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HW Population AHL

In this article I'd like to gather some numbers and to theorize a bit where it's possible.


  1. The Sources
  2. Changelog
  3. Before Hiigaran Landfall
  4. After Hiigaran Landfall
    • Hiigaran Kushan Population
    • Hiigaran Taiidan Population
    • Taiidan Population
  5. Age of S'jet
    • Kiithless & Kiithid
    • Imogen & Isaac
  6. Outro
  7. Read More

The Sources

  • HW1 - Homeworld 1, manual, game
  • HWC - Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence, manual, game
  • HWCO - Homeworld Cataclysm, outtakes
  • HWWOS - HW and HWC ship descriptions, well of souls
  • HW2 - Homeworld 2, manual, game
  • HW2PR - Homeworld 2, Prima Official eGuide
  • HWDOK - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Expedition Guide, game
  • HWR - Homeworld: Revelations RPG
  • HWRS - Homeworld: Revelations RPG Story Seeds
  • HWM - Homeworld: Mobile, homeworldsource.net
  • HW3 - Homeworld 3
  • HWDST - Homeworld Dust Wars drafts


  • 27.05.24 - split the article due to going out of available characters per article;

Before Hiigaran Landfall

You can find this info here, at Homeworld: Population I.

After Hiigaran Landfall

HW Taiidan Insignia

And Yahweh spoke to me, saying, "I have seen this people, and look, it is a stiff-necked people. Leave me alone, and I will destroy them, and blot out their name from under the heavens, and I will make you become a nation mightier and more numerous than they."
(c) Deuteronomy 9-13

Hiigaran Kushan Population

HWC tells us about the population of Hiigara (though it will be corrected a bit in HWM):

Nearly 550,000 of us survived the Exodus from Kharak…

One of the most difficult aspects of the Hiigaran Landfall was the revival of our so-called “Sleeper Kiithid”, the 92% of our current population who traveled from Kharak to Hiigara in cryogenic suspension.

We do know that 600k of Sleepers is a loose reference to the Moses Exodus:

The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Sukkoth. There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children.
(c) Exodus 12:37

Usually it's said about 603550 men with uncounted Levi's priest in count of 22300 men. Though there are doubts that it could be possible, and there's even a theory that it's a mistake of translating old texts that has some words double meanings that are not actual today, and it could be not 600k but 600 families, but we do not need to dig too deep here.

But that hint of 623850 men could be an unsuspected hint about the crew of the First Mothership - 600k sleeps, 24k people working! But of course, that just an awkward assumption.

There is even more detailed statistics, but I wouldn't recommend to stick too much to this information as in the end it's a reference, not a source.

But somewhat these numbers match the numbers about the strongest kiithid of AHL.

…six great Fleets <…> of Manaan, Soban, Naabal, LiirHra, Paktu and Kaalel take turns patrolling the outer systems, guarding our trade routes, and defending Hiigara itself.

The Paktu, the Manaan, the Sjet, Naabal, LiirHra, Kaalel and Soban are by far the largest kiith groupings in existence, and their combined numbers come to almost 300,000.


<Naabal> have a slightly higher percentage of Sleepers among the colonists, having argued that their expertise would be needed on their homeworld if it was found uninhabited.(c) HWR, p.210, Kiith Naabal, Naabal History


Thanks to their specialized knowledge of communication technologies, encryption and linguistics, Kiith Kaalel had a disproportionate number of crew members and Sleepers onboard the Mothership. Nearly half of their Kiith survived the Burning of Kharak, some 50,000 men and women!
(c) HWCO, Kiith Kaalel


The upstart kiithling LiirHra went on to be a forerunner in Kharak's conquest of space, and they were key contributors to all aspects of manufacture and research of the Mothership. Among the Sleepers, LiirHra had a presence of nearly 50,000 souls, and since the return to Hiigara they have put many of the technological advances we made during the Exodus to good use.
(c) HWCO, Kiith LiirHra

Upon landfall on Hiigara, Kiith LiirHra absorbed the survivors of Kiith Hraal to bolster their numbers
HWR, p.224, Minor and Vassal Kiith, Kiith LiirHra


Kiith LiirHra would compete with Kiith Paktu for aerospace technological prowess, and it was anyone's guess which Kiith would prove the stronger. When Kharak was destroyed in 1216 KDS, Kiith Paktu had a greater number of Sleepers and active personnel on the Mothership.
HWR, p.224, Minor and Vassal Kiith, Kiith LiirHra


…only 15,000 Somtaaw awakened on Kharak, less than a twentieth of their number, and the vast majority of these were men. During the Somtaaw/Naabal debate, dispossessed members of many Kharak's devastated kiithid joined the Somtaaw as family members, swelling their ranks from 15,000 to nearly 25,000 in a few short months.
(c) HWC, p.9, Kiith Somtaaw


Only 200 Siidimi were accepted on the Gold List to become colonists.
(c) HWR, p.217, Kiith Siidim, The Chosen One

It was one of the great ironies of the landfall on Hiigara that some of the few Siidim that remained joined
with Kiith Manaan to survive.
(c) HWR, p.231, Modern Era Alliances, Kiith Mannan, Kiith Siidim

...Kiith Siidim's numbers had diminished too far to stand on their own, becoming absorbed by Kiith Somtaaw after landfall.
(c) HWR, p.217, Kiith Siidim, Aliens Origins


No one embodies the Kushan hatred of Imperials more perfectly than the man now known as Iifrit Tambuur'sa. Iifrit is the last living member of the Tambuur kiith, and for the past twelve years he has lived largely in the new Taidan Republic.
(c) HWC, p.7, The Rude Awakening

Only twelve members were selected for the Gold List, and of them only Ifriit Tambuur survived after the
cryo-trays were attacked by the Taiidan.
HWR, p.222, Minor and Vassal Kiith, Kiith Tambuur


Lacking the influence of the larger Kiithid, only six hundred of their number were selected for the Mothership Program, and after landfall on Hiigara they once again became vassals to Kiith S'jet simply to survive.
HWR, p.222, Minor and Vassal Kiith, Kiith Sagald

Following landfall on Hiigara, Kiith Jaraci was absorbed into Kiith S'jet. Remarkably, they split again seventy-five years later to once again focus on signals technology, with a preference in Progenitor sciences.
HWR, p.224, Minor and Vassal Kiith, Kiith Jaraci


  • Hiigaran Kushan population is 600k large;
  • Paktu, Manaan, S'jet, Naabal, Soban, LiirHra & Kaalel in sum are about 300k;
  • Nabaal - ~50k++ (have slightly higher percentage than others);
  • Kaalel - ~50k;
  • LiirHra - ~50k + kiith Hraal;
  • Paktu - ~50k+ (Sleepers count is bigger than LiirHra's);
  • Somtaaw - ~15k + 10k of other small kiiths, including Siidim members;
  • Siidim - 200 people, joined Somtaaw and Manaan;
  • Tambuur - 1 man survived of 12 Sleepers, probably more to join his Pauura for Taiidani sculps;
  • Sagald - 600 Sleepers, joined S'jet;
  • Jaraci - joined S'jet and 75 years later splintered out;

Hiigaran Taiidan Population

BB: I imagine back in Hiigara, once the Kushan or the Taiidan came back, whicever race you played as, they didn't kill all the people who were already on in the planet. Those people just stayed on Hiigara.
AK: Yeah, and they probably cross-pollinated the designs - the same way Britain started building fighters based on Germany's Focke-Wulf 190 at the end of WWII. The Sea Fury is basically a British version of the Focke-Wulf 190
(c) Homeworld Artbook

HWM has introduced a new Khaaneph - the Kiithless, Hiigaran Taiidans that have not left Hiigara.

Kiithless info

31 million people was there initially, and even we count that about 1/3 of it, those who had money to leave - check the wealth pyramid diagrams, has gone in a direction of Taiidan Civil War, still it's around +20 millions to Hiigara population.

So, with this Kiithless retcon, we have a situation of approx. 600k Kushan Hiigarans vs. approx. 20 millions Taiidan Hiigarans, that no one was writing about in AHL 15, only about the situation with Kiith Somtaaw being wannabe consumed by Kiith Naabal.

I believe that leads to a very unpleasant conclusion that Kushans have created their own version of Golden Million System: with Kiithid members being above all the others, thus strengthening the Kiithid political system. Of course, such people rights disbalance would unleash Siidimism seeds, having Hiigaran Taiidans as the 2nd sort citizens, leaving them to live in a situation of growing unemployment, poverty, criminality, corruption, marginalization, radicalism, thus creating a prejudice of "What good can come out of Taiidan?".

Elysium Matt

With the constant threat of Imperialist rule, for many Kushan, the only good Taidani is a dead one and even the moderates are pushing for the annexation of nearby former Taidan worlds in the name of security for Hiigara.
(c) HWC, p.6, C1 Historical Brief, The Rude Awakening

Finally, the racism is pretty fractal in it's essence, so in the end the Kiithid would fight for power trying to find out who's the Kushaniest of all the Kushanid, and is most righteous Kiith to become the Sa-Kiith, a leader kiith, and why can't it consume a bit more kiithid for this goal? As we saw in HWC, if you don't have a Battle Fleet, you'd be easily lost in the Game of Kiithid.

Elysium - Jodie

Taiidan Population

A powerful group of military, political and economic figures had been plotting a coup in secret for years, staying only steps ahead of one purge or another as they looked desperately for the trigger that could sway 360 billon souls against their God-like Emperor.
HWC, p.14, The Taidan Republic, The End of the Imperial Era

The Taidan Empire of Year 0 AL (9510 Galactic Standard Year) held 150 star systems in its grip...
HWC, p.14, The Taidan Republic, The End of the Imperial Era

So, this is what we know about the Taiidan Empire population: 360 billion people, 150 star systems.

But what about the Taiidan Republic?

After 5 years of skirmishes and all-out battles, the Taidan Republic finally stabilized and established an uneasy peace within itself...but by the time the shooting stopped, only 60 out of a 150 star systems were willing to call themselves Taidani. Most of these loyal worlds are centered in the Galactic Core, while the spiral regions of the old Empire have splintered into a variety of small kingdoms, duchies and independent democratic states.
HWC, p.15, The Taidan Republic, The Taidan Republic

So, we we might only guess how big is the remaining population - if the population would be spread evenly across all the star systems, it would be 60:150*360 ~= 144 billions. But I believe, that the world on the edge of Taiidan Empire had less population than the core worlds. So my guesstimate would be around 60% to remain Taiidani.

At the Empire's fall there were 137 Saarkin Cho on active duty, and by the time the ashes of the civil war cooled approximately 70 of these heavy carriers were still active, 19 of these flying the colors of the Imperialist faction.
HWC, p.15, The Taidan Republic, The Taidan Republic

Another guesstimate is that this power proportion - 19/51 - might tell us the difference of star systems and population number between Taiidani Republic and Imperialists. But again, this is a linear function which might be not very correct in this case.

Interesting that 360 billion Taiidan Empire kept 137 carriers and it was called:

Emperor Riesstiu IV-2's increasing paranoia led to a prohibitively large and expensive military
(c) HWC, p.14, The End of Emperial Era

The same time Hiigaran Kushans, having ~500k citizens and 31 million of Taiidan non-citizens, had this:

Manned by a skeleton crew of 8,000 engineers, the Mothership <…> has given birth to over 30 carrier-class ships since the Hiigaran Landfall. The result of this phenomenal output has been a new Hiigaran navy, which consists of six great Fleets...

Well, Hiigaran Kiithid really looks like very militarized - "sobanized".

Hiigarans doing their part

Age of S'jet

HW POP Nimbus

A 5-light-year sphere of influence was also granted the new Hiigarans, in recognition of their aid to the Republic during the dark days of the Coup
HWC, p.15, The Taidan Republic, The Taidan Republic

Under the guidance of Karan S'jet, the Hiigarans have forged an empire spanning the Inner Rim.
(c) HW2, Gameplay Guide, p.2, The Hiigarans

I'm not that tempted in politics, but do you know if an Empire can be a Republic?

They were a proud people with an even prouder past, and no longer mere Exiles, but Hiigarans. They had faced endless trials and bitter enemies, and yet in the face of every challenge they had built a republic spanning nearly 40 worlds at its height
(c) HW2PR, p. 167, Appendix C: The History of Hiigara, Rebuilding

Once there were questions if it was possible to make HW2 180 million population of Hiigara out of 600k Sleepers with eventual approximal calculations approving it's possible, but now we can see that it was a wrong question: it appears that 180 millions belonged to just 1 world of 40, thus the total number grows bigger. And it seems that those Taiidan Hiigarans could play a role in this, making this task easier.

I think, due to gravity issues - Kharak/Mars vs. Hiigara/Earth gravity - at least the first Sleeper generation should have preferred to live on Angel's Moon - so, it's at least 1 planet of Hiigaran Empire.

As well, it seems that some of these 40 worlds were taken from Taiidan borderland while while they were busy with their Civil War...

…even the moderates are pushing for the annexation of nearby former Taidan worlds...
(c) HWC, p.6, C1 Historical Brief, The Rude Awakening

Kiithless & Kiithid

“The two dark ships became one with the darkness, separated by the Solar System and drifting further apart. Carrying with them the entirety of human thoughts and memories, and embracing all of the Earth's glory and dreams, they quietly disappeared into the eternal night.”
(c) Liu Cixin, The Dark Forest

However, as those with no Kiith gained power on Hiigara, the ancient clans turned their ambitions outward.
Each Kiith and clan began to construct their own fleets once again. Though the Hiigaran people were unified by destiny, new ambitions began seeking different paths. All of the Kiith were going their own way.
Cast out of their world, the old Kiith clans departed. Some would never return.
(c) HWM Intro cutscene

It's interesting to see how Vaygr War has shifted a structure of Hiigaran society: kiithless has prevailed and kiithid used new opportunities to find their ways somewhere completely outside. But it doesn't feel like it was something peaceful in its essence:

"After reinforcing their rule over Hiigara's central government, the Kiithless moved to gain control over the Hiigaran navy"
"the Kiithless have begun launching their own treasure-seeking expeditions"
"Hiigaran Special Service Forces – a new operations force in the Hiigaran navy which is rapidly becoming the militant arm of the Kiithless Hiigarans"
(c) HWM, Ambitions and Vectors

And while administrative part is pretty clear - kiithless have managed to prevail after a century of oppressions - the military power division has its issues: it looks like the new Hiigaran administration is smart enough to not let it loose to the brink of a civil war, irritating the ones with the guns, but they are happy to blow off steam to another galaxy.

So, I assume that post Vaygr War power positions on Hiigara are following:

    those who hold to good old' Kharakian traditions, Hiigaran Kushans; are they like Yakuza now?..
    Those Warrior Kiiths from HWC - Naabal, S'jet, Soban, Manaan, Paktu, Kaalel, LiirHra, Somtaaw and other kiithid;
    While many of the established Kiith accused Somtaaw of further undermining the ancient social systems for their own benefit, the result was Somtaaw was granted access to the Mothership Station for a period of six months.
    Mothership access for other lesser Kiith soon followed.
    (c) HWC, Historical Brief, p.12, Kiith History: Somtaaw
    those who are tired of the old Kharakian traditions; Hiigaran Kushans with Hiigaran Taiidans;
    These guys are controlled directly by the Great Daiamid, but a century of apartheid politics would have added some kiithid-supporting and/or kiithless not supporting guys to the top of command building their own trusted men lines, so Hiigaran Navy obedience is also pretty fragile thing;
    those who want to break enslaving Kharakian traditions, Hiigaran Taiidans, in general;
    A new power controlled by the Great Daiamid majority powers, this time without "but's". Technically, is a part of Hiigaran Navy but in time would consume it by putting trusted men to the key positions. At least in the HW Original Galaxy.

It seems that in the Original Galaxy Hiigaran population is getting into a natural order: they are becoming Taiidans with forced influence of Kushan culture. The Hiigarans. Interesting what relations do they have with the post-Vaygr War Taiidan Republic?..

Nimbus Galaxy seems to receive a bit of all those guys: kiithid guys, the "Kharakians", UHF guys, the "Old-Hiigarans" and kiithless guys "New-Hiigarans", and probably the amount of them would be the "traditional" number of around half-million people. At least, they managed to establish a separate Hiigaran state of Medea.

Probably, militarized nationalistic corporatocratic traditionalist neo-feodal - well, fascist - Kiithid leaving into Nimbus establishing Medea state is a best way to preserve that old Kharakian culture, leaving OG to Taiidans that have consumed both old Hiigarans, new Vaygrs and whoever there was in the middle.

As well, we know some Vaygr forces managed to sneak-in to Nimbus, with their number uncertain.

Imogen & Isaac

It is worse than a crime, it is a mistake. (c)

But it's interesting how HWM and HW3 are having conflicting messages: HWM tells us a story of Kiithid system fall with the kiith traditionalists self-exiling to the Nimbus galaxy, Kiithless prevail and all-Hiigaran unification, but HW3, a century later, still exploits the kiithid feature with Imogen S'jet and Isaac Paktu.

HW3 Isaac Paktu

Well, probably, according to the languagial history, Naabal's Northern Coalition spiritually became an owner of Hiigara, and Paktu's Southern Federation descendants still competed it, but being the minority they became kiithid traditionalists.

And S'jet… I guess, S'jet-sid didn't want to let the power strings loose thus remaining a "good ol' Levi's tribe of Kharak". Well, those two kiiths seemed to be pretty much liberal, but it seems that it only seemed - like in those optic illusions when the same color does not feel the same only because of the contrasting color nearby; and in this case the Heresy Wars of Gaalsien and Siidim made Northern Coalition and Southern Federation look brighter but the Shadow of Kharakian culture is always to remain, unconsciously repeating learned patterns thus old systems and their problems - like, "artist-creation" issue when you can't hide from yourself.

HW3 Imogen Sjet

As well, it looks like Imogen and Isaac are a sort of new Hiigaran Kushan aristocrats, so we still have here Homeworld "princess" situation... How was it came that S'jet-Sa descendant and a genius hyperspace physics scientist gone through the Navigator connection surgery and got a place of a battle Fleet Command? As a specialist she should have been a Fleet Intelligence or just a consultant. Feels like there's more of a "S'jet descendant" in this approval than anything else.

After successfully lobbying the Daiamid with the aid of the S'jet Kiith-Sa…
(c) HW3 manual, p.23
While true AI continues to be prohibited technology by Daiamid Edict…
(c) HW3 manual, p.44
…Smart Missiles seem more advanced than any other Incarnate AI systems and there are reports of microscopic traces of Incarnate organic matter being found at Smart Missile impact sites...
(c) HW3 manual, p.71

I wonder if the Imogen was a secret product of S'jet Tech willing to create their own Ender/Muad'dib to surpass human brain limitations in understanding hyperspace technologies. Like, they forbade AI to leave their rivals behind (like Somtaaw that made an AI-leap in the Beast Wars and currently blade-walking with RC drones), they gained new data from The Beast remains, and continued their Kharak-started biotech researches started with xenogenesis, cryopods, neurosciences and going forward... For sure, Riesstiu IV cloning chambers would look interesting for S'jet… What if Karan S'jet was living so long not because of a mystical Progenitor "dust" - the official propaganda - but because she was the first successful public figure of this genetically modified line of Homo Sjetticus applied to Sjet-Sa family, thus Karan's will to become the Fleet Command was also an act of Power not Sacrifice...

Looks like kiith S'jet has won this Game of Kiithid, having The Great Mother Karan on their side for 200+ years. The spice of the situation is that not the kiith Naabal but their lesser rivals Paktu are near S'jet: thus S'jet had been shadowy puppeteering the balance of the situation AHL when they countered the same Naabal with lesser Kiithid access to Mothership Shipyard resulting in Somtaaw revival, and then blowing off the steam of the Kiithless public discontent thus still saving wealth and power of the Kiithid century later.

Looks like back on Kharak it was S'jet who infiltrated into Naabal and Gaalsien rage on them had a reason. Kaalel could tell a lot of stories about their ex-suzerain but the 'truth is a precious commodity" (c). What could the Angel Moon of S'jet flag tell us about the old days?..

HW3 Bene Gesserit

And thus, the Kushan Atlas, that shrugged the Old Taiidan War, Kharakian Ecocide, Heresy Wars, Kadeshi Slaughter, Taiidan Civil War, The Beast War, Kiithless Apartheid and reignited the Anomaly, continues to go baldly into the HWU.

Are we the baddies?

Kalan Baldro vs Hiigarans


Of course, there is no answers to a lot of thing in HW Universe, as there are blank creative spaces yet to be written, but some of these gaps could be shrunk by analyzing existing data, following the hints.

For example, there are still questions:

  • where are those hundreds of Exile ships gone? Are they Turanics or Vaygr now, for example?
  • what about population of the Frerrn Aggregate that rivaled with the Taiidan Empire?
  • how many Vaygrs was there, if they've managed to conquer half of the galaxy, including Taiidans?
  • what about the other HW original galaxy factions?
  • what about the other 3 galaxies?
  • and so on...

Read More Of Homeworld

In April 12th of 1961, the first manned flight to space has happened. Mars is not yet terraformed and no contact with Trisolarians, but... A small step for a man, you know...

Congratulation everyone!

HW VR Header

No, this is not an April Fool's joke, a new game in the series has indeed been announced, Homeworld: Vast Reaches, a game by the FarBridge team commissioned by Gearbox. And such an abbreviation - HWVR - is no coincidence: it is indeed a game created for the VR headset, unfortunately. Or not.


  1. The Sources
  2. Change Log
  3. Graphics
  4. GUI
  5. Units
  6. Music
  7. Plot
  8. First Play
  9. My Conclusions
  10. Links

The Sources

  • HW1 - Homeworld 1, manual, game
  • HWC - Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence, manual, game
  • HWCO - Homeworld Cataclysm, outtakes
  • HWWOS - HW1 and HWC ship descriptions, well of souls
  • HW2 - Homeworld 2, manual, game
  • HW2PR - Homeworld 2, Prima Official eGuide
  • HWDOK - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Expedition Guide, game
  • HWR - Homeworld: Revelations RPG
  • HWRS - Homeworld: Revelations RPG Story Seeds
  • HWM - Homeworld: Mobile, homeworldsource.net
  • HW3 - Homeworld 3
  • HWDST - Homeworld Dust Wars drafts
  • HWVR - Homeworld Vast Reaches press-release and stuff

Change Log

  • 04.04.24 - first draft
  • 23.04.24 - removed "Meta-only" and added Steam page
  • 02.05.24 - added first play of the game


The graphics are good. For HW1. Perhaps, comparable to HW2 (2003). Or even, with HWM. Why is that? I'm not sure.

HWVR scrshot with MS

HWVR Screenshot with Strike Craft

HWVR Screenshot Planet

Basically, the screenshots show us 2 or 3 planets and the trailer gives us one battle against 3 Vaygr shipyards with a Planet-Is-A-Lava background.


The choice of color palette here is, of course... They should have asked for a consultation from BBI (HWDOK, HW3) if not from Stratosphere Games (HWM), at least. The GUI looks too much StarTrekish.

HWVR Screenshot UI

HWVR Screenshot GUI Tactical Groups

HWVR Screenshot UI

HWVR Screenshot GUI

HWVR GUI Building

HWVR Screenshot GUI Sensor Manager

Also we can see here that there would be some MOBA-style actions, a red line from HWDOK to HW3, 3 tactical groups and quick special actions.


HWVR Screenshot with Taiidan Frigate

HWVR Screenshot Taiidan Destroyer

HWVR Screenshot New Ships

HWVR Screenshot Vaygr Controller

HWVR Kushan Force Field Frigate

As you see, there will be Kushans Fleet plus a sudden Defense Force Field Frigate on an old Kushan frigate chassis. There are also two inexplicable ships with some sort of a Star Trek appearance or it's just a bad HW design.

As for the interstellar traders, the Radaa, they were found to have Vaygr and Taiidan (imperialists, probably) technologies: there are Taiidan Destroyer with lance beams, Taiidan frigate of unknown purpose, Vaygr Shipyard, Vaygr Resource Controller, and Vaygr Fighters.

And Strike Craft is grouped in a HW2-style squads.

The movement is weird. How it comes that no descendant can repeat HW1/HW2 movement solidness even with the HW1 engine source code technically being opened to the public?


On the positive side - expect old and new (!) music from Paul Ruskay, the composer of the entire Homeworld series (at least "main" titles).


From what is known:

Set between the events of Homeworld 1 and Homeworld 2, you take on the role of Tyrra Soban, a new Fleet Command. Guiding you is Karan S’jet, the legendary hero of Homeworld War, as the original Kushan Mothership is pulled from retirement to serve as the flagship of a new fleet. Together Tyrra and Karan face a new threat, the Radaa, duplicitous interstellar traders who want to obtain your hyperspace core and don’t care if they destroy your Homeworld to get it.

A Bold New Chapter in the Homeworld Saga
A gripping new tale that expands the rich lore of Homeworld and centers on the iconic Mothership and its original commander, Karan S’jet, while introducing new Fleet Command, Tyrra Soban.

Encounter New Foes
Fight the Radaa, ruthless opportunists who assimilate their enemies and want to add your Mothership and its Hyperspace Core to their fleet.

(c) HWVR press release

What it's about: in HWC, the Mothership was converted into an orbital shipyard:

The Mothership, which once carried our people safely across 35,000 lightyears of uncharted space, is no longer fully operational. Deprived of the conscious direction of Karan Sjet, the Mothership’s engines are set on automatic; She serves as an orbital space station and shipyard. Manned by a skeleton crew of 8,000 engineers, the Mothership provides living quarters for those working in low orbit, and She has given birth to over 30 carrier-class ships since the Hiigaran Landfall.

HWC Orbital Shipyard

Kuun-Lan and Faal-Corum were built at this shipyard...

Karan S'jet in HW1 sacrificed herself for science and her people:

In order to serve as a living command core to the Mothership, one of our people would have to volunteer to be surgically altered so that most of the nerve trunks serving limbs and senses would be patched into ship systems instead. The subject would then have to be embedded permanently in the bridge of the ship. Karan Sjet refused to allow her technology to be used on anyone else.
(c) HW1, Historical Brief, [A9] Karan Sjet Solution

HW KaranSjet Unattached

But at the end of HW1, they put the brakes on all this and made a happy ending

And in HW2, she also became the Fleet Command of the "Pride of Hiigara":

She became Fleet Command of the Mothership, and the first Unbound of the Hiigarans, leading her people across the galaxy and to their home. She detached from the ship to walk her new homeworld for some 115 years before the Vaygr War called her once again to meld her mind with a machine.
(c) Homeworld Revelations, Chapter 6

The problem is that such a danger - the destruction of Hiigara, which necessitates to pull the old Mothership from retirement and prematurely return Karan S'jet with the involvement of some intern, devalues her secondary sacrifice in HW2 - it stands out too much from the established timeline. Events of such magnitude are nowhere mentioned or even implied, such as in the case of the fall of the Taiidan Republic under the pressure of the Vaygr (which is then directly confirmed in HWM), and, essentially, it turns out to be a very crude and inappropriate retcon. And how could some no-name traders threaten a faction that clashed with the Taiidan Empire itself?..

HWU Official Timeline

The official key events of the HWU timeline

So, all this plot seems like somewhat cheap fan service, almost verbatim repeating the beginning of HW2 (which also somewhat fan-servicely repeated HW1, which is not surprising after the total reboot of Homeworld Dust Wars, cutting off everything unnecessary and getting HW2 from it - and I guess we would get some more of it in HW3 beginning) with the reuse of key moments from the series. Why it was necessary to use them for a new story is unclear: the HW OG galaxy is barely used, apart from it there's the HWM galaxy, and two more are just mentioned. There is a lot of place for localized events, like HWC thing or a new conflict with Tyrra Soban as a Soban Mercenary Fleet Command having Super Carrier Group in the Vaygr Reaches without the need of pulling out Karan S'jet and Kushan Mothership - and that would perfectly explain a low number ships under you command, being as well a mild prequel to HW2/HW3 events.

In the end, they could have just remade the original campaigns, no-one would be against it.

Maybe they will try to explain where the first Mothership gone, or how the dumb Kushans figured out that they are having The Great Hyperspace Core, but this could have been done without such somersaults.

In any case, this will occur between the GSY 9525 (HWC) and GSY 9625 (HW2). Among the other known dates there are few:

  • GSY 9550 Hiigarans reveal ancient documents about the true nature of the MS GHC (HW2PR)
  • GSY 9586 The last of "Perdition" class Missile Destroyer of original Kushan Fleet is retired (HWM)
  • GSY 9595 Fleet Tactical Debates (HW1)

Perhaps, it's around GSY 9580's (AHL 70's), as the first date is a bit too early, and the 3rd is fanonical.

The new enemy, overall, is somewhat a crude alternative to the Beast from HWC, which was also born out of the necessity to use already prepared assets. But there could be some Vaygr and Makaan backstory included. All in all, the game could have been openly called Homeworld Vaygr Reaches. Maybe that was the plan, who knows?..

First Play

Nope. No miracle. It's just bad - from graphics to UI/UX, from the design to plot... Paul Ruskay music should be evacuated out of here, and this ship should be abandoned and forgotten, should be Kharam

My Conclusions

Well... When Gearbox acquired Homeworld franchise with a promise to develop it, there was a hope for a brighter future for it, and a hope that Aliens Colonial Marines story was just a bad luck. But it seems that the new owner started to abuse HW franchise, having it everywhere and cheap, from pinball game (which is even cool as nothing lore-breaking and just a fun game-step aside) to this.

  • Homeworld Remastered Collection
    was unfinished, thanks to modders and developers who eventually brought the version up to 2.3
    (HW1 -> HW2 script converter didn't always work, making the HW1 campaign more like a mod,
    HW1 Classic is based on prerelease Raider's Retreat version making it buggy
  • Homeworld Mobile
    mobile F2P that took a very long time to get on a rails, and which still can't produce a PC client (however, it even succeeded comparing to others HW's)
  • Homeworld Deserts of Kharak
    a short unmoddable prequel with DLC reskins, plot holes and retcons (but it's beautiful!)
  • Homeworld Revelations
    A tabletop RPG system - can't tell anything about the game system itself - but it felt lacking of a final proofreading (though it was a quite nice lore addition book)
  • Homeworld Fleet Command
    A tabletop wargame with poorly thought-out game element layout, low-quality models, lack of a proper story campaign (!), and rules that are still being corrected to this day
  • Homeworld 3
    A game that was rushed to be released on March 8th, but the demo showed that its UI, UX, graphics and gamepad-style ("strategy-lite") game design weren't ready for release in a month, and then it was moved from Women's Day to Mother's Day... And you know the rest of the story.

And, finally, we're here with Homeworld Vast Reaches.

HWVR Expectation vs. Reality

I don't know, maybe it's desperate time requiring desperate acts, and Embracer case have affected the decisions, and with Take Two the things would change - well, these guys have Rockstar GTA and are financing Ken Levin's Judas, you know... And by the way - HWC developer, Barking Dog is now Rockstar Vancouver!

Well, OK, maybe I was a bit harsh here, maybe the gameplay will turn out to be quite good. Some screenshots are tagged with the word "Hercules", and perhaps the FarBridge studio was working on something of their own when they were approached with a lucrative offer to rework it for another franchise. Maybe the IGN journalist is right, and the game will be pretty decent. Maybe even the story will be tolerable. We'll see. Anyway, I don't have VR-set.

But I can imagine a story flip for this one to have it somewhat justified: it could be something of virtual Sobani-Radaa tests - with Radaa being a friendly merchants selling this neuro-simulators simply setting themselves as an enemies (with all the greatest faction ships) not offend anyone else, you know like common military training agenda. Wargames, HW3 style ;).

And this could bring an interesting question - why would any post-Karan Fleet Command need a screen of any size instead of some kind of full-scale Virtual Reality set? And what about making some crippled veterans to become for example, cruiser Unbound full-time if this kind of operation is now quite a regular thing?..

HW Unbound


Read More Of Homeworld

HW Population BHL

In this article I'd like to gather some numbers and to theorize a bit where it's possible.


  1. The Sources
  2. Changelog
  3. The Dark Times
  4. The Old Times
  5. The Exile
    • Pre-Kiithid
    • Religion
    • Matriarchy
  6. After Kharakian Sandfall
    • The Great Desert Landing
    • Kharak Desertification
    • The Xenodigestion Question
    • Pre-launch Population
    • Kiithid Population
    • Mothership Population
    • Survivors of Kharak
    • The Seeds of Siidimism
  7. Kadeshi Population
  8. After Hiigaran Landfall
  9. Read More

The Sources

  • HW1 - Homeworld 1, manual, game
  • HWC - Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence, manual, game
  • HWCO - Homeworld Cataclysm, outtakes
  • HWWOS - HW and HWC ship descriptions, well of souls
  • HW2 - Homeworld 2, manual, game
  • HW2PR - Homeworld 2, Prima Official eGuide
  • HWDOK - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Expedition Guide, game
  • HWR - Homeworld: Revelations RPG
  • HWRS - Homeworld: Revelations RPG Story Seeds
  • HWM - Homeworld: Mobile, homeworldsource.net
  • HW3 - Homeworld 3
  • HWDST - Homeworld Dust Wars drafts


  • 31.12.23 - finalized v1.0
  • 10.01.24 - added a HWC quote about "good Taiidani is a dead one"
  • 23.01.24 - added a question about Kathedral of Kadesh
  • 02.02.24 - added part about Survivors of Kharak
  • 22.02.24 - added a Hiigara Paradox text
  • 15.03.24 - updated mouse picture
  • 02.04.24 - added few videos about Atmosphere Ignition Theories
  • 05.04.24 - added calculations of Hiigaran vs Taiidan Space Fleet
  • 08.04.24 - added the burning of Per Doine to the Human Rights Watch list
  • 18.04.24 - added Karan S'jet as the Great Mother and Imogen S'jet as a player of Game of Kiithid
  • 19.04.24 - added info about Hiigaran individualism and S'jet shadow cardinalism
  • 26.04.24 - added info about known consequences for Kushan prisoners
  • 27.05.24 - split the article due to going out of available characters per article;

The Dark Times

It has begun with the Progenitors or Sajuuk seeding humanity in at least 4 galaxies - OG, Nimbus, Eros and Aurora, and vanishing in a sort of a Civil War.

God's leaving his children on their own - a kind of a modern Zeitgeist. Like, God is Dead (c). Again.
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (c) Matthew 27:46

The Old Times

HW POP OldTimes

We do not know much about the pre-Exile period, nor about the Hiigarans, nor about the Taiidans or anybody else. But we do know that there were 16 Empires, including Hiigaran and Taiidan Empires (not certain, if the Bentusi are included in this premium list).

But we do know that the Hiigaran Empire consisted at least of a few worlds, and for sure Taiidan Empire had all of them later with a few fatal exceptions:

Every planet along the way was given the choice: join the Taiidan Empire, or be annihilated… every planet but one. Thinking that the Hiigaran people would not take their threat seriously, Riesstiu ordered the first planet in their path razed and its sacrifice used as an example to the rest of the Hiigaran Empire. It worked: few worlds chose destruction over subjugation, and the Taiidani fleet continued inexorably towards Hiigara
(c) HWR, p.236, C8 Galactic Community, Taiidan, Imperial History, A Cycle of Violence

So, it's not the entire Hiigaran Empire was exiled but only the capital of it, roughly speaking, the HQ, the ones who were responsible for the... Old Taiidan War. But basically, Old Hiigaran Empire enriched the Taiidan Empire with its population!

After that Taiidan Empire influence would grow up to the half of the galaxy, but people's number counting themselves as nominal Hiigarans would shrink to the Exile convoy ships passengers.

The Exile

HW POP Exile

13 Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is greater than I can bear.
14 Behold, you have driven me today away from the ground, and from your face I shall be hidden. I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, hand whoever finds me will kill me.”
15 Then the Lord said to him, “Not so! If anyone kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him seven fold.” And the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest any who found him should attack him.
(c) Genesis 4

The stern of the ship faced the Solar System, where the sun was by now no more than a yellow star just a bit brighter than the rest. The peripheral spiral arm of the Milky Way lay in this direction, its stars sparse. The depth and expanse of deep space exhibited an arrogance that left no support for the mind or the eyes.
“Dark. It’s so fucking dark,” the captain murmured, and then shot himself.
(с) Liu Cixin, The Dark Forest

And thus a millennium journey (GSY 6510-7500 (c) HWR) has begun. Not sure, why so long if they had a hyperdrive, and why so fast if they had not. But it's not the topic of this issue. Let's go on with people.

Of course, there is no data how many people were onboard of each Khar-Toba class ship,

we can only assume, that compared to other ship crews and situation depicted it must have been around 100k - it would be a great irony if only 5 reached the Kharak, and the pretty much the same number of people returned back to Hiigara

but for sure, there were a lot of them, how many ships (though there is a repeating texture of [UO-125] on a nose of Khar-Tobas), and part of them exploded while the journey, part of them settled in the Great Nebula, to be known as Kadeshi, another part settled on Kharak to be known as Kushans.

But a journey in isolated ships to nowhere for sure created a somewhat culturally crippled society.

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
(c) "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy


FIRST, the kiithid system: while it wasn't yet the one we knew from Kharak End Times, it started to form exactly this time. Family gangs, functional guilds and so on, something you might find in this soft but still a prison. People do like to divide others on 'us' and 'them', especially when they are short on resources, and people always require more resources. And probably, as the percentage of sociopaths are higher among the power players, and as we already understood, the Exile ships were full of those, the division and corruption had begun quite fast. And the dull cruise ceased to be tedious.

Interpretation of ancient legends and translations of texts found in the ruins of Khar-Toba suggest that our ancestors' journey to this world was arduous enough to break down all social structures except the most basic family bonds. When the power plant at Khar-Toba failed, refugees in all probability fled in small groups of friends and relatives. Harsh conditions and the passage of hundreds of years hardened what was originally a practical system, taking care of your own loved ones first, into a ritualized system of alliances and loyalties we have come to know as the kiith system.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.21, The Kharakid Social System

Reading HWR book, it seems that some of the writers were not very attentive, and tried to make the kiithid system as a Hiigaran all-the time feature despite the strong message from the very HW1, but you can read more about this in the Too Ancient Kiith LiirHra.


SECOND, isolated space with no escape is a great base for a dogmatic religiosity rise: the fate beyond your active control gets in a situation when, for self-preservation, you are forced to believe that there is something more than just a simple matter, that somebody - be it the fate, the universe a the god - would help you out. In the end, our God feeling is something about our life acceptance, the Jungian "Self", so to ease life most of us would follow our brains' monkey pack based natural conformism, changing ourselves for the sake of a overbearing community. There's nowhere to run, there's no place for deviant pioneers. The ship sinks and all the passengers are going down altogether. The old story becomes a myth, myth becomes a holy scripture. Kadeshi, Gaalsien, no one escapes. Want to argue? Here's the Exit.


THIRD, isolated space with limited resources, established and for centuries non-changing greenhouse would turn the society into "Universe-25" experiment. According to some theories males are an evolution's experimental field passing the successors genes to a female stabilization fund in a whole Species survival adaptation cycle to outer space changing environment, and if the environment doesn't change, a lot of evolutionary mechanisms would be broken, or to be better said - retuned. Natural male instincts of competitive fertilization, that are the same aggression/ expansion/ exploration / pioneering, would be reduced. Especially among those who had lost the war. In Jungian terms, I guess, it's like the Anima's supremacy over the Animus. And the society would become pretty much conservative - which comes close to the restrictive religiosity.

A porn might be a solution here, but it negatively affects the healthy physical and psychological attitude towards sex-relations, and probably it's not the best option in a conditions when we still want to reproduce the next generation and next and so on, so we cannot avoid intergender relationships. It's like giving a child a mobile device to play with instead of playing with him, raising communication skills. The whole situation may lead to a polyandry system as a natural way to control the birth rate in a condition of limited resources, thus making a women a head of a family, The Great Mother (and somewhat antagonizing Shadow figure of The Great Father Sajuuk who came and gone, who was mentioned in HWDOK as a sleeping god that awakened would judge people sins), which is pretty interesting, as the Jewish culture, that biblically affected HW storyline, has a tradition of the nationality to be received by a mother.

Fun fact is that if we take that there are feminatives in Kushan, then the word meaning a leader would be a feminative one - Kiith-S[a].

Adm. Riif-Sa: …Your Kiith Matron!
(c) HW1, p.39, Excerpts from fleet tactical debate 7.12.1302

Of course, after the Heresy Wars, Ifriit Naabal glorious appearance, and AHL Somtaaw lack of women, the situation seems to be in a gender equilibrium, but S'jet line of Rachel - Karan - Imogen shows that this scientific kiith is kind of a very traditionalistic one.

Or it's just sequel's "Ellen Ripley" syndrome.

As well, HW1 Sleepers having lost their relatives, would find one in Karan S'jet, making an idol of her, creating almost the unconscious cult of The Great Mother, especially having those traits she gained thanks to HWU writers.

For example, no persons under the age of 17 or over the age of 50 were accepted; <…> There were no children aboard the Mothership, nor any of our elders. When Kharak burned, the majority of Sleepers lost their blood links to both past and future;
(c) HWC, p.6, Historical Briefing, The Rude Awakening

But of course, this topic is pretty much discussible.

After Kharakian Sandfall

HW POP Sandfall

First, it's really hard to understand why Kushani had landed in the Great Banded Desert. If we are talking about the post-landing times, then there is an explanation of the Great Hyper Core acting like hyperjump attractor. But why did the Exiles landed exactly there, in the middle of nowhere - we can only guess.

IMHO, there are few explanations to that.

The Great Desert Landing

FIRST, they got dumber during that flight: a dogmatic conservative society (ironically, it should had been a great act of courage to split for the Kadeshi predecessors!) even fulfilling their goal - finding a planet possible to colonize - still continued to live around their Sacred Home, digging into the sand, growing food on existing ship food farms for 8 centuries (of course, if KDS 0 is Khar-Toba exodus time), until Khar-Toba Power Plant failed. Probably, it wasn't something people expected, as it would explain a loss of knowledge and a rollback to medieval times living, but the nature and the conditions they've put themselves into forced to think out of the box, spiritually predecessing the First Migration of Paktu.

And the landing itself could be a consequence of a numbing existence in isolation, maybe it was easier for the ship to land in the middle of nowhere as the astronavigation skills where not very useful when it required a skill of piloting: even if there were an AI that would do all the job for you, it's a captain to have a final word, and questioning AI might a bit tricky, especially if you don't know what you're searching for.

As well, the landing in a hostile environment of a desert could have been a desperate act of trying to hide a heat signature of an operating ship. In the end, even this didn't help - a satellite detected an anomaly UNDER the sands of the Great Desert, and that was a ship shut down already.


The recorded data had miraculously revealed a large metal object - but it was not in orbit. The sat's spinning path had caused it to repeatedly scan large swathes of Kharak's equatorial region. The power of the radar scan had penetrated to a distance of almost a hundred meters through the shifting sands.
(c) HWDOK, The Jaraci Object

Of course, the sat's tech was pretty advanced for Kushans, but was it advanced tech for interstellar factions? Only hope, that no one would do such a scan of an unremarkable planet Sajuuk knows where...

HWDOK Kharak Hype

Kharak Desertification

SECOND, the desert might have been not so cruel in the Kharak Sandfall times.

The relatively close distance to Kharak's parent star has resulted in ongoing desertification over millennia
(c) HWDOK, I Kharak, Kharakid Environment

So, according to HWDOK, it was really better in earlier days. And must have been a different desert in KDS -794 (HWR), and even in KDS ~700 (HW1) it was harsh but still possible for a tech-conservative Gaalsi to cross the Great Banded Desert to be beaten by Paktu warriors in the end. Even in KDS 178 KDS (HWC) it was possible for Somtaaw to settle in mountains and do some heavy duty work of mining, where the air even less than on a surface.

Gaalsien theologians preached that to deviate from the most accepted and ritualized survival methods was to actually extend the period of time before our people would be lifted back up to heaven. In the early days, this strict dogma paid off and allowed Kiith Gaalsien to survive and prosper during various ecological disasters during the period between 75-250.
(c) HW1, Historical and Technical Briefing, p.23, Kiith Gaalsien

HW POP Gasmask v2

But in KDS 1110 the ecological situation was already not that good that you had to use gasmasks to breath in a desert.

During the last triad of 1057, Kiith S'jet called a meeting of the full Daiamid of Tiir to discuss the results of their first full analysis of the northern desert flow patterns, and their devastating implications. Their investigation of sand flow and weather patterns revealed that the Great Barrier mountain range that protected the northern polar region, which had seemed insurmountable to storm and sand for centuries, would be overwhelmed within a hundred years unless something changed.
(c) HWDOK, II Project Stormbreaker

I believe that Naabali industrial revolution has damaged Kharak ecosystem fastening the inevitable domino-effect atmosphere balance change. Like, it's their Main Great Engineering Project. I guess, the Gaalsi should have been listened to, though, must say, this Kiith had quite ineffective persuasion techniques...

The Xenodigestion Question

Homeworld Mouse

Except for a small variety of bacteria and a single species of small forager, our helix proteins are completely different from all other forms of life on Kharak.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, A Question of Origins

In the Abnormality category, there are only three lifeforms: ourselves, a few bacterial
strains, and the ubiquitous and annoying riiti. In all of Kharak, only ourselves and a small,
grain-eating pest share enough common DNA and skeletal traits to be considered kin.
(c) HWDOK, I Kharak, Kharakid Biology

It seems, that the main problem of the other worlds colonization would not be viruses or bacteria like it was depicted in "War of the Worlds", as human beings are quite complex Earth evolution hand-shaped creatures, and for the life, not visible to the naked eye, to infect a human it would be like launching computer Windows virus on Unix systems - incompatible. Maybe some fatal brute force attack would work, but a dead organism is not a very good carrier, so in the end it's not what those beings are really looking for. Anyway I've tried to explain also in the Beast article, in the Origins: Natural Born Killers section.

But these human organism lines of defense are also more suited for the Earth biome products. So, to have a complex being you need to metabolize complex construction parts, and for us these are proteins called enzymes: food consisting of the familiar enzymes makes the digestive deconstruction process easier. And the alien life would consist of unfamiliar enzymes, thus the efficiency of digestion to be lower, if none: if a consumption of those elements takes more energy than you receive, for some it would be a nice option to get thinner, but in a terms of survival it would mean starvation and death. And we are not yet counting the poisonous and intoxicating cases. It's really like the Humanity has to bring their Texas with them simply to survive.

And we know that the Kushans are alien to Kharak. But in the end, people have survived for at least 1200 years on this planet, and it wasn't a life full of restriction (well, unless you're following Gaalsien Decrees of Kah'a), but there were migrations, wars, trade and so on, and so on, and the population grew. The fact that the Xenogenesis Theory took it's final form only in the Time of Reason, means that in terms of tech-less survival on Kharak, this question is purely scientific. And nor Siidim, who's agenda would greatly support this kind of research, nor Gaalsien, who's agenda would said "we told ya!", never had these kind of arguments before.

While the issue of our distant past was primarily a religious matter, it wasn't until the dawning of the Time of Reason that advances in the biological and chemical sciences revealed a disturbing lack of commonality between our biochemical makeup and that of most Kharakid life.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.1, A Question of Origins

And mice - I guess these animals or ones alike are hidden under that "ubiquitous grain-eating pest forager" - seemed to survive without any help. Maybe it was a reason for "various ecological disasters during the period between 75-250" (HW1), as little harmless riiti had no natural enemies, but were able to find food and multiply. I guess this animal full of familiar enzymes became a disaster, a food and a pet for Kushans. We have a chicken - they had riitburgers and riiti cuisine (and how about a "riititouille" cartoon?). Maybe the landing in a desert was meant to preserve the local life, but Kushans failed epically.

Ratburger by Demolition Man

So, despite those Kushans were not really prepared for leaving Khar-Toba - as it was told, no plants, no seeds, no animals but the riiiti, and some bacteria - it was a pretty successful colonization. I'm no specialist, but maybe, the problem of enzymes is not that binary, YES/NO, but more fluid: in the end, xenobiology is a pure theoretical thing now, and a life evolution might come up to the same or similar technological solutions, especially, if it's an oxygen-based one? Probably, Kharak was selected not only for a breathable atmosphere, but also for a local life being digestive enough for Homo Worldicus? Though then why they've landed in the Great Desert - not to rush into flora and fauna and check things step-by-step?

As well there is an interesting theory, that Homo Worldicus being Homo Progenitarius descendants might have been genetically improved to remain a stable species despite the time and various ecological situations all over the galaxies. A perfect organism of Homeworld. Could the Beast be one of those species-improving experiments of the Ancients?..
Hiigara paradox is also about this - if the galaxies were seeded by Progenitors, it means that all those habitable worlds are not really homes for the dwellers, but whether the planets were terraformed or human beings were blade-running genetically improved.

Another option for food are the humans themselves. I guess, the cannibalism is a real thing to happen on the sands of Kharak. Forbidden, of course, disgusting, but when you're on a brink of extinction your morality would shift: like in the Khar-Toba Exodus case, the Heresy Wars and others. For example:

  • Siidim radicals treating Griitidim like animals;
  • Sobani extra survival courses would theoretically accept this behavior;
  • Khaaneph "godless" survivalism, holding captured enemies for slavery and food, and scaring god-feared Gaalsi, that hold to their Decrees of Kah'a;

Probably, the latter guys would be the last ones to be heard of such cases. I guess, some society reintegration program to be launched for them, so that they don't attack Great Northern Way and other caravans, especially, them having Gaalsien scavenged battlefleet, and become the civilized part of united Kharakid.

Mad Max Universe food

All the upmentioned information was purely for a rough understanding how many people could have survived there. We don't know how many people carried one Khar-Toba-class ship, how many ships reached the destination (was it 5?), but the imaginable population chart would show a plateau over 800 years, with a deep dip around KDS 0-250, but with subsequent growth: initially somewhat slowed due to the "global" Heresy Wars, then accelerated due to the peaceful times of the Time of Reason, and again slowed down in the last 100 years due to worsening environmental conditions and food production limitations, theoretically calculated for around 300 million people, although, as we will see later, in the end this number was higher...

Probably, Europe population chart might be the inspiration:

Population dynamics of Greater Europe

Pre-Launch Population

From HW1 we have an information about limits of life sustaining on Kharak:

The polar regions are almost optimal for our people but the limited arable land and scarce resources has prevented our population from growing beyond 300 million people.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.1, Kharakid Environment

And HWR repeats this agenda:

Of a population of three hundred million, only a little over six hundred thousand souls survived into the
(c) HWR, p. 199, C7 Kiithid Society Briefing, History of the Kiithid

But HWC also indirectly tells us about the population of Kharak:

Only 1 out of every 60 Kushan was aboard the Mothership at launch.

We do know that there were around +/- 600k people of Sleepers, so roughly it's
600k * 60 = 36 millions.

And that's a bit low number. So, we need an order of magnitude larger with that HWC quote, and if we will add a zero to the quote, it becomes "1 of 600 Kushan", thus increasing Kharak's population up to 360 millions. And that fits pretty well.

Though it means, that the biggest problem of Kharak in HW1 would be not the desertification of HWDOK but people starvation, so they are really in a need of colonization of another space objects. Though there would be pretty much the same outcome.

It has become clear through the past 120 years of driven industrial and technological expansion that Kharak can no longer sustain us. While always harsh and unforgiving, our technological development has stripped the planet of what few vital resources it contained, and the narrow bands of temperate climate at the poles have been slowly shrinking. In order to survive as a people we must leave Kharak.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.16, Mission Priorities

Kiithid Population

The details we know about relate to 6 kiiths only: Somtaaw, Siidim, Kaalel, Paktu, Gaalsien and Ferriil.

Looking forward, those Kiithid are powerful yet not populous, especially looking at 300+ million planet population. So I assume that the Kiithid Political System is somewhat of a corporatocracy. You know, "Kiithid Shrugged". It's like Chosen Ones Culture and Golden Million System is built-in to Kushan culture.

Not the Republic you wanted but the one deserved!..
Maybe, not the kiithid but THIS trait was brought from Hiigara


In HWC backstory we were given a hint that Somtaaw population were 300k+ people on Kharak.

…only 15,000 Somtaaw awakened on Kharak, less than a twentieth of their number, and the vast majority of these were men.

And in HWDOK backstory we were given more direct number of 500k people at KDS 1111:

Kiith Somtaaw is now nearly 500,000 strong, and have even built new holdings alongside great industrial kiithid like Naabal and Hraal.
(c) HWDOK, p.32, Expedition Guide, Somtaaw

Is it that Somtaaw numbers reduced in a hundred years, or it was just a rough estimation - 500k is technically still 300k+, though it's a pretty big plus. Feels like retcon.


Well, with 2k members it's even hard to understand how did they got their 200 places among Sleepers.

By the time the Guidestone was discovered, Kiith Siidim had been reduced to only two thousand individuals-hardly a major Kiith.
(c) HWR, p.217, Kiith Siidim, Siidim Culture


Again this kiith was not greatest but the cunning one. And their count should have been around 100k! Well, for a country this is a small number, but for a corporation - pretty big.

Thanks to their specialized knowledge of communication technologies, encryption and linguistics, Kiith Kaalel had a disproportionate number of crew members and Sleepers onboard the Mothership. Nearly half of their Kiith survived the Burning of Kharak, some 50,000 men and women!
(c) HWCO, Kiith Kaalel


From the earlier history we would only partial information, about kiith Paktu being collected from ~17 kiiths in the end of the 5th century and being able to make an army of 30k people in the of the 7th century:

Nearly 50 kiithid set out from the plain at Albegiido in 490 KDS and sailed into the Great Banded Desert, sweeping over the burning sands on the winds of the seasonal storm, the Chak m’Hot. By the time the men, women and children of the First Migration reached the shore of the Hunon Mountains, only 17 families were left, and all of them had lost weaker members on the journey. Still more died as they struggled over the Hunon; without anyone to guide them to the easiest pass, they lost many to poisonous water, rockfalls, thirst and lizard-bite.
(c) HW1, Historical and Technical Briefing, p.26, Kiith Paktu

...in the spring of 698 <…> Kim Paktu <…> arrayed an army of 30,000 swords on the shore of the Majiirian <SEA?>.
(c) HW1, Historical and Technical Briefing, p.27, Kiith Paktu


And the same we would see that despite the vassal losses - 30- families in the beginning of 8th century (though these dates are discussable) were able to gather 10k army in the 3rd quarter of 11th century, despite being (self)outcast to the desert! (btw, why? have they found something there already?)

in 710, the Gaalsien were down to less than 30 vassal families
(c) HW1, Historical and Technical Briefing, p.23, Kiith Gaalsien

On the first night of the year 1074, ten thousand Gaalsien Fists hit the twin gate wall forts guarding the main access valley to the interior, hoping to raze them and drive on into the rich lands beyond.
(c) HWDOK, The Northern Coalition and Project Stormbreaker

Once major but no more.

Shortly afterwards Kiith Siidim absorbed Kiith Ferriil’s holdings into their ranks, starting a long-lasting accusation that Kiith Siidim arranged the destruction of the Ferriil army in order to gain their assets and wealth. By the end of the Heresy Wars, Kiith Ferriil was no more.
(c) HWR, p.223, Minor and Vassal Kiith, Kiith Ferriil

Mothership Population

With the scaffold completed, a team of ten thousand workers and twenty five thousand robots worked day and night for eighty years before she was ready to be fitted with the hyperspace module. Over two thousand people died in the process.
(c) HWR, p.178, C6 Historical Briefing, The Mothership

Manned by a skeleton crew of 8,000 engineers, the Mothership provides living quarters for those working in low orbit...
(c) HWC, p.4, History of the Hiigaran Landfall

The exact numbers are not known, but from the provided info we can assume that the crew of the First Mothership should have been around 10k+ people, a small town of specialists.

Of course, we can also get the game unit limits, multiply with with approximate HWC pilot data per ship, but that would be too much assumptions on behalf of the battle fleet only.

Survivors of Kharak

Officially there's no one's left and everything gone... But HWDOK has added a bit too much of a retcon, giving GHC more mega-powers while it should have been disabled; filling up The Great Desert with a lot of scattered spaceships, some of them in a perfect condition; reviving Gaalsien, that should have vanished in a desert in a 9th century, as careful archaeologists and technically advanced kiith that managed to multiply and prosper in a desert; and having people wearing gasmasks.

HWDOK Whole ships burried under the sands

Previously mentioned problems of the starvation and desertification would make a desertpunk world: people living in a dense formations, isolated space, relying heavily on technologies, staying inside Naabal mega-structures of a multilayer closed complexes to preserve comfortable temperature and air, having gasmasks and oxygen balloons for outside walks... As well, there could be Somtaaw Khontala mines turned into living chambers, Paktu Majiirian Ocean underwater settlements, S'jet underground labs, Siidim secret facilities, Soban cave training grounds... And, of course, Gaalsien deep desert hiding spots where spaceships buried under ground are excavated and their tech are researched and learned. It's like Kharakians were already living on a spaceship!

HW Kharak Naabal Megacity-1

Then why nobody survived the ADW? Of course, the atmosphere is being burned in a chain-reaction firestorm and the surface should be melted out. OK, the main strike was at the Northern Pole, though all the previously mentioned facilities could have sustained at least somebody at least for a few days. But the Southern Pole was untouched, as it seems that The Great Banded Desert somehow was a natural border to stop the Burning of Kharak, though the oxygen was not included anymore.

Kharak Burning

So, really, no distress signals from anywhere? Or just the Mothership crew was so keen on a revenge ASAP that they didn't even checked properly, and when the emotions flood away they preferred not to remember, same as with the Kadeshi Slaughter? And what some Sagald archaeological expeditions would find there - letters about how a few tried to survive for a few days but nobody came, and there was only choice of suffocation or suicide? Maybe.

But could have anyone survived in a long term? Somewhat of a crippled survival of isolated groups. Maybe, some hundred people, enough to prolong a century or two, with a very limited resources? Really, hard to say about Northeners or Southeners of the 13th century KDS at their technological peak, but if we're talking about Gaalsien, they for sure had some tech at 12th century.

First, they were able to produce food in a pure desert for thousands of people: there were for sure 10k fighters at Siifar Kor'shesh event, few carriers with each 1000+ people crew were destroyed at Operation Khadiim, and as well we've seen the K'Had gathering, so they had enough produced inside their bases.

Second, if they need power, the sun will shine long enough, but as well, there should be some techy reactors, including the ones from the carriers, for example.

Third, air... yes, that's the problem, even they had filters and extra oxygen, how to produce it? Looks, like a Mark Watney problem multiplied by N people on a base.

Mark Watney

Of course, the question is how long can those isolated survivors sustain themselves, and what they can do... For sure, if these potential survivors would have managed to activate some of the deep underground buried ships, it would be a small step toward survival. Why? What for? Well, while there's hope...

Khar-Toba underground city, you say?...

It could be a Hiigaran Urban Legend, The Underglass Survivors.
There would be horrors about Kharakian Morlock "civilization" that Sagald expedition would meet in these Caverns of Madness...
Or some adventure movies: "The Kharakian", about a guy being saved by the ancient ship AI, and captured by Turanic... (there will be sequel)…
At least, it could be an interesting scenario for a game. "This Kharak of Mine", Kharakpunk" or "Kharak Shelter". Or some Caverns 'n' Kudaarks sessions...

Homeworld: Metro 1217

But of course, in the first place, these are only assumptions and mind-play theories. Still, remember, that HWDOK revealed Taiidans to Kharakids a century before the strike, and Scaffold fleet gave Kushans some time before ADW had been launched...

The Seeds of Siidimism

And if we look at the HWR and HWM illustrations we would see different-color Kushans there, while Taiidans are Caucasians, while it should have been vice-versa, as the Taiidan Empire is more vast for having different type of people communities. But if it's canonical it could mean that "color" Kushans were isolated in their own communities, maybe exiled by Siidim, escaping to Paktu lands (…Isaac Paktu?)…

So, was there a racism on Kharak? And do the seeds of Siidimism, that had been accepted for a pretty long time (HWDOK), are uprooted, and reignited by Homeworld War righteous revenge of the Chosen Ones, the People of Stars, the Unbound, and in Vaygr War to be religiously approved as the Sajuuk-Khar'id, the Progenitor legacy holders? Might this unconscious feeling of сhosenness be the reason for later political struggles in Asaam Kiith'sid and self-isolation in kiithid groups, right after the Homeworld War, and then, Vaygr War, leading to Kushan spreading in and out of galaxy looking for their fate beyond Hiigara?..

Well, it's an interesting situation when in small societies (less than million people) less visual diversity means more inclusiveness due to faster assimilation processes. And vice-versa for the large ones due to slower processes. Though the issue might be in the minorities themselves, the accepting majority, in general, has more possibilities due to our natural wish to follow authorities.

And overall, hot Kharak sands weren't a good soil for "personality rights over society needs" paradigm, especially if we note this cold-blooded ritual act of a heretic burning (as nobody stopped the launch):

Per Doine died a martyr for the cause as he slipped through the cordon and prayed for salvation beneath the rocket’s main engines until they ignited, vaporizing him.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.2, Mission Silumiin Riots, Circa 1024

And later we would find these stories about kiithid law:

…They branded Arban Hraal a thief and banished him from their kiith, forbidding him to take any family members or assets with him. His holdings were seized, including the account in which his Manaani credits were deposited, and he was denied access to anything he had once called his, including his wife and children. When he tried to storm into the Hraal compound where his people were being held, ostensibly awaiting "interview" by their kiith'sa, a trio of hooded Hraal security men subdued him. He was taken out into the middle of the desert in a hovercar, bound and blindfolded, and staked to a dune far from the nearest town.
(c) HWCO, History of Kiith LiirHra

And about Daiamid way of business:

J’raal presented his paper directly to the Daiamid. A paper very similar to mine, with the same implications: Kharak is dying. He was spreading the alarm. His reward was the destruction of his career nearly overnight. <…> Within a year there was no further record of J’raal at all. The last mention is a passing reference to he and his small immediate family going, kithless, to a religious retreat in the low deserts beyond the Majiirian Ocean.
(c) HWDOK, Rachel’s Personal Journal, CONVICTIONS

And later we had some interrogation to death scenes of Kushan/Somtaaw vs. Taiidan/Turanic prisoner (meanwhile captain Soban escaped almost on his own from the Vaygr prison):

Kushan Interrogation of Taiidan PrisonerSomtaaw Interrogation of Turanic Prisoner

But there's a chance that after the Burning of Kharak, the necessity to preserve every Kushan life, the rich resources of Hiigara and surrounding worlds, as well as close interaction with Taiidan culture, might shift their society-oriented culture towards a more individual-oriented one.

Though it's not really relevant, but still - this evolution might be seen in HW1->HW3 games, where
- HWDOK is about the kiithid/people, with small flavor of family doings affecting nothing;
- HW1
is about the people, with only Taiidan cpt. Elson individual;
- HWC is about the kiithid/people with ships individualized;
- HW2 is about the people with addition of individuals like cpt's Elson/Elohim to the Hiigaran lists;

- HWM gives us a closer look at the individual officers in a crew;
- HW3 starts with introducing S'jet and Paktu individuals. Something has really changed!..


Kadeshi Assembly Site

Kadeshi are interesting with the fact that they are the direct descendants of the Old Hiigarans, having not lost the cultural features but evolved. Though it must be thought out.

This is the Garden of Kadesh. For thirteen generations we have protected it from the unclean.
(c) HW1, Mission 7, Kadeshi Ambassador

Roughly speaking, these guys had 13 generations in 2000 galactic years, plus a bit of a term that should have been used to to travel to Kharak. Let's say 250 years, though it doesn't really matter. Anyway it seems that Kadeshies are centenarians (2000+/13 = 150+ years of a lifetime), like Karan S'jet, so maybe it's genetical? Taiidan Emperor last clone lived for 4 centuries, so, maybe, it's really the issue of Homo Worldicus being genetically modified space humankind?..

We don't know for sure, how many people were initially, but a cutscene is showing us that at least 4 Exile ships left the convoy when passing the Great Nebula. So, if assume that 1 Khar-Toba contains about 100k people, then a number of people to become Kadeshi would be around the same Kharakian 500k. But there a difference between Kharakid uncontrolled lifestyle, that allowed them to grow up to 360 millions and Kadeshi that were forced to continue their humble life with resources limited, with population growth quotas - and new economics based on that deficit.

There is one interesting thing noted by Kushans:

We also observed that the enemy's hyperspace module has an identical power signature to our own.
(c) HW1, Cutscene 07-08

This oddly gets in line with the information about the Khar-Toba power plant reusage in Mothership:

Toward the lower aft portion of the ship lies the large shielded area containing the Hyperspace Module. This is a direct copy of the one found under the sands of Khar-Toba, but expanded twelve-fold to accommodate a vessel of the Mothership’s mass.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.9, Mothership

So, to remind, hyperspace module consists of a solid-state core, control systems & power systems - and while the Great Hyperspace Core remained the same, the power systems were enlarged. And as it was not really possible to simply copy Progenitor GHC technologies, this means, that the Kadeshi continued to use Khar-Toba-type power plants.

I'd even say, as Khar-Toba class ship is a sort of a mothership type vessel, and vessels raided by Kadeshi should have been not bigger than a carrier class, it was required to use rogue Khar-Toba's hypermodules (Khar-Toba class hyperdrive theory) to build Needleships, thus their number was limited. The Khar-Toba found in the Cathedral of Kadesh should have been an untouched relic to remember, while others were refined for the other needs.

But the thing that they've managed to make several same class ships means that there should be a construction site, a scaffold, big enough to construct a tail and a head, and this place would be habited by tens thousands of people to work and live on a such object, as we would know from the Kushan Mothership construction data.

And we know that even Kushan mothership did not awakened their cryo-passengers as it was not able to operate such large masses beyond its crew of tens of thousands. Needleships of Kadeshi probably contained a crew of the same ten thousands of people, plus they've managed to develop better AI technologies used for swarmers, later reverse engineered by Somtaaw:

The major breakthrough in drone design came from studying the attack swarms used by the protectors of Kadesh. Using that technology as a baseline, engineers were able to design and build their own Swarmer drone fighter, which retained the firepower of the old static drone but combined it with full maneuverability and a combat AI.
(c) HWC, Historical Briefing, p. 88, "Hive" Class Advanced Drone Frigate

So, this all means, that Kushans didn't make a Kadeshi genocide - though it was an important feeling for them to live on with - but they've destroyed their most battle-ready ships with the technologies very hard to get back, and all the crew. It's like the best of the best of Kharakians killed the best of the best of Kadeshians: for sure, it was a punch in the balls of the Kadeshian nation.

But there is a place deep in the Nebula where Kadeshi still live, and we really don't know if those 3 ships were the only ones or there are few more left patrolling the far side of the Great Nebula; and it's pretty much predictable that Kadeshi would have somewhat of Kadeshi Retreat, guarded by hyperinhibitor similar to Taiidani/Vaygr-like devices, but I doubt that they could have multiplied their initial count even twice due to limitations of existence in a pure space. Though I'd say, it's quite rational to welcome a fresh blood in a limited DNA swamp not to have genetical illnesses, these guys should be strictly following "cousin marriage" laws.

Soon the Kadeshi turned to matters of basic needs. Air, food, and water were in short supply, and the merchant vessels that previously traversed their region no longer risked even the slightest shortcut through the nebula, so once again the Kadeshi stepped up to the task.
(c) HWR, p.246, C8, Kadesh, History

As water is a limited resource in the nebula, to be recycled and used in cleaning, food production, and as a necessity for life, to waste water is seen as one of the society’s greatest taboos.
(c) HWR, p.247, C8, Kadesh, The Kadeshi

As well, Homeworld Revelations tries to implement the idea of Needleships count being only three, even giving names and different agendas (the Day’s Moon, Dusk Mist, and Night’s Sun) so that a player has some fun with the factions but that's too much bounding to that number of three (though, I'm not against the idea of ship-based societies, continuation of pre-kiithid divisions):

These days, the key decisions for the fleet are made by the Triad of Custodians, a group of three individuals who each live aboard one of the three largest home-ships of the fleet.
(c) HWR, p.247, C8, Political Leadership

It's OK, as I've told it must have been equal to renegade Khar-Tobas count, but I'd vote for at least 4 Needleships, as they would create a basic 3D figure - pyramid, thus with 1 remaining on a far side, 3 closest ships would arrive at a point of hyperspace disturbance.

There is one more thing mocking me - why Kushan Mothership hyperjump was interrupted so close to the Kadeshian Khar-Toba Sistership?
If a hyperspace jump route is flexed by the gravitational fields and thus all the great object on route are becoming attractors, does that mean that the Khar-Toba was the heaviest object in a local space? Or that only Khar-Toba and three Needleships with their hyperinhibitors managed to flex and interrupt Mothership Hyperjump route? Because it's really strange that Kadeshi would invite uninitiated someone to their sanctuary. And it really sounded that Kadeshi were really scared of that they won't hold the MS almost begging them to stay.
But that would mean that all the Kadeshian civilian society would live on smaller, carrier type ships (excluding the greater place of annual gathering - their version of Needleship Scaffold), thus not being hyperjump gravitationally attractive.
And does the unplanned nature of this stop means that there were more of those sacred patrol Needleships - and those we've met were just the closest ones, like in the first stop where was only one ship in her responsibility zone...

As well, HWR tried to imagine what would happen after the Homeworld War, and the tragedy of those Needleships destroyed:

With the Kadeshis' power broken, the rich elemental wealth of the Great Nebula is again open for mining. Hundreds of fleets converge on the vast space to capture the rarest materials, turning the Garden into a hotbed of conflict, piracy, and skirmishes. Amid the chaos, surviving Kadeshi prey upon
those too weak to defend themselves from their continuing holy war.
(c) HWRS, p.189, The Great Nebula

With the Kadeshi leadership in disarray and its people reeling from the revelations of their history, they underwent a drastic change in outlook. Just over half traveled to Hiigara after the war.
(c) HWR, p.249, C8, The Kadeshi After the Homeworld War

So, in general, I believe that the Kadeshi population has not grown very much since the Exile, it's pretty much stable in numbers, especially after newjoiners have depleted; Kushans have stroke them hard, but it's not the end of Kadeshi: they have the majority of their people left and resources to rebuild, though they might have lost some strategical and tactical advantages in a face of upcoming battles, and their faith not as strong as it was. This might lead to their version of Heresy Wars, with a lot more casualties, refugees to Hiigara and elsewhere spreading the news about Kadesh Nebula is opened again, attracting pirates, thus the population of Kadesh might really be downsized to half remaining, making them meaner and reconsidering their own previously sacred rules...

After Hiigaran Landfall

You can find this info here, at Homeworld: Population II.

Read More Of Homeworld

Homeworld: The Stranger Things II

HW STRTH2 Header

Though I'd like to, but there is no possibility to include everything in one article as I cannot add a sentence anymore. So I decided to split it to HW1-2-C/E-DOK and HWR-HWM-HW3 dedicated articles.

So, as previously, here I'd like to gather all the mistakes and curious things of Homeworld Universe that I've found. I hope it would be useful the creators of a new HWU content. And I really hope that there would be a proof-reader for the upcoming HW3, because at least the names should be fixed and "canonized" across all the texts.


  1. The Sources
  2. Change Log
    • The Book Cover
    • A Matter of Time
    • The Last Crusade of Gaalsi
    • Planet Killers
    • Star-Metal Scrolls Author
    • Kharakian Artifacts
    • The Return of Gaalsi
    • Rail Paktu
    • United Kiithid of Paktu
    • The S'jet-Sid
    • The Shimmering Path
    • Mevath Sagald's Discovery
    • Who Killed Kiith Ferriil
    • A Question of XenoGenesis
    • Scaffold Once Again
    • The Naabal-Soban Pact
    • The Birthday of Hraal
    • LiirHra The Minor Kiith
    • Swords of Kharak
    • The Core of Youth
    • Uncounted Population
    • Unwelcomed Passenger
    • Indestructible Cores

The Sources

  • HW1 - Homeworld 1, manual, game
  • HWC - Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence, manual, game
  • HWCO - Homeworld Cataclysm, outtakes
  • HWWOS - HW and HWC ship descriptions, well of souls
  • HW2 - Homeworld 2, manual, game
  • HW2PR - Homeworld 2, Prima Official eGuide
  • HWDOK - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Expedition Guide, game
  • HWR - Homeworld: Revelations RPG
  • HWRS - Homeworld: Revelations RPG Story Seeds
  • HWM - Homeworld: Mobile, homeworldsource.net
  • HW3 - Homeworld 3
  • HWDST - Homeworld Dust Wars drafts

Change Log

  • 23.10.23 - divided HW: Stranger Things into 2 parts; added info about HWR: The Book Cover, HWR: United Kiithid of Paktu, HWR: Rail Paktu, HWM: Uncounted Population, HWM: Unwelcomed Passenger;
  • 11.01.24 - added chapter about the Eternal Youth Core;


The Book Cover

First of all, the book's cover: while all the story of HWR is covering HW1 events only and a non-essential bit about the future events, the cover has the HW2 sigil on it instead of HW1's one. And from this point of view, I'd love to see that kind of a picture on a book dedicated to HW1 events:

Stoned Homeworld

Instead of this beautiful art of a Kushan-Taiidan space battle, which right half is positioned on the left side, and left - on the right side of the book, I'd love to see Kharak and Galaxy maps, that are more critical for a RPG player (like it was done in Alien RPG book).

homeworld revelations gamemaster screen

Maybe even I'd love to see several books instead of 1, dedicated to and around:

  1. Kharak civilization times, with Northern Coalition sigil on a cover;
  2. Homeworld War times (~AHL 0), with a classic Guidestone sigil on a cover, including HWC times;
  3. Vaygr War times (~AHL 115), with Unified Hiigaran Fleet sigil on a cover;
  4. Nimbus Galaxy life (~AHL 119), with all the new information created for this project;
  5. And probably, HW3 introducing new Era (~AHL 215) with a new galaxy would require this as well;

But probably, I'm just longing for some HWU art/lore combination book, without any other extras. Somewhat of "Horus Heresy: Visions of Heresy". Anyway, HWR is worth buying, if you like HWU.

A Matter of Time

This a table from HWR, p.168, A Matter of Time. If you would look attentively, you will find that there is a dublication error in between The Exile and Age of Reason.

HWR Timeline

But the main problem is with the Exile finish date (GSY 7800) and the Early Settlement. The very next page tells a bit different story:

• ~7500 GSY Exiles Land on Kharak
• 8294 GSY Kiith S'jet Establishes Kharakian Dating System
(c) HWR, p.169, Timeline of the Kushan

So, when did Kushani landed on Kharak? In GSY 7500 or GSY 7800? So how many did they spent on Kharak before the KDS 0? 500 years or 800 years? And what did they do all that time?..

The Last Crusade of Gaalsi

KDS 700 Final Southern Crusade
(c) HWR, p.169, Timeline of the Kushan

A little bit more details can be found here:

There were at least three major attempts to assault the southern lands from 652-700. The last of these was the most successful; the army of Liam Gaalsi actually arrived at the pass of the Hunon mountains almost intact in the spring of 698, ready to subdue the unruly kiithid of the southlands and their kiith-sa.
HW1, Historical Briefing, p.27, Kiith Paktu

So, I read it as a period of KDS 652-700 is just a round-up, and this really has ended with the Final Crusade of KDS 698. And doubtfully that after such a great loss any new expeditions across the Great Banded Desert would be done in 2 years left. And HWDOK strongly states the date of the last one.

KDS 698
Kim Paktu, the grandson of Majiir Paktu and leader of the Paktu kiith'sa, defeats Liam Gaalsien and his men in the Battle of the Majiirian Sea. It was the last crusade ever attempted against the Paktu.
(c) HWDOK, History of Kharak

Planet Killers

Planet killers

Immense, starship-shaped vessels with atmosphere-igniting missiles, these ships were deployed near the end of the Vaygr War in an attempt to do to Hiigara what the Taiidan did to Kharak. Indeed, some similarities between these ships and those that committed the Kharakian Genocide suggest a common designer, or at least common design principles
(c) HWR, p.194, Planet Killers

That's a really strange sentence. If by "by these ships" are meant starship-shaped vessels, then none of them were seen at Kharak, though the "design" idea might point to the return of T-Mat. If it's about the missiles, then it's OK, Taiidani tech taken by Vaygr.

Star-Metal Scrolls Author


Said to have been written by Sajuuk himself in a language no others could read, this set of scrolls is sacred to the Somtaaw.
(c) HWR, p.194, Star-Metal Scrolls

Actually, originally the author was a different guy:

…the famed Star-Metal Scrolls, which were alleged to have been written by the hand of Jakuul Himself, in a language which no living man could read.
(c) HWC, p.9, Historical Brief, Kiith History: Somtaaw

That one guy was one mentioned in a relations to the story of the famous heretical Naabal, the kiith who defeated Sajuuk-praying Gaalsi

The Naabal had been keeping the secrets of explosives, steam and refining for more than a hundred years, and when they rose, they swept out of their hidden city of Tiir like the gleaming servants of Jaakul himself.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.33, Kiith Naabal

Naabal-sa, who defeated religious kiith Gaalsien, was called Ifriit. Just listen to this: Ifrit Baal… I guess, it's the link to the theosophical version of Devil: Luciferus, the Light Bringer, the gleaming servants of Jakuul - jackal, Anubis, the God of Death…. No wonder they were considered heretics! This is the world where Baal prophets were the ones who ignited the fire of Prometheus, leading to the Burning of Kharak and Galaxy in Flames...

And following the reference of Alfred Nobel (will be there any Naabel Prize?), they most probably used a lot of explosions and other chemical fire along machineguns and steam machines. Pure demons! Must have been smoking tobacco from the southern plantations of Paktu, as well!..

Ifriit Naabal loves the smell of Napalm

Kharakian Artifacts

HW STRTH2 HWR Artifacts

Up until the discovery of Khar Toba, most serious Kharakian scholars had assumed that the Somtaaw's Star Metal Scrolls were just a myth, very much like their Chalice of Life or any other mystical refuse from Kharakian legend. Before the discovery of the Guidestone, the Star-Metal Scrolls were put into the same category as Soban's sword Caaliburnos, or the Burning Spear of Gaalsi.
(c) HWC, p.9, Historical Brief, Kiith History: Somtaaw

So, there were Kharakian Legends about Sobani sword Caaliburnos, and the Gaalsi Burning Spear. But instead of sand stories about Soban The Red being given a magic sword by the spirit of Sparkling Desert to revenge, or desperate adventurers expeditions to the lost bunkers of Gaalsien in a search for their ancient Sajuuk magic artifact, we were given some strange stories about pre-Kharak sword, and out-of-Kharak spear.

Initially, it was an actual sword: a relic from the earliest days of Kushan culture on Hiigara.
(c) HWR, p.196, Sword of Caaliburnous

The Burning Spear vanishes entirely from authoritative record-keeping in the years just before Hiigarans discovered the Hyperspace Core. The last vessel to bear a Burning Spear weapon, the Terimah-Datang, exploded losing all hands, during a systems test at the edge of the Hiigara system
(c) HWR, p.196, The Burning Spear

I simply cannot accept those stories as a canon. Well, except maybe for this, looks OK:

In the fifteenth year AHL, a group of engineers from Kiith Naabal forged a new Sword, made of ore from both Hiigara and Kharak, as well as scrap metal taken from the Mothership.
(c) HWR, p.196, Sword of Caaliburnous

The Return of Gaalsi

Gaalsi Attack

The Kiith was thought nearly extinct until they began attacking the northern Kiithid with advanced weaponry salvaged from crashed spaceships in 1075 KDS.
(c) HWR, p.200, Kiith Gaalsien, Gaalsien History

Well, according to HWDOK, Gaalsien attacks began a little bit earlier, there was even a whole The Drifting Seas Campaign in KDS 1081-1083. Strange that this night was not mentioned in Gaalsien history.

KDS 1074
The Night of Fiery Daggers (Siifar Kor'shesh). On the first night of 1074, ten thousand Gaalsien soldiers attack the twin forts along the StormBreaker Wall.
(c) HWDOK, History of Kharak

And those black sado-mazo suits with a superhero capes… Ok, you want them look like Nazi, though it's Siidim thing, but well, the black color is not suitable for the deserts anyhow - nor it's masking, nor it's anti-heat color. Things should be practical - you know, they are living there, not showing off.

Rail Paktu

Desert Train

It wasn’t until Kiith Naabal laid the Great Northern Way, connecting north and south by steam car,
that the Paktu were reintroduced to the rest of Kushan society.
Though they were invited to the Daiamid in 820 KDS, Kiith Paktu only maintained a token presence there until the Great Northern Way was opened up in 912 KDS by Kiith Naabal.
(c) HWR, p.201, C7, Kiith Paktu

Until the Great Northern Way was constructed in 912, passage to the south was perilous for conventional sand-sailers.
Although Kiith Paktu officially accepted the invitation into the Daiamid in 915, the southern Kiith maintained only a token presence in Tiir.
(c) HWR, p.227, Kiith Paktu and the Southern Coalition

Actually, according to HW1 and HWDOK kiith Naabal info it has happened around KDS 830+200:

By the Time of Reason 200 years later, Kiith Naabal had replaced the perilous sand-sail routes to the south with rail-mounted steam cars, and had given Kiith Paktu-Sa of the southern polar region a permanent presence in the Daiamid.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.34, Kiith Naabal // HWDOK, Kharakid Social Systems, Naabal

Of course, we can think of it, like there was a Great Northern Way in KDS 912, and then the railways were added in KDS 1030, but still this vague explanation doesn't solve the issue with kiith Paktu Daiamid token and permanent presence times.

United Kiithid of Paktu

HWR has introduced us the Southern Coalition, lead by kiith Paktu:

Kiith Paktu and the Southern Coalition
(c) HWR, p.226, C7

After the Manaan, Kiith S’jet is one of the few to hold respect from the Kiith who formed the Southern Coalition.
(c) HWR, p.230, C7, Kiith Paktu

But, as we see in HW1, it was not another mirror Coalition - it was the Southern Federation:

Prior to the emergence of the Southern Federation and the Naabel intervention, very few Kharakians had ties outside their own kiith…
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.28, Kiith Soban // HWDOK, Kharakid Social Systems, Soban

As well, Southern Federation is mentioned in HWC Outtakes, so the idea of a Southern pole state was pretty much established:

Emerging from under the wing of Kiith Naabal when the Great Daiamid was established, the Hraal were most notable for their application and improvement on the Naabal's basic steam engine. Hraal owned several steam-powered factories by the year 830, and hand in hand with its sister Kiithid, who collectively became known as the "Naabal Kiithlings," the Hraal eventually built the rail lines which linked the northern hemisphere with the rapidly growing Southern Federation.
(c) HWCO, Kiith LiirHra

Prior to Exodus, members of the Southern Federation had the most experience with life in a water- and oxygen-rich climate.
(c) HWCO, History of the Landfall

And the difference between a Coalition and a Federation is like a difference between NATO (maybe EU) and USA, a decree of independence. So this is a bit more important than it sounds in defining the strength of Paktu.

The S'jet-Sid

Rachel Sjet

Karan Sjet, the only daughter of Huur Sjet-Sa and in direct line for the leadership of all Kiith Sjet
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.32, Kiith Sjet

Gaarket, (he's our S'jet-Sa now, can you believe it?)
(c) HWDOK, Rachel's Personal Journal, The Journey Begins

Rachel S'jet was instrumental in the success of the mission and locating the First City of KharToba. Still later as S'jet-Sa she supported the findings of Mevath Sagald when she presented the Guidestone to the Daiamid in 1155 KDS. More recently Karan S'jet, next in line for the position of Sa with her people, offered herself up for an experimental surgery to solve a critical problem with the Mothership's computer systems.
(c) HWR, p.207, S'jet History

So, it feels like the line of S'jet-Sid is the following: Fliir -> … -> Gaarket -> Rachel -> Huur -> Karan.

Of course, it feels like with the words of "Karan S'jet, next in line for the position of Sa" Homeworld Revelations has forgotten about Huur S'jet-Sa, but we do remember.

The Shimmering Path

Tibet Fortress

The origins of Kiith Somtaaw are lost to time, but it is known they must have found passage through the Khontala Mountain range sometime in the mid 200s. Allegedly receiving visions from Sajuuk, the earliest
Sas of Kiith Somtaaw established the thirty three temples of the Shimmering Path leading up to the summit of Lungma Jiin.
(c) HWR, p.215, Somtaaw History

Well, both HWC and HWDOK, tell it has happened a bit earlier, and it's even know who was that Sa:

Starting in the year 178 KDS, Kharakian artists from various disciplines were gathered under the patronage of Teigor Somtaaw, one of the most enlightened kiithid of his time. Employing hundreds of skilled masons, painters, architects and weavers, Kiith Somtaaw began building a series of temples on the slopes of the mountain called Lungma Jiin, “The Roof of the World”.
(c) HWC, p.9, Historical Brief, Kiith History: Somtaaw

Mevath Sagald's Discovery

Sagald Discovery

…the Kiith was the only one specializing in cultural archaeology when Khar-Toba was uncovered in 1110 KDS.
Kiith Sagald was immediately summoned to oversee the excavation work, and after thirty years they were the only ones to remain on the site as interest wandered away from the past. Mevath Sagald, the last director overseeing the excavation of the ancient city, single-handedly discovered the Guidestone
within the shielded celestial temple.
Electing to analyze the object after recognizing its significance, Mevath spend twenty years on the task before succesfully authenticating it.
(c) HWR, p.222, Kiith Sagald

So, according to this info, the Guidestone discovery has happened in KDS 1140, and the authentication of it - KDS 1160, which confronts the previously known data:

In a decade of analysis, we were ready to take our first steps back out into the galaxy, but it was not
until 1135 that it was revealed just how far we had to go.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.4, The Discovery of Khar-Toba

So, 20 years research of the Guidestone is OK - in HW1 the Guidestone is found in KDS 1135, and the Global Plebiscite happened in KDS 1155; but it's 25 years not 30 since the Operation Khadiim of KDS 1110.

But, in the end, it might be just a miswording, and tried to tell, that 30 years since the Jaraci Object discovery the interest to it has diminished, and the Kiith Sagald was only to remain on site…

Who Killed Kiith Ferriil

White Sun of a Desert

Of the three major religious kiithid, Gaalsien, Ferriil, and Somtaaw, it was Gaalsien that preached the strongest message of punishment.
(c) HW1, Historical Brief, p.22, Kiith Gaalsien

While HW1 backstory stated that kiith Ferriil was still there being a major religious kiith - actually, with that statement their insignia is to be put on Khar-Toba wall, - HWR has decided to get rid of them:

Kiith Ferrill: a lesser religious Kiith destroyed by Kiith Gaalsien during the Heresy wars. While active, they were staunch allies of Kiith Siidim.
(c) HWR, p.174, Gone But Not Forgotten

The last and most enlightened of the religious Kiithid of early Kharak history, Kiith Ferriil enjoyed a period of power between 300 and 530 KDS before the Heresy Wars took hold. To oppose the stronger Gaalsien they allied with the Siidim in the belief that the two major religious Kiithid could crush the one.
By the late 700s, however, it was evident Kiith Ferriil was in decline.
At the infamous battle of Danac in 811 KDS, the greatest army assembled by Kiith Ferriil was poised to assist Kiith Siidim in repulsing the relentless assault of the Naabal. The order to advance never came from Kiith Siidim, and the Ferriil found themselves suddenly attacked by the armies of Naabal. Unable to mount a counter-attack of any kind the entire army was wiped out, and with it the largest demonstration of power the Ferriil had.
Shortly afterwards Kiith Siidim absorbed Kiith Ferriil’s holdings into their ranks, starting a long-lasting accusation that Kiith Siidim arranged the destruction of the Ferriil army in order to gain their assets and wealth. By the end of the Heresy Wars, Kiith Ferriil was no more.
(c) HWR, p.223, Minor and Vassal Kiith, Kiith Ferriil

Well, the first quote marks kiith Ferriil as a victim of kiith Gaalsien, the second quote - the betrayal of Siidim and brute force of Naabal. Well, it looks like another hidden agreement of kiith Naabal, this time with kiith Siidim, with making kiith Gaalsien a scapegoat of this story - well, they are sanctified and cancelled anyway, so who cares? Who cared for the truth of J'raal Hraal? S'jet, maybe?..

The family honor comes a poor second, as always, to survival; surrendering to necessity is an ancient tradition among the Kushan.
(c) HWC, Historical Brief, p.5, History of the Hiigaran Landfall

A Question of XenoGenesis

XenoGenesis Conspiracy

While the issue of our distant past was primarily a religious matter, it wasn't until the dawning of the Time of Reason that advances in the biological and chemical sciences revealed a disturbing lack of commonality between our biochemical makeup and that of most Kharakid life. Ironically, it was the birth of the Daiamid
Movement, with its many scientific breakthroughs, that created a philosophical environment where the
oldest myths and the newest theories could be wedded into what we now have accepted as the XenoGenesis Theory.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.1, A Question of Origins

As the Time of Reason progressed, Kiith Sjet expanded their studies and moved away from the tradition of celestial mechanics and mathematics. Various families began to delve into the nature and origin of life on Kharak. Within a century, Kriil Sjet presented a paper to the Daiamid in Tiir presenting the scientific evidence that we bore little biological similarity to the vast majority of Kharakid life.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.31, Kiith Sjet

Combined with genetic analysis provided by Kriil S'jet in 836, the Guidestone offered the final piece of the puzzle of the Kushan's origins on the planet.
(c) HWR, p.227, Post-Guidestone Discovery

Well, while HW1 source states that the Daiamid movement (KDS 830) has created a philosophical environment to debate over new theories, and within a century (KDS 830-930) a XenoGenesis theory was born. So, from this description I'd say that "within a century" would mean some rough round up, like it has happened in early KDS 900's, over 50% of a century. But not only 6 years after the Time/Age of Reason begins.

As well, imagine, that it's like a Darwin's theory in reverse: Kharakian scientist was proving that Kharakid were siidims, people from stars! The news similar to announcement that Kharak is dying, but this time the gospel not of Gaalsien but Siidim. And it would happen in only several years since the Heresy Wars official ended. And anyway it would have some scientific and political reaction, while people would start to accept it, while it goes from science journals to the Daiamid pop-science lecture. So, I believe the author of this article has a bit rushed with a date.

Scaffold Once Again

Scaffold with Mothership

The plan was adopted into action in the first Triad of 1159. <…>
Over the course of 110 years, the Scaffold, and then the Mothership, were slowly built.
(c) HWR, p.228, Post-Guidestone Discovery

It's a quite strange number of years: if we count plus it's KDS 1269, meaningless date; but if we remember the Mothership was finalized in KDS 1216, so the beginning of a "course" should be at KDS 1106, this date is more known, the Khar-Toba detection year. Though it's vaguely related to the previous text, maybe it was the idea the author tried to tell, but I believe it should be rephrased in HWR's next edition.

The Naabal-Soban Pact

Soban Rituals

This treaty held until the Naabal allowed warriors from Kiith Soban to enter an ambush. This betrayal sundered the trust between the two sides, though a permanent alliance was reforged between them during the construction of the Mothership.
(c) HWR, p.230, Modern Era Alliances, Kiith Soban, Kiith Naabal

Probably, this betrayal is a reference to the Dispute of Hatar - though ambush is hardly called "dispute":

Kiith Soban was not blind to the war destroying their planet, but it was paralyzed over which side to assist to end the war. Secretly Kiith Naabal contacted the Soban-Sa with a proposition. In exchange for advanced technology, no Soban would lift a hand against the Naabal. The agreement lasted for a hundred years after the Heresy Wars, ending with the Dispute at Hatar.
(c) HWR, p.205, The Gilded Night

So, the probable date of this agreement should be around KDS 810, and the Dispute has happened around KDS 910. But this is the Time of Reason already, and what kind of battles there were, not clear. For me it's the Night of Fiery Daggers when the Naabali used other kiiths as a bait for Gaalsien, only at last crying "Bring the Red!" for 2 legions of Sobani mercenaries… Anyway, this story should be clarified much more.

The Birthday of Hraal

Tiir Capitol

So, when did the Kiith Hraal born? In texts we can find only relative links to this date:

Hraal was borne out of the chaos at the end of the Heresy Wars. <…> When the sun came up and the doors of the new Daiamid were opened, a new kiith entered and a new Sa took her place among them, seating herself as an Equal among Equals. <…> Kiith Hraal survived, and was recognized formally as a legitimate Kiith.
(c) HWDOK, Hraal

So, the formation date is related to the end of the Heresy Wars and new Daiamid establishment. And HWR makes it tightly bound to this events:

Days after the formation of the Daiamid, five Kiith that faced absorption from the larger Kiithid met in a tent outside Tiir and discussed the fate that awaited them. <…> Only the amused interjections of Kiith Paktu, Somtaaw, and Soban maintained calm, and allowed the proceedings to continue
(c) HWR, p.219, Kiith Hraal, Hraal History

Homeworld manual has set only 1 hard date about these events: KDS 810, the Intervention. Second date we get from "within 20 years" - around KDS 830, Tiir becomes the Northern Capital.

In 810, with all factions exhausted and falling from internal anarchy, a small clan emerged from hiding from the settlement at Tiir. <…> A few decisive battles showed that none of the theological clans could hope to defeat the Naabel and within 20 years Tiir was the new capital and the Age of Reason had begun.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.2, TOR (Time Of Reason)

And third date arrives from the Heresy Wars official beginning, KDS 520: the Wars period for "almost", "nearly" "300 years of war", which means that the ending is around ~KDS 820.

This came to a head in 520... <…> …lasted almost 300 years
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.1, Heresy Wars

But there is a phrase about Ifriit Naabal-Sa ending all the fights in 3 years - so, it's KDS 813! And after that the Kiith-Sa has established the Daiamid.

And in three short years they had done it. Ifriit Naabal-Sa's last act before stepping down as Sa was to establish the Daiamid in Tiir as a place where all kiith, powerful and weak, could gather to resolves disputes and set policy for all of Kharak.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.34, The Kiith Naabal

HWDOK wasn't discussing these dates, as it was concentrating on retconning of 11th and 12th century of Kharakian history, so it has left this vague "approx. 300 years":

Heresy Wars begin (approx. 520KDS to 820KDS)
(c) HWDOK, History of Kharak

But HWR authors took this "approx. 3 centuries" as hard 300 years:

KDS 820 Heresy Wars End
(c) HWR, p.169, Timeline of the Kushan

Within ten years, they won the Heresy Wars.
(c) HWR, p.210, Kiith Naabel, Naabal History

The Heresy Wars lasted 300 years and ended with the capitulation of Kiith Siidim in the three-day siege of Mataar in 820 KDS
(c) HWR, p.216, Kiith Siidim, The Chosen Ones

Though they were invited to the Daiamid in 820 KDS, Kiith Paktu only maintained a token presence there until the Great Northern Way was opened up in 912 KDS by Kiith Naabal.
(c) HWR, p.201, The Distant Kiithid

But probably somebody has read Kiith Naabal history more attentively and that one realised that here is the date and it needs to be put in.

The Daiamid established by Ifriit Naabal-Sa in 813 KDS did much to shape the current political landscape of the Kiithid, especially in the north.
(c) HWR, p.225, Kiith Politics, Alliances Form, The Daiamid

A harsh task because originally the Heresy Wars must end and then the Daiamid established, but here we have the Daiamid founded in KDS 813, but the Heresy Wars finished in KDS 820... And if we take it as KDS 813, then it ruins Paktu presence in the Daiamid, as they were invited there only in KDS 820!

No matter, what date it is, the sequence must be following:

  • KDS 810
    Kiith Naabal begins the Intervention
  • KDS 8xx
    The Heresy Wars end
  • KDS 8xx
    The Daiamid established by Ifriit Naabal-Sa
    Kiith Paktu is invited to the Daiamid
    Kiith Hraal is formed
  • KDS 830
    Tiir becomes a capitol of the North

And I'm OK for everything to happen in KDS 820, the capitulation of Siidim, the United Kiithid formation and so, especially the Gaalsien dates of Saju-Ka related evens moved 1 century forward… Though it's would a mystery how the Gaalsien were condemned in a non-existent Daiamid… We can imagine that there were 2 Daiamids - one for Naabali, and the other one was planned by Ifriit Naabal-Sa as the Daiamid of Daiamids, the Great Daiamid, uniting all the Kharak, both polar regions, making Kharak great... for the first time?..

Or everything should be assigned to KDS 813 instead. Anyway, no matter how, the events of those 20 years should be corrected to have one truth.

LiirHra The Minor Kiith

LiirHra Aerospace Industries

When this gambit failed, the entire manufacturing branch of Kiith Hraal broke away and joined with a relatively small kiith that specialized in space technologies. The new kiith, LiirHra, has gone on to take the lead in the design and construction of the Mothership.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.22, the Kharakid Social System

Despite its foundation in adaptability, many engineers and scientists of Hraal broke away to form Kiith LiirHra in 1012 KDS, which shifted their combined holdings from manufacturing assets in terrestrial hardware to aerospace fabrication and orbital deployment. Their argument is that LiirHra will soon be in a position to dominate the next frontier of Kharakian engineering and technology.
(c) HWDOK, Kiith Hraal

By the time of the Exodus, Kiith Somtaaw was nearly 500,000 strong, and had even built new holdings alongside great industrial kiithid like Naabal and LiirHra, to the extent of opening off-planet mines in the Kharakian asteroid belt.
(c) HWC, Historical Brief, p.11, Kiith History: Somtaaw

…the Hraal'sa of the time quickly found himself deposed by his sister. The upstart kiithling LiirHra went on to be a forerunner in Kharak's conquest of space, and they were key contributors to all aspects of manufacture and research of the Mothership. Among the Sleepers, LiirHra had a presence of nearly 50,000 souls…
(c) HWCO, Kiith LiirHra

The Paktu, the Manaan, the Sjet, Naabal, LiirHra, Kaalel and Soban are by far the largest kiith groupings in existence, and their combined numbers come to almost 300,000.
(c) HWC, Historical Brief, p.5, History of Hiigaran Landfall

The result of this phenomenal output has been a new Hiigaran navy, which consists of six great Fleets; the largest of our present-day kiithid have each taken command of an autonomous carrier group. The fleets of Manaan, Soban, Naabal, LiirHra, Paktu and Kaalel take turns patrolling the outer systems, guarding our trade routes, and defending Hiigara itself.
(c) HWC, Historical Brief, p.4, History of Hiigaran Landfall

Well, Kiith LiirHra had been put into the "Minor and Vassal Kiith" chapter (HWR, p.222). Maybe, this kind of situation was on Kharak, but not after Hiigaran Landfall..

And even more, it's strange that there is no LiirHra in expeditions to Nimbus Galaxy (HWM). The reasons for this, I assume, that the LiirHra sigil is still not approved…

Swords of Kharak

This one has a separate article - Homeworld: Swords of Kharak

The Core of Youth

HW KaranSjet Unattached

And as well, in HWR GHC was turned into the Fountain of Eternal Youth trying to explain why Karan S'Jet looks so great:

With her lifespan extended by her cybernetic connection to a ship older than some stars, none can tell how long she will live or what wonders she will witness before her consciousness fades.
(c) HWR, Chapter 6: Historical Briefing, A Brief History of the Kushan, Pre-Exodus, Karan S'jet, p.179

I repeat: the hypermodule is just an engine. It was never meant that there's some alien chamber that this woman is put into for something mysterious to happen. It's a human brain to human-made computer interface, and this computer is sending bytes to operate physical devices that would ignite this oscillation device, which is a complex system of its own. It's a long chain of interaction and there is no particular reason for the writers to make this "magical" shortcut supposing that the Core (be it thousand times Progenitorical) is somehow affecting the Fleet Command.

If there is some kind of "radiation", nanobots like the Dust from the Endless Space (yes-yes, the Dust Wars!) - it should have effected all the crew, but clearly it has not happened. This looks like a comics element brought to a once more or less hard sci-fi universe to justify HW2 мarketer's bite of a girly-looking Karan S'Jet.

HW STRTH2 HWR EternalYouth

I'd better set it as a Bentusi gift to an Unbound person of Karan S'Jet: using their technologies they managed to disconnect her from the Mothership, and to heal the barbaric Kharaki Tech wounds done to her brains, they also made some Bentusi genetical improvements to her body to regenerate (somewhat making her the last Bentusi...). And as these are the brains, still it required a long recovery for her, forcing to live a hermit life. All these factor has affected her significantly (including the voice ;)).

In the end the prolonged life could be a natural Homo Worldicus/Kushanikus trait - Kadeshi lived 13 generations for 2000+ years, meaning there's 150+ years on each generation. Or at least, it could be that every guy of Progenitor seed is genetically enhanced. Or at least, hyperjumps as FTL phenomena are somehow slowing down the aging for everyone involved. At least! But no strange magic in a Sci-Fi world! What next? Dr. Strange with Infinity Stones?

And... Excuse me - "a ship older than some stars"? Sajuuk is billion years old? Who wrote this?..

Homeworld Mobile

Uncounted Population

HWM History Kiithless

HWM has introduced a new Khaaneph - the Kiithless, Hiigaran Taiidans that have not left Hiigara.

31 million people was there initially, and even we count that about 1/3 of it, those who had money to leave - check the wealth pyramid diagrams, has gone in a direction of Taiidan Civil War, still it's around +20 millions to Hiigara population.

But according to HWC, there was a bit different information about it:

Nearly 550,000 of us survived the Exodus from Kharak...

One of the most difficult aspects of the Hiigaran Landfall was the revival of our so-called “Sleeper Kiithid”, the 92% of our current population who traveled from Kharak to Hiigara in cryogenic suspension.

So, with Kiithless retcon, we have a situation of approx. 600k Kushan Hiigarans VS approx. 20 million Taiidan Hiigarans, in AHL 15 no one is writing about, only about the situation with Kiith Somtaaw being wannabe consumed by Kiith Naabal. And that's leading into a very unpleasant situation of Kushans having created a Golden Million system, where the Kiith members are above all the others, thus strengthening the Kiith political system, pushing forward with Siidimism seeds, creating a 2nd sort citizens of Taiidan Hiigarans, leaving them to live in a situation of growing unemployment, poverty, criminality, corruption, marginalization, radicalism, thus creating a prejudice of "What good can come out of Taiidan?"; and finally, the racism is pretty fractal in it's essence, so in the end the Kiithid would fight for power thinking of who's the Kushaniest of the Kushanid and most righteous Kiith to become the Sa-Kiith, a leader kiith, and why can't it consume a bit more kiithid for this goal?

Well, though it contradicts the lore, it's very logical, creates a very interesting drama to solve, flips the table in understanding if we are really heroes, weirdly fits the HWC backstory, and makes a moral dilemma questions of Hiigarans becoming the Sajuuk-Khar through Karan S'jet, and that line is promised to be continued in HWM storyline. Let's follow it. :)

Unwelcomed Passenger

HWM Gates

If you follow the HW3 social medias you'd find an unknown name in one of those lore-cards.

It appeared that this person made it's way to Nimbus galaxy.

And while it's okay in general, in particular it would be nice to understand how did this person make this journey, as it seems from a new lore inputs that only Hiigarans are controlling those Progenitor gates, to access other galaxies. No other fleet but Hiigaran Navy had made expeditions there, no one but the Star People had been let it.

So, it requires explanation how it has happened. Joanna Naabal demands the report.

Maybe HW3 would tell it.


Indestructible Cores

HW3 Cores Explosion

A very nice Hyper-Core destruction effect is shown in this HW3 promo-material. But.

HW2 had declared that The Great Cores are pretty indestructible:

  1. First, it was Sajuuk Wrath that hyperjumped into the Angel's Moon, and the Second Core remained OK:
    Manually disengaging the mass overrides, he plotted a course for the surface of the Hiigaran moon
  2. Second, it was Bentusi Harborship, that self-destructed very loud, and the First Core remained OK.
  3. Third, it was Vaygr Flagship, that was destroyed, and the Third Core remained OK.

So, if we take HW2 as a canon, then we admit that The Great Cores are very damage-proof, and it's not just one dramatic scene, but consequent statement.

Well, of course, the Flagship has been exploding earlier - in a single player campaign, and in a multiplayer, but there were no accent on the Cores and them to explode. But here... OK, the effect is beautiful, but it really goes against the established lore.

By the way, there was a similar tech thing:

These Mothership-class vessels do not resemble any known Vaygr design. However, sensors indicate similarities to Bentusi technology. They are not responding to hails. Stand by for combat!
Scans of the hull indicate it's immune to conventional weapons.
(c) HW2, Mission 15


Anyway, short story about Imogen S'jet premothershipping hours have declared those old GHC's are gone with Karan, and she has invented the new ones. Which is quite doubtfully, as these kind of single-person inventions are usually done in a completely new area, while Progenitorology had been developed at least for a century and building new super-Cores would be a very complex all-industry involving process... We can talk here about her being a lead Oppenheimer of this project - thus the picture of a young girl is switched to 40-50 years old S'Jetti highest rank. But that question was spoken both in Population and Karan S'jet Youth articles.

Read More Of Homeworld



I wanted to push everything in one article, but I gotta stop writing such large texts:

The content field can not exceed 100000 characters in length.


  1. The Sources
  2. Kushan Language Patterns
    • Words Structure
    • Suffixes
    • Feminatives
    • Plural Form
    • Words Joints
  3. Kushan Vocabulary
    • Kharak Biom
    • Kharak Culture
    • Kharak Myths
    • Kharak Religion
    • Kharak Technology
    • Kushan Kiithid
    • Kharak Cartography
    • Kharak Personal Names
    • Ship Codenames
      • Carriers (HWDOK)
      • Gaalsien Desert Vessels (HWDOK)
      • Kushan Ships
      • Taiidan Ships
      • Ancient Hiigaran Empire Ships
      • Nimbus Expedition (HWM)
      • Khar-Sajuuk and Khar-Kushan Expeditions (HW3)
  4. Kushan Vocabulary: Analysis
    • Almost Translated
    • Half-Translated
    • Not Translated
    • Literal References
    • Khar
    • Daiam, Kharam, Assam
    • Siidim, Gaalsien, S'jet
    • K'ha, The Breath of Sajuuk
    • ne
    • Kiithless
    • Other Combinations
  5. Kushan Poetry
  6. Links

The Sources

  • HW1 - Homeworld 1, manual, game
  • HWC - Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence, manual, game
  • HWCO - Homeworld Cataclysm, outtakes
  • HWWOS - HW and HWC ship descriptions, well of souls
  • HW2 - Homeworld 2, manual, game
  • HW2PR - Homeworld 2, Prima Official eGuide
  • HWDOK - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Expedition Guide, game
  • HWR - Homeworld: Revelations RPG
  • HWRS - Homeworld: Revelations RPG Story Seeds
  • HWM - Homeworld: Mobile, homeworldsource.net
  • HW3 - Homeworld 3
  • HWDST - Homeworld Dust Wars drafts

Change Log

  • 18.10.23 - added info on feminatives (uur/uura); added some info on endings and structure;
  • 19.10.23 - added examples of word with ending removed
  • 21.10.23 - created Suffixes section, added text about English writing rules problems
  • 26.10.23 - added a text about ways to translate the Kiithless word into Kushan
  • 29.10.23 - extracted Miir root, idea for Kor, and reference for Siifar Kor'shosh
  • 30.10.23 - added Nimbus expedition names and a bit of minor changes
  • 03.11.23 - added Nimbus expedition of Leviathan
  • 10.11.23 - added Tiirshak and Mohaava carriers to the Nimbus expedition list
  • 01.12.23 - update Riiti information, added S'chto
  • 09.12.23 - added HWDOK's Kiith Family Medallion to Kushan Culture
  • 29.01.24 - added HWDOK's Dreamlands - Dhaigren
  • 14.04.24 - added Paktu ending case, Kha as Holy Spirit
  • 23.04.24 - added Poetry section
  • 25.04.24 - added some ideas about Faal-Corum/Tel and Khontala
  • 29.04.24 - added some ideas about Gaalsien / S'jet names
  • 07.05.24 - added HW3 Hiigaran ship codenames
  • 27.05.24 - added the rest of HW3 Hiigaran ship codenames

Kushan Language Patterns

Here are some patterns that I found after checking the available vocabulary.

Words Specifics

Something that marks Kushan language:

  1. Regular usage of double vowels, but not always:
    e.g.: skaal, faagan, haariri
  2. Regular usage of specific consonant combinations (KH,TH etc):
    e.g.: Khar-Atekh, kiith, A'kadath
  3. Regular usage of apostrophe for non-specific vowel usage (consonant self-sound):
    e.g.: S’jet, J’niira, B'tir
    -- though it's a HWDOK feature and might be defined as old Kushan leftovers or dialect
    -- or it might be another way how to connect words removing some extra vowel
  4. Usually words consist of 1 or 2 syllables, but it depends
  5. Words can have suffixes


There is bunch of word endings, that are quite common, but not limited to that:

  • -el, -al, -il, -ul, -'l
  • -an, -en, -im, -um, -ann
  • -ar, -ir, -ur, -or
  • -uk, -ok, -ak
  • -it, -'t, -et
  • -ith, -ath, -oth
  • -art, -ard
  • -ab, -ob
  • -aw
  • -es, -as, -os, -is

There might be a chance that finding those suffixes in the middle of a word could mean that the word is constructed of two roots.

And by the example of the following words, we know that sometimes that suffixes may be removed, for some reason:

  • LiirHra[] <- Li[ir] + Hra[al]
  • Gaalsi[] <- Ga[al]si[en]
  • Siid[] <- Siid[im]
  • Kar[] <- Kar[an]
  • Saju[]-Ka <- Saju[uk]

The last case of Saju-Ka (HW1) is interesting, as there is Sheer-Ka (HWC) word, but maybe this could be applied to another -uuk ending word - Cow Duke, sorry, I mean, Caaw Duuk (HWDOK). So, it might be alternated this way:

  • Caaw Duuk -> Caaw Du-Ka

Though it's hard to tell, as it's not clear what Ka and Duuk means, and if Saju- & Sajuuk connected (Ham and Hamster?).

Interesting if kiith Paktu name could tied somehow to this case... Like:
- We are Paktu from Paktu-Ka.
- Paktuuk? Paktuur? Paktuul?
- No, we're Paktu, we're free to shape ourselves as we want it.


There are names like Huur[] - Kuur[A], Majiir[] - J'niir[A], and we can define those guys as men and women, so there is a chance that -[A] ending is defining gender. Like, J'niir[A], Kuur[A], Siim[A], Dav[A] etc. Maybe other endings as well contain gender information.

And watching how S[a] turns into S[id], I'd say, there is for sure an ending -A there. And we might even suggest that Sa is a feminative, which leads back to a thought that Kushan culture is very matriarchical one...

Plural Form

There are several ways of creating plural form:

  1. with suffix -id:
    e.g.: kharak/kharakid, kiith/kiithid, sa/sid
    open vowel of the original word is replaced
  2. using possessive adjectives as plural form, with postfix -i/-ii
    +i -> e.g.: sobani, manaani, sjetti, naabali
    +ii -> e.g.: kharakii, manaanii, sobanii
    the accent can be changed here: sobani - sobanii

It looks like -id is not a plural form, but a creation of a new single form word, that means “the bunch of”, like it's done in esperanto: birdo (a bird) - birdoj (birds) - birdaro (flock of birds). In our case it could be the following logic:

  • Kharak - the object, the planet
  • Kharaki - something that belongs to the object, some of the planet habitants
  • Kharakii - many of something that belongs to the object, the multiple units of the planet habitants
  • Kharakid - all of something that belongs to the object, the planet habitants in general

For example, Amar[i][id] flats (HWR) could be translated like this: flats of the all of belonging to a bunch of Amar ones, whatever that means, something like that. Or there is Amari[a] entity, be it people, animal or else.

We can play this game further: Taiidan - whatever -an means, there is all belonging to Tai :D. But that word should be of another language, so never mind.

Words Joints

There are different ways of combining words in Kushan:

  1. Aaa Bbb : Skaal Tel, Sajuuk Cor
  2. Aaa-Bbb : Kuun-Lan, Kiith-Sa
  3. Aaabbb : Griitidim, Hiigara
  4. AaaBbb : LiirHra
  5. Aaa'Bbb : Asaam Kiith'sid, Kor'shesh (?) --not sure about this

But this is too much related to writing and can hardly be distinct in speech, so somehow this should be regulated.

For example, there is “Skaal Tel” and “Skaal Fa”, male and female predators of Kharak, then there is Somtaaw destroyer “Naar-Tel”, and Tel sector, and Coruc-Tel and Seera Tel systems. Skaal, Naar, Coruc, Seera might define some alien life species: Kharakian, Hiigaran or any other planet biome Kushani got familiar with. But on the other hand, “Naar-Tel” is not “Naar Tel” - and we don’t know for sure what’s the difference between “Naar-Tel”, “Naar Tel”, “Tel Naar”, “Tel-Naar” in Kushan language… Or even “Naar’Tel”?..

But we know phrases Sajuuk Cor/Taa, wrath/fist of Sajuuk; and Skaal Tel/Fa/Brii, male, female, kids of Skaal. But the word order makes it somewhat clear. And while I still cannot imagine how to make a "hollow kinswoman" out "J'niira Kiith", for "Siifar Kor'shesh", "Night of Fiery Daggers", it looks like "Siifar" is "Fiery Daggers" and "Kor'shesh" is "Night", though I'd make it otherwise. But let's not forget that the word order not always is stable, and as we don't know the exact word meaning the final result may vary.

The same is about the Kiith-Sa, kiith-leader, leader of kiith, and most probably the order is important, but how it's happening, is it a root-root, root turning into a suffix, can we have Sid-Kiith, how it's Sa of Sa's, Sid-sa? For now it's not really clear, and I'm not ready to imagine a new grammar rule for this. :) Anyone else to define it?.. And why in HWC it's written as "Kiith'sid"?

Kushan Vocabulary

Homeworld series have added quite many words for the Kushan language, and here (I hope) are all that are found to this moment. Though I must admit that using English for alien words might be very confusing because of it's empirical pronunciation rules, when the same letter combinations can be read in a different way, because of the history - e.g., thought / [θot]; because of the dialects - route / [raut] or [rut], either / [izer] or [aizer]?

Homeworld lore has these this as well. C-K problems when JARACI is [JARAKI], but CANGACIAN is [KANGASIAN] - so how would you spell CANGACI? How do you differentiate KOR from COR? Then while everywhere we follow double vowel rule, CLEE SAN is not what it's seems and is pronounced [KLII SAN], so HEESHK pronounced [HISHK] or [HEESHK]? And then we have H letter problem - is it pronounced or not? And, finally, how do you spell name MYTAR - is it [MAITAR] or [MITAR]? How do you spell the clearly French roots (is this some Canadian reference?) name of PER DOINE - [DUEIN], [DUAN], [DUIN]?..

Someone who creates a new word for Kushans, should also write down an approximate spelling of it. Or write words the way there's no ambiguities in their pronunciation.

Kharak Biom

  • B'tir (HWDOK)
    Deep desert brood tunneler
  • Chriil (HWDOK)
    An animal “so clever it hunts its own tail to death” © Rachel S'jet
  • Fiirkan (HWWOS)
    A small hunting bird native to the temperate deserts of Kharak. The Fiirkan hunts by riding the wave-front of the huge seasonal sandstorms, plucking its food as the violent winds drive various small animals from hiding. The bird dives and twists at the edge of the storm, but is never swallowed up by it.
    Could be consisting of two roots - Fi[ir] + K[an]
  • Kudaark (HWC)
    a large burrower from the northern forests of Taiidan
    -- still it looks like originally it was from the northern forests of Kharak…
  • Haarir(i) (HWDOK)
    The largest animal on Kharak: friendly, knee-high, omnivorous
  • R’del Shar (HW3)
    a Kharakian sandflower with deadly thorns
  • Riit(i) (HWDOK)
    A small ubiquitous and annoying and grain-eating forager abnormal to Kharak.
    -- seems that we're talking about usual mice
  • Sam't (HWDOK)
    Sidestepping swarmer insects of the Dry Seas
  • Skaal (HWC)
    The Skaal is one of the most deadliest predators that roam the southern wastes of Kharak, and was the greatest threat to the safety of caravans until it was deliberately hunted to the edge of extinction.
    The male of the species, the Skaal Tel, is a vicious clawed hunter with heavy scales and poison sacks that can blind or kill an unwary opponent at a distance. Though it masses nearly ten times that of an average Taiidani, it is still able to keep up with a warrior at full run. The Skaal Tel hunts for its mate and cubs during the breeding cycle and is capable of dragging its kill back to the den from over a hundred kloms away.
    Skaal Fal is the female of the Skaal species, and, while smaller and somewhat more vulnerable during the breeding season than the male, sports a tail covered with hardened spines which she can fling at an attacker with deadly force from the safety of her lair.
    -- though it was updated in HWC manual, the Kharakian Taiidans still were not proofread out
  • Triikor (HWC)
    Kharakian predator cat

Hiigaran Biom

  • S’chto (HW3)
    A nut, an ingredient of the S’chto Crème ice-cream loved by Imogen S'jet

Kharak Culture

  • A'kadath Su Tiira (HWDOK)
    Victory is work”: ancient Kharakid phrase that ends every briefing for Baserunner crews
  • Chak'm'Hot (HW1)
    The winds of the desert seasonal superstorm, circling the equator every 13 years, it drastically reshapes Kharak's surface in its wake
  • Clean Water Act (HW1)
    The act forbade non-Siidim kiithid from living at the headwaters of a river or stream, lest they foul the water which Siidim downstream would have to drink (~KDS 470)
  • Clee-San (HWC)
    Literary, "Truth Seeker", a temple and a ship.
  • Dhaigren (HWDOK) - Dreamlands (by Gaalsien)
  • Diirvaas (HWC)
    The ancient discipline of sword-dancing.
    Could be consisting of two roots - [Diir][Vaas]
  • Daiamid (HW1)
    The place where kiithid, powerful and weak, gather to resolves disputes and set policy for Kushans.
    Could be consisting of several parts - Da[i][am][id], see below.
  • Faagan (HWDOK)
    • the extended rope which runs from one family member to another in a howling sandstorm, and allows them to continue following their leader and cling to one another even when they cannot see or hear for themselves.
    • Gaalsi term for Northern Coalition: “the Bound and the Blind”, Faagani are “Blind Followers of a False God
  • Faal-Corum (HWC)
    Literary, "Silent Wayfarer", a temple and a ship
  • Ferin Sha (HW1)
    The Dancing Ground
  • Fist of God (HWDOK)
    Gaalsien warriors.
    Could be a complex word - Ga[al][si][en], see below.
  • Gritiidim (HW1)
    By Siidim Dogma (KDS 462) non-Siidim kiithid are known as “Gritiidim,” or “sand people”
    Could be a complex word - Grit[i][id][im], see below.
  • Hail-Pyke Maneuver (HWDOK)
    a battle maneuver, performed by Hail Soban and Payke Soban (KDS 1113)
  • Hiigara (HW1)
    Literally, "Our Home".
    Should be consisting of two words - Hi[i]+Gar[a]
  • J'niira Kiith (HWDOK)
    A hollow kinswoman.
    Could have such a structure - J'ni[ir][a]
  • Khaaneph (HWDOK)
    The raiders of the Wastes desert
    • Literally means “Godless”;
    • Khaaneph believe in nothing. No God. No law. No justice. No Kiith. Khaaneph is a person with the soul of a beast. If the ties that bind us to our shared humanity are a rope… a Khaaneph has willingly drawn a knife and cut the cord.”;
  • Khadiim (HWDOK)
    Jaraci Anomaly operation (KDS 1110)
    Could have such a structure - Khad[i][im]
  • Kiith (HW1)
    Society on Kharak is organized along loose family associations, many of which now include hundreds of thousands of members. An extended family grouping is called a kiith (plural: kiithid);
  • Kiith-Sa (HW1)
    The primary family within a kiith is called the kiith-Sa, a political and financial leader
  • Kiith Family Medallion (HWDOK)
    Bearing the individual kiith's family insignia, these medallions were originally a means of identification during the Heresy Wars
    -- dog tags?
  • Kuun-Lan (HWC)
    Literary "Purifying Flame", a temple and a ship
  • Paaura (HWC)
    holy vengeance; for example, Paaura on Taiidani war criminals was declared by the only leftover of once shamanic kiith Tambuur;
    Could have such a structure - Paa[ur][a]
  • Raachok (HWWOS)
    The ancient raachok was a hurled weapon from the early martial period on Kharak. Light infantry used to carry a half dozen of these leaded darts into battle and then throw them in rapid fashion as they closed with the opponent. They were not the most effective weapon for inflicting injuries, but the enemy was forced to raise their shields to protect themselves from the hail of whistling projectiles, and so the infantry could often close and get in the first blow before the enemy had recovered.
  • Seejur (HWC)
    An ancient combat shield from the early Kiith wars. It is meant to be worn strapped to the forearm, and has three sharp spikes mounted along the rim and pointed forward. This allowed skilled warriors to block a critical blow and then drive the sharpened spikes into the enemy with the same motion.
  • Siifar Kor'shesh (HWDOK)
    "The Night of Fiery Daggers", when 10k Gaalsien warriors died
  • Skaal Brii (HWDOK)
    Jaraci Anomaly operation (KDS 1106)
  • Taking the Red (HW1)
    Ritual of accepting unit into Soban
    “Kneeling before the Soban-Sa, individuals forcibly rip the colors of their previous Kiith from their bodies, rejecting ties to the past and entering Kiith Soban with no attachments”

Kharak Myths

  • Star-Metal Scrolls (HWC)
    Somtaaw mythical artifact, located in the last Temple of the Mysteries of the Shimmering Path; alleged to be written by the hand of Jakuul Himself, in a language which no living man could read.
  • Chalice of Life (HWC)
    Somtaaw mythical artifact; probably, a reference to the Holy Grail
  • Caaliburnos Sword (HWC)
    Soban mythical artifact; probably, a reference to the Excalibur
    Could have such a structure - Ca[al]i[]burn[os]
  • Burning Spear (HWC)
    Gaalsien mythical artifact; probably, a reference to the Spear of Destiny

Kharak Religion

  • Sajuuk (HW1)
    Great Maker Sajuuk. The deity that was said to have cast down the kiithid to Kharak. Also known as "He Whose Hand Shapes What Is."
    For example, there is a famous word, heavily reminding the Homeworld's 'Sajuuk':
    The word Yahweh is a modern scholarly convention for the Hebrew יהוה, transcribed into Roman letters as YHWH and known as the Tetragrammaton, for which the actual pronunciation is disputed. The most likely meaning of the name may be “He Brings Into Existence Whatever Exists", but there are many theories and none is regarded as conclusive.
  • Sajuuk Cor (HWC)
    An ancient phrase that translates roughly into "God's Wrath."
  • Jakuul (HW1)
    the deity who's purpose not so clear, might be an aspect of Sajuuk or his antagonist, depends of a sect beliefs;
  • Koshiir Ra (HWWOS)
    An ancient god of protection in the ancient days of the Taiidani people and many of defense fighter pilots carry his symbol, a shield crossed by broken swords
    -- and again, suddenly Kushan codename for the Taiidan vessel is taken from the Taiidan culture, while the other names are pretty Kushan; I believe, it's another example of trying to retcon those descriptions that were not really finalized;
  • Qwaar-Jet (HWC)
    An ancient god of Pain and Enslavement
  • Caaw Duuk (HWDOK)
    An ancient spirit of Harvest
  • Jaanah (HWR)
    An ancient god of accord and trade, this deity temple in Tiir was used by Naabal for Great Daiamid
  • Viin Cal (HWDOK)
    An ancient god of hunters
  • Gaalsien Decree of Kah'a (HWR)
    Kah'a is an ancient set of desert survival tactics that are couched in religious law
  • K'Had Sajuuk
    Seems to be a theocratic title of Gaalsien-Sa

Kharak Technology

  • The Maach-Nar Projection system (HWDOK)
    requires two full laser arrays, spread out on either side of the fighter
  • Phased Disassembler Array (HW1)
    collector, controller, repair corvette, support frigate, minelayer corvette, THE MAGIC

Kushan Kiithid

The current list of known kiithid (and their notable members) is following:

  • Naabal, S'jet, Soban, Manaan, Paktu, Somtaaw, Kaalel, Hraal, Liir (LiirHra), Gaalsien, Siidim, Ferriil, Jaraci, Sagald, Tambuur, Doine, Magann, Riif, Baer, Lehi, Balel, Matara, Atarad, Naael, Thassan, Khaaneph…

Kharak Cartography

Kharakian topographical names can be found in this article.

Kharak Personal Names

Regardless of her desire for privacy, however, her presence is felt everywhere. In the recent Kushan population explosion, the name "Karan" has been given to thousands of baby girls, and even among boys, the name "Kar" is surprisingly common
(c) HWCO, History of the Landfall, Cataclysm Story

Kushan names often make use of double vowels, such as “ii,” “aa,” and “uu,” leading to names such as Majiir or Chiisur. Any easy way to include these into an existing name is to take the name, such as Amara or Idris, and then double up the vowels already in the name, leading to names like Amaara or Idriis. However, many Kushan names break this convention, opting to forgo the double vowels as seen with names such as Karan, Rachel, and Jeremiah.
(c) HWR, p.68, Personal Details, Name

I'd say it's a good hint, though I'd object to the last sentence: don't you dare to use Earth realm names, at least, those that are usual to a popular culture. It's hard to say if HWM has removed regular European names out of their long list, replacing them by eastern exotics (at least there was a small discussion about it on Facebook), but HWDOK has started it all. While HW1 and HWC tried to invent the names out of the other universe, HW2 has added Malketh, and HWDOK even assigned Rachel, Roman and others, for the main roles. And HW3 gives us "Isaac"(!) - why not Isa[ak], for example?...

On the other hand, HWDOK has introduced another type of words, probably influenced by “S'jet” apostrophe: J'dones, K'nsaal, Skaad'l, M'toth, P'torr, P'chirii, Aard'th… And that's what continued in HW3.

Maybe Its Just Cuz All Klingon Names Sound The Same They All Have An Apostrophe For Some Reason

Well, it sounds like some Klingon is calling for Cthulhu, but it's better than plagiarism from the western civilization. Though anyway you'd use language sound combinations just unconsciously - here's the real example where a diversity could help to escape monolingual echo chamber. But it seems that starting with HWDOK people just stopped even trying.

Homeworld and Western Culture

So, the names are here:

  • HW1
    Chiisur, Fliir, Huur, Gar, Ifriit, Jora, Karan, Kriil, Leykab, Liam, Majiir, Mevath, Miirpat, Per, Rei, Kim
  • HWC
    Aart, Dava, Kuura, Teigor, Tiirshak
  • HWCO
    Arban, Kar, Kona, Liir, Ran, Siima
  • HW2
    Deckard(!), Hail, Gaarket, Jacob(!), Jean, Jonas, J'dones, Khagaan, K'had, K'nsaal, Masaar, Miirhan, Nathan, Pyke(!), Rachel(!), Roman(!), Stell, Tarsis
  • HWR
    Ajora, Akarda, Ataral, Cassandra(!), Cynsk, Emilia(!), Johnas, Kassalid, Maora, Marala, Mytar, Nissa(!), Ruel, Sasaraad, Sorjan, Taaran
  • HWM
    Joanna(!), Ahab, Enoch, Vashti, Sirocco, Esentra, Amaala, Pagraan, Mehemit, Agnes(!), Marie(!), Jerrisiah, Mahel, Gideon(!), Joshua(!), Jassiah, Thaed, Makhaab .....
  • HW3
    Imogen, Isaac(!), Ba'al, Baalor, Baran, Darrian, Jerek, Iiian, Fel, Gar, Taraa, Challa, Jartel, L'kov, Ezeera, Glorith, Raal, Cl'rth, Benai, T'sai, Regina (!), D'katar, Gaalan, Lazlo, Klee, Toreth, K’la, T’saan, Ginaar
    Stig Halmer, Kalgai, Mirabline, Durkarian, Ghiritzen, Cephalon Peake, Ohtaria, Ceratius

Ship Codenames: Carriers (HWDOK)

  • Ifriit Naabal - Northern Coalition Nabaal heavy carrier
  • Sakala - Northern Coalition Siidim desert carrier
  • Kapisi - Northern Coalition S'jet desert carrier
  • Akalon - Northern Coalition desert carrier
  • Fiiskire - Northern Coalition desert carrier
  • Amida - Northern Coalition desert carrier

  • Ashinta - Gaalsien desert carrier
  • Ashoka - Gaalsien desert carrier
  • Renza - Gaalsien desert carrier
  • K'Had Retribution - Elite Gaalsien desert carrier
  • K'Had Sunder - Elite Gaalsien desert carrier
  • "Satuuk Conquers" - Gaalsien flagship, desert super-carrier, led by K'had Sajuuk

Ship Codenames: Gaalsien Desert Vessels (HWDOK)

  • Corvaal - Gaalsien Command Carrier
  • Slaa - Gaalsien Salvager
  • B'tir - Gaalsien Baserunner
  • Sam't - Gaalsien Sandscimmer
  • Aard'th Saar - Gaalsien Assault Ship
  • M'toth - Gaalsien Missile Ship
  • P'torr - Gaalsien Heavy Railgun
  • P'chirii - Gaalsien Assault Railgun
  • F'xbat - Gaalsien Interceptor
  • Bokiir - Gaalsien Precision Bomber
  • Knar-re - Gaalsien Smart munition
  • Caaw Duuk - Gaalsien Production Cruiser
  • Skaad'l - Gaalsien Siege Cruiser
  • Saajuk Taa - Gaalsien Honorguard Cruiser

Ship Codenames: Kushan Ships

  • Khar-Toba (HW1) - one of the Old Hiigaran ships sent Exile to
  • Khar-Selim (HW1) - Kushan sublight ship sent to Kharak System outskirts to aid Mothership
  • Khar-Sajuuk (HW3) - Hiigaran ship sent to investigate the Anomaly with Karan S'jet onboard
  • Khar-Kushan (HW3) - Hiigaran ship sent to investigate the Anomaly with Imogen S'jet onboard
  • Clee-San (HWC) - Somtaaw science frigate
  • Faal-Corum (HWC) - Somtaaw command ship
  • Kuun-Lan (HWC) - Somtaaw command ship
  • Somtaaw command ship alternative names (HWC):
    Teer-Gig, Gaal-Ten, Coor-Lan, Naab-Corum, Toet-Coy, Eheb-San, Shuus-Nan, Thuuw-Nan, Morrh-Re, Ruun-Aaid, Shin-Clah, Baar-Ett, Gaar-Balhi, Vhenk-Maan, Maal-Nitz, Feng-Yuun, Thul-Lee, Mholah-Ri, Veer-Kah, Eh-Ghoan, Drun-Kyori
  • Naar-Tel (HWC) - Somtaaw destroyer
  • Bushan-Re (HWC) - Manaani destroyer
  • Caal-Shto (HWC) - Manaani carrier
  • Veer-Rak (HWC) - Naabal carrier
  • Gren-Shto (HWCO) - Hraal ship
  • Steelweaver (HWCO) - Hraal ship
  • Sadaar (HWR) - LiirHra space plane, making a maiden flight in 1106 KDS

Ship Codenames: Taiidan Ships (HW1/HWC)

  • Fiirkan - Taiidan scout
  • Triikor - Taiidan heavy interceptor
  • Kaark - Taiidan bomber
  • Seejur - Taiidan heavy defender
  • Koshiir Ra - Taiidan defense fighter
  • Raachok - Taiidan light corvette
  • Tiirshak - Taiidan salvage corvette
  • Diirvas - Taiidan multigun corvette
  • Wodaan - Taiidan minelayer corvette
  • Kudaark - Taiidan assault frigate
  • Heeshk - Taiidan support frigate
  • Sajuuk Cor - Taiidan ion frigate
  • Tiifal - Taiidan defence field frigate
  • Skaal Tel - Taiidan destroyer
  • Skaal Fa - Taiidan missile destroyer
  • Saarkin Cho - Taiidan carrier
  • Qwaar-Jet - Taiidan heavy cruiser
  • Variis - Taiidan proximity sensor
  • Koraal - Taiidan gravity generator
  • Fushai - Taiidan cloak generator
  • Siim Salla - Taiidan resource controller

Ship Codenames: Ancient Hiigaran Empire Ships

  • Sajuuk's Wrath (HW2PR)
    ancient Hiigarian flagship with the 2nd GHC
    -- is it another Sajuuk Cor?

Ship Codenames: Nimbus Expedition (HWM)

  • Abiigado (GSY 9626) - carrier-class ship that was first to reach Nimbus;
  • Lazarus (GSY 9631) - mothership-class ship, largest expedition of the first ones to reach Nimbus;
  • Caral (GSY 9635) - an expedition with Gideon S'jet onboard (don't mix with Koraal!);
  • Leviathan (GSY 9635) - an expedition with Mahel Manaan onboard;
  • Task Force Ararat (~GSY 9641) - vanished without a trace after departing for Nimbus galaxy
    • Lost:
      • Riif-Sa - battlecruiser, commanded by Admiral Enoch S'jet;
      • Khar-Kaalad - carrier, commanded by Vice Admiral Vashti Soban;
      • Haarsuk - carrier;
      • Akalon - expedition ship;
    • Saved:
      • Expedition ship - commanded by you and your executive officer Joanna Naabal;
      • Acropolis - frigate, added to your fleet after Duzumi-Wiracoda Gates incident;
  • Dark Star (~GSY 9641) - mothership-class vessel under command of Kiithless Kidara Sasan;
  • Mohaava (~GSY 9641)
    - explorer class carrier, converted to repair ship specifications after Kaiasia class explorers began entering service. It was attached to the 8th fleet during Operation Sonasaad to the Withering Gulf and it single-handedly maintained the battered expedition as they returned to civilized space.
  • Tiirshak (~GSY 9641)
    - explorer-class carrier, can be easily recognized by the "07" on its hull. It was the seventh of the first ten explorer type flagships launched in 9629 GSY. Kiith S’jet took it to serve in Operation Silumiin. The Tiirshak is outfitted with greater sensor capabilities for deep space exploration assignments. It disappeared two months into exploring the Lost Coast, a suspected Progenitor gateway, but now seems to have resurfaced.

With Eros and Aurora galaxies and Vinland settlement, it looks like that HWM authors were bitten by some Romans, explainable only as a Taiidan Kiithless influence on Kushans, which means that Taiidans are more of a Roman Empire guys now than Persia (in short and general), or both equally.

Ship Codenames: Khar-Sajuuk and Khar-Kushan Expeditions (HW3)

Well, I don't know if Gal'Geth is a reference to Golgotha or H'rex is about T-Rex, but Sentinel, Kuura and Worker are quite interesting choice of names, if we recall HWC. And again, we have here all the types of connections mentioned before - Aaa'Bbb, Aaa'bbb, Aaa-Bbb, AaaBbb. Seems, no system here again... And again words mistypes that makes you wonder if it's the same word of the earlier game's backstory or completely new or somebody just don't give Jakuul. Like, why Hraal suddenly turned H'raal, and A'kadath is back to Akadath.


  • Deskar Fal - Carrier under command of Admiral Darrian Soban;
  • Khar Toran - Carrier under command of Admiral Ba’al Soban;
  • Faal Lan - Frigate under command of Patrol Commander Taraa Soban;
  • Scal - Frigate under command of Commander Jartel Soban;
    - Skaal?
  • Der’ak Nor - Destroyer under command of Strike Commander Iiian Paktu;
    - Der+ak?
  • Ha'beladin - Frigate under command of Patrol Commander Challa Paktu;
  • Vinn Cal - Frigate under command of Commander Glorith Paktu;
    - Viin Cal? Viin Caal?
  • Fadak - Destroyer under command of Strike Commander Jerek Manaan;
  • Haal'Ta - Frigate under command of Patrol Commander Fel Manaan;
  • Forenthsla - Frigate under command of Commander L’kov H’raal;
  • Galtos - Destroyer under command of Strike Commander Baran Kaalel;
  • Krak’or - Frigate under command of Patrol Commander Gar Kaalel;
  • Boreaal - Frigate under command of Commander Ezeera Somtaaw;
    - Boreal? - like the name on the HW3 map?
  • Chuldah's Hope - Resource Controller under command of Commander Lazlo Somtaaw;


  • N'Bex - Hiigaran Recon
  • Azkar-D - Hiigaran Interceptor
  • Sho'Az-B - Hiigaran Bomber
  • H'rex - Hiigaran Railgun Corvette
  • Zevrani - Hiigaran Ion Cannon Frigate
  • Orlan - Hiigaran Support Frigate
  • D'neymon - Hiigaran Suppression Frigate
  • Selbah - Hiigaran Assault Frigate
  • Patel-Sho - Hiigaran Torpedo Frigate
  • Namell - Hiigaran Minelayer Frigate
  • T'saan - Hiigaran Carrier (named after Vaygr War Admiral T'saan Soban (c))
  • Geon - Hiigaran Destroyer
  • Gal'Geth - Hiigaran Battlecruiser
  • Sajuuk - Hiigaran Mothership
  • Sentinel II - Hiigaran Probe
  • Kuura - Hiigaran Resource Controller
  • Worker - Hiigaran Resource Collector

Maybe, some relations can be seen here, in this repeating words: Patel-[Sho] - [Sho]'[Az] - [Az][kar] - [Kar] - [Karan], but no hints what could those mean if it's really connected. In HWC we had "Caal/Gren-Shto" ships, not Sho, and AZ-23769 system, don't know if related anyhow or means something.

Kushan Vocabulary: Analysis

Almost Translated

Here are the words, that come from the partly translated phrases, so the other part can be logically continued: at least there are versions what untranslated word might mean.

  • Brii (HWDOK)
    if we accept that Skaal Brii is “Skaal's cub”, then Brii is ”cub”, maybe, "cubs"
  • Cor (HWC)
    "God's Wrath"
    As Sajuuk is the main deity on Kharak, Cor is Wrath
  • Daiam (HW1)
    if there is Daiamid, and -id is a plural form, then Daiam is somewhat of a “deputy”?
  • Fa(l) (HWC)
    as Skaal Fal is a female of a Skaal animal, then Fa(l) is “female” (I'd vote for F[a] for feminative)
  • Sa (HW1)
    as kiith-Sa means “kiith leader”, and it used separately and with kiith name directly, like Naabal-Sa, it means, the Sa = leader. But can it be used with other words, like Mothership-Sa - leader of a ship, e.g. captain, or it has some restrictions?..
  • Taa (HWDOK)
    comes from "Saajuk Taa": first, if there is no other word, then it should be Sajuuk, and second, there were Gaalsien warriors named Fist of God, so, maybe, Taa = Fist?
  • Tel (HWC)
    as Skaal Fal is a female of a Skaal animal, then Tel point us that this one is a male, Tel is a “male
    or, as there is so much "Tel" in HWM, maybe, it's reference to the real "Tel", like "Tel Megiddo", the Megiddo hill/tell/mound: so, if Tel is hill and is used as euphemism for male attribute, so what's Fa(l)? - is it "valley"?..


Here are collected phrases, that have a translation, but the words inside the phrase are unfamiliar so far. So there might be variations of meanings of the used words themselves. For example, "petite mort, translated from French, means “little death”, and is generally used as a euphemism for orgasm".

  • A'kadath Su Tiira (HWDOK)
    “Victory is work”: if we take straight English translation, then A'kadath = Victory, Su = Is, Tiira = Work, and that fits interesting with Tiir, the capital of Naabal, and that ancient wanderer Tiirshak S'jet But we don't know where a verb is, what the sequence of words is and so on. It's the only full sentence of the Kushani speech we've seen so far!..
  • Caaw Duuk (HWDOK)
    A harvest spirit, but why 2 words?
  • Clee-San (HWC)
    "Truth Seeker"
  • Dhaigren (HWDOK)
    [Dhai][gren] - what's dream, what's lands? Maybe, [en] means "a lot"?
  • Faal-Corum (HWC)
    "Silent Wayfarer"
    Not clear, what is what, and if “wayfarer” is a several meanings combination word, “unit who travels far”, and is this depicted in a phrase; as well, is Corum related to Coruc and Cor?.. It could be that [Fa][al] is about the "Wayfarer" (maybe we can tie it to the "way rope" - Faagan?), and [Cor][um] ("Silence") is somewhat opposite to Cor ("Wrath"). Because otherwise is hard to think how the "Wayfarer" and "Wrath" could be related.
  • Faal-Tel (HWC)
    I believe there was a mistype as originally the name was "Dark Matter FCluster Faal-Te", and the other systems had this "-Tel" ending. Or there could be a new grammar rule for -Te(l) and -Fa(l)?..
    Anyway, as Faal-Corum is a "Silent Wayfarer" and Skaal Tel is a male of Skaal, it could be something like
    Silent guy/area” or “Wayfarer guy/area”, both are good, as Somtaaw and Manaani meeting happens both in a silent and "Far Reaches Sector" (direct quote from HWC mission name!). So I'd vote for the latter.
  • Ferin Sha (HW1)
    "Dancing Ground"
  • Khaaneph (HWDOK)
    So, what's here is "god" and what's "-less"? Is the name Khagaan related?..
  • Hiigara (HW1)
    "Our Home"
    If it's a combination of 2 senses, not clear what part of the word has such. Hii - our? Gara - Home? Then the name “Gar” - homey guy? or our guy? Or what?..
  • J'niira Kiith (HWDOK)
    "Hollow kinswoman"
    It's hard to understand if English translation is a non-literal one, literature one, or else; we know word kiith, so J'niira is left, but it's not clear if a gender is included in it - like -iir ending is common, so is it -a to mark woman? - and is there any meaning in a J' beginning.
  • Koshiir Ra (HWC)
    A god of protection, but why 2 words?
  • Khontala (HWC)
    We know the first temple of Shimmering Path, “Oracle of Tala”, so, probably, it's [Khon]+[Tal][a].
    I'd vote that Tala is a mountain, and Khon, going along Kha-thing (see above) would mean "Holy mountain".
  • Kuun-Lan (HWC)
    "Purifying Flame"
  • Lungma Jiin (HWC)
    "The Roof of the World"
  • Qwaar-Jet (HWC)
    A god of Pain and Enslavement, but why 2 words? Is this anyhow related to S'jet?
  • Saju-Ka (HW1)
    Gaalsien capital city; there a clear connection to Sajuuk, but otherwise too much options;
  • Siifar Kor'shesh (HWDOK)
    Night of Fiery Daggers”:
    if we take straight English then "Siifar"
    is Night, "Kor" is Fiery (which comes good with known Cor - Wrath), "Shesh" - is Daggers; but there are at least 3 meanings, and we have here 2 words, one divided by an apostrophe, and no examples of these words usage, so this is purely hypothetical; like Sii might be Fiery, far - Dagger, Kor'shesh - Night , who knows?.. If we take "Triikor" - desert cat - then Kor might mean a dagger like the claws of a cat...
    I'd stay with Siifar for night (with Siidim - sky/star people - in mind) and Kor'Shesh as Fiery Daggers (what is what still needs to be figured).
  • Viin Cal (HWDOK)
    An ancient god of the hunters, but why 2 words?

Not Translated

Here are the words and the word combinations, that have no translation, but they exist. Are these simply names or some meaning behind - it's not clear.

  • HW1
    • Heeshk, Fushai, Kaark, Saju-Ka, Klaar, Koraal, Koshiir Ra, Qwaar-Jet, Saarkin Cho, Silumiin, Siim Salla, Tiifal, Variis, Wodaan
  • HWC
    • Bushan-Re, Caal-Shto, Coruc-Tel, Coruc Farr, Faal-Te, Hunon, Gren-Shto, Naar-Tel, Sojent-Ra, Veer-Rak
    • Baar-Ett, Clee-San, Coor-Lan, Drun-Kyori, Eh-Ghoan, Eheb-San, Faal-Corum, Feng-Yuun, Kuun-Lan, Gaal-Ten, Gaar-Balhi, Maal-Nitz, Mholah-Ri, Morrh-Re, Naab-Corum, Ruun-Aaid, Shin-Clah, Shuus-Nan, Teer-Gig, Toet-Coy, Thul-Lee, Thuuw-Nan, Vhenk-Maan, Veer-Kah
  • HW2
    • Sarum, Thaddis Sabbah
    • Aard’th Saar, Akalon, Amida, B'shiir, Beladin, Biaan, Bokiir, Caaw Duuk, Corvaal, Dassar, F'xbat, Fiiskire, Garaak, K'karr, K'thtaal, Kapisi, Khadiim, Khashar, Knar-re, Maach-Nar, M’toth, P’chirii, P'torr, Riikes, Sakala, Salka, Sarath, Skaad'l, Slaa, Torin, Viin Cal, Vriis
  • HWR
    • Abaard, Amariid, Atekh, Mataar, Nisilbis, Sadsaior
  • HW3
    • Mera'Kaar, Deskar Fal, Toran, Galtos, Fadak, Der'ak Nor, Haal'Ta, Krak'or, Faal Lan, Habeladin, Scal, Forenthsla, Boreaal, Vinn Cal, Chuldah, Akadath, Ferin, Akkad, N’Bex, Azkar, Zolan, Sho’Az, H’rex, Selbah, Zevrani, D’neymon, R’del Shar, Patel-Sho, Namell, Orlan, Geon, Kalik D’an, Ferrin Sal, Kindal, Vaal Sh’to

Literal References


In fact, metallurgy and structural composition are an identical match to the Khar-Toba wreckage on Kharak
(c) HW1, Mission 08, The Cathedral of Kadesh

Khar-Toba appears to be the first city built by our ancestors after surviving planetfall on Kharak.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.3, Khar-Toba Analysis

Despite conditions that would daunt personnel in modern enviro suits, these first brave excavators managed to uncover what has come to be known as the First City, Khar-Toba.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.3, The Discovery of Khar-Toba

Kiith Sjet is, in fact, one of the only kiith to have a validated claim to direct kiith descent from the ancient first city of Khar-Toba.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.30, Kiith Sjet

The only other recorded finding of one of these ships is on Kharak; known as the Khar-Toba, it is the ship that brought the Hiigarans to Kharak, eventually becoming the planet’s first city after it landed.
(c) HWR, p.150, Khar-Toba

The team had found the Khar-Toba, the First City, and everything, everywhere, would change for everyone.
(c) HWR, p.176, The Age of Reason

Khar-Toba, it appeared, had been built around the wreckage of an ancient vessel, perhaps by the very people who landed (or crashed) it on the surface of the world all Kushan then called home.
(c) HWR, p.177, Pre-Exodus

The name can refer to both the Exile ship Khar-Toba, which bore the hyperspace core from Hiigara to Kharak, or the city that accreted around its wreckage in the desert. Historically, however, the city is usually what is meant.
(c) HWR, P.187, Khar-Toba

In the Great Nebula she petitioned Fleet Command to board the derelict sister ship of the Khar-Toba, and in the Sea of Lost Souls she personally investigated the Ghost Ship.
(c) HWR, p.216, Emilia Somtaaw - Fleet Intelligence Officer

There is a word "Khar", used quite often (compared to other words). There are two believed meanings of it: “first” and “ship”. IMHO, both seem to be right, but let's check the usage.

  1. Khar-Toba (HW1)
    City on the ship ruins
    1. Something like "The First City" or 'THAT (The Very One) City';
    2. Ship-city; ship-landing or else. Some are taking this name with guide stone - the reflection to the Kaaba in Mekka (Mekka's "brother" is Sajuu-ka, IMHO), the black stone. This is quite correlating, especially if we know that "kara/khara" in turks language is "black" (even here we can play with 'black/danger/sadness/void/universe' meanings, imaging the whole story behind 'khar' evolution through the physical, association, social and religious applications).
      And Toba in this case might mean "The First". Like "Ship/Place/Location One/First", basically, The First City. Or we can think that the definition "The FIrst City" is just a pseudonym, an alternative name for Khar-Toba.
  2. Khar-Selim (HW1)
    Explorer ship
    1. First explorer/voyager, or the Pioneer, the first to discover something. But does it mean that 'Khar-Selim' can be applied to all pioneers? Or ''The Lonely Wanderer'? Or like in the previous case 'THAT (The Very One) Explorer', as it was very special ship.
    2. Ship-explorer/voyager, very simple.
      But what if the 'Selim' is some name, name of some wanderer and the great explorer, that became a synonim to the marathon voyager? - like it was in the case of taiidani salvette codename - 'Tiirshak', the scientist and explorer of Kharak?..
  3. Sajuuk-Khar (HW2)
    "The Chosen One"
    1. Sajuuk's First?
    2. The placeholder of the Sajuuk, the “sajuukshipped”; the one who's is lead by Sajuuk, the Great Captain Whos Hand Lead Whatever It Is :).
      Maybe, the ship of the Sajuuk could be named nearly the same but in the reverse order - Khar-Sajuuk, and that's something that correlates with the 'Khar-Selim'.
  4. Khar-Sajuuk (HW3)
    HW3 new Karan S'jet's mothership
    1. First of Sajuuk's?
    2. Ship of Sajuuk?
  5. Khar-Kushan (HW3)
    HW3 new Imogen S'jet's mothership
    1. First Kushan?
    2. Kushan ship?
  6. Khar-Atekh (HWR)
    One of the S'jetti-filled cities
    1. First Atekh?
    2. City-ship of Atekh?
  7. Kharak (HW1)
    Planet habited by the Exiles
    1. Guys translated it like "the First Planet" that was possible to habit; or we can transform the word 'first' to the 'the unit', 'the one': like, the planet that we chose. Like the article 'the', but with much more weight: THAT (The Very One) Planet.
    2. "Ship" meaning should not be taken so straight: it could mean something like "place"; but even without it, the planet is a quite big ship - for those who had seen only their prison ship for generations, "ship" could have more sacred, more "world" meaning then we do;
      And "-ak" suffix could mean the greatest level of size: like, the biggest ship/place.
      Actually, there is a city called Al-Karak, and its name once had the meaning 'Fortress'.
      And there are few more ancient city names with Kar/Khar in it. Like Khar-Nak - Egyptian city near the Tanis.
  8. Kharam (HW2)
    ship wreckages on a multiplayer map
    1. First-am :). Well, we should know more about this ship and it's purpose. Mb, it's the first, but… we don't know. Or it could mean 'The One' ship, the lonely ship. Or else.
    2. Ship-am :). Well, '-am' suffix meaning could be - 'what's left of', 'abandoned', 'ruined', 'contaminated' and, of course, 'forbidden', as the actual meaning of the Arabic term 'Haram'.

Well, personally I like "ship" version - it's more like translating from other language, where you have to take two or more words and to think what is the logic in their connection to understand the final sense of the phrase. The words themselves have their history, usage habits and cultural background.

How about a fine new word “Khar-Tel”? What could it mean? :)

Daiam, Kharam, Asaam

Well, Daiamid is something like Parliament, and as there is an -id ending, which mean that it's like Semurg, meaning the collection of parliamentors, daiams. So, if the Daiamid is about speaking and negotiating, Daiam could mean somewhat of a guy who's negotiating about something. But that's a complicated idea. What if it's also consists of something more?

We have two more words with the same -am ending, and it's Kharam and Asaam. Cannot say anything about the latter, but Kharam should be a complex word, consisting of root Khar and suffix -am. And then we must understand what the Khar means. As it was mentioned earlier, if -am is somewhat of "forbidden", then it's easy to go with Daiam - forbidden to fight physically! Daiami - of ones who's forbidden to fight physically, and Daiamid, the gathering of all who's forbidden to fight physically. Theoretically :)

"That Daiamid should be named Dhaiamid!" (c) the guys disappointed in politics

Siidim, Gaalsien, S'jet

There is a word Gritiidim, meaning “sand people”: thus their antagonists, Siidim, should be somewhat of a “star” / “sky” - people. So, there's definitely a common part in both words, but what is this? Is it -[iidim]? -[dim]? -[im]?

There was this text:

religious leaders of Kiith Siid and Kiith Gaalsi, which were then the most powerful kiithid of the north
HW, p.24, Historical Briefing, Kiith Paktu

So, probably it's [Siid]+[im], [Gritiid]+[im].

And then we can have [Si]+[id] and [Griti]+[id]. Altogether, it's something like, the people (-im) ones (-id) of Star/Sky (Si) / Sand (Grit).

What to do with [Khar]-[Sel][im] then?.. Or with [Si][im] Salla?

  • And then, [Sii][far] could have the same root there, as a whole it means "night", thus it's:
    • a Stars Sky - [Sii] = stars, [far] = sky
    • a Dark Sky - [Sii] = sky, [far] = dark

I guess, it's Stars, as [Si][i] goes for multiple object belonging to. And we can work with it further.


  1. We have a word Dhaigren - "Dreamlands", for sure having a suffix of multiplication - something of multiple, but that's not [-id] (HWDOK, what are you doing to me!) (maybe non-people thing?):
    [Dhai][gr][en] - "Dreamy lands", somewhat like "a bunch of lands of dreams";
  2. We have [Fa][al] for "far", and [Faa][gan] for "extended rope" so that, literary, would mean something like "far bind";
  3. We have [Gaalsi]+[en]. And clearly it's [Ga][al]+[Si][en]:
    • with [Si][en] meaning a set of stars
    • with [Ga][al] meaning "binder"
  4. And thus [Ga][al]+[Si][en] would mean "Stars" "binder": ship captains, connecting the star systems, which would lead us to their initial role in Exile before turning into a kiith. Later, on Kharak, of course, it would be reading more as a "god wi-fi" private access members.
  5. What could [Gaal]-[Ten] mean?..


  1. We have S'Jet and Qwaar Jet - the god of pain and enslavement, would could they have in common?
  2. Qwaar Jet could be somewhat of a classic devil prosecutor - he counts and looks for sins - well, but I really like Qwaar being a "pain", thus it would he's a "pain counter", I don't know - like carving each on a person's clay of life, so that the awoken Sajuuk does not recognize his creations under the one's sins and pains one did in one's life...
  3. S'Jet initially were astronomers, they were looking at the stars and counting them (my wild guess), so it would be - [S'][Jet] - Star Counters. Dreamers, yeah.

K'ha, The Breath of Sajuuk

There are words - Khadiim, K'had, Khagaan, Kah'a, Khontala.

If we assume that Kha-K'ha-Kah'a-Khon - are the versions of the same root, let it means something like not the God, but the Divine Spirit. A breath - "K'ha".

The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.
(с) Job 33:4

Then it would mean somewhat like that:

  • [Khadi][im]
    - It could mean as [K'had][i][im] - K'had's people?
  • Gaalsien Decree of [Kah]'a
    - Holy decree, book of Leviticus, with a guidance how to survive in a desert ;)
  • [Khon][tala]
    - Holy mountain, literally - it asks for this after introducing Kuun-Lan :)
  • [Kha][aneph]
    - "Godless", but more like "God Spirit Missing": soulless, animal existence.
  • [K'h][ad]
    - after introducing K'Had Sunder and Retribution, and later having Gaalsien-sa K'had Sajuuk, with Gaalsien mothership "Satuuk Conquers", it's getting complicated. I can suggest that K'had, besides the title, is somewhat like impersonated or obsessed or blessed by Holy Spirit / Sajuuk Breath.
  • [Kha][gaan]
    - well, after understanding [Faa][gan], Khagaan is somewhat like "tied with holy spirit" (well, I don't know yet how to explain double A - maybe because it's female name? - anyway this is a beautiful hypothesis!)
  • [Kha][shar]?
  • [Veer]-[Kah]?


There are two names in HWU lore that feel strange:

  • Aart ne Somtaaw (HWC)
  • K’nsaal ne Paktu (HWDOK)

What could this "ne" mean? For sure, it's not somewhat of d'Artagnan (of Artagnan place), because everybody should have used this kind of name form. But this appear only twice.

It was understood that Kaalel must serve as initiates of Sjet for three generations before they would be permitted to take the kiith name and serve in the third tier, as counselors and calendar keepers.
(c) HWCO, Kiith Kaalel

I have a theory that this is something marking the neophyte to the kiith. And in HWC was the situation when 15k kiith Somtaaw accepted 10k new joiners. Who said that Paktu can't do the same?..


This is a new definition in HWU/HWM, but it's how would it sound in Kushan language?

There are 2 words that might help:

  • J'niira Kiith (HWDOK) - "A hollow kinswoman"
  • Khaaneph (HWDOK) - “godless

And that would lead us to the word of Kiithless: [Kiith]+[aneph].

Also we can imagine that old J'niira Kiith is a combination of
[J'niir]+[A] [Kiith] = [Empty] + [Feminative] [Family].

If we take [J'] is a negation, then we would get
- [J']+[Niir]+[A] = [Not] + [Full] + [Feminative]
If we continue this we can even get to the [J'][ku][ul] as the opponent of God, where [kuul] is some quality like "clean", "faithful" etc.
So, if we make it as Jaku-Ka, would it mean "the city of a Devil", the Gaalsi swearing for blasphemous Tiir?.. But we don't know if "Ka" means city and there could be any other meaning. But it wasn't essential in this exercise.
And, in this case, [Niir] - would mean "full"/"complete" "man", and maybe [Ni]+ some suffix would mean "completeness"/"Wholeness"?

So, I guess, while officially Kiithless would be named as Kiith'neph (sounds better), but unofficially and unpleasantly their name would be J'niiri/J'niirid/J'niirim, J'niiri Griitidim, "the empty ones", zero level citizens.

But, of course, there are a lot assumptions and that's the object of discussions.

Other Combinations

  • COR:
    Sajuuk Cor, Cor[uc]-Tel, Cor[uc] Farr, Naab-Cor[um], Faal-Cor[um], Cor[vaal]
  • FAAL:
    Faal-Corum, Faal-Tel
  • GAR:
    [Hii]gar[a], Gar[], Gar[a][ak]
  • JET:
    [S']Jet, Qwaar-Jet
  • KA:
    Saju-Ka[], Sheer-Ka[], Ka[ark], Ka[al][el], Khar-Ka[al][ad], Ka[al][Tech]
  • KORA:
    Kor['][shesh], Kor[a][al], [Trii]Kor[]
  • KYORI:
    Kyori sector, Drun-Kyori
  • LAN:
    Kuun-Lan, Coor-Lan
  • MIIR:
    Miir[pat], Miir[han]
  • NAAB:
    Naab-Corum, Naab[al]
  • NAN:
    Shuus-Nan, Thuuw-Nan
  • RA:
    Sojent-Ra, Koshiir Ra
  • RE:
    Bushan-Re, Knar-Re, Morrh-Re
  • SAN:
    Clee-San, Eheb-San
  • SHTO:
    Caal-Shto, Gren-Shto
  • TEL:
    Tel sector, Naar-Tel, Coruc-Tel, Faal-Tel, Seera Tel, Skaal Tel
  • TIIR:
    Tiir, Tiir[a], Tiir[shak]
  • VEER:
    Veer-Rak, Veer-Kah

Kushan Poetry

Probably, last but not least - the guys that try to create new words usually are thinking that they should use similar sounds to be "on the same page" with that alien language, but it's right only in part. Because it can turn in a quite dumb unsystematic repeats like - kor-cor-corum - kha-kah-khon-Khar-ka - Tiir-tiira-tyrra - and so on. Sometimes you can rule this out creating some interesting cultural layer out of it, sometimes it's... Well, like the symbols on Kushan map.

Basically, you don't need to be afraid of creating new words, but all the languages are harmonic their way, and poetry is something that mark the rhythm and the sound of the language. That's why we can distinct languages and their structure creating similarities. The same we must look here. You can't just take a word from a different language and put in, you need to adapt it.

Well, like an experiment I wrote something that you might even understand with all the vocabulary above, even when I don't know the prepositions and verbs constructing rules yet :)

Griti Kharak
Saam Dhaii A'Siifar

Faal Lan-Duuk
Jaku Taiidan
A'Lungma Va Qwaar

Viin A'Taiidim
Kushani Paaura

Khon-Niira Karan
Dai Kadath A'Hiigara


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Homeworld: XenoLanguage

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  1. The Sources
  2. Change Log
  3. Intro
  4. The XenoLanguage Question
  5. Kushan Language
    • Kushan Language: History
    • Kushan Language: Specifics
      • Travelling Issues
      • Sea, Ocean and Desert
      • Soban Red
    • Kushan Language: The Sound
    • Kushan Language: The Orthography
      • Kushan Orthography
      • Somtaaw Orthography
    • Kushan Language: The Vocabulary
  6. Taiidan Language
    • Taiidan Language: The Sound
    • Taiidan Language: The Orthography
    • Taiidan Language: Names
  7. Other Languages
    • Race of Naggarok: Orthography
    • Progenitors: The Sound
    • Other Names

The Sources

  • HW1 - Homeworld 1, manual, game
  • HWC - Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence, manual, game
  • HWCO - Homeworld Cataclysm, outtakes
  • HWWOS - HW and HWC ship descriptions, well of souls
  • HW2 - Homeworld 2, manual, game
  • HW2PR - Homeworld 2, Prima Official eGuide
  • HWDOK - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Expedition Guide, game
  • HWR - Homeworld: Revelations RPG
  • HWRS - Homeworld: Revelations RPG Story Seeds
  • HWM - Homeworld: Mobile, homeworldsource.net
  • HW3 - Homeworld 3
  • HWDST - Homeworld Dust Wars drafts

Change Log

  • 18.10.23 - added a note about Kushan writing direction, and about Soban orphan schools;
  • 23.10.23 - moved HWR book cover review to Stranger Things II, and added a few words about HWM;
  • 26.10.23 - updated History with HWM Kiithless and consequences
  • 16.05.24 - added HW2 song translation according to reddit


- 'What did you want?' Hussein asked.
Tatarsky said something extremely inappropriate: 'I just need a second. I wanted to ask you, as a representative of the target group: what associations does the word "parliament" have for you?' In his fright he didn't even notice whether he was speaking normally or not. Hussein wasn't surprised at all. He thought for a moment and answered:
- 'Al-Ghazavi had this poem called "The Parliament of Birds". It's about how thirty birds flew off in search of the bird that is called Semurg - the king of all birds and a great master.'
- 'But why did they fly off in search of a king, if they had a parliament?'
- 'You ask them that. And then, Semurg was not just a king, he was a fount of great knowledge. That's more than you can say for a parliament.'
- 'How did it all end?' asked Tatarsky.
- 'When they had endured thirty trials, they learned that the word "Semurg" means "thirty birds".'
- 'Who from?'
- 'The voice of God told them.'
(c) Viktor Pelevin, Generation P

First, Homeworld charms you with its visual aesthetics, introducing spaceships that are designed so well that you believe in them. Then it gives you the space with a real 3D, being comfortable enough. After that you get to know a heart-breaking story that holds you to the very end. And if you’re patient enough, you may find a background lore, literally building a civilization on a Sajuuk forgotten planet.

Of course, not every game of a series could gather all the bingo like HW1 did. Though HWC had less of hard sci-fi, it was still about taking destiny in your own hands, against the odds, being an actor, not a passive watcher. Though there was a huge upgrade to 3DS RTS gameplay, HW2 felt a bit like a fan serviss, repeating some key elements of the first story, and it was kinda lacking the will of previous games: too many prophecies and uncontrolled hyperjumps. Even Bentusi self-destruct themselves in humility to the prophecy, not in defiance that they will not be bound. "Do not go gentle into that good night" (c)

And after captain Soban escapes Vaygr Thaddis Sabbah station like in a good Hollywood blockbuster (there should be a Homeworld Sobani Renegade shooter about these events), while Kushani prisoner do not survive interrogation - you understand, that R-rating with “Kharak is burning” and “cut us loose” had been replaced by a PG-13 with wizards, princesses, dragons, artifacts and Dothrak's. Somtaaw must have been dwarves of Moria in this kind of universe.

The Somtaaw

HWDOK was a great return to the HWU after a significant pause. There are a few questions about gameplay mechanics, like formations, docking, not really required 3D UI in a 2D RTS, and others, which makes HWDOK a bit uncomfortable after previous HW’s, Dawn of War’s, Ground Control’s etc., and moddability, that feels too much on HW1 level; and additional DLC factions of Soban and Khaaneph, that does not feel like unique things… Well, this game already requires a remake. But not storywise - the story feels good, though it is retconning HW1 lore and adding a few temporal mistakes, with the music of Paul Ruskay it creates an almost cinematic experience with a bit of a grim mood: the planet is dying, the first Jaraci expedition is lost nowhere with Rachel’s brother, the war with reactive elements continues, the traitors are around the corner - well, there is no positive mood of HW1 that the reason and science will overcome everything, thus the Khar-Toba with a HW2 Great Core becomes somewhat of a Deus Ex Machina to save everyone, while in HW1 the Guidestone had a bigger importance as an all-Kharak uniting symbol. But anyway, though I don’t like the Expedition Guide for being a separate application instead of a classic PDF, it has added quite interesting details to the lore of the game.

The next addition to the HWU is Homeworld Revelations RPG. While not being a videogame, as an RPG book it gives an essential glance into HWU lore and makes a half of a step to the old questions, how big are the ships and how do their interiors look by allowing you to create a playable character in this world. Well, I’m into the board games (so, I’ll wait for HW: Fleet Command by the same Modiphius) but I’m not having any Hellfire Club around, so I’d better wait for some Gearbox’s Turanic Borderlands, or Bioware’s Officers of the New Taiidani Republic, or any other RPG video game.

And the last but not least entry to HWU is Homeworld Mobile. While I'm not a big fan of mobile games, and I'd like to have a PC client, or even more - a roguelite/like using these assets (like WH40K: Teamkills used assets of Dawn of War 2), maybe, in a way of HW3 invents its Wargames mode, or some RTS-RPG like the Space Wolves, somewhat to make a King's Bounty out of Might & Magic Heroes, if you know what I mean - the game is pretty decent in a current state, and I see that people are trying create a worthy lore, though it's more related to the Mr. Nimbus Galaxy. But still it's required to come to terms with the technical imperfections of unit movement that was a lot better even in HW1 - like, 24 years ago?

Anyway, like Dune Universe has started with Arrakis, or Star Wars - with Tatooine, Homeworld has its Kharak, that despite being burnt and abandoned still is the key element of HWU. Somehow the authors managed to create a believable picture of a desert surviving civilization, so familiar and not so familiar at the same time. Of course, there are elements of other sci-fi universes, or similar references, but all together they’ve made something really unique, that has the potential of a world class sci-fi series. And unlike them HWU has created its own thing, only by the artists’ natural bias related to our earth civilization.

And it really would be great that this isolation would continue to be. I’m not looking for other space Americans (yeah, I know that Relic/BBI is from Canada). Star Trek, Babylon5, BSG, StarGate, Firefly and a lot of other not so famous series have already done it, even Star Wars are not so far-far away with their space Wild Wild West.

We have a big planet with thousands of cultures, and when we get another B-class sci-fi cowboys or a generic sci-fantasy space opera, it’s getting tiresome. Why to spend time on the same thing just in a bit different wrapper? It's like going to another country and search there for McDonalds. That’s why I’m pushing that some things should be taken seriously, let there be no “blackface'dWakanda stuff, but the real dive into the declared culture, somewhat of Herbert Wells Dune thing, more of Stanislavski's system. Let's not have another Ashf Lshtshfum.

Jason Bourne

The XenoLanguage Question

Kushanian, do you speak it?

When I see “KHAR-KUSHAN” Latin letters on a hull of a new Kushan mothership of HW3, when we get unhidden HW2's Elohim, HWDOK's Rachel, Roman, Nathan, Deckard names in the games, then it looks like the series are starting to forget their father’s face. Or mother, ship, in our case. Yes, we do understand that the story is loosely based on Moses Exodus with 600000 men out of Egypt, across the Red Sea, that swallowed chasing pharaoh army, with the Kadesh passing problems, and Sajuuk's being Tetragrammaton

But it’s not a reason to add everything ending with -a/e/il, especially with an American accent - for example, I still don’t get why the Ray-chill name was chosen? I believe even ”Rakheel” would have sounded more appropriate, no?

Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.
16 Thus saith the LORD; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the LORD; and they shall come again from the land of the enemy.
17 And there is hope in thine end, saith the LORD, that thy children shall come again to their own border.
(c) Jeremiah, 31:16

Yes, Frank Herbert had Jews in the very last book of his Dune series, but it’s kind of our universe, only far-far away in the future. Homeworld is a thing of itself, it’s a different Galaxy, seeded by not the father of a millennium, Sajuuk, who came and gone, if we take in account the Dust Wars drafts. And while the references thing is good, it should be set in a less direct way, like it was done with Albegiddo, Lungma Jiin, Caaliburnos, or even with the Chalice of Life - nobody is calling it a Holy Grail, though everyone understands the reference.

And it’s interesting that every game is trying to add something new to Kushan language, but it appears everything but the Kushan themselves are using this language. For HW1 there is a list of Kushan/Taiidan ships and only Taiidan ships have Kushani codenames, Kushan ones have regular English names. HWC continued this tradition, HW2 ignored it, and in HWDOK this fate awaited Gaalsien vessels. But we must admit that this tradition has come out of the fact that HW1 allowed to select the playable race for the campaign - in my case Taiidani more practical, earth-like, design was fighting the Banana Emperor - and because of that these ship description were kind of race-neutral, if possible. Even the background lore was written in a neutral way, in general, not mentioning nor Kushans, nor Taiidans!

And still with KushanImperator” carrier, and very Kharaki names with double vowels, like Kudaark, Seejur, Koshiir Ra - said to be Taiidan, and the very name of a race - brings a Taiidani fly in the Kushani ointment! I believe those descriptions are somewhat messed up, and as they’ve already appeared in a fan public rotation, these should be updated according to the already not new agenda of Bananship prevailing over the Toastership. And that's the reason why I will set it all to Kharakian culture, thus to be Kushan's, unless officially told otherwise.

Well, it could be a funny explanation that everyone is speaking the same language in HWU, but doubtful - there could be a HWU Lingua Franca, but other languages should exist as well. I believe that up to the Homeworld War, and some time after, the Taiidan language was playing this role:150 star systems, 360 billion speakers, and a powerful stability of the 3000 year reign of the Taiidan Empire, influencing all the cultures around… But Kushans could not be influenced by anything as they were out of this information space for those 3000 years!

It could be a real plot twist if Taiidan and Kushan once being brother cultures, and then something like Cain and Abel reference has happened in between; or it could have been a Sarah and Hagar story, and that’s how two nations were born - somehow it’s a twisted link to Hiigara/Hegira/Hagar; or the Esau and Jacob conflict about the birthright; or Joseph story being sold into Exile by Galactic Council brother… Let’s stop here, it seems I went a bit too far with that. Whatever, the first one looks like an actual thing, as Hiigarians who attacked first were exiled to wander homelessly like Cain did.

13 Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is greater than I can bear.
14 Behold, you have driven me today away from the ground, and from your face I shall be hidden. I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, hand whoever finds me will kill me.”
15 Then the Lord said to him, “Not so! If anyone kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him seven fold.” And the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest any who found him should attack him.
(c) Genesis 4

Interesting, that Cain is interpreted as a blacksmith, a technological progress prevailing over nomadic "cowboy" being. And that's what happened on Kharak - the sons of Age of Reason, Baal prophets the Lucifers, light bringers, have built their Babylon tower, the Mothership, to win the Promised Land.

Anyway, these assumptions were used as a potential explanation of having one language at least for Taiidans and Kushans.

Then, maybe Kushan and Taiidan are language brothers? Well, there is a problem with that as well.

Language Family Tree

If you take a look at this tree, you may see a cat on a European branch of the Indo-European language. This hypothetical event of language split has happened around 3000 years before - as I am not telling a serious scientific lecture here, I won’t be precise at this moment, especially because I am no serious language scientist. But anyway, it would give an understanding that 3 millenniums of isolated societies can create a giant gap that you should mind. In our world it has created Russian and Norwegian languages - and they are neighbors! Other neighbors, Spain and Portugal, for sure have common language roots, split around the 12th century, but you just listen to the rhythm of the languages to understand they are different!

Languages change over time - no literature norm can stop it, only slow down: sooner or later new words and structure will become a new norm, despite any written examples to follow. People in different areas start pronouncing words differently, find some grammar shortcut, add local important details, some better grammar borrowings from neighbors, and if they get isolated enough their dialect can grow into a full-scale language. Especially if there were some conflicts with the neighbors, speaking almost the same language, there might be a situation when the government institutes starts looking for really different vocabularies, denying any relationship, searching for every word that differs the enemy uses, even if it’s just one village invention. Or vice versa: even in case of different language families the language that put himself in a vassal position for any reason would start adapting foreign words instead of good old native ones, as it would define a belonging to the higher culture, like it has happened with aristocratic French words for the old English, and American words for the modern elsewhere. As well, as quite abstract experiments show, new language speakers from the outside tend to bring some simplifications into language used as Lingua Franca, for example, Russenorsk, so difficult word forms are getting optimized. U ondesten wot I min?

Languages would vary in different ways: are there articles (e.g. a/the); are words genderly specified (une/un); are there word forms; how many times are there (is/was/etc.) and how they are expressed; are there any special sounds, common letter combinations and do the tones make the difference; what about plural form and numerals; how are the word qualities set - are they the part of the word, prefixes, suffixes, infixes etc.; what colors do they have, are the gestures involved, order the word is what, are there any other specifics?.. And that’s what came into my mind just now, probably there are a lot more cases. You can read about the language peculiarities in Gaston Dorren book, “Lingo: A language spotter’s guide to Europe”, and Guy Deutscher’s “Through The Language Glass”.

So, when I was searching out the Kushan words, I was trying to look at them not from the logic of the languages I know. Looking at two word phrases we cannot know what is the primary word and what is secondary, and if there is any strict word order. Like in French there is a difference between une ancienne maison and une maison ancienne, and it’s getting more complicated if we take the words Ham and Hamster, that look similar but are not related.

Of course, there are not many Homeworld languages we know about, but really, after 'Game of Thrones'/'Star Trek' artificial languages, it’s the beaten path already. I don't know if it's possible to use a neuronet to do the stuff? Like get the word pool, with their meanings, add a reference language, add some rules and specifics you’d like to have inside, and get a conlang vocabulary! Somewhat of a deep dream translator.

I believe it could be an interesting thesis for some bachelor/master papers for some linguistics students. I’m no way like that guy - so, who would dare? :)

Kushan Language

First of all, it’s not Kharakian, not Hiigaran, but Kushan civilization and Kushan language, as the ”Kushan” is ontologically higher than any planetary system: like “English” is not British, not American, not Canadian etc. language, and there were no London Empire. So calling Kushans as Hiigarans only is a bit exclusive, especially as there was Kharak already, and it was said that a lot of kiiths went away to seek for other worlds, starting with HWC and continuing with HW2/HWM events. Though it’s quite convenient to name a faction by its capital world, this might have happened in the Taiidan Civil War, having the Taiidan Republic, the Imperialist factions each claiming to be the only successor to the fallen Taiidan Empire, and other worlds. Well, as there was no such situation in Kushan Empire, probably, it can be named Hiigaran Empire as well. But not the language - it may be only the Hiigaran dialect.

Let’s follow the history of the Kushan language.

Kushan Language: History

The fleet began a push from Taiidani space to the Hiigaran homeworld. Every planet along the way was given the choice: join the Taiidan Empire, or be annihilated… every planet but one.
(c) HWR, p.236, Taiidan, A Cycle of Violence

Initially there was the Ancient Kushan language - we don’t know if it was one and only on Hiigara - as it’s the only planet of Ancient Hiigaran Empire that was exiled according to HWR, but, as the Hiigara was the capital of the Ancient Hiigaran Empire, the administrative center, it dictated how the other related worlds should be speaking, and all those who were exiled should have spoken this Old Hiigaran Empire Lingua Franca, and it should have been used as a main language in Khar-Toba’s. So, no matter, if there were any other Hiigaran languages, they can be reduced to the subject, as most probably during the Exile years on sublight convoy ships all the differences have been polished and averaged into a kind of Khar-Tobian mixture, like Belter Creole. Hard to tell if it was related to all convoy ships, what kind of communication and interaction they had, were they exchanging people back and forth, but if they didn’t, then the proto-Kadesh language started its evolution even before the separation, and in 13 generation’s isolation it should have become a thing of its own. Well, unless all people onboard those Khar-Tobas were in a cryosleep, though the reference tells it's not.

It’s interesting that there is a chance that the parts of the Ancient Kushan language had merged into Taiidan language - culturally: words, ideas, religion, maybe even affecting Taiidani Lingua Franca.

Only five Exile ships had reached Kharak - or in other words, they had decided they went far enough, to the very edge of the Galaxy, so they might have a chance to restart their culture. Somehow only one ship was found many years ago, but that’s not the question we are discussing right now. But this could be a source of 5 basic proto-kiiths with their own dialects. Anyway, the Dark Ages has hidden all the perturbations of just kharakied Kushans, so we can only guess what might have happened with them. Most probably, during those years, isolated settlements lost a grand part of previous vocabulary, as useless, and gained a new one, about the Kharakian environment and required actions to survive. The language got balkanized. Only traveling kiithid, like Manaan, S'jet, had a somewhat unifying communication with settled kiithid, not letting the people go wild, exchanging culturally.

The next stage of Kharak language reunification was done in the Heresy Wars: by the will or by the force people learned Gaalsien or Siidim ways. Somtaaw and Naabal were encapsulated in Khontala mountains and Tiir valley accordingly. A new powerful dialect had been born in the South: the kiith Paktu had come to power. Kiith Kaalel had joined the numbers of “mediator” kithid. A small number of war refugees wandered in the deserts to be known much later as Khaaneph.

Naabal Intervention had added another strong dialect into play: establishing The Great Daiamid in Tiir made its influence inevitable. Kiith Gaalsien had vanished in the deserts, going its own way, kiith Siidim has lost its political positions, but stayed around. Kiith Paktu being separated for 200 years in the South, joined the Great Daiamid. Mediator kiithid number grows larger: kiith Hraal is converged from 5 other kiithid, forced to find a common language, and the best candidate is the Naabal dialect. Kiith Kaalel makes a grand step towards Kharak unification, first, by starting a typography business and then radio broadcasts in Tiir, the Northern Capital. Kiith S’jet scientific dialect, based on somewhat of old Kushan “Latin”, affects all Kharakian scientists papers, kiith Manaan trading traditions bring their flavor into economics and entertainment areas, and PMCSoban” have their grip on military sciences.

Kharak seemed to be unified but finding The First City on the remains of Khar-Toba showed a little bit of a different picture. This time it appeared that Kharak has 2 new languages: Gaalsien and Khaaneph. Naabal has strengthened its positions by pushing the Great Engineering Projects. Siidim with the treacherous actions during the Operation Khadiim has isolated itself from the other kiithid, thus going for their language, which won’t be hard with Siidim nationalistic strive for old traditions. Paktu took a little part in the events of the North, also ripening their own language.

All has changed with the Guidestone discovery and another Great Engineering Project: the construction of Mothership. Everyone was participating, even Siidim, so this must have been a language unifying event. And again, it must have been the dialect of Naabal that ruled the ball, with the additions of Somtaaw and Paktu, along with the mediator kiithid.

But after the Hiigara Landing the situation has changed but not that drastically: the most numerous kiithid were Naabal, Paktu, LiirHra, Kaalel, Manaan, S'jet and Soban. Somtaaw also wanted to join the affecting kiith list, but the numbers were talking against them. A lucky event has added 10000 members to their initial 15000 members, thus their dialect had been greatly diluted. So, in the very end only Paktu had been left with their Southern dialect, others using the more or less common Kushan language, Naabal edition.

With the Kiithless retcon introduction to the story (well, that question was never really addressed so it's not really a retcon, though this creates new twisting accents) we would have another turn in Kushan language evolution, that would be marked with even more Taiidan words in the Kushan vocabulary. Despite the apartheid politics of the New Daiamid to preserve Kushan culture of being "pure" and going into pretty radical nationalism to "save the nation" creating isolation from those "j'niiri griitidim" by the language barriers, state propaganda and censorship, forcing to learn only Kushan language and only in Kushan language, still, real life interactions between Hiigaran Taiidans and Hiigaran Kushans would enrich both languages (creating Hiigaran dialect of Taiidan language), in special cases even creating "Spanglish" situations. But, in general, plus to Naabal-Paktu dialects rivalry there will be another antagonism between people language that would borrow all the convenient and most used words and noble language that would hold to the Kharakian legacy and ancient Hiigaran Empire findings.

Though it's not the end point of the Kushan language story: as Vaygr War would mix up the cards granting more rights to the Kiith'neph, making Hiigara political system to not so stable as before shattering pillars of the founding kiithid, some of the those would decide to make Hiigara great again - just outside Hiigara. So all those Kiithid who will be able to organize their own independent existence outside there, would have a chance of their own dialect. And I believe, there will be: HWM is just about those Kiithid to rewrite starting conditions for their kin.

Kushan Language Family Evolution

* In the end of it's existence Ferril have allied with Siidim and then was consumed by it. So I guess, the picture is not that correct in this aspect.

As for Kadeshi, their next milestone of radical language update was a meeting with Kushans after 13 generations, and there were consequences:

With the Kadeshi leadership in disarray and its people reeling from the revelations of their history, they underwent a drastic change in outlook. Just over half traveled to Hiigara after the war.
(c) HWR, p. 249, The Kadeshi After the Homeworld War

With the Kadeshis' power broken, the rich elemental wealth of the Great Nebula is again open for mining. Hundreds of fleets converge on the vast space to capture the rarest materials, turning the Garden into a hotbed of conflict, piracy, and skirmishes. Amid the chaos, surviving Kadeshi prey upon
those too weak to defend themselves from their continuing holy war.
(c) HWRS, p.189, The Great Nebula

Well, there is a probability that Kushans gained a new kiith, but doubtfully that the newbies would join any other kiith or settle on Hiigara. I believe it would be a problem for a descendants from light-gravity Kharak, but for a pure starfaring civilization it would be simply impossible. So, I believe that Kadeshi would continue to stay isolated, but maybe some new words from Kushan or Taiidan languages will appear in their vocabulary.

Kushan Language: Specifics

Travelling Issues

How about changing the directions feeling: we’re used to say that something is located on a side of ourselves, but in case of having more important thing like The Great Banded Desert it might become a measure of all travels, like Polar regions - and we know such cultures having a most observable object on the island to become a measure of their movement. And the fact that Kharak is somewhat of our Mars, creates a question if they could have any means of coordinates as we understand them: like no regular magnetic fields make compass useless. Interesting, how would the Kharakid orient in space? Having an unconscious need for some great object to be assigned to?..

Mars Magnetism

Sea, Ocean and Desert

In HW1 Historical Briefing Majiirian water pool is named both as a sea and an ocean. Though it can be explained by a lack of proofreading, or having both on the South, which is ridiculous and now uncanonical (HWR), this error might be used as a Kushan language feature: Kharakid may not know big water reservoirs, so any of it would be a “sea” - the big water. And as there is only one ocean on Kharak - and quite a few seas, it’s easy to remember that the Majiirian sea is a special one. The problems with definitions will appear on Hiigara… Most probably, the new entities names would be taken Taiidan language - at least, until the archaeologists would dig out old Hiigaran language to replace, while the definitions are not rooted too well. Well, like it was with sputnik replaced by satellite.

On the contrary, there would be a lot of names for the different types of sand, as it plays a crucial role in the Kharakian environment, and separate names for the sand seas and oceans.

Soban Red

As well, color name loss would happen, as everything is getting optimized, and if you don’t see anything why would you need a word for this? I wonder how Soban has gained the red color for their banners? Out of the enemies? The banner is not fully mature till it drinks enough blood? It’s like the legends of how Austrian and Latvian flags were created - probably, this bloody thing was quite common in Medieval times. Same, the Spartans had their cloth red, so that enemies don’t see them bleeding. Maybe in Kushan culture there is a color - Soban, the bloody red, carmine?

My love to you is of color soban
Without you
I will be dead like the ones who betrayed the deal with Soban
You took my heart
Like Sobani took the boys who’s fathers betrayed Soban
Leaving you
Make me feel the mothers who’s boys were taken by Soban
But you stay cold
Like the Sobani ordered to fight each other to death
I’m loosing you
Like the new Sobani is losing one’s kiith

Of course, Sobani are childfree, and that might be related to all that babysitting, not to the children grown enough, like, in general trying to avoid pregnancy situations, leaving pregnant women in allied kiith villages and so one. I think, in the earlier days there might have been such a Janissary thing, and in the modern days there might be military colleges for orphans and elite schools for teenagers. Otherwise, how are you going to train a new Ender Wiggin?

Kushan Language: The Sound

We don’t really know how the Kushan language sounds. But we have some hints.

Culturally, the lore refers to a lot of things - you know, first, it’s Exodus and stuff, then it’s collective Genghis Khan; words “Kushan”, “Thaidan” and “Kharak” would lead you to Afghanistan, India or even China… By the way, there’s a song about Kharak..

Well, it’s kind of the collective East, like, the desert part of it. So, maybe we should listen to the languages used there? Maybe there we could find some interesting features, like the Frenchr” - but this time, for example, it could be “H”, that’s not lost but pronounced separately - kH (khattak), tsH (Tskhinvali), gH (Singh), tH (thug) and so on…

As well, there are names that could also serve as a pointer to the language music. I won’t repeat everything that is already collected below - in the end you can just rewatch all the Homeworld Movies - but I especially like how the Somtaaw-Sa is pronouncing the following text and especially the name “Clee-San”:

Kushan Language: The Orthography

From the trailers, we’ve seen the HW3 mothership with a bold name “Khar-Kushan” written with Latin letters. Earlier, we’ve also seen a KUNDE ship from HW2 concepts, and there’s V for Vaygr, and the most iconic HW sigil is “15” written with Arabic letters… Looks like there is a contraband leak of Latin letters from our universe to HWU.

KUNDE Tanker

I don’t know if this is the reaction to HW2: FXmod implemented possibility of naming ships, and in HW3 we would have the same ability in Multiplayer; or it was meant that Kushans are understanding their language, as we are - our own, and as we’re playing as Kushans we should understand it as well, that’s why we’re reading some untranslated text… The first explanation is understandable for MP, but not for SP; the second one is too complicated. I believe the strategy of using the Roman alphabet should be constricted.

Gaalsien Reliefs

This picture of Gaalsien sand relief has directed me to some thoughts. No matter what scribing system there was before, it had to be modified to Kharak conditions. From Khar-Toba to the North Pole there is hardly any suitable material for scribing, at least for the guys who were used to the poor but high-tech conditions of a spaceship. This also might have been a reason for knowledge loss.

Of course, people would adapt to this. First of all, people with intelligence of auditory type (VAK learning theory) would gain prevalence, because people would tell stories orally. There might be the guys assigned as cultural ambassadors, as priests to save and retell the best stories, with the most valuable ideas gained so far.

For example, S’jetties might have ciphered some scientific principles into fairy stories the Liu Cixin way, making their own canon that would be better understood on a certain technological level. Though sometimes this all event may turn into a cargo cult replacing the initial idea in generations of Chinese whispers, like it happened with Gaalsien and Siidim - and most probably other kiithid. So, you’d still need something for saving information in its initial form.

And this sand relief has reminded me of a cuneiform: something from the same climatic region, using something that should be very common in deserts: sand, clay and stones. I don’t know how canonical is kiith Kaalel printing press invention in KDS 857 (HWCO), but it somewhat fits the idea Gaalsien being eco-terrorists and Naabal being igniters of irreversible ecological catastrophe, by cutting the forests for their steam factories, cutting the lungs of the planet… Like the key situation of "Saw" movie: the protagonist gets to know where is the key only after he already lost it.


So, second, I believe, kiith S’jet would invent their own alphabet more appropriate for these materials. They might come to this eventually, evolutionary, generation by generation; but even if they planned using it just for their astronomical records - hey, remember Guidestone? - it expanded everywhere. Theoretically.

Moses and the tablets

Anyway, things that are getting used often, tend to get optimized reasonably.


And now, let’s see what the game has shown us.

Kushan Orthography

On the stone was etched a galactic map and a single word more ancient than the clans themselves.
Hiigara. Our home.
(c) HW1, Intro cutscene

If we take a look at the stone, we can find 2 star systems: the right one looks very much like the Kharak System, and the left one, what’s left of it, looks like the Hiigara System. And there 3 coordinate lines with symbols and also the symbols under the Kharak System. If we don’t care about those 3 extra words, does it mean that Kharak is a new Hiigara, our home?.. Or there is a dark side of the Guidestone?


As well, we can see that the normal position of a stone shows us Kharak system on the right side and Hiigara system on the left. While it's not the case that the Exiles knew the Final Destination, it could a be a hint the way they were looking at texts: unlike Europeans, they could be writing from right to left, well, how it's done in the Middle East.

It’s hard to understand what’s written on a stone, wherever the picture is taken from: be it HWR, HW1RM updated movies, or the picture from HW1 Historical Briefing. Though the latter has symbols that more resemble the map shown next. Maybe, the only word “Hiigara” is not from there, but from this map? And it looks like:

Text Hiigara Our Home

Though, in HW1RM the guys have also added the Kharak name on it, thus missing the “single word” moment. But on the other hand, we now have examples of post-exile Kushan written language examples. One should mean “Kharak”, the other - “Hiigara”.

Kushan Text Galaxy Map

The problem is that 1 symbol of the left word is the 3rd symbol of the right word. There might be different systems of writing words, like by each sound (with special combinations, like in English or French or else), by syllables, by meaning - hieroglyphic, and by whatever method there is. And as there are too many symbols, I guess, it could mean that it’s the first system. But besides Occam's razor explanation that these symbols are just a random set, I can guess that in Kushan language KH = GH, explaining the mentioned symbol repeat. But all the other letters… Well, you simply can’t make a word “infinity” out of the letters “r”, “a”, “e”, “s”. So, yes, it’s a random set. But it’s a good material for creating an alphabet.

From HW2 we also got some letters, if we can call them this way: there was something blinking in the right corner of the screen while analyzing the Progenitor ship. And it was used in a flipped mode, so I believe it’s the same random set of something that is even harder to call letters as they look pretty unstandardized. What designer made this font?!..

Text Kushan HW2

And in HW3 we might see both examples again:

HW3 letters

Somtaaw Orthography

It looks like HWC tried to go on with the Kushan language: a lot of words added, also some kind of alien symbols shown in Somtaaw reports… But if you take a look attentively, you’d see that those symbols just repeat randomly.

Text of Somtaaw

Though it’s a good try, being honest. Same, these letters, symbol = meaning, with a little filtering out, could be used. I'd say these look like hieroglyphs, it can explain why there is the same symbol on Acolyte and Worker (don't know about any other vessel) - could it be "Kuun-Lan"? - but it means that there should be thousands of such hieroglyps, with specific combinations and liaison. Though this first 'X' on the engine looks suspiciosly like one of the HW2 symbols…

Somtaaw Acolyte

Somtaaw own half-isolated sub-civilization in Khontala mountains had its sequences. Well, if the Israel state has revived Hebrew, then stubborn Somtaaw could do a similar thing as well, at least the writing traditions.

Acts 7:51: Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.

But there is another alphabet used in their reports:

Greek letters on Somtaaw map

Probably, Barking Dog were short on time and they thought that the Greek letters look alien enough for modern youth. You know, those ρμγςίχ and Math’i’mess’X

Kushan Language: The Vocabulary

This part of the article was developed last, and didn't fit the limits of ModDB article, so you can read about the words of kushan language in the next article...

Taiidan Language

It’s interesting that while we don’t have any examples of Taiidan vocabulary, we have both the examples of their speech and alphabet, shown in HW1.

From the words we know, there is the name of captain Elson, his destroyer strike group named “Kapella”, and two squadrons named “Jasah” and “Cor” - to be honest, the latter looks too much like Kushancor”- “wrath”. If it’s true, then we might know another word from Kushan vocabulary, though it strange for Taiidani squad to be named in Kushan, needs some explanations. Otherwise, it may be the writer’s bias of creating “alien languages” - for example, Peter Watts' HW Dust short draft contained names like Kalgai, Durkarian, Ghiritzen etc, foreign enough, but not Kushan enough; in our case it might the opposite case when the author has not turned off the connection to Kushan civilization, imagining few names for the other one. And the last but not least, the famous Taiidan Emperor Riesstiu IV-2, earlier known as Khaldeesh - yes, again the double vowel - who’s name was brought to us by HWC.

It would be good to remember that the HW Galaxy is not only about the Kushan culture, to put those doubles everywhere, it’s more vice versa, like it was mentioned before, Taiidan culture to be affecting all the others. And it’s good to see that HWR tried to make a distance between Taiidans and Kushans, though the added Lords names reminded me for some reasons Victorian England of Dishonored.

But let’s check what those Taiidanies have.

Taiidan Language: The Sound

If you want to know how Taiidan language sound, just go HW1 cutscene 05-06, and you’d hear a Taiidan imperial broadcast:

And there is a hint. Those who know Russian will find something very familiar in it. It appears that the broadcast contains part of this message:

“In those historical moments when the spaceship "Vostok" ("East") made its flight with the first man, cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, over our planet, two-way radio communication was established between the Earth and the spaceship. Comrade Gagarin reported to Earth how he was feeling, how the flight was going. During short communication sessions, the Soviet cosmonaut transmitted: "I am observing the Earth. Visibility is good. I can hear you perfectly." After a while: "The flight continues well. I observe the Earth. Visibility is good. You can see everything. Some space is covered with cumulus clouds." Some time later, Comrade Gagarin reports: "The flight continues. Everything is fine. Everything works fine. Everything works fine. Let's move on." And again after a while: "I feel good. I am cheerful. I continue the flight. Everything is going well, the ship is working normally." These laconic messages, full of courage and confidence, which already today belong to history, are recorded on magnetic tape. Hear the voice of the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin from the Soviet spaceship-satellite "Vostok".”

So, the mystery is solved, Taiidanies are speaking Russian. Case closed.

But ok, let's be more serious. Like it was said in the article about HWU cartography, let's not mix inspiration and plagiarism, especially as it’s a really cool sci-fi reference. So, Taiidan is not Russian, but it may sound Russian. And there are languages that sound close to Russian, this is not a unique feature.

Taiidan Language: The Orthography

From the same broadcast about Gagarin you’d learn examples of the Taiidan writing. To be honest, it looks very suspiciously familiar there, but very fractured in the style of a cuneiform, maybe even Predators triangles. This seems to represent a system of letter-sound, so it might be a good resource for building a conscious Taiidan alphabet. 25-35 letters, Arabic digits, that’s it!..

Text Taiidan Broadcast Original

Text Taiidan 01 RM
Text Taiidan 02 RM
Text Taiidan 03 RM
Text Taiidan 04 RM
Text Taiidan 05 RM
Text Taiidan 06 RM

Taiidan Language: Names

For some reasons they don't use surnames, to mark their family or vassalage. Looks like among 360 billion of Taiidani people there is no other Elson or Perillier (sarcasm).

  • Cpt. Elson (HW1) - you know this cap
  • Riesstiu (HWC) - the dynasty of Taiidan Emperors, started from Admiral Riesstiu (does it mean that there were only 5 emperors in 3000 years?)
  • Khaldeesh (HWCO) - name of the Last Emperor in the HWC beta-version
  • Assembly of Lords (HWR)
    • Lord Rashor, Mother of Medicine—Health care
    • Lady Asha, Exarch of the Air and Keeper of the Eternal Strings—Entertainment
    • Lord Gisdalve, King of the Oceans of Knowledge, Knower of Knowledge, Abrogator of Lies and Destroyer of Falsehoods—Historical Records and Archives
    • Liege Barbola, Conductor of the Million Mouths—Food and Resource Logistics
    • Lady Eytapea, Keeper of the Keys and Holder of the Sky’s Ear—Internal Security and Navy Liaison
    • Lady Korvakke, Supreme Justice Keeper of the Known Galaxy—Law and Justice
  • Liege Ayshus (HWR), Liege of the Unfettered Thought
  • Lady Corvux (HWR), Lady of The Darkness and Potentate of Strategic Thought
  • Lord Walia (HWR), Diplomat-Lord to the Outer Realms and Guardian of Anthropological Accords
  • Rien (HWR), Bannerbearer to the Favored Colonies of Riesstiu IV the Second, Captain of the Lightning’s Triumph
  • Perillier (HWR), Imperial Assassin

HWM has also added a kiithless Hiigaran Taiidan name - Kidara Sasan.

Other Languages

Race of Naggarok: Orthography

It’s the thing from the Naggarok pod. Well, it looks a bit like one of those Somtaaw symbols, but it’s not verified in the Somtaaw reports set. Probably, the same bias of inventing alien language: this time an artist had not closed his connection to Somtaaw culture.

Text of Naggarok

Progenitors: The Sound

Besides the word “Sajuuk”, which appears to be known in the other Galaxy (Xajuuk - HWM), there is not much about the Progenitor language.

But wait, there's something very familiar in this Indian melody...

Maybe there's something in the songs from HW2 OST?

Mana mana mana mana mana mana…
Anagha na traati sanda (enagranatranisana)
Anagha na traana/traati sanda
Mayaa saha medhaa saaya
Mayaa saya medaa seioo"


  • mana mana mana mana
    where where where where (like a taunt or frenzy >search for the enemy) being repeated, leads me to think to: "The Keeper is aware. The Keeper understands. The Keeper has seen the enemy"
  • anagha
    perfect, complete, or without fault (in some dialects i got >‘pure')
  • traati
  • traana
  • sanda
    many, group, numbers
  • mayaa saya
    with me
  • medhaa
  • saya/saaya/sayaa/...
    depends of context and language: I, Me, ( as in: I am, With Me ), Spectre/Shadow, Soul

A rough interpretation could be:

…frenzied searching...
We are perfect saviors
We are perfect defenders
I am the spirit of power

And as well, we have somewhat of a speech by Progenitor Keepers.

Of course, it’s not a language, it’s an Easter Egg… But still, could it mean that Progenitor language sounds like reversed English? Or is this some kind of Tenet technology, and Keepers time goes backwards, like Merlin’s?!. Like they had their Sajuuk and Abassid fights in the past, while we would have our Seljuk Empire and Abbasid Khaliphate in the future (compared to the dates of Kushan Empire)..

Nah, most probably, Keeper told Kushans to go hyperjump themselves in AInian dialect of Progenitarian.

Other Names

Well, you see it yourself: Manaan - Makaan - Araan - L’haanVaygr, Turan and a girl from another galaxy (well, I don’t know, she may be a descendant of Eye of Aarran failed expeditions, lost for a hundred years…). But it shows a bad tendency of inner plagiarism from Kushans. Or it requires explanation - do Turans belong to the lost Exile tribes? Is Makaan the rogue Kushan?.. You never know!..

  • Vaygr - Makaan (HW2), Jochilk Kaan (HWM)
  • Kesura Oasis (HW3) - L'haan
  • Turanic Raiders (HWR) - Tikk and Cosgrove, Araan Kalik
  • Kadeshi (HWR) - Areshem, High Gardener
  • Galactic Council Worlds (HWR) - Kariak, Ygri, Arthoe


Read More Of Homeworld

Homeworld: Cartography

AmDDRed Blog

Homeworld Cartography Cheat Sheet


When I’ve read Homeworld Revelation RPG book, I understood that I was missing some maps: a map of Homeworld Galaxy, where all the fun happening - it’s not that populated, but still, and a map of Kharak, as there is quite tense action happening related to Kushan history. Also, we have information on Kharak and Hiigara systems so why not add them as well? RPG books should ease this kind of things. Instead of HWR's beautiful art of a Kushan-Taiidan space battle, which right half is positioned on the left side, and left - on the right side of the book, I’d love to see Kharak and Galaxy maps, that are more critical for a RPG player (like it was done in Alien RPG book).

So, I decided to gather the info here, especially as I will need a part of it in my next research. I will be talking about Kharak, Hiigara and Galaxy overall.


  1. The Sources
  2. Change Log
  3. Kharak
    • Planetary System
    • The Sun
    • The Planet
      • Northern Hemisphere
      • The Great Banded Desert
      • Southern Hemisphere
      • The First Migration
      • The Great Stormbreaker Wall Guardian Forts
      • Cities
      • Tiir
      • 33 Temples of The Shimmering Path
      • Kharak Corporations
      • Khadiim Operation (HWDOK Journey)
      • The End
  4. Hiigara
    • Planetary System
    • The Planet
      • Hiigaran Facilities
      • Hiigaran Corporations
    • The Moon
  5. Homeworld Galaxy
    • Maps
    • Known Actors
    • Inner Rim
    • Galactic Rim
      • Outer Western Rim
      • Outer Eastern Rim
    • Planets
      • Kushan Planets
      • Taiidan Planets
      • Turanic Planets
      • Other
    • Expeditions
      • HW1 Journey
      • HWC Journey
      • HW2 Journey
      • HW3 Journey
  6. Homeworld Mobile "Nimbus" Galaxy
  7. Other Galaxies
  8. Links

The Sources

  • HW1 - Homeworld 1, manual, game
  • HWC - Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence, manual, game
  • HWCO - Homeworld Cataclysm, outtakes
  • HWWOS - HW and HWC ship descriptions, well of souls
  • HW2 - Homeworld 2, manual, game
  • HW2PR - Homeworld 2, Prima Official eGuide
  • HWDOK - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Expedition Guide, game
  • HWR - Homeworld: Revelations RPG
  • HWRS - Homeworld: Revelations RPG Story Seeds
  • HWM - Homeworld: Mobile, homeworldsource.net
  • HW3 - Homeworld 3
  • HWDST - Homeworld Dust Wars drafts

Change Log

  • 18.10.23 - added another HW3 galaxy image
  • 29.10.23 - added other galaxies names
  • 07.01.24 - added a possible all-4 galaxies intergalactic image
  • 15.01.24 - added Kesura to HW3 galaxy places
  • 17.01.24 - added galaxy picture from the HW3 map backgrounds
  • 04.02.24 - added Milky Way and M51 Whirlpool galaxies pictures
  • 07.02.24 - updated OG with new data from HW3 demo
  • 22.02.24 - rearranges some galaxy maps, added Wiracoda Gate
  • 04.04.24 - added planetary Chain Reaction videos and HWM Tonaati Temple picture
  • 23.04.24 - added old Angel moon, and HW1 & HW2 journey sketches
  • 07.05.24 - added Hiigaran Corporations and GalGeth Super-Vulcano
  • 14.05.24 - added HW3 Galaxy map with HW3 Journey
  • 30.05.24 - added HW3 planets


Planetary System

According to what we see in the Guidestone, Kharak is positioned in the mixed orbit of Venus, Earth and Mars. And it’s interesting that the first orbit is occupied by a planet with a satellite, like in the old (and not actual now) theory that Mercury was a moon of Venus once. Though it feels like the Guidestone is positioned upside down: it should be turned 180 degrees to have a familiar picture. Does it mean the Kushan are writing from right to left?..

Guidestone Info

According to this map Kharak system should consist of:

  1. KS I: Stone planet with a moon
  2. Kharak: Stone planet
  3. KS III: Asteroid Belt
  4. Haarsuk: Gas planet
  5. KS V: Double stone planet

The Sun

If Kharak age is around 6.7 billion years, then Kharak System sun is around the same age, maybe it's 6.8 billion years old, which means it's older than our Solar System, which leads to interesting conclusions.

There is such a thing as a habitabitable zone:

Habitable Zone

If we take a look at our sun, which might be applied to Hiigara System sun, it's 4.5 billion years old. And in 1 billion years our Earth due to 10% sun brightness increase, will be no more in this habitable zone. It will the time for Mars, and so on.

Solar Red Giant Habitable Zone

So, when we say that Kharak's orbit is the same as Hiigara's orbit, and Kharak System sun is around 2 billion years older, that means it should be a smaller sun than Hiigaran one. And we see it: around 5 planets of Kharak System and around 9 planets of Hiigara System.

It would be cool to get an astronomer to clarify some things.

The Planet

HWU Kharak

Homeworld's epic tale begins in the far reaches of the universe. You were the benign lords of a peaceful society located in the center of a lush spiral galaxy. For as long as anyone could remember, no one challenged your peaceful existence. But then came the conquerors, invading with the sole purpose of overtaking your world. Billions died, and the survivors were relocated to a cold, lifeless planet on the edge of the galaxy.
(c) Homeworld Old Description

I guess, Mars was kind of an inspiration for the Kharak. It's the same deserted planet in the end of its geological life, similar size, the same cold as it was told in the early Homeworld description, only not so far from the Hiigara/Earth. Maybe the war between Mars and Earth was the very early stage of the Homeworld script?.. Or is it just an ecological situation metaphor?

Planets: Kharak & Mars
* according to the calculations from Reddit :)

However, something important happens when planets decrease in size: as they warm, their atmospheres expand outward, becoming larger and larger relative to the size of the planet. These large atmospheres increase both the absorption and radiation of heat, allowing the planet to better maintain a stable temperature. The researchers found that atmospheric expansion prevents low-gravity planets from experiencing a runaway greenhouse effect, allowing them to maintain surface liquid water while orbiting in closer proximity to their stars.
(c) A goldilocks zone for planet size

Habitable planet sizes

Maybe, if Mars and Venus switched places, our Solar System would have had 3 habitable world for now. But no, we have only one homeworld, one hell and one freezer.

But OK, let's return to Kharak. That’s how we saw the planet in Homeworld 1:

Homeworld 1 Classis Kharak

After that fans were imagining how Kharak would look like in better details:

Kharak by fans

That’s what we saw in HW1RM:

Map Kharak HW1RM M01

The same time BBI was working on their new HW IP - “Hardware”, set on a desert planet LV-27

Hardware Concepts

And with Gearbox acquiring the original HW IP - “Homeworld”, BBI decided to return back to Kharak

Kharak Sketch Map

And here is the globe done for HWDoK:

HWDOK Kharak

Being honest, to show Scaffold as large as it's shown in Homeworld Historical Briefing, I believe it should be located on the orbit similar to HW2 Mission 15:

HW1 Manual Scaffold

Kharak Close Orbit

The Expedition Guide globe is not very HD, but it has names on it.

Map Kharak 3D

And there is a map, made most probably by Adam Whitehead, that looks cool and pretty canonical:

Kharak Map

Northern Hemisphere

  • The Great Northern Highlands
    • The Seas of the Three Sisters (HWDOK)
      a.k.a. The Three Northern Seas (HW1)
      known to be dry in 200 years (~KDS 1110) according to HWDOK;
      • The Salt Sea (HW1)
        known to be the homeland of kiith Paktu exiled by kiith Siidim
      • The Second Sea (HW1)
        known to be the homeland of kiith Soban (HW1), thus Lehi and Balel (HWR)
        • Sparkling Desert (HW1)
          • Desert Proving Grounds (HWDOK)
        • Valley of Tiir (HW1)
          the homeland of kiith Naabal (HW1), and kiith Tambuur later (HWR)
          • Tiir (HW1)
            capitol city of kiith Naabal
          • The Shallows
            a natural geographic formation east of Tiir, and home to a Coalition Early Warning Sensors Outpost
        • The Powdered Sands (HWR)
          For generations the Kaalel lived on the shores of the Powdered Sands where they operated the most ornate theatre constructed before the Heresy Wars. Kaalel seems to be situated inbetween Gaalsien, Naabal and S'jet, maybe the opposite shore of The Second Sea
        • Walking Dunes (HWCO)
          known for kiith Kaalel decision to break with kiith S'jet
        • Dassar grasslands (HWR)
          Territories of kiith S'jet
      • The Third Sea - ?
  • Khontala Mountains (HWC)
    known to be origin of kiith Somtaaw
    • Lungma Jiin (HWC)
      "The Roof of the World", the highest mountain of Kharak
    • Red Creek Valley (HWC)
      the location of rich iron ore fateful for kiith Somtaaw
    • The Kasaar Desert (HWC)
      the entrance to Khontala Mountains
      • Kasaar Road (HWC)
        known by the protection agreement between kiith Soban and Somtaaw
    • Hameln, Gydeo (HWC)
      cities of kiith Somtaaw
    • The Shimmering Path (HWC)
      the complex of 33 Somtaaw temples, from Kasaar to Lungma Jiin
  • Great Barrier Mountain Range (HWDOK)
    natural sand baffle of hundreds of kilometers across the surface of Kharak
    • The Great Stormbreaker (HWDOK)
      a wall thousands of kilometers long, designed to save civilization in the North
    • Faaern Gorge (HWDOK)
      a natural geological formation
      • Kriil Firebase (HWDOK)
        it was used for deep desert reconnaissance and supply missions, in KDS 1111, it was overtaken by desert encroachment and abandoned, reopened in KDS 1115
    • Tarsis Line (HWDOK)
      named after the Coalition's Defense Minister Tarsis Naabal, is a line of early warning scanners and sensor outposts constructed and deployed by the Northern Coalition on the edge of the Great Banded Desert east of the capital Tiir. It was built immediately following the Gaalsien attacks on the north in KDS 1110
    • Drifting Seas (HWDOK)
      known for the Drifting Seas Campaign of 81-83, Roman S'jet was there
    • Riikes Dune (HWDOK)
      known for the Battle of Riikes Dune, Roman S'jet was there
  • The White Desert (HW1)
    there were first records about Manaani
  • Shiiaro Mountains (HWM)
    200 miles from the White Desert, a place with labyrinthine mountains, leading to Manaani Ferin Sha
    • Trader’s Bargain (HWM)
      A lone rock concluding confounding rock pillars, behind which was found a secluded desert basin where the 1st Ferin Sha happend, massacred by Siidim forces in KDS 513
  • Plain at Albegiido (HW1)
    the last point before the Great Banded Desert in Paktu Migration to the South
  • The Wastes (HWDOK)
    Khaaneph wandering grounds
  • Wrending Peaks (HWDOK)
  • Cape Wrath (HWDOK)
    A place of death of Naabal heavy carrier Ifriit Naabal
    • Hell's Gate (HWDOK)
  • Searing Flats (HWDOK)
  • Wanderer’s Pass (HWDOK)
  • Beladin Formation (HWDOK)
  • Beladin Dune Sea (HWDOK)
    A place of death of Gaalsien carrier Ashoka with her captain Khagaan

  • Sarathi Basin (HWDOK)
    • Kalash Valley (HWDOK)
      A site of alien ship Kalash
  • Garaaki Highlands (HWDOK)
    A place of Gaalsien carrier Renza death; the location of ancient ship fleet
    • Whispering Gallery (HWDOK)
      the passage to the Dreamlands
    • Khashar Plateau (HWDOK)

The Great Banded Desert

  • The Great Northern Way (HW1)
    railroad built by kiith Naabal to connect Northern Coalition with Southern Federation
  • Glass Basin (HWDOK)
  • Dreamlands / Dhaigren (HWDOK)
    • Torin Crater (HWDOK)
      the location of Taiidan wrecks
    • Khar-Toba site (HW1/HWDOK)
      you know it, it started it all


Southern Hemisphere

  • Hunon Mountains (HW1)
    a place of kiith Gaalsien defeat by kiith Paktu, the end of the Last Crusade
    • Burning red canyons (HW1)
      a place of despair and hope, as well, of Majiir Paktu words "I can smell the sea"
    • Silumiin (HW1)
      rocket launch site
  • Amariid Flats (HWR)
    the 2nd Ferin Sha of Manaan
  • Great Majiirian Ocean / Majiirian Sea (HW1)
    "members of the Southern Federation had the most experience with life in a water - and oxygen-rich climate. Paktu fishing operations have been highly successful, and their orchards and farms have prospered more than those of any other kiith" (HWCO)

The First Migration

  1. The Salt Sea
  2. Plain at Albegiido
  3. The Great Banded Desert
  4. Hunon Mountains, Red Canyons
  5. Majiirian Sea/Ocean

The Great Stormbreaker Wall Guardian Forts

  • Biaan (HWDOK)
    Jacob S'jet serving place
  • K'thtaal (HWDOK)
    Jacob S'jet serving place
  • Vriis (HWDOK)
    Jacob S'jet serving place
  • K'karr (HWDOK)
    Roman S'jet commandiring place
  • B’shiir (HWDOK)
    Fallen fortress, where Gaalsien Honorguard "Sajuuk Taa" Cruisers were seen for the first time

Kharak Stormbreaker Wall


  • Tiir (HW1)
    capital of kiith Naabal, capital of the Northern Coalition
  • Saju-Ka (HW1)
    capital of kiith Gaalsien
  • Mataar (HWR)
    capital of Siidim
  • Majiir (HWR)
    capital of kiith Paktu, capital of the Southern Federation
  • Gydeo (HWC)
    capital of kiith Somtaaw, 7th temple of the Shimmering Path
  • Hameln (HWC)
    city of kiith Somtaaw
  • Frein (HWCO)
    city of kiith Hraal

S'jetti Centers (HWR):

  • Abaard
    kiith Gaalsien attacked S'jet in there, thus they were punished for 100 years
  • Sadsaior
  • Khar-Atekh
  • Saju-ka


  • The Great Daiamid (HW1)
  • University of Tiir (HWDOK)
  • Naabal Tech Creche (HWDOK)
  • Sjet Tech Creche (HWDOK)
  • Tiir Barracks Complex (HWDOK)
  • Tiir Primal Tactical School (HWDOK)
  • Tiir Command School (HWDOK)
  • Tiir Officer Training Academy (HWDOK)
  • Academy of Advanced Sciences (HWDOK)
  • Soban Advanced Warfare Academy a.k.a Soban Red Academy (HWDOK)


33 Temples of The Shimmering Path

Norsehound has a theory that the names used in HWC multiplayer as alternatives to Kuun-Lan, might be used as other unknown temple names. I believe, it's a good theory, there's nothing against it, it's even in line with known ship names. Of course, there is only 21 name, but if we take that these are the missing ones - well, among them there is nothing containing "Tala" part for "Oracle of Tala" - then we have 27 unique names, with 6 missing. You just don't know what is what here. Though that "Vhenk-Maan" looks suspicious…

  • 1st: "Oracle of Tala"
  • 7th: "Dome of Heaven"
  • Xth: Faal-Corum "Silent Wayfarer"
  • Xth: Kuun-Lan "Purifying Flame"
  • Xth: Clee-San "Truth Seeker"
  • 33rd: "Temple of the Mysteries"
  • Teer-Gig, Gaal-Ten, Coor-Lan, Naab-Corum, Toet-Coy, Eheb-San, Shuus-Nan, Thuuw-Nan, Morrh-Re, Ruun-Aaid, Shin-Clah, Baar-Ett, Gaar-Balhi, Vhenk-Maan, Maal-Nitz, Feng-Yuun, Thul-Lee, Mholah-Ri, Veer-Kah, Eh-Ghoan, Drun-Kyori

Kharak Corporations

  • NaabalTech
  • Hraal Industrial Works
  • Somtaaw Industries

Plus, as we can see out of Kapisi carrier description, there were S'jet, Paktu and Jaraci companies for sure.

Khadiim Operation (HWDOK Journey)

There is a detailed fan map, that is really worth sharing. Most probably, done by Adam Whitehead.

Operation Khadiim

The End

But, no matter how we develop the depths of Kharak’s history, like in the Star Wars, the end is known.

ADWs (Atmospheric Deprivation Weapons) are some of the most destructive weapons ever used. They are detonated in low orbit and the result is literal deprivation of the planet’s atmosphere. Temperatures
on the surface can reach so high that the air burns. Any living creature is quickly incinerated due to the heat, or choked by the lack of essential gasses, such as oxygen. Even after the atmosphere is destroyed the planet remains uninhabitable by any kind of life, as well as vulnerable to space debris collision and radiation.
(c) HWR, p.96, Other Weapons

Kharak Map HW1 Classic
Kharak Map HW1RM

As well, HW1 could be an exaggerated Cold War metaphor - 2 technologically same factions, both capable of going into the space and destroying worlds.

Though the question about the Southern Federation is still remains open.


Planetary System

There is no direct information about the Hiigara System, but we can find something out of the HW1 loading screens:

Map Hiigara System HW1

And the other half of Guidestone:

Guidestone Info

So, Hiigara System contains:

  • HS I: Stone planet
  • HS II: Stone planet (most likely)
  • Hiigara / Angel Moon: Stone plane with a moon, double planet
  • HS IV: Stone planet (most likely)
  • HS V: Stone planet
  • HS VI: Gas Giant with at least 2 moons
  • HS VII: Gas Giant with at least 3 moons
  • HS VIII: Stone planet with a moon
  • HS IX: Stone planet

Of course, there is a question if any planet was not shown inbetween the Guidestone and the loading screen, and if there is an asteroid belt on orbits with no planets shown, but in general it's so.
Anyway, there is a nice Norsehound’s Hiigara System fanfic map, though it's discussable:

Norsehound Hiigara System Map

The Planet

HWU Hiigara

Hiigara looks very much like Earth, and even without the "Kharak-Mars" theory. it might have been done intentionally: the game credits with that Yes song were aiming to our "Earth is our Home" feelings, with this old "Promised land" concept. And Deserts of Kharak somewhat repeated in a way of "Take care of your home", feel lucky that your world is still hospitable for you - is it? Or you have 2 centuries left to build a Mothership?..

So, it's not surprising that there might been a though that Hiigara was meant to be a future Earth. For example, like in this continent movement simulation video:

Well, the idea is interesting but not exact. But let's see how does Hiigara look in the games.

HW1 Classic Mission 016:

Hiigara Map from HW1 Classic

HW1 Classic Mission 016:

Map Hiigara HW1RM M16

And that's the HWRM story trailer, which shows us a bit different picture:

Map Hiigara HW2RM M16 Story

HW2 Classic Mission 02:

Map Hiigara HW2 Classic

HW2 Remastered Mission 02:

Map Hiigara HW2RM M02

HW2 Classic Mission 15:

HW2 Hiigara Map M15

HW2 Remastered Mission 15:

Map Hiigara HW2RM M16 A

Ah, what a beautiful sight…

There was a HW2 mod "The End of Times" a.k.a. T.E.O.T.. These guys have been modelling HIigara by the HW2 Classic data. Map Hiigara Globe

Map Hiigara Globe Versions

Map Hiigara Map by T.E.O.T

And during the map creation it's been noted that quit a lot of Earth continent data had been used for this map. For sure you'd notice North America, Eurasia etc. Even in HW1RM M16 map, a new research, there are Australia trails and others… So, is Hiigara a future Earth? Well, let's not mix inspiration and plagiarism.

If we take a look at Homeworld Remastered, that, surprisingly, we would find that HW1 Hiigara and H2 Hiigara are quite different. So, this is HW1RM continent:

Hiigara Map HW1RM Supercontinent

But if we compare to HW2RM, then we would find that this big guy is on the globe, but suddenly it has changed its size.

Map Hiigara HW2RM Continent

I believe all these troubles can and should be solved by some official map and globe.

As for the notable locations on Hiigara, there are:

  • Asaam Kiith'sid (HWC)
    a capitol
  • Massalo (HWM)
    the Third Ferin Sha place (probably the similar desert like the one used for Burning Man Fest) - well, according to HWRS, technically it's the Forth, as the Third was organized at some unused Mothership Hangar during the Homeworld War, after the Kadeshi genocide - well, as explained not to celebrate but to release the emotions of that "why the Jakuul" moment.
  • Gal'Geth (HW3)
    Hiigaran Super-Vulcano
  • Gilded Sea (HW3)
    See where the memorial Sailor's Temple located

Hiigaran Facilities

  • The New Daiamid (HWC)
  • Hiigara Star Navy Academy (HWM)
  • S'jet Science Academy (HW3)
  • Great Hall Mera'Kaar (HW3)
  • Sailor's Temple (HW3)

Hiigaran Corporations (HW3)

  • Somtaaw Forges
  • KaalTech
  • NaabalWorks
  • S'jet High Energy Labs (SHEL)
  • Paktu Armory Division (PAD)
  • Manaan Advanced Processing Systems (MAPS)

The Moon

HWU The Angel Moon

Well, the moon is situated quite close to the planet, looks like unlike Earth's Moon, Angel Moon is going to cosplay Moonfall movie in uncertain future. Well, another one Kushani timebomb unless they are building somewhat of "Wandering Earth" engines there.

Tbh, I'm sure that after Kharak's gravity of 1/3 of Hiigaran's one, the Angel Moon was more appropriate for a new-arrived Kushans, thus I believe it somewhat of Elysium situation has happened there: a large number of overprivileged Kushans lived on moon, and having a new generation to get strengthened in a capital under their control, and all Hiigara "belonged" to underprivileged Kiithless Taiidans.
And, btw, Angel Moon could be a good place for the Kadeshi migrants.

Earth Moon

RC angel moon

Map Hiigara HW2RM M16

And here's Hiigara's Moon map by T.E.O.T.'s Hix:
Map Kharak Angel Moon

Homeworld Galaxy

Homeworld Original Galaxy was most probably inspired by our Milky Way:

Milky Way

and M51a "Whirlpool" galaxy:


So, Homeworld Original Galaxy is a spiral type galaxy ("whirlpool" subtype), of approximately 70000+ light years large.

This map is pre-HW3, made by BBI, so it should be fully canonical:
Homeworld Galaxy

This was the map from HW1 Historical Briefing:

HW1 Galaxy Map Color

There are some sketches saved about it:

RC newpathcomp07RC pathcomp02

In HW1, we have a map projection in space by Bentusi, showing us some pre-exile Galaxy. In HW1RM version there are not so much dots, and it feels like that this circle dot is Hiigara, which means the screenshot should be turned 180 degrees. And in old HW1 there were more details:
Map Galaxy PreExileMap Galaxy PreExile HW1 Classic

Norsehound tried to compile another map out of this, though it's still not clear who is who here:
Map Galaxy PreExile Norsehound

HWC has shown us Taiidani Empire fracture in the center of OG, though it's not easy to understand things. Surprisingly, it looks like located in-between Galactic Rims, roughly, Hiigara and Kesura:
Map Taiidani EmpireMap Taiidani Civil War

HW2 had this sketch but who knows how much official it is (well, even things ended up in a release might be retconned!):

HW2 Journey

HW3 has added these things:

HW3 Demo map

HW3 Galaxy Right Half

There are some names like:

  1. Center: Balcora Gate, Tenhauser Gate, Elson Gate, Hiigara, Tanis, Karos, Bentus Graveyard
  2. North: Satori Sequence, Animus Arm, Dakhara Arm
  3. East: Kesura
  4. South: (deeply in the Vaygr Reaches) Noctuua 27
  5. West: Taiidan Research Station, Ghost Ship, Diamon Shoals, Kharak

Looks like Tanis was moved across the galaxy closer to Hiigara. Which is reasonable.

And the Anomaly of the Noctuua-27 Gate.

HW3 Demo map Noctuaa 27

Which looks like situated somewhere around the Vaygr Reaches according to HW2:
Map Vaygr Territories

As well, there is a map with the subgalaxy where Naggarok came from, though the Homeworld galaxy looks a bit strange.

HWC Galaxy

Maybe, all this was drawn in a fast mode, to finish the product in time, but still to give a general idea of what's happening. Well, HWC deserves a proper remaster :)

As well HWM intro cutscene also confirms this "tail" galaxy is actually a part of the original whirlpool:

HW Map Galaxy Original

Same here in HW3 trailer galaxy map:

HW MAP HW3 Galaxy

There are more things from the earlier staff, where Kesura and Noctuua 27 Anomaly are seen on the far edge:

HW3 Map

And to think, HWC also shows in a similar manner where the Naggarok was found, though it hard to understand where everything is, and a meaning of these sector lines, or it's just for fancy look, like using Greek alphabet:
Map Galaxy By Somtaaw

So, it appears we've found out the approximate location of the final mission of HWC: the Naggarok came out of this ponytail galaxy and got stuck in the Vaygr Reaches region. And there is a question if HW3 Anomaly is somehow related to this, and if the Taiidan Republic base was so far away close to the Vaygrs, and close to the Progenitor artifacts - maybe they were also searching for the Core?..

…And here comes the official picture of HW3 journey from Historical and Technical Briefing doc:

HW3 Galaxy Map

Known Actors

  • Progenitors (HW2)
  • Bentusi (HW1)
  • Galactic Council (HW1)
    • 16 empires (pre-Exile) (HW2PR)
  • Taiidan Empire (HW1)
    • Taiidani Republic (HWC)
    • Taiidani Imperialists (HWC)
    • Kalan Raiders (HW3)
  • Old Hiigaran Empire (HW2PR)
    • Kadeshi (HW1)
    • Kharakian Kushans (HW1/DOK)
      • Hiigaran Kushans (HWC/2/3/VR)
  • Turanic Raiders (HW1)
    • Turanic Kingdoms (HWC)
    • Rackam's Raiders (HWM)
  • Frerrn Aggregate (HWC)
  • Vaygr (HW2)
    • Incarnates (HW3)
  • Radaa (HWVR/HW3)
  • Independent Worlds
    • Tarsus (HWM)
    • Ur (HWM)

Inner Rim

  • Hiigara System (HW1)
    known as a capitol world of ancient Hiigaran Empire, Taiidan Empire and Kushan Empire
  • Tenhauser Gate (HW1)
    known as a location where Taiidan Empire fleet attacked Bentusi
  • Gorth's Rift (HWWOS)
    known as a location where the original prototype of Kushan "Imperator" carrier was heavily damaged
  • Vorshan's Rift (HWC)
    known for Taiidani Rebels unsuccessful riot, Captain Elson escaping right into the hands of Kushans
  • Karos Graveyard (HW1)
    huge debris field located in an unoccupied system within the Galactic Core, this interstellar junkyard is the final resting place of derelict and abandoned starships by the tens of thousands (HWR)
    • Shining Hinterlands (HW1)
      known as a location where the communication link for Taiidani Rebellion was hidden
    • Progenitor Mothership parts (HW2)
      known as The Second Mothership destinations set by Oracle
    • Karos Canyonlands (HWDST)
  • Bentus Graveyard (HW2)
    a place of The Great Bentus explosion remains
  • Tanis (HW2)
    known as a place where The Second Mothership was constructed
  • Sarum (HW2)
    known for captain Elohim shipyard
  • Tel Sector (HWC)
    known as a sector where Kuun-Lan lost a half of the ship that subverted into the Beast mothership
    • Coruc-Tel System (HWC)
      known as a meeting location of Kuun-Lan, Clee-San and Turanic Raiders
    • Aiowa System (HWC)
      known for Bentusi using self destruction against the Beast, damaging Manaani Caal-Shto
    • Kadiir Nebula (HWC)
      known as a location where Kuun-Lan escorted Caal-Shto,
      known as a location of an Imperial Base
      known for Kuun-Lan saving Taiidan Republican convoy DX-307 from the Beast missiles
      • Zeta Gate (HWC)
      • Epsilon Gate (HWC)
    • Seera Tel System (HWC)
      The Beast Cruise Missile was first seen in Seera Tel system, when a Manaani frigate squadron sent a frantic message that it was under attack by an unknown drone craft
    • Fornax System (HWC)
      known for its star went nova forcing its habitant flee in Taiidan Republican convoys
  • Koreth's Rift (HWC)
    known as a place where Kuun-Lan met Taiidan Republican spy with an important info
    known as a place where Kuun-Lan has found its Siege Cannon and tried it out for the first time
    • Gozan System (HWC)
      known for Gozan IV, Taiidan Imperialist research planet, experimenting with the Beast
    • AZ-23769 System (HWC)
      known as a meeting place of Kuun-Lan, Faal-Corum and The Beast
  • Kyori Sector (HWC)
    known as a 3rd place where Turanic Outpost was found - by Kuun-Lan
    • Sheer-Ka System (HWC)
      Hiigaran Fleet Intelligence suspects that one Turanic Outpost may be located here
      it's not said that Sheer-Ka belongs to Kyori, but it's not said that it's not, and as Somtaaw found this Outpost, why not it be the HFI authorized place?
  • Coruc Farr System (HWC)
    known for a Battle of Coruc Farr, where the captain of Somtaaw Naar-Tel destroyer, applied what will be named Naar Directive, destroying part of the ship to save others from the Beast infection
    it must have been after the research of destroyers (AZ-23769 System), so it could be the event of both Kuun-Lan and Faal-Corum, but yes, it could be a good spin-off about Faal-Corum

Galactic Rims

Well, as the maps in HWC were strangely positioned, there is no confidence were to position the last act of HWC. But for sure we know that Tel Sector neighbors Koreth Sector, and both are full of Taiidan Republic/Imperialist forces. So, these are the remains of Taiidan Empire. Kyori Sector is full of Turanic Raiders, but as we've already met Turanics in the Hiigara Sector and Tel Sector, it means it's very close to each other. It's the Galactic Core.

As for the final missions on the Galactic Rim the latest information from HW3 points at Vaygr Reaches location and HW OG tail subgalaxy.

Outer Western Rim

  • Kharak System (HW1)
    a temporary home for Kushan exiles
  • The Great Nebula (HW1)
    a temporary home for another Kushan exiles
    • The Garden of Kadesh (HW1)
      "There is no withdrawal from the Garden" (c) Kadeshi
    • The Cathedral of Kadesh (HW1)
      known as a sacred location of Kadeshian Khar-Toba
    • The Cloister of Kadesh (HWR)
      The individual from the crew would be chosen personally by the Custodian of the ship, and would often spend months in an area of dense gas known as The Cloister with minimal food and water. Should they survive and get back in contact with their home-ship, they would be celebrated as symbolically surviving on the very essence of the nebula itself, and be chosen to speak for the Kadeshi people to those who breach their borders (HWR)
  • Turan sector (HWC)
    known as a sector where Turanic Raider's were first met

Outer Eastern Rim

  • Gulf Sector (HWC)
    known as a place where Naggarok had drifted away to
    known as a place where Bentusi built their Hypergates, destroyed by Kuun-Lan
  • Dark Matter Cluster Faal-Tel (HWC)
    known as a meeting place of Kuun-Lan and Manaani fleet, to find subverted Clee-San
  • Far Reaches Sector (HWC)
    • Sojent-Ra System (HWC)
      known for positive Siege Cannon test on The Beast mothership and Clee-San
    • Republican Naval Base Alpha (HWC)
      known for Nomad Moon and Naggarok defeat by Kuun-Lan
  • Vaygr Reaches (HW2PR)
    • Gehenna (HW2)
      known as a primary location of mysterious Oracle
    • Thaddis Sabbah (HW2)
      known as a sector where Captain Soban was prepared for interrogation
    • Hethlim Ice-Fields (HW2PR)
      known as a primary location of the Third Great Core, found by Makaan
    • Noctuua 27 (HW3)
      known as an epicenter of the Anomaly
  • Kesura Oasis (HW3)

A bit closer look at Kesura Oasis:

HW3 Kesura Oasis


Kushan Planets

  • Hiigara (HW1)
    the Exile's old planet
  • Kharak (HW1)
    the Exile's new planet
  • Haarsuk (HW1)
    Gas Giant from Kharak System
  • Nisilbis (HWR)
    When the exiles interfaced with the intergalactic community, they inadvertently discovered the truth
    of Kiith Siidim when their sigil was recognized by the Bentusi. Evidence points to the Siidim being the descendants of a lost thirty-five-ship convoy that departed from Nisilbis nearly three thousand years before the exiles returned to Hiigara. (HWR)
  • Karbala-03B (HW3)
    Destroyed by Incarnate hyper-attack industrial planet with 16 mln dead;
  • Jade-04G (HW3)
    Destroyed by Incarnate hyper-attack mining planet with 16,870 dead;
  • Sahel-5 (HW3)
    Destroyed by Incarnate hyper-attack agricultural planet with 190.700 dead;

Taiidan Planets

  • Taiidan (HWWOS)
    the capitol world of Taiidan Republic, contains Taiidan Veteris, the memorial to Taiidan Genocide performed by Hiigarians
  • Gozan IV (HWC)
    Imperial Taiidan outpost planet
  • Ferox (HWR)
    Taiidani Navy planet
  • Resta (HWRS)
    Taiidani border world, where was a small rebellion
  • Triistara (HWR)
    Taiidani city-world (planet??), destroyed for the rebellion by Riestiu IV-2
  • Elaprasa (HWRS)
    Taiidani tourist world, attacked by Turanic Raiders

Turanic Planets

  • Telapé II (HWRS)
    some independent world, ransacked by Turanic Raiders
  • Yggrisix (HWR)
    an agricultural planet, a.k.a. “Breadbasket”, controlled by a Turanic Raiders "entente"


  • Brauntor (HWR)
    The tidally-locked planet of Brauntor shows a unique situation when it comes to planetary makeup. With one side constantly facing its sun, the consistent twilight in a thin ring around the planet allowed for a civilization to spring up.
    – appears that's even possible!..
  • Fortune (HWR)
    less than a hundred years after joining the Galactic Council, corporate greed has strip-mined the planet to the brink of complete ecological collapse
  • Halashen (HWRS)
    some independent world, a corporate controlled world with heavy security
  • Mirballa (HWR)
    a planet that needed evacuating a century ago due to the collapse of its closest star. The Council was in the second year of negotiating the method of evacuation when the star went supernova, bringing an effective end to continued negotiations
  • Stenstorp (HWRS)
    a primitive planet that contains some Progenitor artifacts
  • Tarkos I (HWR)
    was evacuated due to dangerous stellar phenomena, and then purchased and transformed by Galactic Council into the largest sporting and leisure facility in the known galaxy, Eclipse Park
  • Welga VI (HWR)
    a planet with Council University


HW1 Journey

  • Western Outer Rim
    • Kharak System
    • Great Wastelands
    • Diamond Shoals
    • Kadeshi Nebula
    • Sea of Lost Souls
    • Supernova System
  • Kursius Arm
    • Tenhauser Gates
  • Galactic Core
    • Galactic Core
    • Karos Sector
    • Hiigara System

HWC Journey

  • Galactic Core
    • Hiigara System
    • Tel Sector
      • Coruc-Tel System
      • Aiowa System
      • Kadiir Nebula
    • Koreth's Rift
      • Gozan System
      • AZ-23769 System
    • Kyori Sector
  • Galactic Eastern Rim
    • Gulf Sector
    • Dark Matter Cluster Faal-Tel
      might be the same as "Far Reaches Sector" and maybe around "Vaygr Reaches"
    • Far Reaches Sector
      • Sojent-Ra System
      • Taiidani Republic Naval Base Alpha

HW2 Journey

  • Galactic Core
    • Tanis
    • Hiigara System
    • Sarum System
  • Galactic Eastern Rim
    • Gehenna System
  • Galactic Core
    • Karos Sector
  • Galactic Eastern Rim
    • Thaddis Sabbah
  • Galactic Core
    • Balcora Sector
    • Hiigara System

HW3 Journey

  • Galactic Core
    • Hiigara
  • Animius Arm
    • Facility 315 (?)
  • Galactic Eastern Rim
    • Kesura Oasis
    • Kala Terminus
    • Trinity Gate
    • Naraka Gate
    • Citadel
    • Buran Ice Shelf
    • Noctuua-27

The Homeworld Mobile "Nimbus" Galaxy

A new field of mobile exploration with a lot events happening there:

Nimbus Galaxy Map

And thanks to HWM RU fans, here we have a map of Nimbus Galaxy starpoints - not all, but we can see the names, though I'd say there is too much Kushan language influence in them (until we meet Mesoamerican Tanoch Empire):

HWM named map

And the known actors are:

  • Progenitors
  • Hagthar Empire
    • Amassari
  • Yaot Federation
  • Tanoch Empire
    • Tecuban
    • Chicuat
  • Cangacian Pirates
  • Iyatequa Traders
  • Medea, the Hiigaran state
    within the Empty Quarter, with Lazarus Base as a capital
  • Vaygr Opona

HWM Banners

And for Cangacian (pirates?) I have not found a proper size logo.


  • Wiracoda Gates (HWM)
    we've come to Nimbus from Duzumi Gate to Wiracoda Gate, a place with too much hostile Keepers
  • Star Totek (HWM)
    Tanochet holy place
  • Sijin Lighthouse (HWM)
  • Temple Tonaati (HWM)
  • Jolja (HWM)
    Gideon S'jet's (another protégé of Karan S'jet) favorite system.
  • Nightmare Gulf (HWM)

Tonaati TempleHWM - JoljaHWM Sijin Lighthouse

HWM Star TotekHWM - Nightmare GulfHWM Wiracoda Gate

Other Galaxies

Intergalactic gates of HWM have unveiled two more directions:

  • Eros Galaxy - with a a research outpost (HWM)
  • Aurora Galaxy - with the Vinland settlement (HWM)

…contact with these outposts became a classified matter for their protection...
(c) HWM, The Gates

Homeworld Galaxies

Maybe, as these space objects were so clearly shown, it could be that those unknown galaxies on the left and on the right to the original galaxy are the ones?..


Read More Of Homeworld


I wanted to add this to the "Sins of Homeworld Lore" article, but I was told that I have exceeded limited number of symbols already…

Kiith Soban Fighter

More I am looking at this picture, the more I'm getting annoyed.

The hair length of this elite military unit is raising some questions, but more questions are about the melee weapon she cannot even use in a tight room. Of course, swords are attractive: there is something tribal about them, even Freudian. Artists love them, we all love them, Conan The Barbarian is the witness.

The Northman

Larger life forms include insects, avians and several marsupial species, the largest being the friendly, knee-high omnivorous haariri.
(c) HWDOK, Expedition Guide, Kharak, Kharakid Biology

But first of all, there is no horses in Kharak reality. And the sabers are something that developed as a weapon of chevaliers, horsemen, as the weapon curved form allowed them to slash from the top position with an centrifugal inertia auxiliary force. And the pop-cultural katana technically is a sabre, that had been adapted to the changing war conditions and then quite peaceful 3 centuries of Edo period, the time of duels with no armor, and no significant technical progress, that lead to Japan forced reopening to the outer world by US Commodore Matthew C. Perry.

Katana and Tachi

Besides, there is a question to the quality of Japanese iron ore, and Japanese warlords tend to use European cuirass instead of their "native" armor. So, no doubt, there is a great cultural layer of Japanese martial arts, that build a strong spirit, discipline and so on. But the question is: was the katana of something that would overcompete the European war machine with the iron of really good quality, or is it something that was born out of the isolation specific conditions?

Russian Empire Cossacks

Then, if we take out the horses, these medieval tanks, out of the equation, then the pedestrian warrior most likely would use a short straight sword instead of a sable, but it won't be his main weapon, it will be an auxiliary weapon when his spear range is over, and it will be used to thrust, not to slash. And for Soban there are our reality examples:

Greek Warriors

Roman Legionaire

Roman pilum was something that was mentioned in the Kharak history:

The ancient raachok was a hurled weapon from the early martial period on Kharak. Light infantry used to carry a half dozen of these leaded darts into battle and then throw them in rapid fashion as they closed with the opponent. They were not the most effective weapon for inflicting injuries, but the enemy was forced to raise their shields to protect themselves from the hail of whistling projectiles, and so the infantry could often close and get in the first blow before the enemy had recovered.
(c) HWWOS, Taiidani Light Corvette

Most probably, a gladius type swords also were used.

Gladius and Pugio

Maybe some other types of straight sword over time:

Even Soban sigil tells us about the handle of a straight sword:

Sigil of Kiith Soban

But there were no Edo period in Kharak history, with the somewhat of sword sacralization. Naabal Intervention quickly switched the technological level of war to the next stage, and the melee weapon became useless in battles. The Age of Reason asked warriors to sharpshoot not to chop and stab. Swords became a ritual weapon only, something for the parades. And with the machinery development, it's hardly believed that any soldier or officer would take a big heavy useless pile of iron into a tight cabin of any vessel - only the Japanese officers holding to the old imperial traditions were last to use swords - looks like Siidim story, but they are gone. It's better to take few rifle magazines instead. As well, it's completely useless on a spaceship: are you going to persecute your battle comrades, Mr. Commissar?. But HWR put those swords everywhere: Taiidans, Turanics… Yes, there is a mechanic of melee fighting in RPG, but don't get too attached to it.

Even in Star Wars, that initially were loosely based on Akira Kurosawa samurai traditional strengths exaggerating movies, only the Force-holders used some advanced swords. And in the Dune universe the melee weapon was used because the warriors had personal force fields. In other words: it's not WH40K, it's HW10K!

Mashad Siidim commands his carrier with a sword

The developers of "Alfa: Antiterror" were asked why there is no knifes in their tactical game, they answered that the special forces units had recalled no case of using knives, despite they had those. The firearms is the main weapon of war, there is no point to teach soldiers how to use melee weapon. Maybe the basic martial arts training, maybe the knife training, but it's not essential. It's better to give them some courses about surviving in unfriendly conditions, about medical care, add a specialty of operating battle machine. Modern war is a ranged war. So any sword fighting would be just one's free time leisure, no other value in it. Especially as swordsmanship requires you to save knuckles, so the one can hold a sword tight. That's why the Karate was considered as a plebe's martial art. Thus you won't get in special forces, and they are relying on stealth, the sword might be a hinder in this task… The era of soldier-sword system is a past, soldier-ranged-weapon system is a future.

An enemy won't hit you with a knife if you shoot off his head

OK, there are Sikhs, and their religion requires them to have a Kirpan - a ceremonial sword: there is no fixed style of Kirpan and it can be anything from a few inches to three feet long. And a small auxiliary ritual weapon in the size of Rambo knife, wakizashi, dirk or dagger won't be burdensome and be even practical like khukuri of British Gurkhas.. Especially if there will a very tight combat in a spaceship. Though, if I'd be a salvager, I'd avoid salvaging a ship without a huge EMP strike, and an armored specialized spacesuit with a short-barreled autoshotgun: those appear to be quite effective in CQBs…

Gurkhas with Khukuri

But anyway, this kind of a melee weapon could be a public sign of affiliation to Sobani, not a sword kept for rituals and parades. But again, the question why would you need a notable lethal weapon among the unarmed civilians, if your fists and kneels are already a trained weapon, that can do enough damage to harm an offender, with less probability of killing him?..

Kharaki Battle Monks

And now, Khindu'annah Sagald will demonstrate an old proverb “Sajuuk created all kharakid, but Samaal Naabal made them equal”.

Gun vs. Sword

Read More Of Homeworld

Homeworld: Timeline

AmDDRed Blog


HW Universe timeline by HWM


  1. The Sources
  2. Change Log
  3. Intro
  4. The Dates
  5. The History of Kharak (GSY 7500 - 9510)
    1. The Dark Ages (BKDS 794 - 0)
    2. Early Settlement (KDS 0 - 520)
    3. The Heresy Wars (KDS 520 - 830)
    4. The Time of Reason (KDS 830 - 1106)
    5. Khar-Toba Era (KDS 1106 - 1216)
  6. The History of Homeworld Galaxy
    3. PAX BENTUSI (GSY 0 - 5500)
    4. PAX CONCILII GALAXIA (GSY 5500 - 6510)
    5. PAX TAIIDANI (GSY 6510 - 9510)
    6. INTERBELLUM (GSY 9510 - 9625)
    7. PAX KUSHANI (GSY 9625 - 9720)
    8. ANOMALIA (GSY 9720 - )
  7. The History of Nimbus Galaxy
  8. Links

The Sources

  • HW1 - Homeworld 1, manual, game
  • HWC - Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence, manual, game
  • HWCO - Homeworld Cataclysm, outtakes
  • HWWOS - HW and HWC ship descriptions, well of souls
  • HW2 - Homeworld 2, manual, game
  • HW2PR - Homeworld 2, Prima Official eGuide
  • HWDOK - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Expedition Guide, game
  • HWR - Homeworld: Revelations RPG
  • HWRS - Homeworld: Revelations RPG Story Seeds
  • HWM - Homeworld: Mobile, homeworldsource.net
  • HW3 - Homeworld 3, game, stories and manual
  • HWDST - Homeworld Dust Wars drafts


  • 29.10.23 - added dates from HWM "The Stranded" piece of lore
  • 03.11.23 - added Leviathan expedition, added Tanoch & Hagthar Empires, separated Nimbus history
  • 10.11.23 - added info about HWM 'Explorer" type flagships production start
  • 23.11.23 - added info about old Hiigarans receiving hypertech date
  • 08.12.23 - removed Hiigaran population text from the Intro, as there is HW Population article
  • 25.12.23 - added info about 10k years old Tanoch Empire, added link to Homeworld: Population
  • 03.01.24 - added info about Vanaar Manaan-Sa and his color scheme, rearranged chapters;
  • 07.02.24 - added info about Karan S'jet and her Khar-Sajuuk
  • 08.05.24 - added HWDOK skirmish map info into the timeline - KDS 1110-1117
  • 20.05.24 - added some HW3 dates


During the reading of Homeworld Revelations RPG, I saw that the authors were missing some dates - maybe not so crucial but still mentioned on the pages of progenitors, so I decided to gather up all the dates available in one place, and maybe that would bring some insights for those who would be imagining new plots for their RPG adventures. Why not in homeworld.fandom? Well, after seeing information on Taiidani Republic and Taiidani Loyalists, I understand why Wikipediaes are considered to be not trustable sources: everyone can write in the information they like, and even articles with large number of specialists involved may have the initial circle of biased authors.

After all I really hope that Gearbox and BBI would restructure and recanonise some dates and ship descriptions of HW1, kiithid stories of HWC, background story of HW2, and make HWDOK completely fit the predecessors' lore for the upcoming HW3, for example, by making a website with not editable articles considered to be a general source of truth or hiring some person to be responsible for the HW Universe canon, like it's done for other franchises, like Disney's Star Wars or Ubisoft's Might & Magic etc. The franchise grows big, and maybe some day it will be competing Dune, BSG, Star Trek, Star Wars and other sources of inspiration, so the student will become the master…

The Dates


And still I don't understand why Galaxy Standard Year = Hiigarian Year = Kharakian Year. Can we relate this to HWM Nimbus Galaxy as well? And the other ones, including HW3? Seems like Hiigara should have been a very special place for all the Progenitors...

A year is a time a planet goes full orbit around the star, and there are so much variable parameters… It's even OK for galaxy year to be the same with Hiigarian, and I won't wonder if some great progenitor artifact is found on Hiigara (a Celestial ;)), but Hiigara and Kharak having the same year time… As I understand HWC writers tried to get away from it with these lines:

In honor of the momentous occasion, Kiith Sjet declared the beginning of a new calendar on the day the returning Kushan first set foot on our homeworld. By decree, the Hiigaran Landfall marked the first day of a new Year Zero. From that time on, “days” have been measured by Hiigara’s period of rotation, and “years” according to the revolutions of Hiigara around its mother sun.

No mixtures of AHL and KDS, like it happened later, and in the earlier version of a text there were no GSY. Only in some places additions of an Imperial calendar:

The Taiidan Empire of Year 0 AL (Year 2924 by the Imperial Calendar) held 275 star systems in its grip, but not easily. Emperor Khaldeesh the Second was rapidly approaching his 4th century of life, and his pogroms and agendas were becoming increasingly bloody and erratic.
(c) HWC, The End of the Imperial Era, an earlier version of a text

And that's more logical: yes, it looks like that the Taiidani Imperial Calendar year is set when Hiigara became a new Taiidan Empire capitol, so AHL year = TIC year, and 3000 KDS years of the Guidestone age may be 2924 TIC/AHL years. Of course, in the same text below there is a remark about "3000 years of political stagnation" but it could have been a simple rounding. But for some reason, mysterious GSY has appeared, and all the dating systems became equal… Yeah, seems like people are not yet ready for the relativity of time.

Anyway, I will be using GSY as a basis, and I will consider KDS to be ended with the life on Kharak.

The date with a link would mean that there is some problem with that story element.

The History of Kharak (GSY 7500 - 9510)

hwdok transmission evil empire

The Dark Ages (BKDS 794 - 0)

  • ~KDS -794
    Exiles Land on Kharak (HWR)

Early Settlement (KDS 0 - 520)

  • KDS 0
    Kiith S'jet Establishes Kharakian Dating System (HWR)
  • KDS 75-250
    Ecological disasters (HW1)
  • KDS 178
    Teigor Somtaaw initiates building of 33 temples "The Shimmering Path" (HWC)
  • KDS 300-530
    Kiith Ferriil enjoying a period of power (HWR)
  • KDS 313
    Kiith Sjet accepts kiith Kaalel to become their vassals (HWCO)
  • KDS 337
    Jun Kaalel-sa dies, her son Liir Kaalel becomes kiith-sa (HWCO)
  • KDS 339
    Kiith Kaalel breaks ties with Kiith Sjet (HWCO)
  • KDS 340
    First historical mentions of kiith Manaan being accused of stealing food and water (HW1)
  • KDS 348-360
    Kiith Kaalel establishes chains of communication across Kharak using smoke and drums (HWCO)
  • ~KDS 387
    Liir Kaalel-sa dies (HWCO)
  • KDS 416
    Kiith Balel attacks kiith Lehi; Lehi-sa refuses the call for vengeance asked by Soban Lehi (HWR)
    Soban The Red leaves his kiith and thus a mercenary kiith Soban is born (HW1)
  • KDS 462
    Kiith Siidim Council announces a new Dogma of their people being of divine origin (HW1)
  • KDS 488
    Kiith Paktu among the others is marked as Gritiidim (sand people) and displaced by kiith Siidim (HW1)
    Kiith Gaalsien starts their expansion of influence on "Gritiidim" kiithid (HW1)
    Khaaneph movement begins out of several Gritiidim survivors (HWDOK)
  • KDS 490
    50 kiithid under the lead of Majiir Paktu-sa travels to the South Pole across the desert (HW1)
  • KDS 493
    Majiir Paktu moves back to North, and is not among those 7 who survived (HW1)
  • KDS 497
    Few manaani returns from the South with a new sand ship technology (HW1)
  • KDS 510
    The city of Tiir is founded (HWR)
  • KDS 513
    Kiith Siidim makes a massacre out of the Ferin Sha of kiith Manaan (HW1)

The Heresy Wars (KDS 520 - 830)

The Time of Reason (KDS 830 - 1106)

  • KDS 830
    Kiith Naabel settlement - Tiir - becomes a new capital (HW1)
    Age of Reason begins (HW1)
    Kiith Hraal owns several steam-powered factories (HWCO)
  • KDS 836
    Kriil S'jet presents the scientific evidence of Xenogenesis to the Daiamid in Tiir (HWR)
  • KDS 857
    Kiith Kaalel invents the printing press after corporate espionage at Naabal (HWCO)
  • ~KDS 890
    The century-long Kasaar agreement between Somtaaw and Soban has ended (HWC)
  • KDS 902
    Kiith Kaalel makes a truce with kiith Sjet by publishing Sjetti Holder's Almanac (HWCO)
  • ~KDS 910
    The Dispute of Hatar has ended a secret nonaggression Naabal-Soban pact (HWR)
  • KDS 912
    The Great Northern Way is opened up by Kiith Naabal (HWR)
  • KDS 913
    The first Kaaleli newspaper is distributed in Tiir (HWCO)
  • KDS 915
    Kiith Paktu officially accepted the invitation into the Daiamid (HWR)
  • KDS 998
    The first public radio broadcasts, with popular Ran Kaalel (HWCO)
  • KDS 1012
    Kiith LiirHra breaks off from the main body of the Hraal (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1024
    Kharak's first orbital flight - mission Silumiin - is launched. The Silumiin Riots (HW1)
    Gaalsien messages about Khaaneph people are discovered by Masaar Manaan (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1026
    Massar Manaan is put in charge of an intelligence task force dedicated to find Khaaneph (HWDOK)
  • ~KDS 1030
    Kiith Nabaal builds rails to the South and gives kiith Paktu a place in the Great Daiamid (HW1)
  • KDS 1044
    Deckard Naabal, the future captain of Ifriit Naabal heavy carrier, is born (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1057
    Project "Stormbreaker" - a giant wall to hold desert storms - is initiated (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1059
    Roman S'jet, the future captain of Kapisi desert carrier is born (HWDOK)
  • ~KDS 1060
    Documented superstorms rate start to increase (HWDOK)
    Gaalsien production cruiser Caaw Duuk started his career (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1061
    During a manned space flight, crew members discover floating debris in high orbit. (HWDOK)
    The study of Kharakian space debris leads to great scientific progress (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1068
    A launch of Siila's Eye generation of environmental monitoring satellites (HWDOK)
    Jacob S'jet, the future science officer of Ifriit Naabal heavy carrier, is born (HWDOK)
    Nathan S'jet, the intelligence officer of Kapisi desert carrier, is born (HWDOK)
    Roman S'jet, the future captain of Kapisi desert carrier is graduated, Tiir Barracks Complex (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1069
    Clea Soban, the future Fleet Operation officer of Kapisi desert carrier, is born (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1073
    K'zell Naabal reports that Siila's Eye sats data confirms that Kharak becomes inhospitable (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1074
    The Night of Fiery Daggers (Siifar Kor'shesh): 10k Gaalsi Fists intrusion fails (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1075
    The first generation of combat crawlers enter service, Roman S'jet commands one of these (HWDOK)
    Gaalsi attacks the northern Kiithid with advanced weaponry salvaged from crashed spaceships (HWR)
  • KDS 1078
    Rachel S'jet, the future science officer of Kapisi desert carrier, is born (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1081-1083
    The Drifting Seas Campaign happens, Roman S'jet is a participant (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1090
    Nathan S'jet is graduated, Tiir Officer Training Academy (HWDOK)
    Nathan S'jet enters Soban Advanced Warfare Academy at age 22 (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1094
    Nathan S'jet is graduated, Soban Red Academy (HWDOK)
    Gaalsien main battle carrier "Corvaal" first time spotted (HWDOK)
  • ~KDS 1097
    J'raal Hraal tried to raise an alarm of climate change and was ostracized and cancelled (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1099
    Deckard Naabal started his service in Heavy Patrol Crawlers along Strombreaker Base line (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1100
    Project "Viin Cal" - a series of potent deep-scan radar satellites - is initiated (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1102
    Roman S'jet becomes a commander of K'karr Stormbreaker Fortress (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1103
    Jacob S'jet started his service in defence team and counter insurgency, Northern Operations (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1105
    The Soban-sponsored first Sakala-class carrier clears the constructions yards (HWDOK)

Khar-Toba Era (KDS 1106 - 1216)

  • KDS 1106
    Leykab Jaraci discovers strange desert object (Khar-Toba) by Radar Satellite (HW1)
    First Jaraci expedition - operation Skaal Brii - is initiated (HWDOK)
    The contact with "Ifriit Naabal" heavy carrier is lost after a month in the Great Desert (HWDOK)
    LiirHra test out the Sadaar space plane (HWR)
  • KDS 1107
    The flagship carrier Ifriit-Naabal and her crew are officially declared lost. (HWDOK)
    Second expedition - operation Khadiim - approved by the Daiamid (HWDOK)
    The construction of a new Sakala-Class Deep Desert Carrier is accelerated (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1108
    Rachel Sjet makes a decision to be a part of the second expedition (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1108
    Sjetti SJF-14 "HAMMER" Strike Fighter is accepted for the Alliance (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1109
    The S'jet Carrier Kapisi, Sakala-class deep desert carriers, is put into service (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1110
    Operation Khadim - an expedition into the Great Desert - is initiated (HWR)
    Fleets descend on the legendary Khar-Toba after its discovery (HWDOK)
    Kiith Siidim is expulsed from the Great Daiamid (HWR)
  • KDS 1111
    Alliance SJB-18 "ANVIL" Tactical Bomber is replaced by Salka Attack Bomber (HWDOK)
    Seasonal storms birth an ancient piece of wreckage from the hear of the Kalash Range (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1112
    Discovery of an ancient technological artifact in Khar-Toba (Second Hyperspace Core) (HWR)
    Forces converge on distant wreckage from the ship "Taiidan" in a battle in Torin Crater (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1113
    Fleets maneuver for dominance in the wreckage of the Beladin Dune Sea (HWDOK)
    First usage of Hail-Pyke Maneuver of 3 Base Runners near The Shallows (HWDOK)
    A S'jet analyst discovered an intricate intelligence network of Kaalel (HWR)
  • KDS 1114
    The Boneyard - a S'jet salvage and repair facility is the flashpoint for renewed conflict beyond the Frontier Wall (HWDOK)
    Canyon Outpost - New spectra signals are identified in the husks of a Gaalsien outpost. (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1115
    Firebase Kriil - An abandoned Coalition firebase, once used for deep desert reconnaissance and supply missions, now becomes a strategic priority in the growing desert conflict (HWDOK)
    In the heart of Gaalsien Territory, forces clash over controlling access to The Whispering Gallery (HWDOK)
    The Ifriit IV Deep Space Probe is delayed twice (HWDOK)
    Kiith Soban starts using marking the target tech by Sobani railgun utilizing a laser designator (HWDOK)
    Nathat S'jet is a Deputy Director of Military Intelligence Umbra Division (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1116
    Disparate forces converge on The Kalash Valley to lay claim to the site after scans reveal new energy signatures buried deep below the sand (HWDOK)
  • KDS 1117
    Taiidan Passage - as the battle for control of the Khar-Toba rages, deep desert carriers mass near the Torin Crater and battle for control of a key transit route through the Dreamlands (HWDOK) (again?!)
  • KDS 1122
    Kharakian scientists understood that they've found a solid state hyperspace module (HWR)
  • KDS 1135
    Rediscovery of Guidestone (HW1)
  • KDS 1155
    Mevath Segald presents the Guidestone to the High Ministers (HWR)
    Global Plebiscite (HW1)
    Rachel S'jet is S'jet-sa (HWR)
  • KDS 1159
    A final plan is accepted for the vessel that would follow the path indicated by the Guidestone (HW1)
    A heavy cargo re-entry vehicle is used to haul crews and raw components to/from low orbit (HWWOS)
  • KDS 1179
    Infrastructure required for the construction project is built up (HW1)
    The primary resource collector design created (HWWOS)
  • KDS 1185
    Rei Magann tests out the cryogenic pod while flying in space for 6 months (HW1)
  • KDS 1189
    Scaffold is completed (HW1)
  • KDS 1204
    Cryogenic pods are getting filled with volunteers (HW1)
  • KDS 1206
    Khar-Selim is launched (HW1)
  • KDS 1210
    Kiith Nabaal invests in off-Kharak facilities (HW1)
  • KDS 1216
    Launch of the Mothership and The Burning of Kharak (HW1)
  • KDS 1217
    Asaam Kiith'sid establishes as New Capital of Hiigara (HWC)
  • KDS 1302
    Fleet Tactical Debates (HW1)

The History of Homeworld Galaxy

taiidani gates


  • GSY -???
    Unknown race ship arrives to the Sea of the Lost Soul sector (HW1)
    Unknown race expedition ship is infected by The Beast (HWC)


  • GSY ???
    Unknown Progenitors rise, live, and die (HWR)
    Unknown Progenitors travel to "Homeworld" Galaxy (HW2)

PAX BENTUSI (GSY 0 - 5500)

  • GSY +0
    Galactic civilization begins (HWR)
  • GSY ???
    Bentusi discover the First Hyperspace Core (HWR)
  • ~GSY 3500
    Earliest records of Hiigaran Empire (HWR)
  • ~GSY 5000
    Bentusi start spreading hyperjump technology among the galaxy (HW2PR)


  • ~GSY 5500
    Hiigarans get their part of hyper-technologies (HW2PR)
    Galactic Council of 16 Empires Formed (HWR)
  • GSY 6509
    Discovery of the Second Hyperspace Core (HWR)
  • GSY 6510
    Guidestone Created (HWR)

PAX TAIIDANI (GSY 6510 - 9510)

  • GSY 6511
    Taiidan Empire Relocates Capital to Hiigara (HWR)
    Admiral Riesstiu begins his dynasty as a Taiidan Emperor (HW2PR)
  • ~GSY 6510-7500
    Around the middle of that term a part of Exiles settle in Great Nebula to be known as Kadeshi (HW1)
  • ~GSY 7500
    Exiles Land on Kharak (HWR)
    - on the other page there is a date of ~GSY 7800, but this page table is full of errors so I'll ignore it.
  • GSY 8123
    A group of five worlds grew restless under the bureaucracy and difficulties of Galactic Council (HWR)
  • GSY 8133
    Five worlds form the Ambition Commonwealth, profiting from illegal elsewhere markets (HWR)
    Galactic Inspectors joint military force was disbanded with Taiidans taking responsibility (HWM)
  • GSY 8294
    Kiith S’jet Establishes Kharakian Dating System (HWR)
  • GSY 9035
    First records of Turanic Raiders made in Turan sector (HWC)
  • ~GSY 9110
    Taiidan Emperor Riesstiu IV The Second commences his rule (HWC)
  • ~GSY 9275
    First of two known cases when Turanic Outpost was found, object self-destructed (HWC)
  • ~GSY 9410
    Riesstiu IV The Second start supporting Turanic Raider (HWC)
  • GSY 9435
    Saarkin Cho class Taiidani carrier production started (HWC)
  • GSY 9503
    Bentusi suspended all trade contact with the Taiidan (HWC)

INTERBELLUM (GSY 9510 - 9625)

  • GSY 9510
    The Homeworld War (HW1)
    Kharakian Genocide: Taiidan Fleet uses Atmosphere Deprivation Weapon on Kharak (HW1)
    Kadeshi had been living in a Great Nebula for 13 generations and were beaten by Kushans (HW1)
    Taiidani Emperor orders the fleet to seek and destroy Bentusi ships (HW1)
    The Battle of Vorshan's Rift: a rebellion against Taiidani Emperor failed (HW1)
    Taiidan Emperor Riesstiu IV The Second is killed (HW1)
    Kushan new capital is the Asaam Kiith'sid of Hiigara (HWC)
  • GSY 9514
    The New Daiamid was built in Asaam Kiith'sid (HWC)
    First major incursion of Taiidan Imperialists (HWC)
  • GSY 9515
    The end of civil war in Taiidan Republic (HWC)
  • GSY 9516
    Taiidan Republic signs a formal non-aggression pact with the Exiles (HWC)
  • GSY 9517
    Kiith Naabal tries to consume kiith Somtaaw (HWC)
    Kiith Somtaaw number rises from 15k to 25k (HWC)
    Kiith Somtaaw builds Kuun-Lan, Faal-Corum, Clee-San in 6 months (HWC)
    Karan Sjet retires (HWCO)
  • GSY 9519
    Second major incursion of Taiidan Imperialists reaching Hiigara (HWC)
  • GSY 9520
    Kiith Hraal becomes a vassal of kiith LiirHra (HWCO)
  • GSY 9521
    Hiigaran food rationing program finished (HWC)
    Third major incursion of Taiidan Imperialists reaching Hiigara (HWC)
  • GSY 9523
    Turanic Raiders activity around hiigaran combat and transport vessels grows (HWC)
  • GSY 9525
    Some Naabal engineers forge a new Caaliburnous Sword (HWR)
    Forth major incursion of Taiidan Imperialists reaching Hiigara (HWC)
    The Beast War (HWC)
    Third Turanic Outpost was found (HWC)
    Part of the Bentusi depart to supposedly another Galaxy (HWC)
  • GSY 9530
    Kiith Soban begins renting its services out to other star civilizations within the galactic core (HWR)
  • GSY 9531
    Vanaar Manaan-Sa family gets a new personal color scheme (HWM)
  • GSY 9550
    Hiigarans reveal ancient documents about the true nature of the Mothership HyperCore (HW2PR)
  • GSY ~9551
    Vanaar Manaan-Sa's color scheme granted for general use among the Manaani. Often flown by counter-culture Manaani to protest the decisions of the current Manaan-Sa (HWM)
  • GSY 9585
    Kiith Jaraci split out of Kiith S'jet to focus on signals technologies and Progenitor sciences (HWR)
  • GSY 9586
    The last of "Perdition" class Missile Destroyer of original Kushan Fleet is retired (HWM)
  • GSY 9595
    Fleet Tactical Debates (HW1)
  • GSY 9599
    Mehemit Matara, the notable Fleet Officer of the last Nimbus expedition is born (HWM)
  • GSY 9602
    Pagraan Matara, the notable Fleet Officer of the last Nimbus expedition is born (HWM)
  • GSY 9609
    Joanna Naabal, the Fleet Intelligence Moderator of the last Nimbus expeditions is born (HWM)
    Esentra Magann, the notable Fleet Officer of the last Nimbus expeditions is born (HWM)
  • GSY 9612
    Amaala Magann, the notable Fleet Officer of the last Nimbus expeditions is born (HWM)
  • GSY 9624
    Makaan locates the Third Hyperspace Core at Hethlim Ice-Fields (HWR)

PAX KUSHANI / AGE OF S'JET (GSY 9625 - 9720)

  • GSY 9625
    The Vaygr War (HW2PR)
    Karan S'jet returns to her role of Fleet Command (HW2)
    Kushans collect all three Great HyperCores (HW2)
    Discovery of the Eye of Aarran (HW2)
  • GSY 9626
    Eye of Aarran is opened (HWM)
  • GSY 9629
    The first expedition to reach Nimbus galaxy was the Carrier Abiigado. Expedition lost. (HWM)
    Expedition destroyed by Progenitor Keepers and survivors captured by Cangacian pirates. (HWM)
    First ten "Explorer" class flagships were launched, Tiirshak among them (HWM)
  • GSY 9631
    The Lazarus Expedition is the largest and best-prepared expedition of three sent to Nimbus (HWM)
  • GSY 9635
    Survivors of Abiigado expedition appeared at Lazarus base (HWM)
    Gideon S'jet, right hand of Karan S'jet, becomes the part of Caral Expedition to Nimbus (HWM)
    Mahel Manaan, departs with Leviathan Expedition to Nimbus (HWM)
  • GSY 9638
    A supply network has been established to allow Lazarus base to serve as a fleet base (HWM)
  • GSY 9641
    The last Nimbus Galaxy expedition begins (HWM)
  • GSY 9668
    the first Geon class destroyer entered the fleet (HW3)
  • GSY 9713
    The Battle of Jessel's Star led by Admiral Toreth Naabal (HW3)


  • GSY 9719
    Imogen S'jet is born (HW3)
    First Kalan Raider Interdiction missions and introduction of Azkar-A class interceptors (HW3)
  • GSY 9720
    Operation BaseRunner begins (HW3)
  • GSY 9724
    Colony ship Faal Ferin incident the Gate at Goreth’s Star (HW3)
  • GSY 9725
    Karan S'jet gets lost with a mothership Khar-Sajuuk (HW3)
  • GSY 9731
    Imogen S'jet, 12 years old, becomes the youngest student in history to graduate with full accolades from the S’jet Science Academy with entry paper on “Simulated Hyperspace Environments” (HW3)
  • GSY 9732
    Khar-Sajuuk is officially lost, crew is memorialized in Sailor's Temple (HW3)
  • GSY 9734
    Imogen S'jet, 15 years old, wrote "Free the Hiigaran people from the tyranny of unknowable Progenitor technology.” (HW3)
  • GSY 9735
    Imogen S'jet, 16 years old, earns Teaching Privileges in Physics, Hyperspace Dynamics &Computational Abstracts as well as Advisor status in Chemistry, Biology and Theoretical Mathematics (HW3)
  • GSY 9737
    Imogen S'jet, 18 years old, joins the military/research Project Akkad to replace the hyperspace cores lost aboard the Khar-Sajuuk (HW3)
  • GSY 9740
    Imogen S'jet, 21 years old, leads her own team (HW3)
  • GSY 9744
    Imogen S'jet, 25 years old, have succeeded in creating stable, functioning cores (HW3)
  • GSY 9745
    Imogen S'jet takes control over a new mothership Khar-Kushan (HW3)

The History of Nimbus Galaxy

  • ~GSY -360
    The Tanoch Empire established (HWM)
  • ~GSY 2500
    The Hagthar Empire exists (HWM)


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