No More Room in Hell the long awaited Source zombie modification.

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Ideas for more guns (Games : Half-Life 2 : Mods : No More Room in Hell : Forum : Ideas and Suggestions : Ideas for more guns) Locked
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Nov 5 2013 Anchor

This are mine.

Double barrel shotgun. --> Less spread, little slower recharge rate.

Double barrel shortened. --> More spread, faster reload rate.

357. ---> Higher fire rate. I mean a revolver fires as fast as you can pull the trigger, there's no need to be so gentle with the badass gun.

Also i think it would be better to have a lower reload time for the vertical barrel shotgun. Its just 2 shells, its not like you are threading a needle.

Overal the guys reload Really slow, like they have the time of the world and there's no monster about to cut their bellis and rip their guts. But i guess that's for added difficulty.

Thats it, maybe selective fire someday.

Nov 2 2014 Anchor

Please add suppressor or silencer for pistol. please please, and I really want the double barrel but HORIZONTAL. Please add also FOOD ITEM'S with animations like beef jerky or or or chocolate bars and stuff. It doesn't matter If it has purpose or not. Just like Team Fortress 2 eating Meat sandwich yummy yum yum :) PLEASEEEE also add water item would be also nice. and please make the barricade tool item to barricade everywhere we want. I really want to lock myself in a room or bunker. Thank you :)

Edited by: windy_day

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