Hey , my steam name is G'eZz , but in this site im HalflifeEnjoyer, and maybe you ask, why? Well, listen, this little story: when i was 13 (2003), my mom give to my and my sister our PC, which i just used it most of the time. And what was the first thing i did, was download games from the internet. And which game was amazed by when i played it? yes, HALF LIFE, from that moment , Half Life, is my favorite game of all time, since then i played this game like 30 or more times ,and mods too i remember downloading a lot of mods back in the day too.

Comment History
halflifeenjoyer - - 12 comments @ Half-Life : Echoes

What a mod... i would like to do a full video on this mod, but i dont have much time to do so.

But i'll leave a short but explained review why this mod rocks.

First of all i loved the introduction and the cutscenes of the mod , very nicely done.

Let's start with the gameplay: is full of action and amazing timed events , every "loading" of the map got me thrilled of what could happen next ,it is excellent.

The ambience of the mod is unique and very cool , the mix of the sound of the battle , the aliens and the enviroment, is excellent and blends perfectly.

The atmosphere like the ambience it embraces you with a lot of sounds, lights and action. I freakin LOVE the industrial , Black Nesa enviroment , it expands a lot of what a real company such as Black Mesa would be like in reality , a lot of moments i just watched how the things unfolded before my eyes and i'll just say "wow"

What more can i say? i would say a lot more, but , for now i'll just give an ovation

for making such an excellent mod, that could be a real mod made by Valve , easily, because is executed phenomenal

I give it a 10/10

Good karma+2 votes
halflifeenjoyer - - 12 comments @ Half-Life : Residual Life

i have to say, this mod has pretty much everything throw at you. a lot of content and fun.

i was very confused when the singing in the begining started i though the game opened a video of YT, but nope, was the main menu.. LOL

the first time i play a mod made out of a Korean team, very nice.

A short review:

*Story: Solid, has a lot to do.

*Ambience: almost all in doors , i liked it.

*Atmosphere: full of action when you hear gun fights and aliens sounds, it keeps your ear engaged

But i was very confused by some maps.

Anyways... is a good mod. I give it a 7.5

Good karma+1 vote
halflifeenjoyer - - 12 comments @ SIGNAL LOST

i would love to do like an hour deep dive into this mod, but im kinda lazy, sorry. But what can i say in a short review..


First of all i love, i freakin love the sound of the suit when you jump. It feels heavy, uncomfortable , cumbersome. And the weight is almost like you can feel it through the mouse and keyboard , the crowbar also feels like heavy when u hit something.

The models of the weapons are super cool! i love the shotgun! looks really nice, the sound they make is also perfect.

And when you gib an enemy the sound of the blood and the gibs that fly away is great.

The animations holy freakin sh!t is super awesome , when you reload the pistol is cool AF , everything, every little detail is absolute perfection.

And the maps oooohhh i feel blown away. i adore them i took like 500 screenshots.

Let me tell you, the atmosphere is FLAWLESS , the sounds , the events that happen makes all blend into an excellent immersion of combat and admiration of this work.


i can talk like i said like an hour about this mod. But for now i'll leave this review

is A 10/10

i will play it again and again now, until im bored

Good karma+3 votes
halflifeenjoyer - - 12 comments @ Project 8 | Half-Life 1 Hardcore Modification

i don't want to be rude, but this mod is not good. Is not bad, is just regular.

the part with a million of headcrabs and the gonarch was impossible to go through , i dont know if i missed something or something else, i was on low HP was terrible.

i just had to use cheats.

i'll leave a short review:

*Story: Good

*Atmosphere: i like some parts of the maps

*Ambience: the sounds and the enviromental stuff was alright.

my final rating: 6

Good karma+3 votes
halflifeenjoyer - - 12 comments @ Half-Life: Ultimate Attack Remod

Very cool mod, i always wantes to play as a Black ops dude, and this is great...But...

okay , short review:

*Story: Very good, and keeps me wanting more.

*Atmosphere: industrial and i liked it.

*Ambience: Very nice ambience with the sounds and the lights.


Now there's something that is not that good. First the crosshair , is red and sometimes is hard to see where it is. And the flickering lights is a lot , maybe tuned it down or slow down the way of the flickering is distracting

But in general, cool mod.

i give it a 7.5

Good karma+1 vote
halflifeenjoyer - - 12 comments @ Abeyance

So is this the end of Jane Doe?

another banger of a mod. Short but interesting.

Short review:

*Story: so ,is her end?

*Atmosphere: Really good and intriguing.

*Ambience: interesting and cool.

And i see you are a Pantera fan? Plus for that

Good karma+2 votes
halflifeenjoyer - - 12 comments @ HTC

Great mod.

Short review:

*Story: Good ,it has some cool moments.

*Ambience: I liked it , the sounds and the events that happens makes a cool combination.

*Atmosphere: nicely done, the light off sections give me a little bit of a scare.

Is a short mod , tho. But good.

i give it a 7.5

Good karma+2 votes
halflifeenjoyer - - 12 comments @ Autonomy Lost

i finished to play the mod, very short and sweet.

a short review:

*Story: one goal in mind , not much but done it good.

*Weapons: the weapons are from Half Life OP. but with different hand model, cool.

*Ambience: industrial i liked it.

So.... in total i give it a 7 (Because is too short)

Also, im a huge fan of Meshuggah so, is a huge plus for me. I hope you do more mods in a future

Good karma+2 votes
halflifeenjoyer - - 12 comments @ Delta Particles

Yo , i finished this mod today, and what can i say.


Just a little review:

*Story: Is great, it follows a great path and is fun.

*Weapons: Amazing weapon desing, the sounds they make when shooting them it feels super good.

*Ambience: Great! the sounds , the events, it keeps me captivated the WHOLE time

*Atmosphere: Ohh man, the maps in the night section are wonderful and jn the Xen maps , speechless!!! cool! , spectacular and more.

i give this mod


Good karma+3 votes
halflifeenjoyer - - 12 comments @ Half-Life: Field Intensity

man , you did a hell of a mod, it 100% feels like Valve did it , the maps are so well done , some areas looks cool AF , there is a lot of enemies and more amazing some are cut from the game so watching those enimies act so natural is beautiful.

the tension is always there hunting you, seeing other soldiers die in hands of enemies always suck, because was nice to have some AI with me , but they fall quicly like flies , then watching some scenes behind a glass like zombies eating soldier , etc, was so intense to watch.

i can't describe how much fun was this mod, everything.. the weapons , the events all..

but was really mindblowing was the lenght of the mod, is so long! i think it took me like 3/5 hrs, like Opossing Force.

The Ending was like sad and surprising. i knew what was going to heppen to the other guy , because the last audios were too off

i've playing HL mods since like 2009/12 (Then i stopped) but this year i'm again playing Mods and this one i think is a 10/10

Good karma+2 votes
halflifeenjoyer - - 12 comments @ Half-Life: Urbicide

i think it softlock itself, because i pressed the button "early" and then i activate the switch. is bugged , i will go noclip and go to the other chapter.

Thx for the answer, so far, the mod is really cool i love the giant enviroments and all the industrial parts. i like that, great job man. when i finish the game i will upvote and fav the mod.

*Edit: i finished the game, very nice, nice mod and ambience , the only bad thing is where are we going with Rebecca and the city falling apart?! u left me with a lot of questions. are you going to do a 2 part?

Good karma+2 votes
halflifeenjoyer - - 12 comments @ Half-Life: Urbicide

i have a problem in the level hospital i activate the lever to get to the elevators but it don't get me through, any solutio

Good karma+1 vote