Free time game developer. Currently not developing due to the studies. Student of Medical Faculty

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Mars Con - Update

GravelGames Blog


I managed to get some really good soundtracks and sounds for the game.

This means that the release of the game is approaching!

Here is a short video from the game - dont worry, there are no spoilers!

New Game - Mars Conundrum

GravelGames Blog

Hey there!

I have recently started developing another game -> Mars Conundrum.

It will feature turn-base combat - much like that one in Darkest Dungeon, 2D - graphics, story divided into several levels, bosses, final boss with different phases and chance to acquire companion.

I am not entirely sure when I will finish it, but at the moment all that remains are mainly sounds and maybe some balance changes.

Thanks for you time,

Cheers, GravelGames

Here are some screenshots from the game -->

Mars Conundrum - ControlRoom

Mars Conundrum - Landing

Mars Conundrum - Skrimish 1

Mars Conundrum - Skrimish 2

Rads and Rounds

GravelGames Blog


It has been a loong time since my last post for which I do apologize.

Currently I have not been able to proceed in developing my games -

Rads and Rounds ->

Mechanical Escape ->

Im really sorry, but due to my responsibilities (such as university studies) I have no spare time or Energy. But I want, when I will be less occupied by those duties, to continue my game-developing dream.

In the meantime, please support me by comments, tips, critics, etc.. Thank you very much for your time.

Cheers, GravelGames