How Will You Survive? The dead have risen and civilization has fallen. Not even the military could stop the zombies, and now it's up to you to gather survivors and build a community in a post-apocalyptic world – a world where every decision matters, and where you define what it means to survive.

RSS Reviews

TGC_Fr33man says

Agree Disagree (1)

The game fun better then the first in alot a ways grindy but fun zombie killing base building and rare weapon finding loot game is always fun in my books


heady123 says

Agree Disagree (1)

I, played on State of Decay


***Geroj*** says

Agree Disagree (1)

I guess that I am paid ps4 reviewer then, because this game is mediocre - at best. Little changed from first one which was mediocre game as well with loads of underdeveloped core mechanics so 5 from 10 is really the best this game can hope for. Its filled with bugs, but lets say for now that at some point all this bugs are going to be patched


Tallestdavid says

Agree Disagree (1)

better than the first. and one of its kind. no other can relate. this is a walking dead simiulator. well that ps4 zombie game is like a linear story based game more to gta story mode. they cant be compoared. also this game is 10/10 not a 5 rated like those paid ps4 reviewers said