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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 93)
plainman - - 93 comments @ [FR + ENG] Confrérie Noire - Standalone

looks like its a damn problem with one of the damn outfits. when i damn changed suits, damn footsteps came back.

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dreamcatcher Translation

can you make this file public, or host elsewhere? i would really like to play the game looking normally

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ NLC 7: HE. English Edition.

I love NLC

Good karma+4 votes
plainman - - 93 comments @ [FR + ENG] Confrérie Noire - Standalone

why can i not hear any of my characters footstep sounds?

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ True Stalker

you're a legend

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Mahzra's Package v2

i'm getting OOM crashes when moving from pripyat to jupiter. any ideas?

Good karma+2 votes
plainman - - 93 comments @ A.R.E.A.

monolith questline seems to be broken. i didn't get my reward for helping gryphon in the brain scorcher lab, nor am i able to finish the "talk to father diodore" (aka cleric) task i got from the jupiter mechanic. and the quest to assault the laundromat is titled "find and kill degtyarev" and isnt spawning the squad when i go to the location.


Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Faction Based Economy

! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\faction_trade_ui.script(41) : CloseHarukaTradeWindow
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] ...anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\faction_trade_ui.script(53) : func_or_userdata
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script(246) : make_callback
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(119) : SendScriptCallback
! [LUA] 5 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(169) : Unregister_UI
! [LUA] 6 : [Lua] ...mes/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\ui_inventory.script(3786) : Close
! [LUA] 7 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(231) : hide_hud_all
! [LUA] 8 : [Lua] ...s/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\npc_loot_claim.script(163) : func_or_userdata
! [LUA] 9 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script(246) : make_callback
! [LUA] 10 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(119) : SendScriptCallback
! [LUA] 11 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(147) : Register_UI
! [LUA] 12 : [Lua] ...mes/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\ui_inventory.script(130) : originalUIinvenory_start
! [LUA] 13 : [Lua]\gamedata\scripts\zzz_ea_addon_backpack.script(212) : ui_inventory_start
! [LUA] 14 : [Lua] ...5.1.2\gamedata\scripts\zz_npc_loot_claim_softcore.script(85) : start
! [LUA] 15 : [Lua] ...mes/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\ui_inventory.script(3144) :
! [LUA] 16 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script(248) : make_callback
! [LUA] 17 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(119) : SendScriptCallback
! [LUA] 18 : [Lua] ...mes/anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\xr_motivator.script(423) :
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\faction_trade_ui.script:41: attempt to index field 'haruka_trader_supply_level' (a nil value)


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 204
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\faction_trade_ui.script:41: attempt to index field 'haruka_trader_supply_level' (a nil value)

while pressing F on corpse

stack trace:

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Simple Bear Detector Recolor

what weapon repo is that?

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Psy stress v0.0.5b, v0.8.3 and v1.00.01

this is one of my favorite addons. thank you!

is there a way to give "negative telepathic boost" so i take psy damage if eating ****** food, like old meat or mutant meat?

i added something like this
boost_time = 1
boost_telepat_protection = -0.1

but it doesnt seem to work, even though it shows -100% resist in the tooltip

Good karma+2 votes
plainman - - 93 comments @ ☢️ Autumn Season Redux (03.06.2022)


[error]Expression : SG
[error]Function : CRender::model_CreateParticles
[error]File : r4.cpp
[error]Line : 683
[error]Description : Particle effect or group doesn't exist
[error]Arguments : ghost_particles\weapons\flame_eft_smg

stack trace:

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Warfare ALife Overhaul 1.4.2

Jupiter/Zaton seem very empty. Does it open up after the brain scorcher is disabled?

there are zero human squads on either map, i'm about two weeks into my file.

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Smart Stalkers

hey, thanks for giving me credit. just came back to playing this mod last night and added this without realizing it was my own file. I forgot that the npcs are really brutal with these settings.

I ended up going with the m_stalker file in this mod. it feels pretty balanced :

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air

i have uncalibrated helmet and i made it inside the lab just last night with no issues.

do you have psi protection on any of your armor? i got the 50%+ psi protection upgrade on my gas mask and i'm unaffected by all psi fields now

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air


Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air

just got into lab x-16 in yantar. the gate to get inside was an absolute circus due to this mods mutant AI. the anomalies are so thick around there that they all just suicided, including the controller.

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

awesome. compatible with back to the roots?

Good karma+2 votes
plainman - - 93 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

havent checked this out in a few weeks, the progress is wild.

any plans to incorporate some of the graphics enhancements from dead air?

Good karma+2 votes
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air Tweaks

can you describe these changes a little bit more? thanks!

Weapon tweaks, recoil etc.
Removed atmosfear changes

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air

I think they changed the tonemap settings

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air

I've been playing the new patch without issue...

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air

i only noticed this after patching, but i'm having some shadows not render in full sharpness until i get within a certain radius. i tried messing with r2_sun values in user.ltx but it hasn't changed anything. any ideas on how to fix this? its as distracting as texture pop in...

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air

well i guess i'll be using my aks47u and quest-reward sawed off mosin for the whole run

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air

they still wont shoot at more than like 25m

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air

does anyone know how to change faction relations settings? I don't like how i can't fight the mercenaries without turning the ecologists into enemies.

Good karma+2 votes
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air Tweaks

okay, i remember trying out your initial edit. one pistol round to the leg kills unarmored stalkers so i think the balance is kinda funky. i like the non-creature folder edits however.


Good karma+2 votes
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air Tweaks

what kind of. changes did you make to weapons? stronger or weaker overall, or different directions depending on type?

Good karma+2 votes
plainman - - 93 comments @ AI Vision/Awareness and Damage Resistance Increase

Pretty sure this m_stalker doesn't change anything related to damage from the default but I could be wrong. I cobbled it together from other mods (maybe just Anomaly, I can't remember now) and I don't know if there's anything related to damage values in that file.

Edit: I would try just using m_stalker and ignoring immunities.ltx. Let me know if you feel like enemies have too much health.

Good karma+1 vote
plainman - - 93 comments @ AI Vision/Awareness and Damage Resistance Increase

Without the vision changes?

Good karma+3 votes
plainman - - 93 comments @ Dead Air

hit f5 at a lit campfire

Good karma+1 vote