Project Remaster is BF2142 enhancement which aims to improve the game by adding new higher quality textures, animations and other visual tweaks along with new weapons. Join us on DISCORD.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 18)

FoxFort says

A great work of "sgt_Prof" and his colleagues. It's good old BF2412 but with a updated everything. Unfortunately MP might not be possible. But SP is back in actions and it looks marvelous.


Frosty98B says

As the mod's tester I already had enough time to test and try out every aspect of it which means all that kept me from giving it my 10/10 rating was its unreleased state.

Now why 10/10 (the major reasons):
The terrain texture improvements are so HD and so beautiful, they - along with the reshade - breathe new life to every single map while maintaining the original atmosphere. The battlefield feels up-to-date!

Not only there are new weapons which (unlike those appearing in quite a few mods nowadays) haven't been ported from another game which means they feel original and really fit the game's setting.

Those weapons and gadgets that we're all familiar with weren't left unchanged though. The most notable thing for me were the animations which felt smooth, fluent but dynamic. They made me use even the least used gadgets twice as much and just enjoy the work that has been done.

Let's not forget that the new maps look really great and, honestly, we already needed a properly done urban map for the Titan mode which is now finally here.

The sound design is just spot on! You can feel every distant explosion in your bones. And the fact that most BF2142 mods don't really add something like this (at least to such an extend) really makes it unique.

Okay, I think I praised just enough features for one random guy's review, so I'll just add that if you felt like all of the aforementioned isn't enough then remember that we can now finally use an ICE AXE in our beloved ice age game!


Taken from Project Remaster Video Review

Good Parts:

1. HD – Would like to place most attention on the way this mod was initially concepted, having paid attention to details and textures. As you can see with my gameplay on various maps, everything is top-notch and high-quality. That was expected from me, as many updates and screenshots were revealed during the months, and finally seeing them in live action truly left me speechless and happy

2. Weapons – Now I can actually kill people with weapons, not having some sort of lazer nerfs that barely made any damage. Animations for basically everything were redone and replaced, bringing the feel that you hold a real weapon in hands, not some sort of a toy. Among those, they feels smooth, and optimized for 16:9 ratio. And weapons were also unlocked from start! Great job!

3. Sounds – These have been completely swapped. Walkers, Tanks, and many more vehicles, weapons and explosions feel more natural. The plastic – toyish like sounds have been replaced with realistic noises, while keeping some original effects in the game. Another great part.

4. Map Upgrades – Maps also have featured fantastic weather overhaul, some even got a different time of day version, like night and twilight. You could see the beautiful clouds and skies, their high-quality features, right when I was in a downed state in-game. Really awesome feature that this mod has, along side the rain effect. However, some maps have issues, which I will discuss that in next section

Bad Parts:

1. Custom Maps – What an abomination of a gameplay I have seen in the custom maps. Eastern Storm was weird weather with that rain, vanishing buildings in the distance, and ads all over the place. Bots also have issues with vehicles, as you could see with my gameplay. What truly dissapointed me was Frankfurt. The map was completely broken, the gameplay was basically non-existent with bots being sitting ducks and you don’t have the ability to even capture the flags. Those things fly! Among with other objects! And about those cringy ads we are talking in the Final Mark.

2. Crashes – I had experienced 2 crashes while playing the mod. And that is under the circumstances of no-apps open rather than my recording tool. Black screens, and a brutal crash to desktop that forced me to use ways such as PC-restarting and back doors such as Task Manager. Really disappointing, especially when one of the crash issues was a gadget.

3. Bots – You can’t simply see a bot stuck in a tree riding with the Walker. Infantry and vehicle bots are working properly in vanilla locations, but when you move to Custom Maps, it’s a complete mess. Everything related to bots is simply lost to bugs and issues of these maps. Seriously, when bots can’t run away from home base, you know something is really wrong with your mod.

Final Mark: 7/10

From a Mod that I was expecting for such a long time, I didn’t expect to give it a 7/10 mark. I even was praising it for potential and quality, thinking about the section of 10/10, but sadly, the reality is much different. HD Content really changes up the gameplay and quality of life, awesome weapon animations that give you an awesome feel when in-use, fantastic weather management for night maps, different times of day and fantastic sound upgrades that replace all those dull explosions that show their age. Everything turned black however, as I started going deeper and deeper into the mod. Having the opportunity to play a remaster-like mod, I though everything in the 1st release would go well, just with some small issues such as lighting or HUD. Imagine my reaction when those ridiculous crashes happened, placing me in a interesting situation. Among the lines, the custom maps are simply awful and garbage! A mod that had received financial support allows itself to place ADS on the maps! Excuse me, we pay you to see advertisement on the maps, or for quality content and time spent on the mod? I was shocked to see that Frankfurt map broken and unplayable, and as you could see with my first impression, I thought it was Blue Pearl at night. Eastern Storm is not that far away, also having its issues, and full of those “Your ad here”. Yeah, thats quite the surprise. Melting down like that is one rare occurrence for my mod gameplay’s. New versions might come out and fix that, but the damage was done for the release. I hope in the future, these things are properly fixed, as even in Menu’s some things are not right.


Longobardo says

Basically the best mod for BF2142 ever made!
Sgt_Prof and his team are incredibly talented.

IMO, Project Remaster just needs to become standalone to reach its full potential and also continue expanding the mod's uniqueness compared to vanilla.

With those small last steps the mod is definitely a 10/10!


ESKoz says

Nice job!


captainLee says

the best mod ever!!!!


JMP-Jack says

I put "only" 9 because the mod have some issues: instant crash in a 3 maps (I've only tried 10 maps for now).


B4RR3l says

Nothing less, nothing more, just a plain & simple 10/10. A must have in your game collection.


marshalwest says

I've played this game from the outset and have always wished it could be upgraded to todays graphical standards. When I first played this mod in single player I was blown away. Now we can lan play as well and I have been really hyped to play. I've been a long time gamer and played hundreds if not thousands of games but never been so excited for a mod as I have for this one. I always liked the look of this game but now the bar has been raised very much higher. Not only amazing graphics but more bots to populate our games...fantastic!