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Comment History
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Scenario

Tons of fun playing this, and really impressed by the technical level displayed here, thanks a lot!

Good karma+3 votes
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ BioRand: A Resident Evil Randomizer

This is AMAZING! Thank you so much for this, it's just so much fun.

Good karma+2 votes
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Resident Evil 2: Kendo's Cut

Man, it was already a 10/10 mod you didn't have to add the Claire side, but wow, I'm so glad you did.

The humor, little details,everything, outstanding. Of course it's random/shitposting(?) humor, but it's so well done!

I don't think OG RE2 had me scared so many times with jumpscares, I don't know if they were intentional, but I was going from jumpscared to laughing all the time
And that story? That ending? I don't know what to say, just 10/10

What a rollercoaster of emotions, lmao. I'm a huge FFVIII fan so out of all the unexpected stuff (and there's plenty) that's what got me most.

I finished and now I feel empty, was I supposed to feel like this? Hahahaha.

Really, thanks a lot for the mod, had a blast.

Good karma+3 votes
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Resident Evil 3 Overhaul Mod (SOURCENEXT)

Version 1.1.3 solves any issue I had with the original release, it's AWESOME. Being able to trust the dodge and shove solves any balance issues I had earlier, it's now though but fair.

I had a ton of fun, and made what I already thought it was the best RE3 mod even better. This is a 10/10 mod and even though we're a small niche of gaming, I couldn't be happier that a incredible dev dedicate his time to make something like this.

Thanks again, Komizo!

Good karma+2 votes
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Resident Evil 3 Overhaul Mod (SOURCENEXT)

You and Matthewsaurusrex are right, sorry, edit out that part. I was fully aware I didn't tested/searched enough, so I kinda figured it that could happen.

I won't even suggest anything, I'm totally confident in your artistic vision for this and I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Good karma+1 vote
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Resident Evil 3 Overhaul Mod (SOURCENEXT)

True, I've reloaded a save to confirm. Thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Resident Evil 3 Overhaul Mod (SOURCENEXT)

Haven't used to "cheat" in that way, but I did encounter a bug where an item didn't spawn for me and used your table to edit inventory.

One set of 3 items, Item 1 was ID 71 and Item 3 was 73 so I just edited ID 72 in it,lol. Thanks for the table, saved my playthrough.

Good karma+1 vote
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Resident Evil 3 Overhaul Mod (SOURCENEXT)

It's one of the most ******** unbalanced stuff I've ever played, but it's SO DAMN FUN, hahaha.

Just wanted to thank you for the mod Komizo, just left a gigantic review and hope to provide some useful input. I've been playing this for 3 days, whenever I wasn't working or sleeping, this mod was on. Had a ton of fun!

Good karma+2 votes
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Resident Evil 2 - Marvin's Mod

Just finished Normal mode, incredible mod, tons of fun! Going for Hard mode later today. Left a well deserved 10/10 review. Didn't want to write a wall of text and still wrote a lot, hahaha. So many changes and cool concepts, down to stuff I assume people will barely notice. Awesome attention to detail. Thanks for this!

Good karma+1 vote
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Resident Evil 2 Overhaul Mod (SOURCENEXT)

Hey Komizo! First of all, thanks a lot for the mod, I loved it!
But, unfortunatelly, I think I caught a bug... The left part of the Blue Stone on Claire B isn't spawning for me. Maybe there's a pre-requisite I didn't do?

I've found a playthrough on youtube that shows the location;

2:38:00 of this video:

I've uploaded a video of my own, since the load screen to prove the issue.
Here's the link

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks again!

Good karma+1 vote
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Perfected Doom 3

I see, I'll take a look solo anyways since it looks so good and maybe coop some other time.
Thanks for taking the time to reply!

Good karma+2 votes
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Perfected Doom 3

Hey VGames, first of all, thanks for the mod, awesome work. Even without playing I can see that is one hell (hehe) of a passion project.

That being said, I'm trying to convince my friend to play D3 coop, and your mod looks like a perfect fit. We all played the vanilla game back in the day, so the changes are welcome.

Is this mod compatible with any coop mods? (OpenCoop, LMS) I don't mind getting technical with the setup processes if needed (like merging/unpacking files and stuff like that).

Thanks in advance!

Good karma+1 vote
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Zombie Panic! Source

Played since 2009 (yes 2 years after release :/), got over 1000 hours of gameplay,lol.

ZP!S is Mod of the year every year for me :D

Thanks and good luck with the mod and with Contagion!

Good karma+4 votes
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Nightmare House 2

Ahn,sorry for the ( probably) stupid question but...

Do I need EP:2 specifically to play this?

Good karma+1 vote
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Resident evil 3.5 alternate

Hey, great work so far, definitely tracking !

Good luck on the project guys! =)

Good karma+1 vote
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Proyect-Z Beta 1.4.1 (outdated)


Still no selling system...

I really look forward to play this game again,but until i can stop feeling like a failed merchant...not a chance.

"Ammo here"
"Selling cheap ammo"
"Trading ammo"

Geez , what a torture!

The game is awesome anyway, i just can't stand it the way it is right now. >.<

Well, don't get me wrong , it's a beta, so, well, i'll just wait ^^

Good karma+1 vote
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Proyect-Z

Yeah, but i'm playing this for a few weeks and i spend more time TRYING to sell my stuff than actually playing the game...

Selling things for other people it's hard, and plus we have spanish and english to difficult some more...

So... yeah it DOES need a selling system ASAP

Good karma+1 vote
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Proyect-Z

This guy just said everything, haha

Of course we know that you guys are just getting started, but correcting those issues that "1010011101" just said would improve A LOT the mod =)

Great idea for mod by the way, it's pretty awesome!

Looking forward for more ^^

( I'll advertise this for life when you guys correct those things )

Cheers from Brazil o/

Good karma+1 vote
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Bloodlines: Antitribu

Looks awesome, got tracked =)

Sure thing i'll play it , the idea is excelent, the descrpitions and screenshots are totally awesome too

Looking forward to play it!

All i can say is, thank you! xD

Good karma+2 votes
SeiferLeonheart - - 20 comments @ Outbreak: Condemned

WOW this is pure WIN!

This is amazing

BGM,menu sounds, even this video with the safe, showing it opening slowly just like in RE

I 've almost could see it in front of a black screen,lol

Really , i can't even put to words how this is THE TRUE RE STYLE

By the time we didn't know how it would be RE4 , if someone showed me this, i'd buy it on spot

Geez, can't wait to play this..

Good karma+1 vote