The AMC Squad is an epic story-driven FPS running on the Build Engine. It combines gameplay mechanics of retro-shooters with aspects of modern titles, complete with a story-driven narrative that spans over several episodes. Each episode is a full-length campaign featuring multiple varied locations to explore and many hidden secrets and collectibles to discover. Experience an overarching story that is loosely based on the worlds and settings of other classic Build Engine games. Pick from more than 8 different character classes, each with a unique loadout of items, weapons and abilities, and fight a large selection of different enemy factions that threaten the safety of the game world.

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Introducing AMC Squad 4.5 Interim release!

AMC Squad 4.5 Media Pic

Welcome to another surprise release! We took a very brief break from episode 5 and decided to push a big update to the existing release, with a huge swathe of improvements! Download AMC Squad 4.5 right now, and read on for the new features.

  • Projectile Bullets; Enemies no longer fire hitscan bullets, but projectiles - not only does this make where gunfire coming from significantly easier to determine, it also makes fights far more visually interesting.
  • Overhauled Gameplay balance; there are far more ways to earn resources. You can now directly purchase ammunition and any speciality ammo from weapon terminals, as long as you have the supplies to do so. You can also find and air lift supply barrels found throughout the game! Many weapons have received tweaks to make them more useful and viable throughout all of AMC Squad.

AMC Squad Episode 1

  • Updated Research Terminal; the research terminal has been completely overhauled and is far easier to use, with filters to easily find what you're looking for. Tech level is also no longer a hard requirement; you can research a project at any point - but if you're under the minimum tech level, it'll cost more to research. The opposite is also true; projects become cheaper the more tech level you have.
  • Bestiary system; AMC now has an extensive Bestiary for you to fill - not only will it reveal interesting information about the enemies you battle, it's also directly tied into the research system now. With a simple click you can find out what enemies you need to hit with the MIA gun to research a project! Not only this, but with the precog system base upgrade you'll be able to see exactly what enemies you might encounter in a mission.

AMC squad episode two

  • Dynamic airstrike and air supply system; originally a simple scripted system, you can now pull out the AMC PDU whilst outside and order an air strike or an air drop - at a supply cost. You'll only be able to do this if an Airfield is within distance of the mission's location, so make sure you keep on top of purchasing air fields and other upgrades wherever possible.
  • Loadout icons that will help you find out what a weapon is effective against; put together a loadout that caters to the mission you're going on with far more ease!

AMC Squad Episode three

  • More music! Our musician HiveBoSs has created over a hundred tracks of music, replacing existing borrowed music. All of the EDF missions have unique music now! You can find the OST on HiveBoSs' YouTube channel here:
  • Even more features; more Chibis to find, base customisation, new FMVs, new weapons, new enemies - even if you've already played AMC Squad, there will be something new for you to see in AMC Squad 4.5!

AMC Squad episode four

Community and Release

As always, please join our Discord if you wish to join the discussion - we have a friendly and open community and there's always someone around to help newcomers. We're aiming to try and get internal testing begun by the end of the year, but as always we're all adults and life will inevitably get in the way of work. If you're interested in trying to help, by all means join the discord and ask. Have a good summer and stay safe - we're aiming for next year for Episode 5's release!

If you enjoyed AMC Squad, please spread the word for us! We're growing in size and exposure but still flying under the radar of many people; "Why have I never heard of this?!" is a common phrase thrown around by people playing AMC for the first time.

AMC Squad Episode 4

AMC Squad April 2025 update

First of all, we have a new team member - Wheaton Adams, who will be joining both the real world AMC development team, and the in-game AMC Squad as a playable character! His excellent work has already helped productivity immensely.

There are 2 new user maps to check out! Venus Hi-jinks by Jolteon, and Cairo Dig site Part1 by Wheaton Adams. The former map stars Geoffrey and is set on Venus; the latter takes place on Earth and is playable with any character. They're both excellent maps and will make their way into the main game proper when episode 5 is released as well. You can find them in the usermaps section on our Discord channel

AMC Squad Venus Hijinks

AMC Squad Cairo Digsite Part 1

Development Work

As per usual we're putting lots of effort to make sure this next release is the most polished and user friendly yet. The loadout terminal continues to have work put into it:

amc0003 1

Alongside the bestiary function mentioned before, the precog screen on the command interface will now tell you exactly what enemies you'll face - with the caveat that only enemies you've already encountered will be revealed. Unknown enemies have a missing icon - however, it will at least reveal what armour type they have. You'll be able to prepare and make sure you have a optimal loadout even if you don't know what the enemy will be yet.

AMC Squad Enemy Icons

Community and Release

As always, please join our Discord if you wish to join the discussion - we have a friendly and open community and there's always someone around to help newcomers. We're aiming to try and get internal testing begun by the end of the year, but as always we're all adults and life will inevitably get in the way of work. If you're interested in trying to help, by all means join the discord and ask. Have a good summer and stay safe.

Here's some good news for the Linux players out there! A user on our Discord by the name of ektoutie has taken the time and effort to create a Flatpak application of The AMC Squad. Essentially, this now allows you to play AMC Squad on Linux systems via an easy installation process, rather than having to compile it yourself.

To add to this, another one of our users Wheaton Adams has created a Steam input configuration, for use on the Steam Deck. This means that you can now play AMC Squad on the go, which is apparently something some people like to do.

Bear in mind, this work has only recently been done so it's entirely possible that issues will crop up. As usual, we invite you to discuss them on the Discord server.

Grab it all here: (Flatpak) (Steam input configuration)

AMC Squad January 2024 update

Time for another minor AMC Squad update! Work of course continues on episode 5, but significant work is still underway on updating and improving the overall experience.

Beaumont University

Enemy projectiles

In good news for hitscan haters, all enemies now fire projectiles rather than hitscan bullets (with a few minor exceptions) What does this mean exactly? Enemy bullets originally would fire and instantly strike their target; whilst there was inaccuracy built in, it also meant that being able to tell where you were being attacked from was extremely hard even with the built in damage direction indicator. This no longer happens; you'll be able to tell exactly where enemy fire is coming from even if you can't avoid it. This also avoids the problem shared with Blood where enemy hitscanners can instantly kill you as soon as you step into a room if you happened to be low on health.

Airdrops and Airstrikes

The previously underused mechanic of building airfields has been completely overhauled; you can now dynamically order both airdrops and now airstrikes in any mission within range of an airfield, and as long as you have 30 supplies available. You'll need a steady upkeep of supplies to use these abilities frequently - fortunately, you can also now find supply barrels in missions that can be used outside to send them for fulton pickup.

AMC Squad Supply fulton


Additional work has been put into allies; not only has the HUD been updated so it's easier on the eyes, but there is now support for far more helpers. Certain research abilities will increase how many allies you can have; if you stack this with artifacts and Highwire, who has a natural ability to command 1 extra ally above the default 3, you can potentially command a posse of up to 8 allies.

Research projects

Many enemies without research projects have now received projects - even if you're a returning player, the Bestiary will be more useful as ever since it will now let you know what enemies you need to MIA to acquire a project's details.

AMC Squad Episode 5 Glacier

As always, please join our Discord if you wish to join the discussion - we have a friendly and open community and there's always someone around to help newcomers. Release is of course still some time away; and we appreciate everyone's patience as we put in hard work on the project. Stay safe and have a good new year.

AMC Squad Autumn update

Welcome to another belated AMC Squad update - hopefully 2023 has been going well for you. There's been some fantastic games released this year (my personnel favourite is Turbo Overkill) however work on AMC is going stronger than ever. As per-usual, clean up and improvement work is being done alongside episode 5 development - one of the main things we've been focussing on is quality of life improvements, to help onboard new players as well as break down some of the more complicated features.

AMC Squad updated interface

Command interface updates

When you unlock missions, there will now be a flashing icon showing you exactly what screen unseen missions are on; no more frantically searching for any missions you might of missed out on. Alongside this are updated higher visibility icons, and now a more detailed breakdown on how much budget you earned on your last mission. Additionally, the precognition brain screen will now show you weapons/equipment/personnel you might be able to find on missions.

AMC Squad Research screen

New Research Interface

Our coder Sang has developed a brand new, significantly more user friendly research interface. Not only does it come with a filter so you can easily find what you're looking for, it comes with a dependency viewer too.

AMC Squad Bestiary


Alongside the new research interface comes a detailed Bestiary, listing nearly every single enemy in the game that you'll fight. MIA'ing an enemy will even provide some more information.

AMC Supplies


Supplies now have a permanent, long-term use - using weapon terminals dotted around the game in set locations, you can use your supplies to re-arm yourself with ammunition, equipment, and speciality ammunition. Doing this is relatively costly however, so you'll want to ensure you have a decent amount of supply facilities up and running. Any ammunition type you research will also become available here. You can now also grab a snack at the AMC cafeteria in base for a small supply cost, which will grant you a small but helpful bonus for your next mission.

AMC Squad Episode 5

Quality of Life improvements

Our lead artist sebabdukeboss20 has overhauled nearly every single weapon in the game once again with improved lighting quality; he's also been hard at work with new FMVs - there are now several intro FMVs that play as you progress through AMC. On the initial start up, you'll only see our logo at first, since sitting through two entire introduction cutscenes is a bit much for a first time player. However as you progress, a full length intro cutscene will unlock (and also be available for viewing at anytime in-game)

The usual work has also gone into cleaning up and improving the existing 4 episodes, filling in any cracks and improving any rough spots. As usual, once episode 5 is done you'll be able to import your saved data with no issues - however if you do have time for a full epic replay, it'll be worth doing so. And as per usual, our musician HiveBoSs has been hard at work making excellent new music both for existing episodes as well as future ones.

Want to help?

We're always in need of mappers to help make the scope of the project possible. The same goes for voice actors, we're mainly looking for more female VAs to help out as well as older males to voice some of our more gruff characters. Post on our discord for more info!

As always, we won't offer a release date until episode 5 is in beta testing - late 2025 is looking likely but as always, this isn't final. It could be later, it could be sooner - time will tell, but thanks for your patience and sticking with us. The best is by far yet to come.