Comment History  (0 - 30 of 194)
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes: Hard Reset Released

The stand alone is set up for Vulkan by default.
Delete the .ini file in the resources folder and restart.

Good karma+2 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes: Stand Alone Version 1.04

go into the resources folder and delete the .ini file.

Good karma+1 vote
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's **** and Suck".

Good karma+4 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063


Good karma+2 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

Hard Reset will answer this question.

Good karma+4 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

It was. Unfortunately (for reasons I can't discuss) the guy making it had to put it on indefinite hold.

Good karma+5 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

Ultimate Doom Builder for level design/scripting.
SLADE for non-level scripting/ pretty much everything else.
Many tutorials are available online.

Good karma+4 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

There is an old and crusty version based on the pre-enriched edition.
Address if you want it:

Good karma+2 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

Some people have done that already as you can see in the file and addon sections.

We don't care what you do so long as credit is given and you don't try to monetize it.

Good karma+1 vote
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

Yes, it's a bug.

Good karma+2 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

Do whatever you want friend, all we ask for is credit.

Good karma+3 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Iron Assault

I appreciate your persistence lol
Not much to say unfortunately, I haven't had the time or the mood to work on IA for quite some time now.

Good karma+1 vote
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes Voxel Pickup Models v1.5

Nice job man!

Good karma+9 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

The only difficulty that has an ammo modifier is Survival, which cuts it in half. Apocalypse just has the standard amount of ammo.

Good karma+3 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

The map numbers don't mean anything.

Good karma+3 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

Open the console and try "take hazardsuitoverlay 10"

Good karma+3 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

It's possible HR will release this year.

Good karma+5 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

You can find them in the Afterglow .pk3 using SLADE, under sprites/effects/RJSHA1, RJSHA2 etc.

If you don't want to use SLADE you can also just open the .pk3 with most archive programs since it's basically a .zip file.

Good karma+2 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

Find the location of our compound, make it past the front gate and minefield without being shot, and then throw a brick wrapped with $20 at the front door (the windows are bulletproof so don't bother). We still won't take it but the gesture counts I guess.

Alternatively you can buy the soundtrack from Primevals bandcamp, he's a good lad and deserves some spending money.

Good karma+8 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

Yeah if the bike survives into Ep3, more careful level design is part of the plan.

Good karma+4 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063


We're pretty happy with the level of exposure we have frankly.

There are some things that would make putting this on Steam pretty awkward, so that's off the table (for now, anyway).

Good karma+6 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Announcing Ashes: Hard Reset

Out of over 100,000 people, you are the only person I've seen vocalize "issues" to this incredible extent.

Furthermore, other people who do bounce off the game seem to have the mental horsepower to realize it isn't for them, while you insist we completely change the game based on your misunderstanding of it.

You simply do not "get" the game, and it's hard to conceptualize a person who "gets" it less than you do. You are not the target audience and you never will be.

Leave us in peace.

Good karma+2 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Announcing Ashes: Hard Reset

If you get mad that not every story and world detail is explicitly spelled out for you, Ashes is not for you.

If you get mad about resource scarcity, that's a skill issue. There is plenty of health and ammo if you look for it and don't play like an idiot. Ashes is not for you.

If you get mad that using explosive weapons stupidly is dangerous to you (shocking!), then get good. Ashes is not for you.

No secret requires you to cheat or expects you to use an "obtuse" method of movement. Furthermore, if you don't understand what "secret" means, Ashes is not for you.

Based on this comment and the wonderful review you left us, Ashes is simply not for you and I feel 100% safe disregarding all of your feedback.

Good karma+3 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

There was another way into the yard via the pipeworks/tunnels, though with the roamers now hostile you wouldn't have been able to get the "optimal" ending.

You noclipped into an area you weren't supposed to be yet. The uptown scripting interprets this as you shooting your way in. I don't know what you expected to happen. Did you talk to the sheriff?

Good karma+4 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

Did you download the standalone? If so the file description clearly states it's Windows only.
To play Ashes on Mac you'll have to put it together yourself. Find and download the Mac version of GZDoom, get a copy of the Doom2/Freedoom2 iwad, and download the .pk3 version of Ashes.
Beyond that we aren't equipped to offer support for issues on Mac, sorry.

Good karma+2 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Announcing Ashes: Hard Reset

Yeah it's the same guy.

Good karma+3 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Ashes 2063

There's a lot of work to do before that would be acceptable.

Good karma+3 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Announcing Ashes: Hard Reset

No, HR will not have a hub system. Ep3 will.

We aren't going to dumb down anything, don't worry. But we are going to ensure things you need to progress the main quest aren't deeply nested in dialog trees and that quest progression is clearly communicated to the player. The best example of both issues is the Roamer Junkyard where there are easily missable dialogs you need to progress and badly communicated environmental progression things (ie, the bombs).

Good karma+6 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Announcing Ashes: Hard Reset

Thanks for the kind words.

Good karma+12 votes
ReformedJoe - - 198 comments @ Announcing Ashes: Hard Reset

You are very welcome :)

Good karma+7 votes