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Comment History
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Awakening of the Rebellion 2.6 Open Beta - English

Is there any difference between this file and the Steam version of AotR 2.6?

Good karma+1 vote
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ WarFleet Reborn from The Ashes

Aren't there 3 of these mods? This one, Sci-Fi at War, and I forgot the other one. Though I think the 3rd (assuming there is one) is dead.

Good karma+2 votes
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Return of the Clones

I saw on Steam mention of a (possible) v5.4. Is that still in the works or is it on hiatus or something else?

Good karma+1 vote
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Star Wars Rise of Hope

Don't give up. I will try to keep watching this mod. Also you think you/y'all might one day make a Steam Workshop version? Upload it to there? If the file size gets too large then some people such as myself cannot easily download them from Chrome or any browser. Getting the base game on Steam then subscribing to the mods on Steam would be easier for such people.

Good karma+1 vote
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Rebel Uprising mod

Do you think you might one day put it on Steam Workshop too? I might go that route. Especially if the file size gets rather large. I cannot download large files without the dang network errors.

Good karma+1 vote
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

Wait this is supposed to be on the Steam Workshop? I didn't see it. Also which file should I download from here? Not that it will be easy. My internet isn't that fast and large downloads often end in the same repeated error(s).

Good karma+1 vote
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Awakening of the Rebellion 2.8

Ok well I wasn’t planning on buying the Steam version so somebody needs to do any updates to the disc version of FOC before I get this. Though could get 2.6 right? Are there any issues with that I should know about? Though I have one issue but that’s because of the internet network. It doesn’t like the file size. (Sent as proper self this time.)

Good karma+1 vote
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Star Wars Sci-Fi at War: Silver Edition [Dead]

That Guest thing is me. I don't understand how that works. Seems using email to go to the site and then replying makes me reply as a Guest. Still I am curious what factions your mod has.

Good karma+2 votes
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Star Wars Sci-Fi at War: Silver Edition [Dead]

So we have Sci-Fi at War Silver Edition and Warfleet? These the only 2 with multiple sci-fi universes? What about the other versions of Sci-Fi at War? Also what's the difference between this and the Warfleet mod?

Good karma+2 votes
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Awakening of the Rebellion 2.8

You know I wish someone would make a proper mod going from the Old Repubic era to the New Republic era. Alliance looks good but it starts with the Clone Wars. I feel that's lacking. We already have lots of just the Clone Wars and GCW stuff. There is even some Post GCW mod stuff but I'd like to include the main timeline. Even if it means mixing legends and cannon. Since the Old Republic is supposedly considered only legends for now.

Good karma+2 votes
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ EaW Plus v2.0

Hmmmmmmmmmmm. What's the plan with this besides restoring cut content and reworking things? What about units?

Good karma+3 votes
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Sk8sEAWmodV1.98

Why discontinue this mod? IRL stuff get in the way or did you just quit?

Good karma+1 vote
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Awakening of the Rebellion 2.8

So are there plans to release a downloadable file for those without the Steam version? You know those who play with the disc version.

Good karma+4 votes
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Awakening of the Rebellion 2.6 Open Beta - English

Stupid internet network. It can't handle a file of that size. Even if it's zipped. There's got to be a better way than redoing the download over and over until it works. Also what of version 2.7?

Good karma0 votes
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Star Wars Eras

I'd prefer going from the Old Republic era all the way to the New Republic Era.

Good karma+1 vote
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ WarFleet Reborn from The Ashes

Looks like you got 6 now. Oh wait no, it's still only 5. Still never heard of Space Battleship Yamato before. Also I'm not too sure Starship Troopers has that many models or anything to work with. It's pretty basic. Oh and anything else you plan on adding?

Good karma+1 vote
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ GSB - Babylon 5

Probably kind of cool. But I just want to find out how to make modules for now. In the Steam version that is.

Good karma+1 vote
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ WarFleet Reborn from The Ashes

Also what is SBY?

Good karma+1 vote
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ WarFleet Reborn from The Ashes

Alliance of 6 Earths? I only count 5 factions within the parentheses though. Also what is SBY anyway?

Good karma+1 vote
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Yodenmod 2018

Chrome is being rude about the download of the folder. Network error stops it then if I try to resume it says Server Unreachable.

Good karma+3 votes
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Steiners Advanced Units Mod 3 3

Wait is this one for the original game or FoC?

Good karma+2 votes
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Yodenmod 2018

Well can't seem to download it. Maybe my internet is too slow. It keeps giving me a/the network error.

Good karma+2 votes
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Yodenmod 2018

Oh goody. It changed my name. Phew.

Good karma+2 votes
GalacticTechCreator - - 24 comments @ Yodenmod 2018

Gonna try this out. Also hope it goes well as far as updates and the final release goes. I'm considering making my own mod one day with the Old Republic, Sith, (Clone Wars) Republic, CIS, Empire, Rebellion, New Republic, and First Order.

Good karma+2 votes