My bio.. never been good at talking about myself so lets keep it simple. I am a highly skilled IT Technician, with experience in just about every field of computing there is. As a result, it allows me to do really cool stuff like this SoC overhaul / mega mod! People often question why I have put the last 3 years into this SoC mod, the answer to that is simple - because I care. I feel SoC was done a huge injustice by GSC/THQ, and intend to bring everything that was promised back into the game. My own envisionment of STALKER is radically different to anything you have seen and played before, down to the smallest detail TK will bring a perfectly balanced, tense, beautiful, immensely impressive overhaul to SoC. Oh, and there is no mod team here, the "team" is me. Just because nobody else wanted to help apart from play the betas I release. So I soldier on, relying on the SoC mod community whenever theres a barrier I'm not quite sure on how to smash down.

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100 Rads Bar

423 members Fans & Clans

100 Rads Bar, where any STALKER can join in on the conversation and post his or her stories about the venture into the zone! STALKER content only!



64 members Fans & Clans

Deadly anomalies, dangerous mutants, anarchists and bandits... Non of them will stop Duty on its triumphant march towards saving the planet! and its citizens...