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Mod: The Triple Alliance

Buenos Aires, May 1, 1865.

Rufino Jacinto de Elizalde stares into the eyes of his interlocutors and asks: is everyone in agreement with this?

Carlos de Castro affirms without looking back, while Octaviano de Almeida Rosa stands up impatiently and expresses himself: "I hope your president fulfills his promise."

A few days before, the President of the Argentine Republic, General Bartolomé Mitre, had harangued the crowd gathered in front of his Buenos Aires residence:

"In 24 hours to the barracks, in fifteen days in Corrientes, in three months in Asunción!"

It would be the secret articles (for a few months) of this treaty that would seal the fate of that part of the continent, in what would be the bloodiest, most ruthless and cruel conflict in its history, since they would force the Paraguayan people to fight now, not out of fear or loyalty to its president-marshal Francisco Solano López, but for its very survival as a Nation. This treaty would be remembered as the Treaty of the Triple Alliance, or as a brilliant Argentine thinker, Juan Bautista Alberdi, said, the "Treaty of the Triple Infamy".

Now Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay would start a total war against Paraguay.

The war between the Republic of Paraguay and the Empire of Brazil was already underway since December 1864. Marshal Francisco Solano López had decided to intervene in aid of the Uruguayan constitutional government of the white party that had been invaded by the Empire together with the colorados of the general Venancio Flores. The form of the intervention was an attack as quick as it was surprising to the troubled province of Mato Grosso, managing to conquer it in just a few weeks since they were poorly defended, but well supplied with weapons and ammunition that were vital for Paraguay.

The next step was to attack Rio Grande do Sul, but for that the quickest way was to cross the sister Province of Corrientes, within Argentine territory. Faced with the refusal of President Mitre, and after long diplomatic exchanges where Argentina tried to demonstrate neutrality (although his support for General Flores was publicly known), Solano López got tired of the attitude of the Argentine central government and, waiting for the help of the Entre Ríos caudillo Justo José de Urquiza (formerly enemy federal leader of Mitre) who would never arrive, prepared to the invasion of Argentine territory and the taking of Corrientes and nearby towns.

It is at this precise moment that this adventure begins. What fate awaits you in this conflict?

Will you be the new Karai Guasú (great lord) of the Guaraní people like Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia or José Artigas were to save Paraguay from this triple alliance?

Will you enlist in the Argentine national forces to recover Corrientes and punish the invading despot?

Will you help the Empire of Brazil to recover the Mato Grosso and avenge the affront of the "Tyrant of Paraguay"?

Will you fight on the Uruguayan side with General Flores in support of the powers that helped him to come to power in Montevideo?

Or perhaps you prefer to help the original peoples of the pampas, the fearsome Ranqueles, to regain ground lost by the advance of Argentina in the "desert."

In the impenetrable Chaco, the tribes that could never be subdued await, the Incas, Spaniards and then Creoles trembled just hearing the name of the Abiponese warriors.

Why not start a federal revolt to overthrow Mitre and his Buenos Aires hegemony?

Why not restore the whites in Uruguay and avenge Paysandú?

What if you revive the Farroupilha Revolution and make Rio Grande do Sul independent from the Empire?

These possible paths (and many more) only depend on you, the La Plata basin awaits you.


Buenos Aires, 1ero de mayo de 1865.

Rufino Jacinto de Elizalde mira fijamente a los ojos de sus interlocutores y pregunta: ¿están todos de acuerdo con esto?

Carlos de Castro afirma sin devolver la mirada, mientras Octaviano de Almeida Rosa se levanta impaciente y se expresa: "Espero que seu presidente cumpra sua promessa"

Pocos días antes, el presidente de la República Argentina general Bartolomé Mitre, había arengado a la multitud reunida enfrente de su residencia porteña:

"¡En 24 horas a los cuarteles, en quince días en Corrientes, en tres meses en Asunción!"

Serían los artículos secretos (por algunos meses) de este tratado los que sellarían el destino de esa parte del continente, en lo que sería la contienda más sangrienta, despiadada y cruel de la historia del mismo, ya que obligarían al pueblo paraguayo a luchar ya no por miedo o lealtad a su presidente-mariscal Francisco Solano López, si no por su supervivencia misma como pueblo. Este tratado sería recordado como Tratado de la Triple Alianza, o como dijo un brillante pensador argentino, Juan Bautista Alberdi, el "Tratado de la Triple Infamia".

Ahora Brasil, Argentina y Uruguay comenzarían una guerra total contra Paraguay.

La guerra entre la República del Paraguay y el Imperio del Brasil ya estaba en marcha desde diciembre de 1864. El mariscal Francisco Solano López había decidido intervenir en ayuda del gobierno constitucional uruguayo del partido blanco que había sido invadido por el Imperio junto a los colorados del disidente general Venancio Flores. La forma de la intervención fue un ataque tan rápido como sorpresivo a la conflictiva provincia del Mato Grosso, logrando conquistarla en solo algunas semanas ya que estaban pobremente defendidas, pero sí bien provistas de armas y municiones que resultaron vitales para el Paraguay.

El próximo paso era atacar Río Grande do Sul, pero para eso el camino más rápido era atravesar la hermana Provincia de Corrientes, dentro del territorio argentino. Ante la negativa del Presidente Mitre, y tras largos intercambios diplomáticos donde la Argentina pretendía demostrar neutralidad (aunque era de público conocimiento su apoyo al General Flores), Solano López se cansó de la actitud del gobierno central argentino y, esperando la ayuda del caudillo entrerriano Justo José de Urquiza (otrora líder federal enemigo de Mitre) que nunca llegaría, se dispuso a la invasión del territorio argentino y a la toma de Corrientes y poblaciones cercanas.

Es en este preciso momento en que comienza esta aventura. ¿Qué destino te espera en este conflicto?

¿Serás el nuevo Karai Guasú (gran señor) del pueblo guaraní como lo fueron Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia o José Artigas para salvar al Paraguay de esta triple alianza?

¿Te enlistarás en las fuerzas nacionales argentinas para recuperar Corrientes y castigar al déspota invasor?

¿Ayudarás al Imperio del Brasil a recuperar el Mato Grosso y vengar la afrenta del "Tirano del Paraguay"?

¿Lucharás del lado uruguayo junto al General Flores en apoyo de las potencias que lo auxiliaron para llegar al poder en Montevideo?

O quizás prefieras ayudar a los pueblos originarios de la pampa, los temibles ranqueles, a reconquistar terreno perdido por el avance de la Argentina en el "desierto".

En el impenetrable chaqueño, esperan las tribus que nunca pudieron ser doblegadas, los Incas, españoles y luego criollos temblaron con solo escuchar el nombre de los guerreros Abipones.

¿Por qué no iniciar una revuelta federal para derrocar a Mitre y su hegemonía porteña?

¿Por qué no restaurar a los blancos en el Uruguay y vengar Paysandú?

¿Y si revives la Revolución Farroupilha e independizas del Imperio a Río Grande do Sul?

Estos posibles caminos (y muchos más) solo dependen de ti, la cuenca del Plata te espera.


Buenos Aires, 1º de maio de 1865.

Rufino Jacinto de Elizalde olha nos olhos de seus interlocutores e pergunta: todos concordam com isso?

Carlos de Castro afirma sem olhar para trás, enquanto Octaviano de Almeida Rosa se levanta impaciente
e se expressa: “Espero que o seu presidente cumpra a promessa”.

Poucos dias antes, o Presidente da República Argentina, General Bartolomé Mitre, havia feito um discurso
à multidão reunida em frente à sua residência em Buenos Aires:

"Em 24 horas para o quartel, em quinze dias em Corrientes, em três meses em Assunção!"

Seriam os artigos secretos (por alguns meses) desse tratado que selariam o destino daquela parte do continente, naquele que seria o conflito mais sangrento e mais cruel de sua história, já que forçaria o povo paraguaio a lutar agora. não pormedo ou lealdade a seu presidente marechal Francisco Solano López, mas por sua própria sobrevivência como povo. Este tratado seria lembrado como o Tratado da Tríplice Aliança, ou como um brilhante pensador argentino, Juan Bautista Alberdi, disse, o "Tratado da Tríplice Infâmia".

Agora Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai começariam uma guerra total contra o Paraguai.

A guerra entre a República do Paraguai e o Império do Brasil já estava em andamento desde dezembro de 1864. Omarechal Francisco Solano López havia decidido intervir em auxílio ao governo constitucional uruguaio do partido branco que havia sido invadido pelo Império junto com os colorados do o dissidente geral Venâncio Flores. A forma da intervenção foi um ataque tão rápido quanto surpreendente à conturbada província de Mato Grosso, que conseguiu conquistá-la em poucas semanas por estar mal defendida, mas bem munida de armas e munições vitais para o Paraguai.

O passo seguinte foi atacar o Rio Grande do Sul, mas para isso o caminho mais rápido era cruzar a irmã Província de Corrientes, em território argentino. Diante da recusa do presidente Mitre, e depois de longas trocas diplomáticas onde a Argentina tentava demonstrar neutralidade (embora seu apoio ao general Flores fosse publicamente conhecido), Solano López se cansou da atitude do governo central argentino e, à espera da ajuda do dirigente de Entre Ríos Justo José de Urquiza (ex-líder federal inimigo de Mitre) que nunca chegaria, preparado para a invasão do território argentino e atomada de Corrientes e cidades vizinhas.

É neste preciso momento que começa esta aventura. Que destino espera por você neste conflito?

Você será o novo Karai Guasú (grande senhor) do povo Guarani como Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia
ou José Artigas que salvou o Paraguai desta tríplice aliança?

Você vai se alistar nas forças nacionais argentinas para recuperar Corrientes e punir o déspota invasor?

Você vai ajudar o Império do Brasil a recuperar o Mato Grosso e vingar a afronta do "Tirano do Paraguai"?

O senhor lutará pelo lado uruguaio com o general Flores em apoio aos poderes que o ajudaram a chegar ao poder em Montevidéu?

Ou talvez prefira ajudar os povos originários dos pampas, os temíveis Ranqueles, a reconquistar o terreno perdido pelo avanço da Argentina no "deserto".

No impenetrável Chaco, as tribos que jamais poderiam ser subjugadas, os incas, os espanhóis e depois os crioulos estremeceram ao ouvir o nome dos guerreiros abiponeses.

Por que não começar uma revolta federal para derrubar Mitre e sua hegemonia em Buenos Aires?

Por que não restaurar os blancos no Uruguai e vingar Paysandú?

E se você reviver a Revolução Farroupilha e tornar o Rio Grande do Sul independente do Império?

Esses caminhos possíveis (e muitos mais) só dependem de você, a bacia do Prata espera por você.


The mod includes:

- Factions:

Republic of Paraguay

Argentinian Republic

Empire of Brazil

Eastern State of Uruguay

Ulmanato Ranquel

Chaco indomitable

- Diplomacy 4.3

- Freelancer

- Formai, formations

- Territorial map

- Diplomacy settings to maintain the conflict

- New recruitment system with special troop trees (rebels) in mercenary camps OSP

- Weapons and uniforms of the time

- Troops tree presentation in reports screen

- Troops tree presentation button in party screen

- After death camera

- The locations have flags that change faction depending on who occupies it

- Artillery

- New vegetation

- Polished landscapes

- Hand grenades

And many more to come....



I want to thank my friends Tocan and Mauromagno patriota for helping me make this mod.

Mauromagno taught me to work with the module system, make scenes and everything about the modeling of this impressive game.

It is thanks to Tocan that the mod has Freelancer, locked diplomacy, special recruitment system, and all those features that are not included in the game by default, so once again, thank you, without your help this project would not see the light of day .

I also want to thank Alex IV for making all uniforms, map icons, adding artillery, buildings, helping with the scenes and a large etc. Without him this mod would not exist. Obrigado!!

I want to especially thank John25 from the Talewords forum, thanks to him I was able to get freelancer to work correctly.

Mod team:

Lucastorian: general modding, historian, mapper, scener
AlexIV: 3D Artist, scener, general modding, modeling/texturing
Mauromagno patriota: general modding, modeling/texturing, scener
Tocan: general modding, coder/scripter
Oriental: scener
Beletatti: Translator (English and Portuguese)

- Between Empires OSP Mod (credit to Useful_Lesbian)

- Diplomacy 4.3 (credit to Waihti, zParsifal) (added by Tocan)

- Freelancer (credit to Caba'drin, Taragoth, Duh, Sunhawken, Monnikje, Sayd Ûthman and Swordyke) (added by Tocan)

- Formai, formations (credit to Mirathei, Caba'drin, Sphere, Rubik, Idibil) (added by Tocan)

- Territorial map (credit to Rubik) (added by Tocan)

- Diplomacy settings to maintain the conflict (credit to Tocan)

- New recruitment system with special troop trees (rebels) in mercenary camps OSP (credit to Seek n Destroy)

- Custom uniforms (credit to AlexIV)

- Weapons, clothes, items, base uniforms, buildings (Independencia de Chile - Mauromagno patriota, OSP 19th century - Willhelm - OSP Twilight of the sun king)

- Wooden Scene Props Pack (credit to Adorno)

- Faction and irregulars troops tree presentation in the reports menu (credit to Rubik) (added by Tocan)

- Troops tree presentation button in party screen (credit to Vetrogor) (adapted by Tocan)

- After death camera (credit to MadVader) (added by Tocan)

- The locations have flags that change faction depending on who occupies it (credit to mauromagno patriota)

- Polished Landscapes (credit to Gutekfiutek)

- Hand grenades (credit to Beaver and DuskVoyager)

- Artillery (credit to tombeat - Twilight of the Sun King) (added by AlexIV)

- New vegetation (credit to AlexIV)

- Map icons (credit to AlexIV)

- OSP - Skyboxes Advanced - (credit to ShaunRemo)

- OSP - Blood and Iron Animations - (credit to parrot)

- OSP - Improved Male and Female

- OSP - Battle for Europe

- Mod American Civil War Revived (Scripts)

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Update 19/02/2024

News 2 comments

Changes (not save compatible):

- New pistols

- No more swings for bayonets (21/02/24)

- New effects and particles

- New character faces

- New skybox

- New animations for pistols

- New flag holders

- Artillery

- New vegetation

- New map icons

- Animal hunting disabled for a bug problem

- New logo added

- New load screens

- New gauchos uniforms

- Fixed San José Palace terrain

- Fixed Concepción del Uruguay terrain

- Fixed some textures bugs (21/02/24)

Steam Workshop




Beta update 14/08

Beta update 14/08

News 1 comment

The beta file was updated to fix several things. Not save compatible.

"Pretenders to the Throne": Bernardo Prudencio Berro

"Pretenders to the Throne": Bernardo Prudencio Berro


We present the main rivals of the rulers of each nation, some historical and some fictional, they can lead to interesting roles in the game.

"Pretenders to the Throne": Rodrigo Delfim Pereira

"Pretenders to the Throne": Rodrigo Delfim Pereira


We present the main rivals of the rulers of each nation, some historical and some fictional, they can lead to interesting roles in the game.

"Pretenders to the Throne": Felipe Varela

"Pretenders to the Throne": Felipe Varela


We present the main rivals of the rulers of each nation, some historical and some fictional, they can lead to interesting roles in the game.

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La Triple Alianza

La Triple Alianza

Full Version 39 comments

This version brings many improvements. To find out about them, check this post or the mod's Discord server.

Uniforms fixes

Uniforms fixes


Fixes for imperial lancers pants and others uniforms. Unzip inside the mod folder. Overwrite all files. Save compatible.

La Triple Alianza - Alpha version 0.1

La Triple Alianza - Alpha version 0.1

Full Version 23 comments

Improved version with translations into English and Portuguese.

Basic English translation

Basic English translation

Patch 1 comment

Translated items, troops, factions, locations, start menu, hints. Not the dialogues.

La Triple Alianza - Alpha version

La Triple Alianza - Alpha version

Full Version 13 comments

This is the first version of the mod. It is not complete. There are no translations. It has no interior scenes. There are no map icons. Just unzip the...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 470)
Guest - - 693,714 comments

Muy buen mod, el único problema es que no aparece Felipe Varela en ninguna ciudad, quiero sumarme a su revolución pero no lo puedo encontrar y en las ciudades ranqueles siempre me sale un mensaje de error en los script

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
Lucastorian Creator
Lucastorian - - 236 comments

Buscalo en cualquier ciudad que no sea de Argentina, tiene que estar. Esos mensajes de script un día aparecieron y se quedaron para siempre.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
tomas606045 - - 48 comments

Está re bueno

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
tomas606045 - - 48 comments

A la mierda

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
rickepredador - - 42 comments

Parabéns pelo mod, voce fez um excelente trabalho, mas tenho uma duvida, estou como "lord" no Imperio do Brasil mas o povo kadiw me ataca, estou com honra positiva, eles nãoa tacam outras party do Brasil mas eles me atacam, isso era para acontecer?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Lucastorian Creator
Lucastorian - - 236 comments

Umm no, no debería pasar. Los kadiwéus son aliados del Brasil. Lo voy a revisar. Gracias.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
pulmosan - - 2 comments

Hola Lucas! Veo que sos rosarino como yo. Te molesto para preguntar si me podias ayudar con algo (si alguien de aca me puede salvar lo agradezco tambien). Cuando arranco el juego, se crashea en la pantalla de carga. Me sale lo siguiente: Unable to open file: CommonRes/ccoop_extra_ui_textures.brf. Ya probe de reinstalar el mod y el juego.

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Lucastorian Creator
Lucastorian - - 236 comments

Buenas cómo va? Que raro che, capaz la versión de warband. Asegurate de tener la última versión.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 693,714 comments

¡¡ vamos, señor, me gusta mucho esta obra, me encanta la historia humana de América del sur, vamos!

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Guest - - 693,714 comments

¿Señor, ¿ puede aumentar la banca y parte del comercio?

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Lucastorian Creator
Lucastorian - - 236 comments

Aumentar la banca? Se refiere a aumentar la cantidad de dinero en las ciudades? O poner el mod de los bancos?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 693,714 comments

Mr. es el segundo, agregar un sistema bancario o comprar ganancias de tierras, como entre imperios

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Lucastorian Creator
Lucastorian - - 236 comments

Ah entiendo, lo voy a evaluar. Muchas gracias por la sugerencia.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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