Portal 2: Aperture's Rise is a Portal 2 mod where you play as a test subject, later promoted employee to finish Aperture's testing tracks and help building New Aperture and GLaDOS.

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On Hold

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I'd just like to mention this mod is officially on hold and not getting actively developed. That's all.
ModDB is also forcing me to upload 2 images, so here's a level that never got to see the light of day and I haven't ever mentioned & some other images that also never got released. And, who knows, this mod may come back one day :)

p2ar 5

p2ar 6 min

p2ar 7

p2ar 1

p2ar 3 min

p2ar 2

p2ar 4 min

What this mod is supposed to be

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Hi! I'm ItsJiUi, I like playing Portal 2 and especially like the style and story of the Old Aperture part. I made this to show how Aperture might have looked in the years it was built. I really like the idea and I hope you might too. Oh yeah, and here's some pictures of how it currently looks.

1940s Aperture on the outsideAperture's very first test.

Well, see you till I make another update!

Finally, A Discord Server!

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I made a Discord Server!

Also, for newcomers, here's how it currently looks like:

intro0001intro0000intro aperture facility0000

Well, next time!

New Features

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Hello! And welcome to the second update!

I've been thinking and working on some features and put them on this test map.

Here's some of them:

Stopwatch (98% complete):

Also, I didn't screenshot a cube falling down, this is ACTUALLY the Stopwatch mechanic at play.

Turret Mark 2 (0% complete):

Since it's unfinished, it's currently just a normal turret.

Adhesion Gel (9% complete):


Well, that's all. Not all of my ideas are here, I just put the ones that I'm sure I'll add into the game. Also, this obviously isn't all of the ideas and progress of the entire mod in 1 post, I've been working on a lot more stuff, this feature update was just the most interesting of all the other stuff, so next update will probably be Story / Mapmaking related! But just probably. Well, bye again!

EDIT: I've now made a proof of concept video. See here: I still haven't finished the video