Hey.... I'm the CEO of some unknown company but don't try and call it because you won't get a answer. Probably because i'm asleep....or dead.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 34)
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Remakes & New Units

What on earth are those Juggernaut threads? Also, I can't wait to see what the Tie-tain's ability will be.

Good karma+2 votes
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Legion Cosmonaut in action

Reminds me of the Zone Commando from Tiberium Essence only now he can fly. Also, I'm assuming that the Titan in the middle is the GRF's new MBT?

Good karma+4 votes
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Novichoker

Not what I was expecting but I still love it.

Good karma+2 votes
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Anyone miss Rejuvenation?

Our Commander and Chief has returned and he has brought new intel on the enemy.

Good karma+6 votes
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ GRF La-fleman and Missile Squad Trooper

I like how the sandbags just materialize out of nowhere. No set animation or anything they just chrono shift that stuff in. Also shout out to Missile Squad Trooper dancing in the back.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Incineration Squad from Legion

Seeing these guys makes me wonder what's Legions version of the Desolator is gonna be like. Also the Soviet military must be very embarrassed if a sub-faction's infantry is better than theirs.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ USS Elon Musk(Easter Egg Unit)

Aw come on man! Do you really have to use that name?

Good karma+6 votes
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Special thanks from Legion Cosmonaut!

As soon as I saw this event went up I knew exactly who I was voting for. You deserve it lad. Also I get the feeling this commando is going to be a massive Buzz Lightyear reference.

Good karma+3 votes
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Fujitai's Mogami Battlecruiser

You saying that makes me think were gonna see a upgraded Assault Destroyer for GRF.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Fujitai's Mogami Battlecruiser

Wait wait wait! You're giving the sub-factions their own anti-projectile ships? Geez if you are gonna do that you might as well give them their own unique bombarbment ships.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ GRF's Rocketeer

WAIT! If Para manages to the voicelines close to the ones in RA2 I'm gonna lose it.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ GRF's Rocketeer

Unfortunately this unit shows how absolutely terrible Rocket Angels are. Oh and also WOOOOO ROCKTETEERS! These guys were beast in RA2.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Fujitai's Epic Unit - Mastermind Hive

After seeing this and reading it's description I'm kind of scared to see what Legions super unit is gonna be. Also I assume that the Mastermind is gonna spawn from a Nano-core?

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Fujitai's Epic Unit - Mastermind Hive


Good karma+3 votes
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Red Alert 3: Rejuvenation

So I recently finished playing the remastered collection and some of the vehicles that game would make a nice addition to RA3. One I wonder how it would function in RA3 is the mine-layer. Like I'm surprised that the mine-layer was yeeted to the shadow realm after Red Alert and Tiberium Dawn. There are a lot of spots in RA3 where mines would be very useful. But I wonder would that make it unfair to fight.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Empire's Munashi Transport

Anything that makes an MCV get to it's destination faster is welcomed by me. Also I'm assuming this vehicle will have like no armor.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Red Alert 3: Rejuvenation

So I've attempted to play the without the mod and I've come to this conclusion. I CAN'T GO BACK! The base game feels so bare bones without the mod. And I can't look at the original Apocalypse Tanks with out cringing. This mod has spoiled me rotten.

Good karma+2 votes
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Recent works for Rejuvenation

I am very curious about that vehicle in the lower left corner. Is that a transport vehicle or what? Also please let that be a GRF infantry on the top left.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Red Alert 3: Rejuvenation

Aw that's disappointing. But can you make her do mind control from inside a vehicle? Come man I want to mess around with Master Mind Tanks in RA3. But if you can't that's fine.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Red Alert 3: Rejuvenation

Wait I just thought of something. If I put Yuriko Alpha in a IFV vehicle will that turn it into a master mind tank? God I wish I wasn't out of my country so I can test that.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Red Alert 3: Rejuvenation

Hey Para I got a bug to report. So if Yuriko Alpha is in a Mirage Tanks cloak it will cause the screen to go black. The only way i've seen to fix it is to keep Yuriko a certain distant from the Mirage Tank when it's cloak is on. I don't know if it's the mod causing this or the game.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Apocalypse Tank (Mk. III) Remake

HOT DAMN! Look at that glow!

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Red Alert 3: Rejuvenation

Wait a minute. That ship at the bottom left of the upcoming units. It looks very similar to the Aegis cruiser from RA2. Also amazing update mate!

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Amphitrite Cruiser's Proton Splitter and Triton Interceptor

The suspense of waiting for this update is killing me.

Good karma+3 votes
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Shokaku vs bombardment ships

Now all that's left is the GRF anti-missile ship and since you said it's gonna be a modern trimaran i'm very curious on how that's gonna work.

Good karma0 votes
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Red Alert 3: Rejuvenation

You know? And I might sound crazy for saying this, but the more I play this mod and hear about its future plans and updates, the more Mental Omega vibes I get from this mod.

Good karma+2 votes
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Ironclad V&SFX; Complete

My favorite part about this (other than it looks awesome as hell) is how it comes out of the water. Every other submersible unit in the game rises gently out of the water when surfacing. This thing does a full on emergency blow out the water.

Good karma+4 votes
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Red Alert 3: Rejuvenation

Hey Parametheus! Love what you've done so far and the upcoming stuff looks great. I just have a question. Do you plan on adding new buildings to the mod in future or are you just gonna stick to the units? After seeing everything so far I'm really curious on building ideas you might have.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Prometheus' multi-purpose arsenal

Aw got me hyped up for nothing. Still pretty cool though can't wait to use it.

Good karma+1 vote
CEO.AWI - - 34 comments @ Prometheus' multi-purpose arsenal

Woah man that's way too much power! This thing is not even completed yet and you're dropping a bomb like that?!

Good karma+1 vote