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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 147)
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Final Carnage v0.1A

Thanks for the feedback, I'm aware that some music is a little louder than others, I'll try to fix it for the next build.
It's true that most of the green/blue armors are hidden in secrets, I think I'll at least put a couple out in the early levels.
What type of pillars are you referring to? It is normal to find enemies everywhere, even in places you already suspect, it is always better than having them generically placed in a simple hallway.

Good karma+1 vote
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Final Carnage v0.1A

The music in map03 is called "Death's Dance - Argent Metal" and it was made by Kristjan Thomas Haaristo.
You can check the tracks I used in the credits file.

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Final Carnage v0.1A

Then you will really enjoy my next update, since there will be 4 maps based completely on doom 64 ambience using its textures and eerie environment, plus creepy music playing in the background!

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Final Carnage v0.1A

Yeah! I'm working in a new update with 5 more maps and a new secret level, I have done about 50% of my plans. Sadly I don't think I will have the update ready before June.

Btw, that secret level has a few creepy events that happen randomly every time you start the map if you pay attention to some things!

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Final Carnage v0.1A

Thanks a lot!

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Final Carnage v0.1A

Receiving feedback is enough to know that my work is appreciated! After all it is a project that I do out of pure passion for this franchise.

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Final Carnage v0.1A

Final Carnage has been updated to V.01A! no new levels however, I just added a few fixes in the maps and more decorations and variety of textures here and there.

Good karma+4 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Final Carnage v0.1A

Thanks, I also added ambient sounds when approaching to machines or computers, you can even hear the sound of the wind in some big corridors or in Mars surface, it is very noticeable if you play the campaign without music

Good karma+6 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ HereticEnhanced0.1.0

Very nice and the effects are amazing! Is there a chance to add an optional addon to have the original Firemace (but better balanced for this mod) instead of the Ravenstaff?

Good karma+1 vote
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Onox792

Buenas! Te recuerdo del foro sí, recuerdo que estuviste trabajando en una versión no oficial de WoC e hiciste algunos cambios a ciertos enemigos. Cualquier cosilla o ideas que tengas para mejorar la campaña estaría encantado de escucharlas.

Good karma+3 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Cult of Despair

Tomo nota para corregirlo en el próximo parche, algunos enemigos (sobretodo cultistas y arqueros) les puse ese 0,5 para simular que llevaban armadura, si les aumentaba la vida el jugador conseguia más experiencia cosa que quería evitar.

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Cult of Despair

Muchas gracias!
Estoy trabajando ya en una versión 1.4B con algunas cosas muy menores arregladas y más balanceadas, planeo meterle coop con al menos un jugador más, pero no se que tal responde WoC con hexen en multiplayer.

Good karma+1 vote
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Cult of Despair

The campaign has been updated to version 1.4A! (since 1.4 was a private beta shared with close people I knew for feedback and possible issues)

The entire changelog is located in the credits file.
There are new levels, many old areas have a better quality design and a lot of fixed bugs. You will notice that the whole experience is more polished now. Have fun and thanks for playing!

Remember: You need to load woc_v3a.pk3 first to play it.

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Chapter 2: Insecurity - April Article

Don't forget to add that Chumtoad at barney's locker!
Best wishes with the project!

Good karma+11 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Half-Life Decay: Solo Mission

One thing I noticed is that there is no Bullsquids in the original Decay for some reason, I wonder if you will add a few ones in some levels.

Good karma+1 vote
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Azure Sheep: Part One Extended Release

You guys nailed the part where you return to anomalous materials lab (and also Decay) and see how everything was being consumed and assimilated by the Xen fauna/microorganisms. It's really creepy knowing Freeman was there a few hours before.

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Half-Life: Dark Matter

Will we see any Xen Sentry Cannon in the mod? You only see one in the entire Half-Life before the Lambda Complex and I always found weird that Alien Grunts didn't disploy/build a few more around Black Mesa in the latest hours of the incident (and it can be interesting placed in some hallways or watch it shoot against Race X units)

I know it is just an entity made of brushes in the Hammer Editor, but it is a shame that even Gearbox forgot to add it in the expansions.

Good karma+3 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Brutal Doom 64 Project Nightmare [Patched]

Congratulations for continuing my mod, really love you added the archvile with more sprites in his animation.
However I found a visual bug, when an Archvile resurrects a Hell Hound, the resurrection sprites show a pinky demon.

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ BEC Version 0.7 Update List

Since I discovered this mod I cannot play any vanilla campaign without it because it is amazing, really adds a fresh new gameplay to the game and makes very enjoyable to play with the max monster count for each map without worrying too much for the ammo. Thanks for the hard work!

Good karma+3 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Half-Life: Dark Matter

One thing that always bothered me in Half-Life and its mods is that you almost never find dead alien corpses in Black Mesa when it is a battle between four sides (Xen forces, Race X, HECUs and Black Ops). If I remember correctly there are two moments where you see a dead vortigaunt and three dead houndeyes in Opposing Force but nothing more oddly.

What I mean by all of this is that I hope to see dead xen aliens in some areas too, specially if you have plans to explore the hostily between Xen and the Race X in your mod :)

Good karma+3 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

This campaign was AMAZING! The quality is outstanding and so much better and enjoyable than Cryptic Passage. I really love the level based in The Thing movie and those mini jumpscares. You really did a great work!

I have played it in the Fresh Supply remaster + Extra Crispy mod and while it was perfectly playable, I found two bugs:
· For some reason, there were two invencible zombies in the third level but pretty sure that it was caused because I was using Extra Crispy mod.
· Sometimes the game crashes when I load the game, this never happened me when I was playing the official campaign or even Cryptic Passage, but again, maybe the cause was Extra Crispy mod.

Anyway, thanks a lot for taking your time in making this campaign, really hope to see more of your works in the future :D

Good karma+1 vote
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Hexereticdoom

Hola de nuevo Hexereticdoom.

Te quería preguntar una cosa con respecto a tu mod HeXeReTiC Fantasy (muy buen trabajo por cierto y espero pronto la versión 2!), ¿Hay alguna posibilidad de que en un futuro sea compatible con Hexen o al menos un parche para que lo pueda correr? Lo pregunto porque ando trabajando en una campaña semi-openworld a base de scripts y hasta ahora solo es compatible con Wrath of Cronos, pero quiero hacerla compatible con tu mod dado que usa un montón de armas, monedas y una buena variedad de criaturas que me gustaria poner manualmente en mi campaña :D

Good karma+1 vote
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Cycloid Incinerator Boss

No problem mate, I spent an entire afternoon adding the sprites with Slade (first time doing this), the code part was even more easy than I expected so I'm really glad how it turned out.

btw, congrats with your Duke Nukem mod! It was a blast playing it, maybe there are some balance issues here and there but it definitely has a lot of potential with some updates and hotfixes.
Also love the exclusive enemies from Alien Armageddon!

Good karma+1 vote
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Brutal Doom 64 Project Nightmare

New small update! I think that you are going to enjoy the new Laser Gun sprites (thanks to YukiHerz for recreating the beta rocket launcher and the free use of it)

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Brutal Doom 64 Project Nightmare

If it is playable on Brutal Doom 64, then Project Nightmare can run it too.
Keep in mind that the more vanilla the map is, the less conflicts you will find.

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Hexereticdoom

Buenas Hexereticdoom.

He estado hoy probando tu mod HXRTC Project Golden Edition y me parece fantástico! Pero noté que es el único mod que no me funciona con Universal Gibs, por alguna razón los cuerpos de los zombis y demonios no se desmiembran nunca ni al estar muertos independientemente de si uso un arma mágica, explosivos o rifles, no me da ningún tipo de error ni nada, simplemente el juego actua como si no lo hubiera cargado con HXRTC, ¿Qué crees que se puede deber? Quizás al tipo de proyectil?

Un saludo!

PD: Según Universal Gibs, un error conocido es "Monsters that don't end their death state with a -1 frame duration won't be able to have their corpses gibbed." No se si se aplica a este caso.

Good karma+1 vote
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ ZMC BWFinal

I checked the bug related with the boss, Hans Grosse doesn't appear in the low difficulties making impossible to finish the game.

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Brutal Doom 64 Project Nightmare

Try this one, it should work:

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Brutal Doom 64 Project Nightmare

it is called hxrtchud, there is a version for almost every other mod like Project Brutality, Smooth Doom or even for vanilla.

Good karma+2 votes
Onox792 - - 147 comments @ Cycloid Incinerator Boss

Even if the Firefly Trooper is added in the future (maybe as a Cacodemon rare replacer?), we still need the King Cobra and the Gorilla Captain, but I never cared about those two so much, they don't fit with the Duke 3D style for some reason.

Good karma+1 vote