Carnabrawl is platform fighter, inspired by the likes of Super Smash Bros and Brawllhalla, that takes place in the chaos of a carnival parade. Choose your fighter and try to push the oponent into the happily chaotic crowd that passes under the platforms in the streets of the city!

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Logo Studies

Logo Studies


Hello! Today we have another update to give on our project, this time we are going to show some studies we have done on the logo of the game.

Character design!

Character design!


Hello, this week we're gonna show a bit more in depth what we have so far for our character design and explain where our choices come from!

Carnabrawl announcement

Carnabrawl announcement


Hello! This is the first news post on our next project: Carnabrawl. It will be a platform fighter inspired by games such as Super Smash Bros, Brawhalla...