you never had friends, you son of a bitch.
Half-Life: Absoulte Zero is probably one of the best community projects I've ever seen, and for you to riff on it is pretty ****** ngl. Have fun getting **** on you masochist.

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The_uaredead Author
The_uaredead - - 215 comments

It is a "silly little beta mod" because people like you take it far too seriously. So much entitlement and drama from a ******* mod that's just a recreation of Half-Life's development. Over the past decade I had to put up with so much drama and **** from so many people and now I can finally put an end to it and focus on what we wanted to do. All I sought out to do with this project was learn about Half-Life's development and learn how to make games. Mod was supposed to be finished nearly 5 years ago. We wanted to move on to make games and we've been strapped to finish this project and now that we're at the decade mark, we're drawing the line and putting an end to it. End of story. You can make up whatever ******** you want to make you feel better, but the reality is that we want to move on and express our creativity and have wanted to do that for years and we're not extending the deadline for HLAZ just to be more disappointed that we can't find anyone to be able to complete the project.

Reply Good karma+13 votes
Abholos00 - - 7 comments


Half-life: Echoes was a one man mod and it's one of the most impressive mods for Halflife. How can you can't do what a single man can do in 9 + years?? Your comments paint a clear picture; you don't care for this mod otherwise it would be done by now.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
The_uaredead Author
The_uaredead - - 215 comments

Echoes was on a vastly smaller scale made by a person who knew what his strong point was and stuck to it. There's a lot more work put into Half-Life: Absolute Zero than Echoes as we had to remake various art assets from scratch, restore map sources from Half-Life: Source's VMFs to work with-in Half-Life 1, research the game by unearthing tons of pre-release articles and media that had been forgotten by time itself, recreate those bits, figure out how to make them work in-game and make sure they're fun, and much more. All MrGnang had to do is come up with what HE wanted to do, we had to research and interpret what Valve meant by things with whatever we could get our hands on, which wasn't much.

You're comparing apples to oranges. If you think it is so easy, then go make it yourself.

Reply Good karma+11 votes
Abholos00 - - 7 comments


Everyone and their grandmother can find info on deleted content of Halflife. I even say Halflife's alpha-beta is the most well known out of all games, maybe beaten only by Halflife2 not unknown like you say. All you had to do was to fill the blanks.

Also saying then go and make it yourself is the most petty and cliche thing to say.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-10 votes
The_uaredead Author
The_uaredead - - 215 comments

Is it petty? Because I think demanding a team to continue working on something for you is more petty, especially when you're acting like you know more on the matter than the person working on the mod itself. So, I'll repeat myself, if it is so easy, then go make it yourself. You'll even have a leg up to other attempts by having access to the HLAZ development files we're releasing on the 12th.

Reply Good karma+10 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


Great comment, very professional, with tons of swears and all that.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-11 votes
The_uaredead Author
The_uaredead - - 215 comments

Yeah, just as professional as you telling us to go ahead and waste our lives on a beta mod so you can sleep at night.

Reply Good karma+8 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


I don't have to tell you that, you have wasted your time yourself already, at least 5 years judging by your comment.

With such an unprofessional project lead, it is a miracle that this mod made it this far as is.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
The_uaredead Author
The_uaredead - - 215 comments

Yep, totally unprofessional for caring about my team.

Reply Good karma+9 votes
Maestra_Fenix - - 51 comments

"Do you also resign from your job because you are "burnt out?" "

Yes? People actually leaves their jobs and seeks for new ones if they have ****** conditions.

*Stuff about Black Mesa*

Black Mesa had close to 60 people coming and going across almost a decade, with the work several times being restarted and even they acknowledged it was a miracle it released at all. Not to say the situation was entirely different and for the Steam version, they became a real studio to pay people for working on it.

*Why mods takes forever to get done, they don't work on them?*

This is not how modding works. At the end of the day, is a hobby, and we have our own jobs and lives.
Plus if you bothered to read this and previous articles, you would have known how actually hard is to deal with never ending bugs.

*Why Echoes was able to get released then?*

Because to begin with, the scope of the project was different ( easier to do something fully new than having to research and recreate alpha-beta stuff ).
Not to say that his author actually worked on and off on Echoes during almost a decade, with only completing the work on the last one.

People like you, who really think modding is easy as just pressing a button and get stuff done, without thinking the infinity of bugs, testing and other problems that comes from, without realizing that it requires tremendous amounts of effort and time to get even the simplest thing working, are really toxic to the modding community and don't belong on this place.

You better get yourself informed about how stuff really works or at least have some basic politeness, or the banhammer will drop upon you.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


I know how modding, and more importantly how work ethic and time management works thank you very much.

Also, the "banhammers"? Is that a threat?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-9 votes
ZedMarine610 - - 423 comments

"Banhammers" is not a threat, but you can get it for being rude and disrespectful towards us for no reason other than your narrow perspective on what modding really is like, which is what you are being now towards us.

Over the past 5 years, we worked as hard as possible to make this the best possible beta recreation mod, and that's what you can see for yourself from both our ModDB page and playing our Steam Early Access release, especially if you look at the parts that were the most finished. We went through old previews, screenshots, converted the Half-Life Source VMFs to HL1 and searched those for leftovers and otherwise spent hours on mapping alone to make the maps as accurate and authentic as possible, same with the models, graphics and code to make these as accurate as possible as well. And we did this despite being a small 5-person team while trying to recreate what we thought the game could have been like at that certain point in time. So no wonder that you will get burnt out eventually with such a small team and such huge ambitions.

So it's not the fault of "work ethic" or "time management", because modding at the end of the day is just a hobby and we have these things called lives outside of modding that we have to take care of. Some of us even go to university, so that's another thing some of us have to focus on. Also "actual jobs that require you to do things that you don't want to do, but you still do them because you have to"? But what if the job that you go to is something you love? What if it's a career that you want to pursue? And so what if you get burnt out of something after doing it for so long? That's what happens elsewhere outside of modding, it's a fact of life. Don't act like we are a special case in this regard. And stop accusing us of being lazy because if you even cared to take a deeper look, then you can see that we did our absolute best to get this to be faithful to the source material and released. Mod quality and dedication? Again, just take a look at our screenshots and our Steam Early Access build. Finding members? We always have tried to find new people, we had a mapping job offer up on ModDB for ages.

And how does work ethic figure into this? With something like modding, even the best work ethic is not and will never be something that will magically ensure that a mod gets completed, because for starters it requires a decent amount of hands working on a project. Work ethic is merely a base requirement that is to be expected of someone or a team working on something like this. That's like expecting to get a girlfriend because you are a "nice guy". Also, again, modding isn't a paid job, but merely a hobby and modders have actual LIVES that they have to take care of outside of it. Seriously, try putting yourself in our shoes. Try being us, a small 5-person team, trying to get done a project as ambitious as this in your spare time, working away on it over the course of 5(!) years despite not getting much more new members and it (most likely) doesn't quite get done because of people leaving/getting burnt out/moving on/etc, how are you not going to get burnt out?

So yeah, here's my 50 cents as this mod's main mapper who has wholeheartedly worked on this since the beginning and who has wanted to see this get finished and released. It may seem easy to you who doesn't even have to work on it, but trust me, it is anything but easy. Assuming that it is easy is nothing less than an insult to our dedication to this project and the work we have put into this project in the past 5 years. Here's some advice back to you: if you really think working on a mod, especially a beta mod is easy-peasy and if not getting it done is "unprofessional", then start your own mod and see how it goes.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


I was neither rude nor disrespectful towards anyone, I made that clear on my first post. The only signs of rudeness and disrespect can be attributed to your project leader who has no problems cursing or insulting others to hammer his point across.

I said work ethic and project management and I stand with it. A project leader should "lead" other members of the team to achieve the goal. You say you tried to find new members? You put openings to the Moddb page and a Twitter page no one is even aware of and just waited. It's like a fisherman who never baits his hook and just casts it in the water, waiting fish to come, it was never going to work.

People loved to bash my example of Black Mesa, saying how they were getting paid and how huge the numbers of the team were, just like I predicted and even wrote on my initial post. So, here is a better example:
Are you guys aware of Oblivion Lost Remake? A Stalker SoC mod that aims to recreate unused and cut content, some of which is lost to the time, some never even created and some is simply up to interpretation? With a team consisting of 5 members? Sounds familiar?

Those people put out a mod that is THE most authentic and well made restoration mod despite working with an engine that was put together with duct tape and overall a hell to work with.

So you come here and tell me how a game like HL's Alpha-Beta, which maybe has the best preserved development history than any other game, was so difficult to re-create in nearly 10 years? With software like J.A.C.K. and other tools that were available to everyone, which simplifies things further, with an engine like GoldSRC that is cakewalk to work with compared to others, like X-RAY engine of Stalker for example, and just as simple to create maps for was that big of an issue for Cobalt-57?

I am talking about maps a lot because for the longest time this was THE problem preventing this mod to come out fully. Every other thing, for the better or worse, was there. But no one is going to see those fancy houndeye effects, alpha styled weapons or battery shaped suit power HUD if there are no maps to play the isn't it?

This project failed because of mismanagement and improper use of development time. Many talented peoples' work has gone to waste and the sad thing is, it was completely avoidable.

Your project leader calls Absolute Zero a "silly little beta mod". If someone has no respect for the work they are doing, then it is not a surprise that there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
Maestra_Fenix - - 51 comments

"I was neither rude nor disrespectful towards anyone"

Yes, lets ignore the parts where you accuse the team of not doing enough, ****** time management, etc...and then you continue doing it.

*Stuff about STALKER and then comparing it with GoldSrc*

So you don't even have an idea of what are you talking about? Wow what a surprise.

The "with an engine like GoldSRC that is cakewalk to work with compared to others" really highlights how much you know about GoldSrc modding: zero.

"If someone has no respect for the work they are doing, then it is not a surprise that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. "

Woah, I thought you couldn't make worst takes but here we are.
Dude, shut up already and leave these people in peace once for all.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


I am not even sure you read the right post, none of what you said is correct or has any meaning. As for my GoldSRc knowledge, it is probably older than 80% of commenters here.

Also no offense, but you would be the last person I would listen in any discussion, "Ms (?) Veteran Modder". See this, this is what rudeness looks like.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
Amish_ - - 95 comments

Please get a life

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
Gunship_Mark_II - - 4,864 comments

Christ on a bicycle, my dude, I can see your entitlement even from here, do you really crave that attention juice this much? Get a hobby or a cat.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Suparsonik - - 1,267 comments

I would recommend a cat. Cats are awesome.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
LadyJaneThrace - - 867 comments

**** off you entitled prick, they owe you NOTHING & its this kind of attitude that actually pressures mods like this into dying, its people like you i genuinely feared when i killed off RainFall, people like you are the absolute scum of this ******* website & this community & you have NO IDEA what goes into making a mod & how much time something like this takes

if you think you can do better, be my ******* guest & pick up the development drive for HLAZ when it releases & finish the entire mod if you think you're so smart, i'd love to watch you open up hammer, fly around for hours on end getting no creative spark & then realizing exactly how difficult it is to do something like this, genuinely go **** yourself

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


I'm not even going to bother and leave you to your meltdown.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-7 votes
The_uaredead Author
The_uaredead - - 215 comments

They're not the ones responding to every comment in-regards to your meltdown, only you are.

Reply Good karma+6 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


And you are the one replying to comments that isn't related to you.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-9 votes
The_uaredead Author
The_uaredead - - 215 comments

You replying to my comment only proves my point, considering you said you were done with responding to people on the matter. :)

Additionally, you are still stinking up MY mod page and MY article posting negative comments about MY mod, therefore, it does relate to me.

Reply Good karma+7 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


I'm going to go with "when?"

Reply Good karma Bad karma-9 votes
The_uaredead Author
The_uaredead - - 215 comments

If you're asking for when you said that, please look a few comments up, I know your memory retention is bad, but you can still refer to your own comment that I had responded to.

If you're asking for when it was related to me, once again, I know you're memory retention is poor, but your initial comment that sparked many mod developers to call you a ******* is still related to my mod. Not only that, it is still on my mod page and my article.

Reply Good karma+6 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


Let's answer your burning questions:

I told LadyJaneThrace that I wasn't going to reply to his/her/whatever comment, not every single user, and I didn't.

Well, every mod developer called me a "*******" because you guys are all buddy-buddy and can't possibly accept a different opinion so, no surprise, you all ganged up on me.

Keep up the insults by the way, I enjoy seeing you guys get creative.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
The_uaredead Author
The_uaredead - - 215 comments

I hate to break it to you, I don't know over half of the mod developers who responded to you beyond the fact they worked on Half-Life mods. They came here on their own terms to share their own opinion, and if you want to point the finger at me as I'm just trying to sort through my development backups to be able to get them out tomorrow on time, then you're genuinely living in an extremely delusion world. I'm not painting you as the villain, you're doing that good enough on your own pal.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
[MC]Pimpão - - 371 comments

i won't bring hate, just facts. that was the most alienated and self-centered comment i ever read on a gaming website. no one in Moddb is working under contract. that is the whole point of free modifications, that individuals can create something new out of their love for a certain type of media and then share it with the community. all developers in here are entitled to shift their efforts and interests to a different foccus. they do not owe users a fully realized project just because that was their original goal. what you're demanding is basically that all content creators be forced to work without pay just to meet a quota and entertain you, if that is your vision for this community then surely you have no place here

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monster_urby - - 3,030 comments

Pretty disappointing attitude towards modders to be honest. Especially this ****:

"Everyone is complaining about "burning out" and wanting to create new things, not wanting to stuck with one project etc. etc. Don't you people have jobs, actual jobs that require you to do things that you don't want to do, but you still do them because you have to? If the developers of mods such as this could see their projects as works that NEED to be completed they would have completed them, simple as that. Do you also resign from your job because you are "burnt out?""

I have burnt out multiple times over the last decade due to family related issues, work and life in general. My co-developer too. This has often put my mod in a state of flux, going months without any progress at times. And yes, for the record I HAVE also quit my job due to feeling burnt out.

The difference is, modding is a HOBBY. Nobody NEEDS to do it and it certainly doesn't put food on the table.

So, quite frankly, anyone so entitled enough to think that I OWE them The Core for any reason, or that I should be treating it like a job that I NEED to complete can **** right off.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


I guess people like you or anyone who criticised me for saying "do you also resign from your job if it's starting to bore you?" live in such luxury that they don't think twice quitting their jobs the moment they start to feel burnt out. I'm sorry, I don't have that spoiled attitude towards any work that I am a part of. If I set out to do something, I do it. Not because I "owe" anyone anything but out of respect to the work I am doing.

I also find it ironic that you, who has been working on a mod longer than anybody but still hasn't cancelled it can talk the way you do. Like you said, you always frozed progress, never cancelled it outright. There is a contradiction here, if you felt the same way like the others, you would have cancelled the Core years ago.

Finally, hearing such obscenities and clear hostility from a senior mapper such as yourself saddened me. There is a saying in my country: The fish spoils from the top, meaning if the veterans can swear freely at any opinion that is different from them, then it is no wonder when any other user does the same thing.

Pretty fitting to this mess...

Reply Good karma Bad karma-11 votes
monster_urby - - 3,030 comments

"I guess people like you or anyone who criticised me for saying "do you also resign from your job if it's starting to bore you?" live in such luxury that they don't think twice quitting their jobs the moment they start to feel burnt out. I'm sorry, I don't have that spoiled attitude towards any work that I am a part of. If I set out to do something, I do it. Not because I "owe" anyone anything but out of respect to the work I am doing."

Firstly, guess again. I had to make major sacrifices to cover myself and my family while I was out of work.

Secondly, it's hard to have passion for your work when you are told on a weekly basis, "Here are your (unrealistic) targets for the week. Meet them or find a new job."

Lastly, if foul language upsets you so much, you will not like my mod. Please go ahead and just pretend I did cancel it one of the times I was tempted to.

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PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


If you made sacrifices for your family you'll know how precious every opportunity is and how burning out doesn't make someone quit easily.
You are saying it's hard to have passion for your work when you are bossed around on a weekly basis. How does that relate to modding, which is something you do for fun in your free time and leisure?
Who is telling moddersto "meet the targets or leave"?
If that would be true, how come you are still working on the Core after all these years?

I usually don't have any problems with foul language, the problems arise when it is an attack towards another. Notice how I never swore back to any of the terrible responses, many of which came when you guys paraded my opinion around on Twitter.

Finally, I don't know why you keep bringing up your mod, but don't worry, I don't have any interest in it whatsoever, now that I've seen the mindset behind its creator.

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monster_urby - - 3,030 comments

You're the one who brought jobs into it in the first place!

"Don't you people have jobs, actual jobs that require you to do things that you don't want to do, but you still do them because you have to? If the developers of mods such as this could see their projects as works that NEED to be completed they would have completed them, simple as that."

So now you're contradicting yourself.

"How does that relate to modding, which is something you do for fun in your free time and leisure?"

The reason I bring up my own mod is because I've been working on it for a looong time and I want to see it finished. However, if I was to up and cancel it tomorrow because I simply no longer had the drive to do so, you (and presumably many others) would have the gall to say I wasn't dedicated enough or didn't want it to succeed.

You expected to receive insults and downvotes off the back of your little rant, so surely you know that this was a bad take to begin. I'm honestly not sure what more needs to be said, so I'm walking away from it.

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PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


I genuinely don't get what you are saying here? You are dodging every question and replying with unrelated things?

I did mentioned jobs and didn't say anything contradictory in this post?

When I ask "How does that relate to modding, which is something you do for fun in your free time and leisure and who is telling modders to "do or leave" You reply with why you are continuing development with your mod?

Also, if you are continuing development after all these years, even after many hardships appearently, doesn't that confirm what I have been saying? That you can continue development even if you are burned out or faced a problem?

So I ask again, knowing well that I will not get an answer:

You are saying it's hard to have passion for your work when you are bossed around on a weekly basis. How does that relate to modding, which is something you do for fun in your free time and leisure?
Who is telling modders to "meet the targets or leave"?

Maybe it is a good thing that you are walking away. You are not making any sense.

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monster_urby - - 3,030 comments

OK, let me try to answer as calmly as I can because last night I was furious which likely owed to my incoherent responses.

"You are saying it's hard to have passion for your work when you are bossed around on a weekly basis. How does that relate to modding, which is something you do for fun in your free time and leisure?"

This was NOT related to modding. This is simply clarifying to you why I burnt out and quit a physically and mentally draining job. Not because I was "living in luxury" or having a "spoiled attitude" as you wildly and incorrectly assumed. THAT was the main reason for my annoyance at that point.

"Who is telling modders to "meet the targets or leave?"

Nobody is telling modders to meet targets or quit. Again, as above, simply clarifying WHY I burnt out and left my job and why plenty of others have done and will continue to do the same.

The reason I bring this up is because of your initial post.

"Do you also resign from your job because you are "burnt out?"

Yes, in certain cases you absolutely do.

And you absolutely should quit working on a mod if it makes you feel the same way. If taking a break doesn't help and if development stagnates and you REALLY don't want to work on it any more? You stop.

Again, coming back to your initial post:

"If the developers of mods such as this could see their projects as works that NEED to be completed they would have completed them, simple as that."

That is simply incorrect and not the way a hobby should be approached.

Anything else I need to clear up?

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Magic_Nipples - - 1,325 comments

The first advantage of being dumb is nobody expects much from you. Even if you perform a little, you will get all praises and publicity.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


You would know that, wouldn't you?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-7 votes
Magic_Nipples - - 1,325 comments

Fat storage around the butt might be related to intelligence.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,893 comments


Yeah, yeah.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-7 votes
Amish_ - - 95 comments

For a person who has been here since 2013, I thought you would know better.

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sumbum21 - - 87 comments

I'm not even curious about this thread, I just wanna know if that means "if you're smart you also got a fat ***" or not-

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
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