Been gaming since I was 4, my first games being First person shooters and RTS games, mainly Doom 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Age of Empires 2 and Unreal. Around the age of 8-12 I played alot on the original XBOX, mainly because I had a Pentium 3 599MHZ, 256MB of ram, a 50GB HDD and possibly a video card but I didn't know what video cards were called at the time. But I do remember not being able to play the Call of duty 1 properly =P. However when I sometime in 2007 I got an E6600 1.86GHZ CPU with 2GB of DDR2 memory and a 7300 LE, which I would later upgrade to an Nvidia 8600 GT 1GB edition in order to play Medal of Honour Airborne. Although I am predominately a PC gamer, I do occasionally play on Xbox360 (mainly exclusives and racing games, and also when I have friends over) as well as PS3/PS4 at my mates house. I have way to many Favourite games and mods but here are some of em: STALKER (Especially with Stalkersoup and Oblvion Lost mods) Return To Castle Wolfenstein anddd Character limit ^^

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 117)
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ (DTLX) FG42 V2


Am assuming this has to do with the Manual Ammo Check Mod (Not sure, I don't use it)

Delete this script as well.


Good karma+2 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ (DTLX) Winchester 1892

Hi, I use gamma and have deleted the unim_Animation... script. This, however, completely turns off my ammo counter. This happens with every mod where I have to do this. By any chance, does anyone know of a workaround perhaps?


Delete this script as well.


Good karma+2 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ (DTLX) FG42 V2

Thanks. Did not fix it sadly. It just removes the ammo counter when the mod is installed.

Good karma+2 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ (DTLX) FG42 V2

Worked perfectly. The only 'issue' is that the gun loses condition very fast (not sure if intentional).

EDIT: Actually no, it breaks the ammo counter for every gun.

Good karma+3 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ (DTLX) FG42 V2

Yea, you are right, silly question. Just as general info, I got it to launch by deleting lines 56 - 85 from FG42\gamedata\scripts\uni_anim_core.script, but it obviously doesn't work right. Error has to do with WPO but am not familiar with these mods.

Good karma+2 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ (DTLX) FG42 V2

Hi, can this work with Gamma 0.9.1? I tried it and it crashed with the following error

Fatal Error
Expression : <no expression>
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed File :..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
: 257
Description: fatal error Arguments :
1: [Lua] g:/stalker
anom\gamedata\scripts\uni_anim_core.script(62): functor
LUA error: g:/stalker
anom\gamedata\scripts\uni_anim_core.script:62: attempt to call field 'get_jam_status' (a nil value)
Check log for details
stack trace:

Good karma+3 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Rise of the Reds: Babushka's Revenge

Been playing this for a long while, usually online 1 v 1 or 1 v 1 v 1. Much better than vanilla ROTR but unfortunately, the experience is marred by random crashes. (Encountered a serious technical error fault). Is there a fix or some sort of recommended setting to avoid this as it really dampens our mood to play an otherwise fantastic mod?

Good karma+1 vote
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ EXPEDITION 2.3 Graphics & Gameplay Overhaul

Looks and works great overall. Have a small issue with texture warping and incorrect layer heights (don't know the term for it) when moving the camera (especially Asphalt Textures). I have no add-ons that alter textures and have installed them following the readme. Are there recommended console parameters for this mod? (Also regarding installation, it's not very clear in the readme if you need to copy the db from the 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 patch only or 1.5.1 + 1.52, I did both)


Good karma+1 vote
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Rise of the Reds: Babushka's Revenge

Love this mod, though is there a way to alter the AI? The Easy AI is way too easy and the Medium AI is way too good. The jump between the two difficulties is too extreme. (Somehow the Russian AI can build Shock Troopers and Bombardiers).

Good karma+2 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Glossy Surfaces and Water SSR v0.1.3

Looks fantastic, must-have for water especially. I have to ask though, is the glossy look on textures and 1st person weapon models intended to occur all the time? Only asking as the effect is occurring even in 'dry weather'.

Good karma+1 vote
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Visible artifacts from the Shadow of Chernobyl

Cigarette on bread? Anyway, the mod doesn't seem to work. It's a shame. Always thought having visible artifacts added to the appeal (which STALKER does so well in general) of seeing a cool item in the distance, going 'whats this?' purely by visual identification. I love that feeling and making all artifacts invisible post-CS is a mistake imo.

Good karma+1 vote
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ OGSR English Edition Weapon Expansion Project [Out of Date] - Main Files

Seems fun, the weapons feel great & the balance seems good, just what I need in preparation for STALKER 2.

Some first impression criticism;

Shotguns are frustrating at the start since they seem to OHK even on the 2nd difficulty. This isn't necessary since OHKs just mean quicksave/quickload spam. Moreover, your own shotgun does not OHK the same bandits at the same distance, which is unfair.

Anomalies (largely the springboard which barely has a sound/visual effect) need to be telegraphed better if the mod insists on starting the player without a detector. I know this is intended to generate a feeling of player progression, but STALKER already excels at that & stuff that necessitates constant player attention (i.e. throw bolts constantly) w/o alternative ways to play cautiously is not fun.

Minimalist hud is cool and all but I don't get the appeal of not showing total ammo counts. There is no way to check this (e.g. ammo checks). Pressing I to check your backpack is neither fun nor immersive, so a pointless MISERY style annoyance. An option to restore the hud should be included in the package, since it is in the OGSE-WEP-BETA.

I may have ranted, but I am having a lot of fun :)

Good karma+3 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Age of Empires III: Wars of Liberty

I love the mod but that is an unfair frame of mind.

The point of definitive is to polish the vanilla experience whilst adding some new stuff, just like AOE 2 Definitive.

AOE 3 DEF is certainly much more polished and responsive than vanilla judging by the betas. The mod, whilst absolutely awesome, is simply not as polished as AOE 3 DE, which isn't surprising since its a fan effort w/o any budget.

Generally, the point of modding is to extract more cool stuff/content generally at the expense of a tighter experience.

Would love to see the mod be ported over to DE, especially since the mod's assets are higher quality enough to be comparable to DE assets.

Good karma+1 vote
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. [Demosfen]

I am not a fan of anything remotely resembling misery, I am more interested in the more Vanilla style looting/item based experience. Stuff like getting your gun knocked out of your hands, the screen effects going nearly blind when getting hit, the pitch-black nights were everyone can see you but you can't see them (this was really bad had to spawn in a headlamp).

Of course, that is a personal opinion but an option similar to Anomaly would be nice, especially considering stuff like turning off animations works in Gunslinger & Atmosfear options don't seem to work.

Good karma+1 vote
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. [Demosfen]

I found a bug with the 'Destroy Alpha' mission. Once I tell him to follow me... he is invincible and is practically a companion forever.

Adding to this, the new levels look amazing and meadow/glade is particularly nice as there is alot of items to find and an interesting mission.

I cannot say the same of 'Hell', which whilst looking amazing doesn't have much going on, except swamps filled with strange mosquitos that make the most annoying sound ever (please change that). Alot more needs to be added, even just more items in the open and stashes. There are simply way too many empty buildings and especially empty tunnels that have nothing in them. (Edit: Played a bit more of this level, and there are some really cool ideas, like those odd mutants that drop the Heart of the Oasis. Loved that, more of that 'unique to that area' stuff would be amazing)

Despite all this, I think this mod is fantastic but I would like to see improvements. If you need help with translation, I will gladly contribute to a google doc. Quite good at writing fiction stuff so I would be happy to create my own descriptions rather than just a hard translation. I would only the original russian version & perhaps what the quest lines.

Good karma+1 vote
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. [Demosfen]

Really great mod. The atmosphere, graphics (runs well too maxed out), weapon balance (not everything one hits thank god) is on point. I also like the oblivion lost style artefact recipes, very happy that these were added & the fact that they drop as items from dead bodies is just perfect.

However, there are a few issues;

- FOV doesn't go higher than 60 (motion sickness). Needs to be at least 75

- 3D scopes are really nice & I love them but they have weird artefacts on the centre which are distracting.

- The button to turn off medkit/item animations doesn't work and doesn't work for all items (assuming these are the gunslinger animations so they are really there)

- Crosshair oddly moves with gun animation (Edit: I think I know why now, the crosshair moves with dispersion, which is a nice feature)

- The Misery style artefact container system is a bad idea and I would like to disable it. Can't enjoy collecting artefacts without packing yourself with containers and if u find them on NPCs (looting is central to Stalker), it's frustrating as you won't be able to pick it up or even drop it on the floor since artefacts need a detector to be seen, another bad idea from Clear sky/COP.

- Also is there a way to make artefacts visible? Saw it in Anomaly though I much, much prefer this mod as that is way too obsessed with realism misery style (Yes I don't like Misery as you can probably tell)

- The translation is adequate but needs an actual translator not a google translate to work. I would happily help with translation but some things like the COC messages already exist in English so it would be a good idea to re-enable them. Some items or elements (like faction war icons) are still in Russian.

Otherwise, this is a huge improvement over the first version I played and whatever controversy there was back then, it's great to see that everyone is passed that.

Solid 8/10. Would be higher with better translation and disabling of annoying 'realism' micromanagement features like the artefact container system. Misery is fun for about an hour & then gets on your nerves.

Good karma+4 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Arsenal Overhaul REDUX 2.3.2 - Clear Sky

With all the fixes applied, this is probably the best STALKER mod I have ever played.


Massive amounts of content, a high degree of polish and most importantly of all, unlike the majority of STALKER mods, it sticks to what STALKER truly is, a balanced & fun experience and not one that is so obsessed with realism that every single gun one hits every enemy to the point that gun variety becomes pointless. Moreover, there are no annoying gimmicks like moving too slowly, or disappearing artefacts found in other mods, like Misery or Soup.

I adored the progression of double-barrel shotguns in the Swamps, with the TOZ-34 being the end tier gun. Other examples include the powerful 7.62x39mm AKM vs the more balanced but weaker AK-74 undercut with the slow firing StG which is a cool intermediate found in the Cordon stashes. There is clear consideration for a true vanilla-like progression system, and I cannot sing enough praises for that.

As for negatives, I do think some of the new mutants feel out of place though I appreciate the effort. I would also like to see an in-game menu for weathers as I think the predominantly foggy weather does take away from STALKER's excellent lighting. Also a minor nitpick is the Loner trader Shilov (no it's not because she is female) its cause her model is, well overly sexual and doesn't really fit STALKER's theme. Just cover up those bazongas, and its fine :P.

But other than that, well done and I can't wait to see the later versions.

Solid 9/10.

Good karma+3 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Animated Exoskeleton

I don't see the problem with using other mods, but I also don't see why it is so hard to credit the original authors.

Its basic respect, nothing to do with legality even. All it takes is Animations thanks to X. I have never encountered a mod that doesn't do that and then proceeds to defend said decision with odd logic instead of just saying ' Ill add them to the credits'.

Plus why encrypt the game files if you don't mind sharing?

Good karma+4 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ OGSR English Edition Weapon Expansion Project [Out of Date] - Main Files

Sounds fantastic, downloading now. The rarest of birds, a mod that isn't obsessed with realism and doesn't just include a 100 guns that all one hit the enemy, rendering weapon tiering completely obsolete.

Thank you!

Good karma+1 vote
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ GUNSLINGER Ultra HD Pack V1.0 [Outdated ]

Is it normal for it to take close to 5 minutes to load? (Using an SSD, 6700k and 2070 S)

Good karma+1 vote
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Blood Extra Crispy Open Beta v0.2

The changes are great, especially on the Gatling gun & flamethrower. The faster reload on the Trench gun makes it a lot lore usable too.

I have noticed an 'issue' with the life leech that I didn't mention earlier. Since it runs on health and spirit armor once the ammo runs out, it basically becomes infinite ammo since it heals you as fast as it drains your health. Perhaps you could remove this function or just change the health drain rate when out of ammo. Another minor thing is that the Trench gun firing sound is a bit too quiet compared to the other guns (the one in the demo video sounds louder).

Good karma+2 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Blood - Extra Crispy

Neat. Actually changed my mind about the flare gun, it'd fine as is :)

Good karma+2 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Blood - Extra Crispy

Fantastic production values and general feel (I still can't get over how you turned the life leech into an evil dead type character :])

I do have a few issues, all of which are related to weapon balance. (played on 'Made to order' with everything on very high except enemy health [medium])

- Gatling gun is very weak and isn't really useful against, well, anything, especially with its limited ammo pool.

- Flamethrower seems weak against everything. Straight damage buff required here imo.

- Life leech seems to be way too strong. Its primary attack shreds and heals u at the same time. I think decreasing the total ammo and also the regen rate would go a long way. I do appreciate that it actually feels like an extremely powerful weapon though, unlike the vanilla version.

- Flare gun reloads, while cool, makes the weapon very clunky to use.

- Perhaps consider upping the Thompsons to 100 rounds since 50 makes it difficult to have a counter to massed enemies, such as the gillbeasts on crystal lake.

- Please let us use all the guns (except flamer) underwater, just like vanilla blood. It seems like an unnecessary change and it actually messes with some areas, like destroyable under water walls.

Good karma+2 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Demosfen 1.03 ENG

Found a solution. Open console and type g_language eng

Good karma+12 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Demosfen 1.03 ENG

It doesn't seem to work. Do I need to do anything other than paste into root?

Good karma+2 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ BEC - Life Leech Staff Demonstration

Firstly, those sprites are just epic. Very evil dead like, which Blood always aspired towards.

Really dig that the life leech is actually powerful as it is very lacking in base blood with only its alt-fire being useful on higher difficulties.

Perhaps you would consider retaining its 'rare' ammo instead of the recharge mechanic? This is just a nitpick at this point since, well, I can't play it yet :P.

Well done.

Good karma+2 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ HELP!

Out of curiosity, I am from Malta, perhaps you need voice-overs for the Maltese faction?

Good karma+2 votes
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ What new guns you would like to see in Remake mod?

Very excited for this mod. While I really want to see some traditional guns like the M1, StG and MP18, I would like to see some more exotic options like the Particle cannon from Wolf 2009.

Good karma+1 vote
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Extended pack for LostAlpha DC [1.4005] v1.3

Well this is a fantastic mod. Exceptional balance that does not go down the route of everything one hits you and all the weapons feel the same.

I have to ask though.

Is there a way to turn off the really slow medkit/item mechanic? Also, artifacts are extremely small.

Good karma+1 vote
MushroomCloudGaming - - 117 comments @ Thompson's Gamechanging AddonPack [1.4.22]

So far this is a great compilation. There is one odd CTD though. Squad commands instant crash the game.

Good karma+2 votes