You only need the latest version downloaded. You can safely disregard the older prior versions. Talk to me on discord link below if you have any questions/suggestions. Click watch button if you want update notification. The mod is frequently updated.


  1. Extract the .7z file. (download 7zip app if you cant extract it)
  2. Run "unit card fixer.exe" to change the card pictures to modded one.
  3. Run WargameModManager.exe, select Unofficial Patch. (Epic game store user has to back up your profile manually to not mess your deck however)
  4. Once you are done select vanilla to restore to original. Your original deck will be safe via making a copy of your original profile. Run the "unit card fixer.exe" again and choose "uninstall" to revert cosmetics.

Support me: paypal

Discord server:

Change log:

Note: playing on modded version with other without mod on multiplayer will cause a desync.

Launch options

  1. Unofficial Patch: the default option that includes changes to unit balance, AI, and a few strictly for balance units. This is the most balanced and competitive version.
  2. Patch+New Unit: adds about a dozen interesting units that obeys original timeline restriction. While I try to keep them balanced they could alter the faction flavor so I kept them out from default.
  3. Creative mode: same as above, but makes every unit at least 5 cards, gives 999 political points in campaign, and make decks 9 slots per category!
  4. AI only: for the purists out there who only want to try out the AI change. It is still technically incomplete, but 80% of the AI changes are ported. Work in progress.

Goal and rule of this mod:

1. Make all coalitions viable; balance!
2. Have more varied playstyles; such as having more viable spec decks, making useless units viable as a flavor, and etc.
3. Make good AI.
4. Retain the flavor of vanilla while doing the above 3, meaning

  • obey the eugen conventions such as 5pt increments.
  • avoid drastic change of playstyle. like turning USA into a infantry focused deck over air spam.
  • obey the time line. usually no more than 1995, 1996 if the situation really requires it. However I wont delete exceptions if Eugen already made it.

5. Try to accommodate realism such as correct naming, stats corrections, but must not violate the above 4.


Q: What is considered balanced?

A: I consider somewhere between Scandinavia and Israel as balanced. I aim to bring every coalition around that level.

Q: I can't unzip the .7z file!

A: Google 7 Zip and use that. It is a very useful software.

Q: Does the improved skirmish AI affect the campaign?

A: Yes, along with other campaign tweaks AI will play smarter in campaign as well!

Q: Help, I crash when playing 2nd Korean War campaign!

A: To solve it go to your wargame.exe file > properties, and select Win8 compatibility mode.

Q: .NET framework "Unhandled exception error"?

A: Ignore it and hit continue, it wont affect anything.

Rules of new units:

I am very strict about putting more units. I want to retain the vanilla flavor and make it as if Eugen is developing professionally. If you just want cool stuff regardless of quality go play "Ashes and Shadows".

1. They must fit timeline, they should not be strong balance shifters. Otherwise they must not be dominant. If they look like they are they will be assigned to the optional "extra unit packs".

2. There must be existing models that match it closely, like Tor vs Tor-M1. Otherwise even if balanced it must be in optional "extra unit packs".

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The above document link has all changes from vanilla game. This article cannot list all of them here as they took 43 pages total. I will just list some important ones and summary.

Enhanced AI

CV reworks:
Generally slightly reduced cost of APC based and IFV based CV, considering for a bit more you can get a tank CV.

Exceptional recon price change: With a few exceptions, most unarmed/weakly armed types are reduced 10pt. Most car recon (5hp types) received an additional 5pt discount.

Global base T-55A standardization: 7/3/2/2 armor, 40/15 accuracy, T-55 CV 135pt.

M-48 series: 5/3/1/1 > 6/3/2/1 armor.

T-72M 55>50pt, acc 50>45.

Napalm buff:

All air dropped napalm now deals at least 1 HE damage, consistent with MRLS.
Flame tanks can now fire on move
Flamethrower infantry can fire on move
Generally napalm planes cost less.
Flame launcher units receive more ammo.
Napalm MLRS no longer cost more than HE to supply. Previously 1.74x.

Some CVs lacking medium optics have received them.

F-4E series standardized to 20% ECM.

Expensive (90+) non-FCS artillery aim time buff: 30>20s

Bushmaster I global buff from 2.4s reload >1.8s reload; 2s > 1.6s between shots.

M47 Dragon ATGM buffs:
M47 Dragon: 10>14AP, 35 > 40% acc
Dragon II: 13>18AP, 50>45% acc
Super Dragon: 15>19AP
Acceleration 500>600

Rpg7vr 50>55% acc, Rpg7v 40>50% acc

Metys ATGM buff: 15>16AP.

Helicopter rocket pod aim time 0.2>0.3s
Radared SPAAG 1> 0.5s aim time.

Mi-17 and Mi-8MTV series price 30>35pt

Mi-24 and its variants 10>9hp.

M134 Minigun and its derivatives reload time 6>2s, just like regular machine gun and Yak B. Suppression 36>55.
Damage reduced 1>0.75, rof x1.5, salvo size x1.5; effectively similar dps but 60% more suppression.

RBK-500, CBU-87, BK-90 cluster bomb has increased blast due to larger warhead scaling. RBK 500 6>7AP, CBU-87 leaves a small patch of fire.

All M163 Vulcan variants speed 40>65km/h.

M727 hawk series 35>55km/h

General mechanic changes:

Transport explosion suppression range 700> 525m

Forest fire suppression radius now match the physical fire size, not twice of.
Napalm MRLS fire time between burn 2>1s; same as plane napalm

Tracked units now receive rough terrain crits half as frequent as wheeled.

KA helicopter series now immune to tail rotor crit; they dont have one.

Helicopter CV receives 1.25 stealth (medium low)

Armored spec now give vehicle tab extra veterancy.

15 man squads is 20% harder to stun and 20% harder to suppress.

SMG suppression standardized 30>35.

SEAD no longer targets ships.

Helicopter landing speed 4>2.5s.

Heli default fly height 105>122.5m; helps shooting over minor obstruction, harder to kill by cluster.

Universal ASF max dive buff: max dive angle 10>20. This will fix fast ASF not able to gun-run helicopters.

Nations and coalition changes:

China: more transport options for infantry, Chinese ztz-85 7>8rpm, PLZ-83 converted to PLZ 89 a 10s aim time howitzer, TY-90 increased range and optics, Zhanshi 85 improved MG, lijian 90 35>30pt, ZSD-63C reworked to ZSD-89 with 3 front armor!

North Korea: National bonus down to 30%, more infantry transport options, north korean marines 5pt cheaper, more recon options, B-5 bomber 2 per card for 1 card at 150pt, Mig-29 with increased missile range and acc plus faster fire rate, Strela tanks now use strela 3 missile instead and fire them faster, as well having their kpvt acc doubled to 20%, new 15pt Bulsae-2 ATGM team, Yuckjeondae 90 launcher 700>875m Type 84.

South Korea: More infantry transport options, K1A1 is as accurate as M1A2 now and has 23 AP, K200 transport availibility 16>20, M48A5K WRSA has more front armor from M48 armor general buff and get 50% acc + medium optics.

Japan: more infantry transport otpions, supply truck reroled into 20pt version, line infantry 75 use CGM2 but at 15pt, line infantry 90 receives Pzf 3 but avail down to 16, Type 74 tanks armor buffed to 7/2/2/2, Type 74G priced to 65pt but armor upped to 9/4/2/3 with medium optics, tanks in general have 1.5x more autonomy, JSDF rangers receives CGM2, F-15J avail 2 veteran, 50% ECM with AAM-3 a 65% acc IR missile, receives F-2A; a 1995 multirole fighter carrying 4x 12HE laser guided bombs.

USSR: SU-27S down 10pt, most mortars 5pt cheaper, spetsnaz 35>30pt, VDV available in mech spec, Mig-29M and Mig-29S swapped bomb, and 29M is 5pt pricier while 29S 5pt cheaper, Mi-24V 100>85pt.

France: Tigre helicopters stealth down 1.75>1.5, AMX-10RC 30>35pt and 12>10 avail, Leclerc 165>175pt, AMX-40 12>13 FAV but 85pt now.

Germany: Jager now 10pt but avail down to 16, leopard 2 gains medium optics, HS.30 mortar 30>35pt, Tiger recon heli stealth down 1.75>1.5 and 120>135pt.

Netherlands: Cheetah PRTL series received an IR mode, Cheetah A1 receives stabilizer at 20% but 5pt pricier, Vurrploeg 95 2>1 card due to super dragon buff, LANCE is now more accurate.

Yugoslavia: M-84AN reworked into M-84 IZVIDJAC with stats from M-84 instead of M-84A, 110>95pt 2 cards available in motorized; M-80A acc 30>25%, Plamen-S 90>100pt dispersion 105>122.5, BOV series 5pt pricier.

Eastern bloc: Poland and East Germany national bonus 20>30%, BMP SP-1 15>10pt, BM27 AP 5>6 price 120>130pt, leichte schutzen veterancy fixed, Formoza 35>30pt, Moderna acc 55/45 > 60/50.

Finland: XA-185KT reworked to have Bushmaster I but 2 FAV instead, Spike MR 65>60 acc and acceleration 1000>700, Mig-29 110>125pt veterancy down to 3/0/0/2/0, Mi-8T KT aim time fixed to 1s and price 50>55pt, Suomi rate of fire fixed, raikka range 525m to 700m.

CMW: 0>10% avail bonus

UK: SAS receives Saxon and Stalwart transport option and moved to recon tab, spartan recon 15>10pt, sea harrier SEAD stealth 1>1.5, Lynx 3 100>90pt avail 3/2 > 4/3, Green Jacket AT improved to cgm2, tracked rapier 35>50 speed.

ANZAC: national bonus 30>40%, M113 minigun 10>5pt and available to diggers and commandos, avail upped to 16; Commando 90 no longer has elite ROF on their rifle, SASR 35>30pt, NZSAS receives better launcher, M113A1 30/50 avail upped 16>20, M113A1 30/30 scrapped, receives ASLAV TOW2 as 30pt transport.

Canada: Wolverine 35>40pt and range upped to 2625/2100m and 45>50% acc, highlanders 5pt cheaper, Marine spec enabled and reworked, ADATS 110>100pt and can turn off ATGM or AA function, receives 2 armored M113A2 transport, Javelin MANPADS reworked to Javelin S15 with extended range and acc, M35 truck reworked to MLVW that is faster and carry more cargo!

USA: Delta force receives stoner 63 MG, light rifleman 10>15pt after buff, light rifleman 90 uses buffed dragon II instead, cavalry scout 15>20pt down 1 avail, M113A3 super dragon prototyped 10>15pt, longbow 150>170pt, Marines get LAV-25 transport at 15pt, Humvee MK19 converted to a transport, receives a harrier II with ASF load out for marine deck.

Scandi: Otomatic is stabilized at 35% and can fire on ground with no radar but 80>90pt, F35 Draken 100>80pt with splash fixed, NASAMS missile speed 7500>10000, M/92 PNMK converted to an IFV transport, RBS 70 MK2 4>5HE.

Israel: Pereh armor buffed to 9/4/2/2 and receives medium optics, Kurnass 135>145pt reduced bomb range, Spike LR acceleration 1000>700, Spike MR of Maglan 65>60%, Ra'am missile swapped to AIM-120A and bomb rof 0.6>0.2s 155>165pt.

South Africa: Increased availiblity for Ratel IFV variants, upped Buccaneer veterancy, Loggim now 2 cards, Ratel ZT3A1 can now fire on move and gain medium optics, Cheetah D SEAD bomb flies closer to target after miss.

----total naval makeover

unlike on land, I didnt hold back the naval changes because it is totally broken. I am quite proud of it, naval is actually enjoyable now.

1. Ashm has 1.5hp instead of 1hp, now it takes 2 hit from rapid firing gun to kill it, though missile from likes of AEGIS can finish it in 1 hit.

2. Reduced the potency of CIWS overall.

3. Reduced the armor of ships and made deck gun deadlier, now ships will sink faster if under fire.

4. Ships have longer anti-air as a whole, you cant just fly planes in head on and never get hit, you need to position it to reduce AA exposure.

5. However planes are overall deadlier due to increased veterancy and avail.

6. New blufor big ship, Arleigh Burke class destroyer!

7. Lastly, balance, historical load out, and naming effort from land applies to naval as well.

Developer Diary: Patch 2.18 and Beyond

Developer Diary: Patch 2.18 and Beyond


A summary on the contents coming out next. Most of them will be porting old stuff and minor changes. Also some points on the development of WARNO and...

2022 Developer Diary

2022 Developer Diary

News 4 comments

A developer diary that discusses the future of this mod in the year 2022.

Upcoming changes

Upcoming changes


These changes are coming next in these order.

Progress on porting South Africa Update

Progress on porting South Africa Update


Key list of milestones to reach. Once those are done a "lite version" including the South Africa DLC will be uploaded.

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Wargame Unofficial Patch 2.21b

Wargame Unofficial Patch 2.21b

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Updated to be compatible with newest Eugen update. Content changes are minimal.

Wargame Unofficial Patch 2.21a "Fulda Gap"

Wargame Unofficial Patch 2.21a "Fulda Gap"

Full Version 1 comment

It has been a while! This is a small patch mostly about fixing bugs. The big change is Armor spec rework. It is a very underused spec competitively, so...

Wargame Unofficial Patch 2.20b "Still Alive"

Wargame Unofficial Patch 2.20b "Still Alive"

Full Version 6 comments

I am not dead I promise. I was busy working on Blitz War Community mod I was hired for. If you have heard of him, Blitz war is a youtuber on Wargame...

Wargame Unofficial Patch 2.19b2 "Coalition Swap"

Wargame Unofficial Patch 2.19b2 "Coalition Swap"

Full Version 17 comments

New M270 MLRS for Netherland. Fixed some USSR stuff. Optional Coalition members swap mode for fun.

Wargame Unofficial Patch 2.18c1 "Fire and Forget"

Wargame Unofficial Patch 2.18c1 "Fire and Forget"

Full Version

This patch brings the long waited Javelin ATGM as an optional unit for USA. It will be a short range fire and forget atgm with high accuracy and AP. USA...

Wargame Unofficial Patch 2.17d1 "East Wind"

Wargame Unofficial Patch 2.17d1 "East Wind"

Full Version 3 comments

Updated for the newest wargame patch. Continues on changes regarding Red Dragon. Reworked Chinese BM-24, now North Korean BM-24 fires HE. BRDM hj-73 replaced...

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CeramicTrauma - - 1 comments

How do I revert back to the vanilla game after installing this? The button for the vanilla launch option seems to be missing.

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Cheers1 - - 81 comments

How to make sure mod is properly worked in game as instructed?

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pmmetreenudes - - 20 comments

Is there a full list of changes to the AI? I'm not sure, but mine seems to still be the remarkably stupid base game AI that suicide dives everything, is in love with suicide diving tanks first as an opener, and prioritizes sending out even ****** vehicles and copters over even one infantry squad.

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Vivivci - - 5 comments

Can ı use this mod with sandbox mod ?

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