Half-Life: Peaces like Us is a singleplayer modification for Half-Life. Story: Mankind found an entrance to XEN world and an investigation team met with the uncanny aliens in there world. Then, mankind succeeded in becoming allies with them. Later, a scientist team built a joint laboratory in the world of XEN. But, something bad was approaching... Info: An alien is a friend. Don't shoot it! Hint: There is a secret in a certain map. This place seems to fall.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 88)

That's a nice mod, with a lot of jumping puzzles, which surprisingly weren't all that hard or annoying to me. Mapping seems to get worse after the 'weird' part and overall it's pretty short.
I love the idea of the frienship between xen aliens and humans, it makes the aliens look kinda cute :3
The only real cons for me are the HD models and anime influence.

Half-Life: Peaces like Us is a translation of a Japanese mod by Koumei Satou, made by Weird Comic Art. That would explain why the spiritual sequel to Sweet Half-Life is shorter and includes more anime images. However, it has improved in almost every other aspect. Innovating a bit in ambience and opting for simpler gameplay, Half-Life Peaces like Us really stands out as one of those classic must-play HL mods.

The main premise in this mod is that Xenians and humans are now allies. This is truly an original concept, and it permeates every aspect of the mod. In terms of background, this can be deduced from the combination of Black Mesa facility structures and Xenian technology and landscape. The mod creatively reuses the models from the main game, and the NPCs (scientists and Xenians) are well programmed. The secret level, however, goes for a different design—very abstract and original but very blocky and with plain texturing. Though it uses well the only original music track, which is also heard in the game menu.

The story of Half-Life: Peaces like Us is quite good. In contrast to Sweet Half-Life, it opts for a simpler, more straightforward narrative, guided mostly by pivotal cutscenes. The Xen-human alliance theme is well illustrated as the player advances through the game, having moments when Xenian assistance is invaluable, if not mandatory. Like I said, there are more anime illustrations than in Sweet Half-Life, but I think they don't look too out of place in the environment, even giving it a bit of the cyberpunk style portrayed in some sci-fi animes. Unfortunately, just when the plot climax is reached, it is tied up very quickly, leaving a feeling that it was underdeveloped.

Speaking of length, while the shooter gameplay and puzzles are quite similar to HL's (luckily, well implemented compared to Sweet Half-Life), they take place in far less time. Also, while it can be a bit harder at the start of the game due to low resources (I checked this on hard difficulty), it gets significantly easier towards the end. A feature I greatly disliked is the developers' choic of preserving the Japanese HUD. While it fits thematically, it is really distracting and fails to clearly monitor the player's status, which is the main objective of every HUD.

I consider Half-Life: Peaces like Us a great mod, one not to be regretted playing, but the promising storyline and original theme are not developed to their full extent, especially because of the fact that the game is too short.


bro houndeyes are so cute

So... is that anime girl overlay thing gonna be there the entire game...?

So how come non-sentient species like Houndeyes are just chilling around humans? They are just Xen wildlife, meaning they'd still be attacking us even though we're BFFLs with the smart ones. They're not all on the same team or anything. Member when the bullsquid was fighting the headcrabs?

So the health and ammo are random letters in a foreign language.

Solved the Chinese HUD characters by swapping in 640hud7.spr from the Opposing Force "sprites" folder and into hlplu's "sprite" folder. Solved the anime girl thing by swapping in the client.dll in folder "cl_dlls" from Todesangst 2:Der Echte Feind. Yeah I dunno it was just the first one that worked. Others glitched out the animations, messed with weapon switching, or just crashed. Good luck.

Brutal platforming. Half-Life is slippery enough as is, why do this? The pipewalk section on the propeller thingy was brutal. What does a long narrow, slippery walkway do to improve this game? It's frustrating and tedious. That, coupled with the unclear direction makes this section a slog.

The other world was a trip. Those spinning room boxes almost made me lose my lunch. Certainly creative and intense.

Oh man that health couch? Genius.

Combat can be brutal as well. If you don't do what the game wants, you're going to get shredded. Keep your eyes peeled for traps! Enough health that it was still fun, though.

Final sequence was trippy af. Surprisingly well done. I found myself i n v e s t e d. I had no idea what was going on, but it was awesome.

Weird mod, but I didn't want to stop playing. That's gotta count for something.

A solid mod whose creator would go on to create other classics such as Sweet Half-Life and Mistake of Pythagoras.

Although the version on ModDB appears to be an unfinished remaster of some sort. The OG version can be found on Runthinkshootlive.com


Very frustrating level design. Often you don't know where to go or what to do. No difficulty levels. Fight with military is miserable. I don't recall such thing in normal Half-Life even on hard mode...

Absolutely fantastic and unique mod, but general level design is a bit too simple.

From my point of view this is one of the mods that has one of the most interesting and innovative stories of the vast majority of mods that exist, mods as good as Echoes, invasion, Field intensity, Poke, Black Guard are the most popular due to its length and how well they are done but they all have a common plot or point which is black mesa and the fact of killing Xen creatures. but this mod, like Point of view, has another perspective and even has details as good as the scientists and guards talk to the creatures or you can even make the vortiguant follow you. It's a shame you never finished it or it never made it out of beta but despite being a pretty simple mod, I think it's going to be one of those mods you'll remember when you think of mods for this game.

This is good mod i ever seen in my life

The other mod of Koumei Satou and just like Sweet HL this is another classic. The concept of aliens allying themselves with humans was well crafted. Also the maps and scripted sequences are just as fun to witness. Just another classic, blast from the past.


xjoxas says

Agree Disagree

really good mod. i really enjoyed playing it. its different from other mods i played.