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You are an oil entrepreneur. You don't belong to a corporation, so it's your choice to take on the risks. Construct, operate, maintain, and hopefully bring your business to prosperity. Protect your facility from raiders and protests. Decide how much to pay your employees, but beware of strikes if you pay them too little. Erecting a base in a minor Middle Eastern country, you begin the first trifle steps getting the basic facility running. Build your oil drill, power it, and start pumping.

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Extra Details
Employees can only be hired by hand, requiring you to post flyers describing the characteristics needed of the new hand throughout the local area. Within a day or two, an employee will be found with the necessary, or better, characteristics and provide you with two more arms, hands, and hopefully a head unless you selected a low requirement of brainpower. Once the Oil Drill is constructed and powered you will be providing oil for yourself to maintain, utilize and export. Beware, although, as pollution your facility byproduces will not remain a secret for long. Local citizens may become upset enough to protest. Raiders may eventually find value in your facility. The country's government will provide paid guards if you become enough of an asset for them, but until then you will have to hire expensive local militia. Build fences and gates to protect the facility, searchlights and guardposts to deter raids and protests. Your employees may go on strike, providing your treatment of their wage is grotesque enough. All in all, be ready for the consequences of hitting "Play".

|-|Specific Details

| Name of the game.

In case you didn't see: My Oil Crew, although I'm open to thoughts on tweaking it.

| Sale Price

I hope to sell it around $10 or under, depending on the end quality and necessary earnings.

| Languages

I am only experienced in English, although I've taste tested Chinese Mandarin, Spanish, and German. Support may come for other languages, although it may not end up perfect.

| Terrain

Randomly generated system. Simple graphics, with nighttime. Trees, rocks, marketplaces, and enough open space for development.

| Manager (That's you)

Basically a unit you command to move, transport stuff, construct things, and manage the facility.

| Employee

Basically a unit you can command to move, transport stuff, and construct things--although on an individual basis. It's mostly controlled by the AI with your instructions. You will have to give daily tasks until you research a routine which gives you the ability to set tasks to be done at certain times of the day.

| Facility

You will be able to build the Generator, Oil Drill, Fracking Pump, Lights, Structures, Silos, Oil Depot, Crane, Misc Office Items, Gates, Guardposts, etc. More ideas to come.

| Militia, Guards, Raiders, Citizens, Employees

These are all people with slightly varying personalities. These pers. give them more health, damage, abilities to do things, etc. As said before raiders may raid, citizens may protest, and etc. You may see young citizens playing soccer and doing other things beyond the outskirts of your facility for added depth. The paperboy will come every day or so, and you'll be able to check up on local and economical updates that may help you sell your oil at a better price or prepare for a crash or etc. Missionaries may visit your facility, and your choice to let them in or not could have an affect on the Sins and Blessings system described below.

| Deterioration

The objects in the game may deteriorate over time, and require replacement entirely or just for a part or two.

| Sins and Blessings System

It's a stress and relief system. Every once in a while a verse will display in a glorious haze in the background and a voice will read it unintelligibly. These will pronounce curses or blessings on your facility depending on whether you did something wrong (EX. polluting the environment with scrap) or whether you did something good (EX. giving your employees raises). A blessing will provide a gift for you (EX. A donation of scrap wood from the locals), and a curse will hurt you someway or another (EX. Your employees' stress level goes up, tempting a strike).


If you've read this far, please follow for more and give me your thoughts and ideas in a comment. It really helps out with morale support, and just knowing I have a community that wants My Oil Crew.


| About the Author

My dream's been to develope a successful and greatly enjoyable game for years. You may be surprised that I haven't even gotten schooling to progam. Yes, I learned everything from my own mistakes, books, and online, but don't worry, I know most of what I'm doing ;). I'm not sure how long this project will take me, but I will see about getting it around the end of 2017. NO PROMISES. Then I will either release on steam, or on a private website.

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