Half-Life 2 Alone Mod takes place in the usual City 17 that we're used to, but with a twist: everyone, and I mean everyone, is gone. No Combine, no citizens, nothing—just all gone without a trace, leaving a dark and eerie atmosphere. It is also nighttime, Adding to the eerie vibes. Please note that this doesn't have any gunplay in it

RSS Reviews

thelochnessbombster says

Early access review Agree (1) Disagree (1)

It's pretty boring.


SplatLue19 says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Hmm... in general, I like the game, it's super easy, but it actually feels like a liminal version of Half Life, although I miss some ambient wind, muffled wind (when you're in a building), maybe magpies in Ravenholm, etc. . which would do an even better job of giving the thrill in my opinion :>


kirillka77734 says

Early access review Agree Disagree

I've never seen a modification before where they just make the night. There's no one there but you. To me, it's contemplative. Kudos to the author, I doubt anyone would have thought of that and done it


bob1023 says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Great mod, just needs to be abit brighter, but other thwn that keep up on making this mod


cdlink14 says

Early access review Agree Disagree

I've just finished playing through the demo of the mod and I really like it. It allows me to see a game that I've played through well over 100 times since release, in a new way.

The mod manages to create a feeling of liminality by removing any semblance of life from a game that I hold knowledge of every character position and event.

I found myself traversing the world and analysing it with a level of curiosity and interest that I haven't had since my first play through all the way back in 2004. The removal of small events such as the apartment raid creates an unsettling atmosphere since you're now afforded the time to look around and explore areas you were previously rushed through.

I think my only criticism so far is how dark the mod is and the reliance on the flashlight.


Fast_Train says

Early access review

JoshHL220102 says

Early access review