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RSS Reviews


Game review may contain spoilers

Since Indie DB deleted my review. Here's my shorter version:
Poor PC configure. Crashes often and infuriatingly.
Pictures ripped straight from Google Images.
No Strategy needed.
Not a realistic YouTube simulator.
Robot Invasions. F*** them to high hell. Also highly infurating. Remove them, please.
Game is WAY too easy.
Game is also boring.
Play Game Dev Tycoon instead. Only $10 and works :)
(It seems I'm the only one here who hates this game, odd...)


Love Sniper

Game review

Ladies and gentlemen.

Hours, literally, hours, wasted. Of repeting. And repeting.

Is there anything to gain from this? No.

Please, everyone. For the sake of Desura. Try. Try at your games. This is the second game I've played that's bad. The other was Kill Craft 2.

But, this, takes the cake.

I think it's easier to not bother getting this. Then to try to get what's going on in this rushed title.


Kill Craft 2 (Free to play!)

Game review

What happened, Zombie genre? You used to be brilliant. But now, we're stuck with THIS. Kill Craft 2.
I've read the reviews, and apparently it's Minecraft and Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies put together. I've played both, and I can say that it's NOT like Minecraft and Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies!
For starters, yes, the game is in Alpha, but still, take a page out of Counter-Strike's book; playtest the game, and, for the love of god, please tell us what to do!
It makes no sence, believe me, I tried. But, I didn't bother. What I did do, was freaking wait for an hour to end a round!
Seriously, after round 5, they take 3 hits to kill (with a pickaxe), and too much on round 9! Also, the hell bonus level (I think that's the one) is WAY too hard, the big guys set you on fire and all the others decide to go all over you, in the standard rounds, all you had to do was run.
And another thing, the models look more of the same, I know, Left 4 Dead done that too, but there were a lot of models, not in Kill Craft, even one that looked ripped from Minecraft!
I know I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but honestly. More maps, add everything to the store(seriously, weps cannot be bought, and god help me with the furnace), add "make your own skins," some music (hell, I'll do it myself if I have to,) and, lower the difficulty a tad, would you please?
Alright, I admit, it was a little fun, especially in the early levels where everything was easy and "get ready," but in the later levels, well, I already said why. Stanima needs to be worked as well, depletes way too quickly, drains even when doing nothing, and damages you if it's too low.
Now, before you accuse me of hating this game because it's too difficult, I do like a good challenge (ever played Cry of Fear at night? Scary, ain't it?) but come on, it's a difficulty spike gone wrong!

Anyways, 3/10 for...

+ Zombies.

+ Indie.

- Zombies.

- Confusing Gameplay.

- Annoying difficulty spike.

- Linier map, zombies, and weps.