This is the official Westeros Project revival mod, the original owner gave me and a few others rights to The Westeros Project and I intend to see this mod continued for "What is dead may never die" . Everything showcased here is an open source.

Post news Report RSS Ice and Fire Development Team Need You!

We need you! The mod has not died and we need new recruits to get it going again.

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Hello everyone!

I will keep the intro brief. Hi. I am Conesco3 a 3D modeler for this mod and I am here to recruit you! Yes. You! Now. This mod has somewhat gone silent which is kinda unfortunate due to people having other commitments and so forth.

However. We are trying to get the wheels moving again and get some stuff done. To do this we need new recruits who are willing to spend time helping out. We are looking for anyone who has skills in 3D modeling, concept art, level design, writers, etc.

If anyone is interested in contributing to this mod in anyway then get in contact with me through PM and we can sign you up.


Post comment Comments
Beskamir - - 7,030 comments

I hate to say this but don't waste your time. Switch to an engine that can handle the scale that you are going for. I know for a fact that the CK WILL NOT be able to handle a project the scale of Westeros, which I assume is what you are planning on making. Basically the CK itself will eventually break, that includes the LOD generation, region generation, object generation, render window, merging files, etc. basically as your esms get larger and larger everything in the CK will begin to break.

Thus I highly suggest using an engine which you have source code access so that you can fix any bugs/limitations that you run into. UE4 seems like the best candidate for this kind of a project since it's free, including the source code, and it's still decently user friendly. Also if you want to quickly convert a bunch of .nif files to what UE4 uses, I can help you with that :) since I wrote an Autohotkey macro/script last night to do just that :P Basically it converts .nif to .obf or .dae so that they can later be converted to .fbx (with autodesk's software) or just used as .obj which are the two file formats that UE4 uses.

I don't want this to be taken as discouraging, instead I'd rather this to be taken as a friendly warning about Skyrim's and the CK's limitations so that you can switch while there isn't yet a tonne of work done and also be able to make a much better project.

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conesco3 Author
conesco3 - - 8 comments

I do know with the previous leadership talked about changing engine but nothing came of it before they left. Also if we did this we would be making a whole new game nearly. I haven't used or really looked into UE4 (by UE4 I take it you mean unreal engine 4) so it is something we will consider. We would need to discuss it further before making a decision.

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Beskamir - - 7,030 comments

It'd be awesome if you could work on something related to this mod in Unreal Engine instead of making your own game entirely but legality would obviously become even more questionable at that point than what it already is. I wish projects of this scale were possible in Skyrim but they aren't :(

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conesco3 Author
conesco3 - - 8 comments

That is my main worry. Legal stuff. It sounds like a good idea from the reading I have been doing UE4 looks like a good candidate but again I don't know whether it would be possible.

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Urdnot.Grunt - - 165 comments

I just hope that this doesn't end up like the lotr mod :( (both on the legal stuff part and the engine part)

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conesco3 Author
conesco3 - - 8 comments

Hopefully we can get some people on board and get it going again. The legal stuff should be fine at the moment but the engine might need to be looked at but there is no change planned at this moment in time and it is still going to be a mod for Skyrim.

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Beskamir - - 7,030 comments

I know that Skyrim won't be able to handle a project on this scale... If it could, then I wouldn't have had to make a macro/script to change .nif files to .dae/.obj.

I guess you could try ensuring that each region is a separate esm but I think that might just delay the inevitable instead of actually solve the countless bugs you'll run into with really large esm. And before you think that having striped down esms that you could use for CK stuff and then merge them for the final version, that solution is rather clunky and will most likely eventually also break.

As for legal issues, I agree, it would be more likely for you to get C&Ded; if you are making something standalone but you must understand that this mod cannot be done in Skyrim. I am pretty certain that it will basically be impossible. "Human" laws can be broken, "universe" laws cannot. So as far as I can tell you'd be better off making it in UE4 than in Skyrim.

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conesco3 Author
conesco3 - - 8 comments

The mod has been split into regions already which is a lot smaller compared to what it was before and I personally believe that it could be done. However I don't know the CK's limits compared to others.

For making it using the UE4 it would have to be discussed with whoever gets onboard with this mod. I am quite worried about legal though. The ASoIaF is such a big franchise I doubt they would let us make a standalone game for it. A mod I see less trouble with and less time consuming. To make a standalone game for ASoIaF would be a lot more time consuming than a mod. Don't get me wrong I love the idea and I will definitely put it on the to do list when I get some people involved.

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Beskamir - - 7,030 comments

I disagree on the time consuming factor :P I mean have you even tried to get custom collisions for clutter items working in Skyrim? I basically gave up on them, even though I was able to do it a few times. Might be because I don't understand .nifs enough but still, UE4 has an integrated collision generator. :D

Legal issues and having to build all the systems from scratch would be the main draw backs that switching to UE4 would have. However at least those can be ignored or achieved, CK errors will keep you from being able complete the project to the scale and awesomeness that you are aiming for.

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conesco3 Author
conesco3 - - 8 comments

My CK experience is limited and I initially joined this mod as a 3d modeller to make stuff for it, not as management or CK. I am not ruling out both options at the moment as I don't know enough and it would be wrong for me to make big decisions at the moment.

If you want to help out that would be great and probably the first thing that would be discussed before we moved on would be whether to move to using the UE4 engine and from what you have told me it looks like you are knowledgeable of both.

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Beskamir - - 7,030 comments

I don't have a lot of experience with either UE4 or the CK. Someone else was doing the CK stuff and kept reporting all the problems that he was running into and the bodges that he was employing to "fix" it. As for UE4 I have a bit more experience with it than with the CK but I'd still consider myself to be basically just a modeller that wants to have a computer science degree.

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Luxolo - - 103 comments

Hello everyone.
I've actually been looking for this mod since the first mod team tried to do it. I'm talking about the westeros.project, I can still remember the incredible particularity of the Eddard Stark's face. After them I have tried to partecipate as lore master for Highlander studios. From them we have the legacy of the 3 large maps created in this page. After again the russian guy said to continue the project, but he never did nothing about it for what I know.. Not his fault, I understand the problem of doing such a big mod. Right now it's 2016 and probably in around a couple o years we will have TES VI. I have no knowledge of modding. And I can't absolutely help in anything. I can just be one of your big supporter. As a supporter I would like to ask one single question. Would be possible (generally speaking), to have a game working 100% if the map of Westeros would be as big as the Skyrim one? What I mean is: If we create a single big map 42kmx42km, but still with all the great cities and some minor settlements, would be still impossible to have a game without problems?? Skyrim is made by nine hold with one "big" city and dozens of castles and ruins. How difficult could be to do seven Kingdom with their capital cities, few settlements instead of the 200 of the books? plus obvious another big city (King's Landing) and the islands with Pyke?
Sorry for grammatical errors and to be too long. Let me know! :D and good luck

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conesco3 Author
conesco3 - - 8 comments

Sorry about the wait for a reply and I don't think I have the answer for you. I don't use the CK much and I am not aware of its maximum capabilities and how much work it can handle. However I am a 3D modeller and I think it could be possible depending on CK. I do need to wonder though why the last team split the maps up. This may suggest something about this idea and the practicality of it. However with so few recruits at the moment with none of us having much experience with creation kit we are kinda dead in the water. We can make models and write storyline but unfortunately adding it to the game is hard for us.

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Purple-Hyena Creator
Purple-Hyena - - 11 comments

Hello, well , i tested making all of westeros into skyrim size and it just looks stupid. Basically since westeros is pretty much flat , doing so makes things look rather small and the scale starts to feel very weird , also there ARE so many cities and small areas that it would feel in-immersive... just cute...
what we ended up on deciding to do is just the north. (the twins to the wall)
reason for that , is that we can bring the scale or the north to a standard that feels right ,we can fill it up with all the details and we can do it before TES6 comes out.
I'm now the CK developer and soon you will read an update ( it's waiting authorization)
I'm going to make sure this mod is finished before TES6 comes out! that's my plan
on tes6 given the updates in the engine and the scale of things and the time allowed and the fact that i have Free time most of the time and for the foreseeable future i'm not going to quit on it! so this project will be my chance to proof to people that our team can make such a project happen! and that when TES6 is out WE will deliver!

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