Commander Survival Kit (short C.S.K.) is the official Project Name of the Reinforcement and Fire Support Manager Sim Mod for the Game Supreme Commander Forged Alliance. This Sim Mod adds two new Managers into the game, which makes it possibile to call Reinforcements and Weapon Barrages as Fire Support. This gives the Player new Options to interact with the Game directly and help his Units/Armies in Battle with additional Units or Backup. Commander Survival Kit: Units (short C.S.K.: Units) is the upcoming official Unit Pack of this Project. It will introduce several new Units, Interesting Concepts and Features. Commander Survival Kit: Research (short C.S.K.: Research) is an upcoming Sim Mod, which introduce an advanced Research System for each Faction. The Player will have access to several different Research Trees to Research and Unlock Techlevels, Units and other Features in the Game.

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First release and upcoming Plans



Hello everyone,
today I'm glad to inform you the first official Version of the Commander Survival Kit has arrived.
After several Months of development it is finally here to see the light of the World and its Players.
You can download it here:

And on the FAF Modvault

Tutorial Videos:
If you want to check out the Mod in an visual Preview.
Here are a few nice Dimonstation Videos:

These Videos are appear ingame in the Helpcenter as Tutorial Videos.

What are the next Plans?:
First of all new types of Air strikes will appear in the next Version.
For example a callabe Swarm of Torpedo Bombers or an powerful callabe AP Bomb Strike againts Buildings.

Next to of this a few Heavy Carpet Bomber Air strikes will be reworked.
The Rework will include the appearence of new types of Heavy Bombers such as:

Render 1Render 2

Of course some new Air Crafts and other new Units will appear for each Factions.
For example an new Tech 3 Ground Attack Fighter for the UEF.


Dropable Turrets and Buff Devices:

The Fire Support Manager will be expanded with new equipment in the future.
Some dropable Defenses will appear in the Mod for each faction.
Compared to the regular Turrets these new Defenses are coming with two new core Features:
Enhancement Upgrades
Defense Engineering Suit(Builds addional Defenses arround the Turret)

Next to of this you be able to buff your Land Units or Structures with some Buffs.
For example additional Health, Regeneration, Rate of Fire Buff or damage Buff for Weapons.

New Units as Reinforcements
A few selected Units from other popular Unit Mods will appear as new Land and Air Reinforcments
These Mods are Brewlan, 4th- Dimension, Blackops and a few others
Of course i will create a few new Units as well.

Regarding to FAF the Nomads will recive their Reinforcments and Fire Support Manager as well
So you can expect some Nomads stuff in the Future.

And probalby More (maybe Naval Reinforcements...)

All in all
The Mod itself is an good Stage so far and some interesting things are on the horizon.
Stay tuned for more and have fun with the first Release.
See you soon.

Best regards

Progress Report (December 2022)


Hello everyone,
I hope you all had an nice Cristmas.
This Article informs you about the current Development Progress.
Additionally it informs you about the Status regarding to the First Release and about the future Plans.

What happenend to the old Release Date:
The first Release was orignally set on 31 December 2022.
However I have decide to move the Release of the first Version to the first quarter of 2023.
That means a new Release date will be announced in January.

Here the reasons for this Decision:
First of all the Development of the additional Sections for the Fire Support Manager takes more time as expected. Second instead releasing a mod with unfinish Content i want to make sure to finish the 3 Latest Sections for the Fire Support Manager. The latest thing is I want to do an Final Test to check its functionality to fix Balance Issues and Bugs before the Mod goes live.

What is planned to appear in the first Version:

Reinforcement Manager
Land Reinforcments
Air Reinforcments
Space Reinforcements (Needs FBP Orbital)

Fire Support Manager

Rapid Fire (In Development)
Beam (In Development)
Special (In Development)

If anything is finished the first Release will be published.

What about the Natural Desasters?
The Natural Desasters will appear in the third Release.

Some of them are still in Development and will appear in the Fire Support Manager later.
You can check out these Videos as an Preview:




What is planned for the Second Release?
Reinforcment Manager:
New Land and Air Reinforcements will be added to this Manager
The Reinforcments are from thse follwing Mods: Brewlan, 4th Dimension and Blackops.
The Units itself are not included in this Mod directly but an Support will be added to it.

Fire Support Manager:
Two new Sections: Field Booster and Field Defenses.

Field Booster:
This Section gives your Access to dropable Booster Pods.
These small Structures gives HP, Regeneration, Rate of Fire or damage Buffs to your Units.

Field Defenses
This Section gives your access to dropable Defenses.
These new types of Defense Turrets are smaller an weaker then their regular Counterparts.
However they can be Upgraded with additional Weapons, Abilities and Defense Systems.

What has been devloped in the latest Months?

The reinforcment manager has get an Interface Rework.
Some new Icons and an Info Window has been added to it:

Cybran Button Rework

Cybran Button Rework2

The Same goes for the Fire Support Manager as well:

Fire Support Manager Rework3

Regarding to the Reinforcement Manager:
Any Land Reinforcment will be spawned by Drop Capsules.
That means if the Drop Capsule hits the Ground Layer the requested Land Unit will be spawned.
Here are few examples:

UEF Drop Capsule:

UEF Dropcapsule

Cybran Drop Capsule:

Cybran Dropcapsule

Three new sections for the Fire Support Manager:

These Sections are currently in Development.

Rapid Fire:
Gives the Player the option to call Rapid Fire Artillery Barrages.
Compared to regular Artilllery Shells the Projectiles are Laser, Plasma or Energy Based.
The Damage output is lower of these Projectiles.
And the Barrages will fire a larger amount of Projectiles.
This Screentshot presents you the callable Rapid Fire Barrages of the UEF:

Rapid Fire Artillery

Gives the Player the option to call movable or stationary Beams.
Each Faction has get their own Individual callabe Beam Set.
Xenon Beam of the Aeon is an callable Movable Laser Beam:

Aeon Beam

As an example the Aeon have the Stationary Tendium Beam Barrage:
This is an hybrid of two Weapons
A Tendium Laser Beam with an low Damage output
And an concentrated Tendium Energy Projectile which causes an huge Explosion.
Any enemy Unit will be destroyed in this Explosion Range.

Aeon Stationary Beam1

Aeon Stationary Beam2

This Section is soon in development.
It will contains these following callalbe Weapon Barrages:
Napalm, Acid, Nanites and Dimensional

Faction: UEF.
Its Shells will cause Napalm Explsions with an addinal Field of Fire.
So prepare yourself to burn some enemy Vehicles and Structures.

Faction: Aeon
Acid is already used by the Miasma Tech 2 Artillery.
If the Miasma Artillery Shell hits the Ground a Green Cloud will be spawned.
This Cloud causes Damage to enemy Units over the Time.
The Aeon are using an naother type of Weapon with an Similar Effect.
And this will be be introduced to their Special Section.

Faction Cybran
Small Robots will be unleashed by an Capsule.
These Robots will be able to Damage enemy Units and Repair Ally Units in their Range.

Dimensional Weapons:
Faction Seraphim
Absorbed Energy from other Dimensions will be spawned on the map.
The Energy will causes an Stun effect to enemy Units.
Howecvcer the Energy will be instable after some time and causes an Explosion.

I hope that gives you an nice Overview about the Development Progress for this Mod.
Stay tuned for the Announcement of the new Release Date for the First Version.
And this time it will be published for sure. ;)

If you have any Suggestions, Ideas or something else let me know in the Comment Section.
Or Join the official Discord Server of this Mod:

Best regards

Introduction and FAQ


Moddb Icon

Hello Commanders,
welcome to General Information acticle regarding to this Project.

Below you will find an General FAQ about this Mod:

What is the Commander Survival Kit?
The Commander Survival Kit (short C.S.K.) is an new upcoming UI mod, which adds two interesting Managers into the game. The Reinforcement and Fire Support Manager will give the player new Options to interact with the Game more. In this Case he will be able to call Units as Reinforcements to expand his Army or if he is in Danger to use them as Backup. With the Fire Support manager the Player will have an direct influence in the battle as before. He will be able to call Artillery, Missile and several other callable Weapon barrages to support his Army with addiitonal Fire Support or improve his own Defense.

Both Managers

Where is this Idea coming from (Origins)?
The main idea of both Managers is coming from the Game World in Conflict.
This Game has an integrated Reinforcement and Fire Support Manager, which does actually the Same thing as above but of course with some difference. The concept to integrate these managers into Supcom/Forged Alliance was in my personal archives since my Start as an Modder. But my lack about Coding was the reason to add this Concept to my archives. Until now... Originally the Reinforcement manager was planned to appear as an exclusive Feature in my upcoming Space Mod FBP Orbital, which is currently in Development. However to prevent FBP Orbital to be much complex regarding to its Code in the future. I have decided to make an new Mod which contains both Managers directly as an Standalone Mod.

When its Release?
The first Version of this Mod will be released in december (between Christmas and New Year)

Where it will be Release?
Here on Moddb and on the FAF Modvault.

For which Gameversions is this Mod designed for?
This Mod will be compatible for all Gameversions of the Game.
For Steam/Retail, FAF and LOUD

Is this Mod compatible with Unit Mods:
This Mod is basically an UI Mod.
The Callable Weapon Barrages (Artillery, Missile and so on) are stationary Air Units without an Model.
These are the only new Units in this Mod so far
It is compatible with all Unit Mods.
But UI Mods should be uesed carefully since I'dont have check them out so far.

For which Gamemodes is this Mod desinged for?
Survival mode (FAF Only)
Campaign (requieres the Campaign Mod eneabler)

Is this Mod in Early Access?
Yes it is currently avaiable in Early Access on my Github Repository:

Will there be an detailed Guide/Tutorial for both Managers?:
Yes I plan to write two detailed Articles to explain the functionallity of both Managers.
Additional Videos are possible as well.

How are these Managers working (short description)?
The current Reinforcement Manager, which is aviavlbe in early access at the moment is for air reinforcements. This manager works with an Wave system. so you have to wait several Minutes until the reinforcement Wave of 4 Air Units can be called. The Units are spawning on an random Location at the map Border and can be used by the Player after that. The Air transports have access to attached Prebuild Landunits, which gives you the oppertunity to use them for Land Ambushes as well.

Reinforcements arrive

The planned land Reinforcement manager will work similar like the Fire Support manager below.
But different with dropcapusles and teleport technology compared to weapon Projectiles and shells.

The Fire Support Manager is using an Point System.
These Tactical Points tranfered by your ACU HQ will be generate your point Collection over the Time.

Tactical Points

You can use them to buy some callable Weapon Barrages to support your Armies.
The Barrages are callable anywhere on the Map by clicking an specific Location.
However compared to the Reinforcement Units:
The Barrage Units will disappear after they have firing their projectiles.
make sure to place them in the near of the enemy Unit.
Not directly over or to far from it.
Several different types of Barrages are avalible:
Any of them have an different Strength and Point Cost.
So use them wise.
From Light, Medium, Regular Heavy to Experimental

Are there new Weapons planned to appear as callable Barrages?
Yes of course.
One of them are already created the Tactical Mini Nuke Missile.

Aeon Tactical  Mini Nuke

These Missiles are located between an regular Tactical Missile and their larger nuclear Cousins.
Compared to an regular Nuke thse Missiles can be shot down by TMD's.
Additionally there are Weaker and Smaller as Nukes but stronger then Tactical Missiles.
Of course some other Interesting Barrages like Rapid fire, Support or Special ones can be added to the Fire Support Manager in the Future. If you have any suggestions let me know for sure.

Why are no Experimentals avaiable as Reinforcements:
There are three main Reasons why they have been not added yet to this Manager:
Concept not sure
If the request are high for them I will add them later but they will be limited.

Why are no Naval Units available as Reinforecements:
Naval Units are difficult to be integrated yet.
Theoretical they could use the Wave system similar like the Air reinforecment Manager.
And with the random Spawn Position they could be spawn anywhere on the map.
The Problem acutally is that any Map is different regarding to its Terrian.
That means the water/ocean is located on different locations, which makes it hard to set the Spawn Points for naval Units as reinforcements. if i find a way in the future they will be added but for now no.

Will there be Units from other Mods availalbe as Reinforcements?:
Yes other Units from popular Mods (like Brewlan, 4th Dimension and Blackops) will appear in the manager as well. These Units will be not directly integrated into the Mod. But thier Blueprintfiles can be hooked/modified to work with the Manager.

What is currently in devlopment/planned for both Managers?
The land Reinforcement manager is planned to appear in the next upcoming Early Access Updates.
This manager will work similar like the Fire support manager with its own Point system.
With this you will be able to call land Units as reinforcements anywhere on the map with Dropcapsules or teleport technology. However each Unit will cost a specific amount of collected Points. So use them wise.

This article will be expanded from time to time
So make sure to check it out sometimes.

Best regards