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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 333)
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Phobos - Episode 3 v.3.0

Widescreen mode does not work out of the box, had to manually set r_mode to "-1" and r_aspectRatio to "1" in tfphobos/DoomConfig.cfg. Otherwise no issues so far, congrats with the release!

Good karma+2 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Division 2.1 Release - Grigori Refinements

It's not my shotgun. It's yours!

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Sivograd

Genex Tower?

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Entropy : Zero 2

Is there gonna be some explanation for soviet vehicles and russian signs (like on cargo containers) at arctic wastelands and Arbeit facility? Or is it too early to ask such a question? c:

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Southernmost Combine

Did you set the beta branch for sdk2013 sp to "-upcoming"?

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Southernmost Combine

Make sure that HDR is enabled in settings and use *mat_fullbright 0* in console

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Southernmost Combine

Wow, thats weird, but I managed to fix this by deleting folder with mappack with custom scenes from half-life2\episodic\custom. Seems like this issue is connected to gameinfo.txt from this mod which is searching "custom\*" paths from vanilla half-life 2 folder in first priority.

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Southernmost Combine

Hi! I believe there is a blocker on the smc_trainyard01 map. When you meet a man with hard hat in his office, he just plays standing animation and thats it, no dialogue, etc.

Console says that Scene 'Scenes\southernmost\keymanintro.vcd' is missing

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Image 3

Postmodern installation?

Good karma+2 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

Hey! Currently playing through the extended version, and it is really solid!

Is it possible to do something with as_c4map03 map? It has outstanding fps drops. I tried enabling the mat_wireframe, and It appeared that the almost whole building interior is rendering when you are outside and contraverse. This makes no sense because windows are not transparent.

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Quantum Paradox

В целом прекрасно понимаю, с лимитами лично я борюсь частично перенося некоторую геометрию напрямую в модели через propper прямо из хаммера, и местами переводя func_detail в func_brush (что фиксит ошибку too many vertex format changes in frame и убирает мерцание некоторых кусков локации)

Good karma+3 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Quantum Paradox

>Однако разработку на source 1 мы прекращаем, и переходим на souce 2 на базе HLA.

Это, конечно, не моё дело, но вы тщательно обдумывали этот шаг? 90% модов закрывались на этапе смены движка, особенно те, у которых уже был проделан немалый фронт работ (а у вас, как вижу, именно такой случай). Люди очень часто недооценивали количество времени, которое необходимо на перенос контента и адаптацию проекта под другой движок, даже Source 2 тут не станет исключением. К тому же, вам придётся переделывать практически весь собственный контент под стандарты качества контента Half-Life: Alyx, привыкать к новому инструментарию, и исправлять на лету очень много косяков, которые могут появиться, и скорее всего появятся при реализации фич, которые вы делали на Source 1. На всё это могут уйти годы.

Good karma+4 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Ravenholm: Remake

Ooh, you've reminded me about my very old work of expanding and improving original Ravenholm mod maps! But I didn't have enough passion to finish it, i'd given up on 3-th or 4-th map. Good luck with it!

Good karma+4 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Red Requiem: Liberation

Hello! I`ve installed the patch and still can not start the game as well, may be some files are missing? chapter1.cfg file has "map red_mall_end_movie" inside, but I dont have it in maps folder.

Good karma+2 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Dark Interval

Ok, depth-of-field bug seems not to be present on other maps. But I had a changelevel bug between factory and terminal maps. The door just closed behind my back and nothing happened next. So I changed it by myself using the console, and game crashed after I did a few steps away from the player starting point. Also there was a very noticeable framerate drop at the sewer section (to 30-40 fps), but I think it was because of dynamic reflections set to "high" (GTX 1070).

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Dark Interval

Hello! Why I cant set fps_max 60? It just reverts back to 75 all the time, and I can not make gameplay smooth with v-sync (camera stutters all the time). Also, If I`m quicksaving on the first chapter, and then loading, my whole screen is blured and I can do nothing to overcome this.

Good karma+2 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Cosmonaut

I think I have found easter egg that refers to "Hunt Down The Freeman". On the "Asylum" chapter there is a room that looks very similar to the hospital room from "Hunt Down The Freeman" (the same texture set and windows, even sink made with brushes) with a dead body on a table with crowbar in its skull. Am I right?

Good karma+3 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Black Mesa: Military screenshot

What is that mess on the ceiling? And I'd suggest you to add some support pillars.

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ HALF LIFE: Escape from Area 99.

client.dll file is corrupted

Good karma+2 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Vice City Stories: PC Edition

And now it's dead again. According to the same link.

Good karma0 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

Прошёл ваш мод, очень понравилось, но местами fps падал очень сильно (особенно на карте с каньоном, после того как мы из большой вентиляционной шахты выбираемся. От 150-100 до 35-40 проседает, и это без CSM и динамического света). Ещё дополнительно планируете оптимизацией заниматься, или там уже ничего не сделать?

Good karma+3 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Dormitories Complex

I keep this area, and so do you.

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Zlounnoid

Ha! Gaaaai

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Half-Life : Echoes

In a gameplay terms

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Half-Life : Echoes

How long does it take to finish this mod?

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ maxresdefault 5

But it is "The Citizen Part 1" mod...

Good karma+1 vote
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Dark Interval

No problem! I'm glad that everything is fine now :)

Good karma+4 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Dark Interval

I found those files:

Extract this to the /bin folder. In phoneme editor check console output: there should be string "Using: IMS (Lip Sinc)", NOT "Using MS SAPI 5.1"

For me it works in faceposer from HL2 folder (steamapps\common\Half-Life 2\bin), but not in faceposer from Source SDK Base 2013

Good karma+5 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Dark Interval

Yes, I can confirm that Filmmaker has those (bin\lipsinc_data\...) files

Good karma+4 votes
ildarion - - 333 comments @ Dark Interval

Faceposer can use 2 different APIs for phoneme extraction: outdated Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 and IMS that supports windows 7-10, but most of the source engine games does not have files required for this API (bin\lipsinc_data\...). Seems like Valve updated source sdk 2013 at some point and now its faceposer is trying to use Speech SDK 5.1 for some reason, not IMS. But I have just checked faceposer from TF2, it is still using IMS, but we need to find those files(bin\lipsinc_data\...) to make it work. Also you can try to do lipsync using the faceposer from Source Filmmaker or something like that.

Good karma+3 votes