Hi ! I am an independent video game developer. Well, not quite, I'm a story creator who loves video games and I found that this medium perfectly suited the story I wanted to tell. So, don’t hesitate to discover my world!

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Youngest daughter of Septra, Twace reigns over the twin realms of fortune and chance. Her influence manifests in unexpected events, twists of fate, and sudden turns of events. Twace is a complex and fascinating goddess, whose duality and unpredictability make her both formidable and alluring. Her presence in mythology underscores the randomness of life and the necessity of adapting to the changes and surprises of fate.

Symbols and Attributes:

- The Swan: Faithful companion of Twace, the swan symbolizes her changing and elusive nature. Its immaculate whiteness evokes the purity of chance, while its ability to navigate between the two worlds, terrestrial and aquatic, reflects the unpredictability of fate.
- Youth and Beauty: Statues representing Twace depict her as a strikingly beautiful young woman. This deceptive appearance attracts and fascinates, highlighting the capricious and inconstant nature of the goddess.
- Elusive Gaze: Her eyes, often described as evasive or veiled, symbolize the uncertainty and opacity of destiny. Twace does not reveal herself easily, and her intentions always remain mysterious.


Character and Personality

- Versatile and Inconstant: Twace is a capricious goddess whose favors are as fleeting as the rays of the sun. Her elusive nature makes it difficult to predict her actions and interventions.
- Ruthless and Cruel: Twace does not hesitate to play with the fate of mortals, propelling them to the heights of glory or plunging them into the depths of despair. Her impartiality and indifference to suffering make her a formidable and feared figure.
- Mysterious and Enigmatic: Twace's motivations remain impenetrable. Her elusive character and obscure designs fuel the myths and legends surrounding her.


Role in Mythology:

Twace is an essential figure in mythology, intervening in the destinies of heroes and mortals. Her influence manifests in fortuitous events, trials, and crucial choices that mark life. Her presence reminds us that destiny is capricious and that fortune can change at any moment.

Importance and Symbolism:

Twace represents the forces of chance and the unpredictable that punctuate human existence. Her figure symbolizes the uncertainty that hangs over destiny and the inability of mortals to control all aspects of their lives.


Hello everyone, we are currently working on new enemies in the Old Bazzya area to spice up your gaming experience a bit! Check out the new visuals!

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Regarding the Old Bazzya Road

From the foundation of Bazzya

Long ago, at the beginning of the third Alvarian era, a group of settlers climbed Bald Mountain to explore new lands in Occilargia. What they discovered surpassed all their expectations: atop Bald Mountain, the ruins of a structure from the First Ones awaited them. They turned it into a place of worship, a church dedicated to Ostra, and built a village around it.

Soon, news of the discovery of this place spread far and wide, and many pilgrims from all corners of Occilargia decided to join this sacred site. However, the difficulty of access made the pilgrimage extremely challenging, so it was decided to create a road to reach Bazzya. Thus, the extraordinary road that now connects Old Bazzya was created.

Accessing the Bazzya Road

Once you emerge from the forest, you then discover the Old Bazzya Road. Stretching over 2 kilometers along the mountainside, its prodigious width, designed to accommodate caravans journeying to Bazzya, still astonishes adventurers today.


Only then does the ascent begin, which proves challenging even for the most trained individuals. At certain points, the slope reaches 45 degrees of inclination, and if the adventurer is laden with gear, this climb can be extremely exhausting.

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Regarding the dangers of today

Today, the road known as the "Old Bazzya Road" is inhabited by monstrous creatures stemming from the Red Mist. Indeed, about fifty years ago, a monstrosity named Akhakhréna invaded the village of Bazzya and decimated the entire population. Its offspring descended the road and finished off any pilgrims who remained on the path.

Today, traces of the webs of Akhakhréna's offspring can still be found, trapping the monstrosities that roam the road...


However, the danger of the road leads to the discovery of the fantastic ruins of the Titan's Hoof Bridge. Indeed, this bridge once allowed passage over a chasm to reach the village of Old Bazzya.


The Guardians of Bazzya

Finally, at the top of the Bazzya Road, you will discover the two guardians of Bazzya: Septra and Ostra. It may seem paradoxical to position a statue of Septra as the guardian of the place, even though she represents death and destruction. Nevertheless, it is important not to forget that Ostra and Septra are twins, and the presence of one without the other greatly displeases the people of Bazzya! Both of them welcomed the pilgrim and opened the way to Bazzya.


Henceforth, you are informed of the dangers and wonders of the Old Bazzya Road...

Will you dare to climb it?

Do you know the village of Bazzya?

Lost in the heart of an ancient glacial valley lies the village of Bazzya, a small hamlet of about a hundred souls where life is gentle. Nestled near the tranquil blue lake, time flows serenely and the inhabitants relish in their happiness of residing there. From time to time, lost travelers on the southern route discover its charms and find refuge at the Inn of the Valiant Pony, where Edma and her husband warmly welcome all who desire it.

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Regarding the Bazzyans

In the heart of Bazzya, the Bazzyans lead a simple and happy life, largely centered around craftsmanship and small businesses. In this village, the spirit of mutual aid prevails, and few conceal their worries. The two streets that wind through the village intertwine around the tranquil blue lake, creating the charming setting where these happy and supportive people thrive.

BazzyaGrandAngleRuelle BazzyaGwendoline


The Bazzyan houses

Though modest in size and sometimes appearing antiquated, Bazzyan houses blend seamlessly into the landscape of the region where they were built. Where some might perceive their interiors as dim and their rooms as small, one should rather recognize their efficiency in retaining warmth during cold days. Moreover, their remarkable functionality fills the inhabitants with joy and pride.

MaisonZhan MaisonZoltae

The surroundings of Bazzya

The surroundings of Bazzya consist of vast and dense forests nestled in the midst of ancient mountains: the Pyrenean peaks (although the spelling of the name may vary depending on the region). These forests are populated by wolves, foxes, and deer, which provide Bazzya's hunters with sustenance for the inhabitants. They also contain plants that are very useful for making potions.

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Thus, nothing should disturb the tranquility of the Bazzyans... However, the absence of Mouille-Pieds' caravan for three moons starves the village. Therefore, as Zoltae, you must come to the village's rescue and uncover the mystery behind this disappearance...

About battles

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Fighting in alvara requires some preparation. First of all, it’s better to have the map of the place! The latter, if it is informed, allows you to know what types of enemies you risk encountering!


Once you've done that, it's time to check your equipment and find out whether the weapons you're using are suitable for your enemies!


Then it's time to explore until we meet an enemy!

Exploration 1

Once you've met an enemy, the battle begins, and if you're well prepared, victory is assured!


And that's it! Feel free to follow the game on Steam or download the free demo. See you soon!

Alvara is a polytheistic world;

Each region has its own deities, and some villages even have their own gods! However, there is a hierarchy within this pantheon;

Alvara recognizes two major gods: Septra and Ostra. These two deities are shared throughout Alvara. Septra and Ostra are twin brothers and sisters. Septra, is the goddess of evil, chaos, disorder and destruction. One might think that this divinity is unloved, but on the contrary, she is the obligatory counterpart of Ostra, God of bliss, success, peace and order. Their most classic representation is of a winged Septra kneeling and a standing Ostra giving a speech.


Septra and Ostra, guarding the road to the pelerin

Under these two deities, a multitude of gods coexist, some with different roles depending on the region! In Occilargia, where the game takes place, there are a number of important gods:

- O, deity of luck, providence and suddenness.

- Twace, divinity of chance, good or bad, of destiny.

- Phye, divinity of destiny and fate.


Twace, horns being a symbol of chance in Alvara

But as you travel through the lands of Alvara, you'll discover many more! So it's a good idea to have a diplomat specializing in religion at your side...

History !

lesmondesdalvara Blog

Bazzya has a complicated history...
In the past, Bazzya, well, the old bazzya nowadays, was a very important place of pilgrimage in Occilargia. People came to visit the jewels of Occilargia, a rhetorical church from ancient times which had been spared by time.... But, this was without counting on the return of the red mist and the abominations it conveyed... Nowadays, old Bazzya is an abandoned land.

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Map of old Bazzya's Road : In those days, all pilgrims took this rugged mountain road to reach the jewel of Bazzya.


Crossing the Sabot du Titan, a place named for its rugged cliffs, was a real duty for pilgrims. Some would voluntarily carry loads to show Ostra the purity of their approach... Today, Akhakhréna's spawn have taken possession of the place.


On arrival, pilgrims crossed the first Bazzya bridge and were greeted by Ostra and Septra. Their souls were weighed by the two deities and they were allowed to enter the sanctuary after being judged.


lesmondesdalvara Blog

Hi !
Here are some screenshots of what I'm currently working on: improving some lights and the rest of the adventure. Do not hesitate to give me your opinion ! See you

Into Septra's place


Ostra and Septra

Bazya Village

Old Bazzya

Bazzya's region



Some maps

lesmondesdalvara Blog


Here are some maps you can discover in the Game.

Map RegionBazzya

Bazzya's Region

Map MaisonZack

The house Zack builds




lesmondesdalvara Blog

Hi all,
A short video that shows you Alvara's dialogue system. Don't hesitate to activate the English subtitles! See you