I'm taking a long walk down a lonesome road. Which is, to wit, the task of taking the piss out of the rapidly-degenerating industry and community...one drop at a time. I remember long ago before memes, before Youtube...Before Consolitis seized the industry in an epidemic of massive proportions. I remember long ago when it was only your parents and sheltered children who played puzzle games, before every vegan man with a beard began developing them. I remember a time when games were good, before they featured moral overtones...when they were finished and polished by talented people who had wonderful work ethic and a dream they followed to the ends of the Earth...and plasma rifles were in vogue. I remember a time before everyone thought they could be developers - because they really couldn't; a time when people weren't afraid to say bad things about a game. And that's why I'll always be looming in the shadows, ready to take the piss out of them. For I am...THE PISSTAKER GENERAL!

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I have seen some awful work here and elsewhere. Work that would make your mother cringe. But, surprisingly there's very rarely anything said by the community that puts people in their proper places. Criticism, no matter how harsh should be looked upon and regarded by developers as gold. Yes, that's right, you pussies, put your big boy pants on and take it. Listen to it. This whole business of slapping the term "troll" on anyone who doesn't gush their hearts out about your piece of shit WORK IN PROGRESS, that you expect them to pay for...must end. I am sorry. There's a little thing that seems lost on this generation. It's called QUALITY CONTROL.

Perhaps I'm wrong, maybe people really do like these trainwrecks...and maybe they really are that frightfully stupid and easy to please. We live in an era where everyone can be developers, regardless of talent and perhaps they are kissing arse because they think they can garner the team's favor and get hired by some chance - because they are talented artists and developers, right? Who deserve to be part of things rather than just PLAY games and be happy like they should? Ha! It's all speculation, but one thing's for certain...all criticism is good criticism. Unless it has nothing to with the game, then the person's just an asshole. Criticism will make the weak quit and the strong go harder. Games are going the way of the music industry and that is not good, ladies and gents.

On an only semi-related note: this business of misogyny with this recent Gamergate bullshit? It's fucked. Women have been contributing to games for far longer than many of you have been alive. Just because you're a fedora-wearing mouth breather who is addicted to porn and can't get laid, doesn't mean you should attack the women involved and working hard in the industry - especially since, well, THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT HAPPENED. You misogynists make it that much harder to battle misandry. Sadly, who was most at-fault? The developers she slept with - they should be terminated for not controlling their base instincts - they make men everywhere look weak and, they did not honour their obligation to their team. They signed an NDA for a reason and that reason is a very sound one. But before I get off my soap box, yes, that journalist was a filthy, opportunistic slut.

For the grand slam - get out your buckets, boys and girls: Yes, I wholly believe that G4TV helped to spur on the ruination of the gaming community.

Good night.

I'm full of piss and vinegar...why? Because I've been taking the piss out of everyone!

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