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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 40)
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Arsenal Overhaul 3.1 (v.5)

Unofficial version of this addon packed for Call of Chernobyl 1.5r6 & 1.5r7:

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ NPC Build Style mod V1.5

(...прошу прощение за мою грамматику - вырос и живу не в России...)

Я бы не стал удалять (любые) модели NPC...
НО! Всё равно скачиваю твой пак, так как у меня появились некоторыйе идеи...

Поставил из принцыпа оценку '8' - а то по крайней мере по описанию работа сожрала не мало времени (а то до меня средний бал явлался всего лишь '5.5') - если мне понравитса, дам соответственно больше :)

Кстати(!) если ты разбераешся в 3D-моделировании (мне нужно особенно оружия, но не с нуля) - я сам работаю над «репаком» CoC (только движок 1.5r6, может ешё «переиду» на 1.5r7) - я сам кстати программист - но и работаю немного с 2D-графикой т.е. HUD, иконки, текстуры :)

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ New Backpacks Models v2 [ CoC 1.5R6 ]

These meshes & textures, this new backpack-add-on have a solid look. I've just downloaded it and will rate it after testing it in-game, i.e. "live" ;)

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ The Zone Next Door - Zaton at dusk

"That magical time of day when everything looks beautiful." - I fully agree, especially in real life! Although I prefer darkness aesthetically over light, I've to admit, that (at least when the compared sunrises/sunsets are clear and (almost) cloud-free enough - in such cases you may experience as well that despite your personal associations between darkness/night/the-unknown/mysticism/magic[k] even may drown the whole scene, landscape, not to mention the atmosphere far more from a clear sunrise into the same, unchanged and bright, but emitting yet even more of something magic[k], mystic...

Sorry for this wall-of-text - I wish I just could get some link to any kind of tutorial - whether it's some PDF/eBook, or just few well documented webpages, a collection of links (to tutorials big but easy to comprehend (as I am interested or video done in English, German or Russian - luckily, the actual format isn't that much important to me: The delivered information (provided by the lesson/tutorial/how-to/media contains) and structuring of it ideally...

Good karma+2 votes
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ New reticle scopes for Arsenal Overhaul that *that* little work or is GIMP (my favorite for 2D-graphics, textures & icons.., is still GIMP (currently 2.10 on Debian Trixie)...

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ [Modding] Call of Chernobyl 1.4 SDK Files

Does someone had success using the level editor? Although I am playing Stalker and using modding tools over Linux/WINE, for some reason the LevelEditor.exe (and most other editors in the same directory) are crashing already after 1-3 seconds while the splash screen is shown...

Some people said that "even on Windows the SDK doesn't work"...but, despite that, somehow different modders are releasing their projects from time to time...

I'd really love to find a way to edit some maps in CoC :/

Good karma+2 votes
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ NPC weapon damage [CoC 1.5 R6]

Interesting concept...will try it out somewhen,

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Bullet Time

Haha I just watched the videos and laughed :D

Mahzra, you are the best! :D

Made my day :)

Good karma+2 votes
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ ReShade Hex3 Edit (Insane Look)

Okay - now I have a this ReShade add-on (or reshade add-ons in general!) somehow usable on DX9? In other words: is there a way to make this - or other ReShade-Addons in general - to work when using "DirectX 9 (Enhanced)" / "renderer_r2.5"? My graphics card & settings are absolutely satisfying, there are other reasons why I can't play using DX10/DX11 as renderers instead...

(till now, the game crashed just few sec. after the splash screen; haven't even seen the main menu...)

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Better Monolith Suits - urban camo continued

"I always considered it really disturbing that the Monolith suits are supposed to unite natural and urban colours, despite the fact that these colours have an obvious contrast to each other."

You're right. And you must living somewhere, anyway outside the post-Soviet countries (not counting the Baltic ones, as they afaik weren't that terrible urbanized like f.e. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.) - f.e. I am from Siberia and even after living 90% of my life in the "tidy and clean" Germany, I am experiencing moments of love (or rather nostalgia to Siberia) if I see empty, abandoned industrial buildings which are fallen back into the kingdom of nature, so I am loving personally the contrast of sterile industry and wild(!!) and ranked(?) nature...even here in "tidy Germany" where people try to keep both strictly separated ;)

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ ReShade Hex3 Edit (Insane Look)

maaan the screenshots on imgur...I'll still to have to install the actual add-on, but man...this reminds me my homeplace (I am from Siberia - the sky, THE DAMN BEAUTIFUK SKY!'ll never ever see the same somewhere else!

...except after installing your add-on, maybe! :) If it works, I'll vote it 10/10.

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Mods auf deutsch diese Gruppe denn noch aktiv? :)

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ [STCoP Weapon Pack] bandits weapon pack

btw. I think that this line points to the problem...I am using AO3 as my primary weapon pack while your add-on is afaik based on the StCOP weapon pack?

This line ("Different bone count" <- !!)

! VERIFY_FAILED: SkeletonMotions.cpp[136] {motions_value::load} part_bone_cnt == (u16)bones->size() Different bone count '%s' dynamics\weapons\wpn_ak74u\wpn_ak74u_hud_animation.omf

...points to the problem, I think...but I am stuck and I don't know how to solve this issue :S

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ [STCoP Weapon Pack] bandits weapon pack

Nu zdarova... although this addon introduces only three "broken" weapons, I like your idea very much! It is like a little puzzle-piece for any CoC-Mod/-repack that wants to add more atmosphere and some kind of realism.

BUT...I am playing and modding Call of Chernobyl 1.5r6...
Both 7.62x39mm guns (AK-104 with folded stock and AKMS with folded or without stock) - they work without any problems.

But the AKS-74u w/o stock causes a crash, immediately after game-start (you don't even spawn, it crashes if it gets loaded).

"Unhandled Exception, see log, blah blah" (I have cut out the repeating lines)

! VERIFY_FAILED: c:\13\engine coc 1.5 r6 (remake)\src\xrcore\_stl_extensions.h[145] {xr_vector<unsigned short,class xalloc<unsigned short> >::operator []} _Pos < size() index is out of range: index requested[14], size of container[10]
! VERIFY_FAILED: c:\13\engine coc 1.5 r6 (remake)\src\xrcore\_stl_extensions.h[145] {xr_vector<unsigned short,class xalloc<unsigned short> >::operator []} _Pos < size() index is out of range: index requested[13], size of container[10]
! VERIFY_FAILED: c:\13\engine coc 1.5 r6 (remake)\src\xrcore\_stl_extensions.h[145] {xr_vector<unsigned short,class xalloc<unsigned short> >::operator []} _Pos < size() index is out of range: index requested[12], size of container[10]
! VERIFY_FAILED: SkeletonMotions.cpp[122] {motions_value::load} *b_it != BI_NONE Can't find bone: joint6
Can't find bone: joint4
! VERIFY_FAILED: c:\13\engine coc 1.5 r6 (remake)\src\xrcore\_stl_extensions.h[145] {xr_vector<unsigned short,class xalloc<unsigned short> >::operator []} _Pos < size() index is out of range: index requested[10], size of container[10]
! VERIFY_FAILED: SkeletonMotions.cpp[122] {motions_value::load} *b_it != BI_NONE [...] Can't find bone: grenade
[...] Can't find bone: wpn_launcher
[...] Can't find bone: stocklock
[...] Can't find bone: stock1
[...] Can't find bone: fireselect
! VERIFY_FAILED: SkeletonMotions.cpp[136] {motions_value::load} part_bone_cnt == (u16)bones->size() Different bone count '%s' dynamics\weapons\wpn_ak74u\wpn_ak74u_hud_animation.omf
! VERIFY_FAILED: SkeletonMotions.cpp[198] {motions_value::load} bone_id != BI_NONE Invalid remap index.

I'd like to fix this, but I am an absolute noob when it comes to 3D-Modelling...
Can you help me, please? Ot dushy proshu :)

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Alternative Icons

Hi, I gave you 9/10 - the icons are not that in my taste, BUT - I just got fascinated by those small, yet minimal, yet excellent readable fonts for your icons you are using.
Honestly, have you created them yourself? ;) if not - could you be so kind and tell me (via PM or in the comments here if you want).
I'd give you some credits for (your font etc.) of course (after my mod/repack will be ready, I am working on gameplay/scripting/configs/import-of-meshes-and-sounds yet :)
I'd be very thankful if you would authorize this!

Best regards! :)


Good karma0 votes
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Maid's Vanilla HD Icons

Not my taste (the icons), BUT!..

I like the minimalist, ultra-thin font you are using for the icons as a kind of "sub-titles". Respect man, although the icons don't "hit my taste", I'd like to rate your artwork 9/10...Can you give me a hint where you found this font?

Don't worry, I am modding neither Anomaly nor Misery, I am still an CoC/CotZ-addict and would give you some credits of course :)

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Real Last Names [1.2]

Maybe someone would say that this is just some playing around and nothing special...

BUT Fµ<K!NG REMEMBER IF WE WHO ARE LIVING IN EUROPE AND ARE HALF-IDIOTS, HALF-LOOSERS LIKE ME, BECAUSE I CAN'T HELP TO THOSE MANY, MANY POOR refugees ("real refuggees" bc I am seeing > 90% only women and their children in contrast to 2014/15 when Germany was overflooded by "young men with smartphones"...

As one of 10-20% of Russians who'd like to not poison, not shoot, not stab this so-called Pideras with a capital letter (nothing against homosexuals from my side, but something against faqq0ts like Putin who started this senseless and absolutely absurd war, which destroys Ukraine (but not Russia - he has ruined the country of Russian people during over the last two decades - that's one of the reasons why so many of my...I'm ashamed to even say it..."country fellows" I'd like to kill myself whose f<k!ng is way more okay with killing, raping, looting ******* TOILET LIDS...

TL;DR: Respect such add-ons, don't underestimate the main language of the orig. creators which is NOT Russian anymore - and even I am sad, I understand their reactions. I doubt that the most part of Ukrainians won't forget this half-genocide the Russian Army did this country while their own country IS DROWNING IN **** (because of "minus-humans" in the east consisting of Russians - unfortunately they are still alive and destroying because supporting the RF armed forces (which even are too weak and disorganized...because they don't have any own will, instead, they are W|-|0R€$ of the Kremlin.

Just changed my rating of 08/10 to 10/10 for this add-on.
Peace (and luck and success to Ukrainian people to kick out those Russian rogues, sµbhµ...s from Russian Federation.

Sorry for this offtopic and rant. But I'm afraid that after 1-3 years of war the west (ESPECIALLY GERMANY, WHERE I AM LIVING SINCE 1993; AROUND STUPID, AMORAL SCUM WHO ARE LYING NON-STOP (TO Ukr. Gov.) INSTEAD OF SUPPORT THE UKRAINIAN FORCES).

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Riot_Gin's Outfit addon development files

did you have the password for the archive to extract the contents then?..

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ STCoP 2.8 for Call of Chernobyl 1.5 R6 - R7 there some newer StCoP pack now which was ported to CoC 1.5r6?..

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Ukrainian Voices 1.6.3 [1.4.22/1.5b r6]

Great add-on. Funny comparison video - I love it :)
10/10 Slava Geroyam!

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ GuitarNext v.1.0

"self recorded" = always 10/10 on principle to support all creative people!

btw greetings from a fellow (e-)guitarist :)

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Voice Fixes 1.0.3 [1.5b r6]

Do you think it is somehow possible to mix both packs? Would be cool imo if in the zone there would be factions, NPCs, situations, where (rather) Russian, English with accent or Ukrainian is you have maybe an idea about this?

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Voice Fixes 1.0.3 [1.5b r6]

Spasibo, horoshaya ideya :)

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Payday dynamic music

if this includes "Gun Metal Grey" from part 1 & part 2, this needs to be rated 10/10

on the other hand, these music tracks are...not "desperate" enough for the zone. Still, I gave you 10/10 :)

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Smurth's Dynamic Hud v3.2.2.8 (1.4.22+ AO, ...)

Awesome. Legendary. No ****, one can't say anything but: Thank you for your hard work.

(I am currently "learning" Blender/B4Artists and I am failing already to apply textures to models, so I guess I can imagine how much time the creator invested).

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Riot_Gin's Outfit addon development files

thanks. let's hope that they are ready to help us out...

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ [Modding] Call of Chernobyl 1.4 SDK Files

I agree - because there are new quests, level changes, item expansions, changes in game mechanics and much more as well. STALKER needs more than just a weapon pack ;-)

Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Sweet Bread (Сладкий Хлеб)


Good karma+1 vote
SevenChalices - - 40 comments @ Dux's Innumerable Character Kit [1.9.9C]

Impressive artwork, man! 3500 different looking NPC models sounds like a crazy huge number...I haven't really got the PC to play Anomaly (yet), so my stupid question is: How many kinds of NPC models are there by default in Anomaly?..

Good karma+1 vote