Author: Rendroc

Readme File:
Rendroc's Command Mod v4.04
Dangerous AI v1.10
War Zone v1.10
Online Recon v1.02
DemonicMP v1.00

Advanced Squads for the Tactical Player

Single Player and Multiplayer Mutators for Brothers In Arms



The Command Mod adds more commands to provide more strategic options
for defeating the enemy.

Rendroc's Enhanced Squad Command Interface for Single Player has a
New Command Ring, Smoke Grenades, Easier Targeting in Authentic Mode,
Assault Cam, Peek Cam, Fall Back, Widen Formation, Man MG, Pick Up
Panzerfaust, Assault Tank, Waypoints, Maneuver Under Cover, Enhanced
Cover AI, and Order Grenades

Dangerous AI adds movement ability to the enemy. They will now attempt
to flank, manuever, and retreat.

WarZone brings many more soldiers from both sides into the battle.
Fighting is more chaotic and intense.

DemonicMP lets you play against (and with!) the computer in Multiplayer.
AI Players will fill empty slots in your created server and will
work to achieve the objectives for their team just as a human player would.

WarZoneMP adds up to 20 more AI-controlled soldiers to Multiplayer battles.
Used with DemonicMP, you can enjoy epic Multiplayer battles never seen
before in Brothers in Arms.

WZGravity changes the physics slightly for projectiles and dead or dying
bodies for a more realistic effect.

BodyCount keeps dead bodies from vanishing.

NoTracers eliminates tracer fire from rifles and submachine guns.

The Online Recon Mutator will monitor for online games while you play
Single Player games. If a multiplayer server opens up on the
Internet, you will automatically be notified in-game. New Menu
Options are added to make it quicker to join an online server.


v4.04: Germans more likely to return grenades
Added pistol capabilities to AI
Fixed Bazookas and Panzerfausts not dropped when in close range
Gave pistols as backup weapons for some Bazookas and Panzerfausts
Small Dialogue Tweaks
New Shortcuts
Added NoTracers Mutator
v4.03: More GPF Fixes
Small Dialogue Tweaks
v4.02: Fixed General Protection Faults for CleanupDestroyed. See Below.
Small Dialogue Tweaks. Baker calls Risner "George"
Germans make better use of smoke grenades
v4.01: Official DemonicMP Full Release
Added WZGravity Mutator
Added BodyCount Mutator
Added more German combat dialogue
Added limping/injured soldiers
Added special camera for soldiers diving on grenades
Added automatic update notifications
v3.96: Delayed AI slightly at the very beginning of the match,
to allow human teammate to grab maps, explosives, etc.
WarZoneMP now adds mixed units (Assault/Fire) instead of all the
same type
Reduced some WarZoneMP battle chatter
Fixed WarZoneMP respawning bug
Improved some compatibility for CommandMod with multiplayer
v3.95: Fixed WarZoneMP bugs that caused Demons to stand around
Fixed WarZoneMP problems with promoting and calling reinforcements
Added DemonicMPx mutator: humans will not have Demon teammate
v3.94: WarZoneMP! Adds additional AI soldiers to the fight
v3.93: Demonic MP major improvements to flanking
v3.92: Demonic MP AI takes less direct routes, moves more urgently,
less cautiously
v3.91: Demonic MP AI is getting ready for release (Need Feedback!)
v3.36: Demonic MP AI is more cautious
DangerousAI fixed retreat code
v3.35: Added German Smoke Mutator
Improved DangerousAI flanking ability
Demonic MP AI Improvements
Demonic MP fix for 2-player games
v3.34: Added Soundtrack Mutator (RtH30 only)
v3.33: Vehicle team soldiers have regular infantry uniforms
v3.32: Fixed DemonicMP which was broken in 3.31
v3.31: Added Bazooka Jo Mutator
Added No Monologues Mutator (EiB only)
Fixed Bazooka and Panzerfaust soldiers' grenade abilities
Slightly improved DemonicMP AI
Fixed some crashes with DemonicMP
Fixed dialogue and scene problems with "Objective XYZ" and
"No Better Spot to Die" (RtH30 maps)
v3.30: Demonic MP Beta
Slightly improved DangerousAI
Fixed "Tom & Jerry" (RtH30 map) shooting during dialogue
Altered WarZone soldier formations in combat
Added Command abilities while in PeekCam
Reduced WarZone soldier chatter
WarZone soldiers less likely to steal cover from regular soldiers
WarZone soldiers less likely to block tanks' movements
Germans less likely to repeat cowardly phrases
v3.13: Less persistent OnlineRecon messages
v3.12: Fixed WarZone bug during training
v3.11: Online Recon Mutator added
v3.06: more Vehicle Team fixes
v3.05: Vehicle Team Infantry are slightly more aggressive
v3.04: Fixed soldiers disappearing after a US Tank is destroyed
v3.03: Fixed some soldiers spawning inside buildings
v3.02: Fixed Non-Firing Soldiers
v3.01: Bug Fixes
v3.00: Added WarZone Mod
Updated Dangerous AI Difficulty
v2.01: Added Dangerous AI Mod
v2.00: Startup Shortcut to Preload the Mod
Some New Dialogue and Tweaks
Smoke Grenades ( Affects AI )
Order Grenades ( Explosive & Smoke )
Added New Combat Dialogue. These sounds were recorded but
not implemented by the original developers.
More Intense Grenade Battles
Return & Dive on Grenades
Checkpoint For Last Chapter in Authentic Mode
v1.03: Fixed Tank Assault
v1.02: More aggressive MG fire. Fixed some tank commands.
v1.01: Fixed some MGs not mountable


0. General Protection Faults
1. Using Mutators
1.1 Installing
1.2 Playing
2. Dangerous AI
3. WarZone
3.1 WarZone Hints
3.2 Battle Zone
3.3 WarZone & Dangerous AI
3.4 Known WarZone Issues
3.5 Performance / Framerate Issues
4. Online Recon
4.1 Accounts
4.2 Usage
4.3 New Faster Menu Options
5. CommandMod Commands
5.1 New Command Ring
5.2 New Camera Modes
5.3 Waypoints / Waypoint Mode
5.4 New Commands Using Command Ring
5.5 Assault Tank
6. Multiplayer Mutators
6.1 How to Enable Mutators
6.2 DemonicMP
6.3 DemonicMPx
6.4 WarZoneMP
6.5 Using Mods for Networked Games
6.6 Other Mods
7. Intense Grenade Battles
8. Smoke Grenades
9. New Combat Dialogue
10. Checkpoint for Last Chapter in Authentic Mode
11. Additional Mutators
11.1 Bazooka Jo
11.2 No Monologues
11.3 Soundtrack
11.4 German Smoke
11.5 WZGravity
11.6 BodyCount
11.7 NoTracers


0. General Protection Faults

If your game crashes with a message about a General Protection Fault and
something about the Object::CleanupDestroyed, please copy the entire text
and send it to me at mjc1975 [at] gmail [dot] com, since I will probably
be able to fix it.

1. Using Mutators in Single Player:

1.1 Installing:
Use the Installer to install all CommandMod files to your base
BrothersInArms directory. Do not select the "System" directory,
as you might with some other mods.

1.2 Playing:

There are two ways to use this Mod. The first is to launch BiA with
the installed Shortcut. The Mod will be pre-loaded for the first map.
You can play any game (including Skirmish Mode), but if you quit to
return to the Main Menu, the Mutator will no longer be active. You
can reactivate it by restarting the game using the shortcut, or by
following the instructions below.

The other way is to start BiA, and from the Main Menu, select "Story",
then "Chapters". Click "Mutators" (at the bottom), then select
"CommandMod", click "Add" and then "Back" (at the bottom), then choose
which map/chapter you want to play. When you return to the Main Menu,
the Mod is not active anymore and you will have to repeat this step to
activate it again.


2. Dangerous AI:

This is a separate Mutator that is included in this installation.
Activate it in the Mutators menu as above. It cannot be preloaded.

The Germans will attempt to flank and avoid being flanked, and will
sometimes even assault you and your squads.

NOTE: Previously with Dangerous AI, Germans were automatically given smoke.
This is no longer valid; you must use the GermanSmoke mutator separately.


3. War Zone:

Reinforcements from 1st Platoon, Fox Company 502 PIR (known as "Big Jack's Mob")
have arrived. They were split up for a special extraction mission and the rest
were reassigned to supporting operations by 3rd Platoon (that's Red & Baker's).
They won't be under your direct command, but they are no less determined
to see the success of the mission.

3.1 War Zone Hints:

Big Jack's Mob are extremely aggressive, perhaps crossing the line from
courageous into stupidity. However, their strength and tenacity are
unmatched. They will attempt to maneuver and flank
on their own. Some will follow you and your men, others will stay
slightly ahead.

If the Mob see you order your men to target an enemy unit, they will
decrease their movement to provide supporting fire. If you order an
assault, they will whole-heartedly participate.

The Mob will try to allow your own men the best cover area, but
things can get crowded. Try ordering your men to areas that have lots
of cover options and, if possible, a safe distance behind so as to
give the Mob a chance to advance on their own.

3.2 Battle Zone:

If the Level/Map/Chapter is simply too crowded for the number of
enemies and allies, try the included "Battle Zone" mod that
introduces less soldiers into play.

Road to Hill 30 Maps are usually better suited for Battle Zone. The
wide open spaces commonly seen in EiB allow more freedom of movement
by the additional soldiers of the War Zone.

3.3 War Zone & Dangerous AI:

Enabling War Zone without Dangerous AI will keep one out of three
German Units mostly stationary. Enabling both Mutators will give
equal mobility to all German Units.

3.4 Known War Zone Issues:

In Cinematic Pauses before, after, and sometimes during the missions,
other characters not controlled by the player (eg. Mac, Baker, Cassidy)
will be entering and exiting the scene. Sometimes, their path will
be blocked by the extra soldiers, and at other times, they will block the
paths of the extra soldiers. Sometimes, you may see soldiers simply
disappear or appear out of nowhere instead of executing their usual
entrance or exit routine. These problems should not disrupt the flow
of gameplay.

At other times, there may be important characters missing entirely, or
the entire game may pause waiting for an event that is not possible
for some reason.

In these cases, try reloading from the last Checkpoint, or try making
it to the next Checkpoint and load again from there. If you can take
the time, please email me ( mjc1975 [at] gmail [dot] com ) and I might
be able to fix it for a future release.

WarZone will have no effect with the RtH30 Map, "Rendezvous With Destiny".

3.5 Performance / Frame Rate Issues:

Older video cards may have issues with all of the additional soldiers
in play. You may need to adjust your video settings to compensate.


4. Online Recon:

While playing Single Player, you will be notified when Multiplayer
Servers appear online.

4.1 Account:

The Mutator uses your saved Username and Password from the last time
you logged in online for multiplayer. If you have not created an
account, or did not click on "Remember Password", you must go to the
normal Multiplayer menu and login with "Remember Password" checked.

4.2 Usage:

Just play single player after you activate the Mutator as instructed

When a non-empty server is online, that does not require a password to
join, a message will appear that is similar to what you would see in the
multiplayer game browser.

4.3 New Faster Menu Options:

Now you can access the Multiplayer Online Game browser directly from the
Single Player menu.

You don't have to leave your game, which means you can join servers as
soon as they appear, and if for some reason the server is no longer
available, you can return to your Single Player game without interruption.


5. Command Mod Commands:

Since some additional buttons combinations will be used for issuing
orders, you may have to change your key setup so that you can press
the necessary buttons simulaneously. Also, you may already be used to
pressing certain keys to Cancel the Command Ring. However, the only
recommended method for cancelling the Command Ring with this mod is
the "Use" key.

Command Ring Button (Tap for Waypoint):
Release Command Button (Or Tap Again for Waypoint) = Move
Press Use = Cancel Command or Waypoint Mode
Press Switch Weapon = Alternate No Target Mode
If Panzerfaust / MG in Ring = Move, Pickup / Man MG
Press Melee = Move, Maneuver Under Cover
Press Fire (No Target) = Move, Widen Formation
Press Jump = Advance
Press Fire (Target) = Assault
Double Click Fire (Target) = Assault w/ Assault Cam
Press Grenade = Throw Grenade
Press and Hold Grenade = Throw Smoke Grenade

Press and Hold Grenade = Throw Smoke Grenade
Hold Fall Out = Fall Back
Hold Fall Out + Press Fire = Widen Formation
Hold Crouch = Peek Cam

(More on these commands can be found below)

5.1 New Command Ring:

The Command Ring is now projected onto the surface of whatever object
you are looking at, rather than the ground. This should make it
easier to see where you are ordering: now, you designate the cover you
want them to use, rather than the ground in front of it.

Alternate Command Mode:

By pressing "Switch Weapon" while the command ring is visible, the
ring will switch to an alternate mode that will not target enemies.
Use this if your Target Icon keeps popping up when you want to issue a
Move Order. The Alternate Command Ring has a different color.

Targetting with No Suppression Icons:

This mod will make it easier to target enemies from behind cover with
suppression icons turned off.

Enhanced AI Cover Selection:

The AI will try to stick to cover a little more, and has improved
capabilities for searching for better cover and firing locations.

5.2 New Camera Modes:

New Camera Mode: Peek Cam

Hold "Crouch" for a few seconds while behind cover, and you will get
an "Over the Helmet" view of your Sergeant. This is so you can watch
all of the action in safety without missing any of the excitement of

UPDATE: now you can also issue orders to your squads from this mode

New Camera Mode: Assault Cam

When ordering an Assault, Double Click on the enemy (instead of single
click) and you will be able to view the Assault up close and
personal. Make sure you have cover when initiating this (your
Sergeant will duck while the Assault Cam is active).

5.3 Waypoints / Waypoint Mode:
Tap the Command button (do not hold it) and you will enter Waypoint
Mode. The Command Ring will stay visible while you tap the command
button for each location you want the team to pass through. You can
also create waypoints using any combination including Alternate Command
Mode, Maneuver Under Cover, or Pickup Panzerfaust.

Waypoint Mode ends when you order to Man an MG, Widen Formation, Target an
Enemy, or Assault, or when you press the "Use" button.

Fall Back: Hold "Fall Out" until the order is given. Your team will
fall back to its previous position.

Widen Formation: Press "Fire" while holding "Fall Out". Your team
will widen its search for suitable cover and vantage locations ,possibly splitting up.

Fall Out: Members fall out in place, dismounting any MGs and
disregarding any ordered Panzerfausts pickups, and tighten their
formation to standard.

5.4 New Commands Using Command Ring:
Mount MG:
Issue a Move Order at an MG42 or M1919 (a new icon
should appear) and one of your members will mount it.

Pick Up Panzerfaust:
Issue a Move Order at a box of Panzerfausts or
one that is lying on the ground and one of your members will pick it
up. You can also "Waypoint" a pickup; the team will pickup up the
Panzerfaust before moving on to the next waypoint.

Maneuver Under Cover:
Press "Melee" while the Command Ring is shown,
and the team will move in the crouched position and hold their fire
until they reach the ordered destination or they are shot at. This
may increase your chances of surprising and flanking the enemy.

Move and Widen Formation:
Press "Fire" while the Command Ring is
shown, and the team will move to the ordered destination and widen its
formation as described above.

Press "Jump" while the Command Ring is shown, and your team will
advance beyond the ordered location. Use this if you want to order
your team to an area beyond an obstruction, or to occupy a

Throw Grenade / Throw Smoke Grenade:
Press "Grenade" while the Command Ring is shown, and your team will
try to throw a grenade at the spot or enemy you designate.
Press and Hold "Grenade" to have them throw a Smoke Grenade instead.

5.5 Assault Tank:
Your Assault Team now has the capability to Assault Tanks. They must
have a strategic advantage or they will refuse the order. At minimum,
you need two soldiers still alive with at least one grenade, and
either the tank must already be seriously damaged or the team must
have a Panzerfaust. If the assault fails, the team will attempt to
flee to their previous location.


6. Multiplayer Mutators

6.1 How to Enable Mutators:
As with single-player mutators, multiplayer mutators must be enabled
manually. When you are creating the match, at the menu where you
choose the number of players and map to play, you will need to click
on the "Mutators" text which is at the bottom left of the screen.
Then you may select which mutators you want enabled for your server.

6.2 DemonicMP:
DemonicMP creates AI-controlled Demon players to fill empty slots not
occupied by human players, once all human players have chosen their

The AI Players will attempt to complete the objectives for their team
just as a human player would. They will pick up explosives,
codebooks, and maps; arm and defuse bombs; attack, defend, escort,
intercept, and flank. They should work properly on any multiplayer
map that was created using the standard Gearbox Victory Conditions.

The Demons also have their own squads which behave similarly to
human-controlled squads.

Some minor issues still exist with the Demons, including sometimes
getting stuck at walls and trees, pacing back and forth over a small
area, taking overly circuitous routes to objectives, and failing to
complete objectives when they are quite close.

6.3 DemonicMPx:
This variation of DemonicMP only fills slots on teams without humans.
In other words, no human player will have a Demon teammate. This will
obviously only affect 4-player servers.

6.4 WarZoneMP:
This mutator will add up to 20 additional AI-controlled soldiers to
the map. They have the same abilities as the non-player squads of
DemonicMP. Since there is no player controlling them (Human or Demon)
it is not possible to order them; also, they cannot pick up items, or
arm or disarm explosives.

You can use WarZoneMP with or without the other multiplayer
mutators. DemonicMP is not required.

Make sure you are enabling "WarZoneMP" and not the "WarZone" mutator
for multiplayer games. "WarZone" is for single player only at this time.

6.5 Using Mods for Networked Games:
I haven't been able to test this myself, but it may be necessary for
people who want to play on your server to download these mods on their
own computer for them to play. They will probably be able to connect,
but the game may behave strangely for them if they don't have these
mods installed.

Then again, it might work brilliantly, or it might not. Please let me
know what you find :)

6.6 Other Mods:
Most of the single player mods included with Rendroc's Mods will have
no effect when used in a multiplayer match; some may even cause problems.

The one exception that I know of is CommandMod, which has most of the
single player functionality implemented in multiplayer, although it
has not been tested extensively. Please report any incompatibilities
that you may discover :)


7. Intense Grenade Battles:

The Grenade settings have been fixed. Neither the US Troops nor the
Germans are shy about throwing explosives around. Also, they are more
likely to pick up a grenade and throw it back at you than ever
before. Close Range battles will be extremely dangerous for both sides,
even if they are behind cover. Remember to Suppress and Flank.

If you order an Assault and your team is in a good position, they will
now throw a grenade at the enemy before they rush in.


8. Smoke Grenades:

You now have Smoke Grenades as part of your standard equipment,
depending on the chapter. Press and Hold the "Grenade" key to throw a
Smoke Grenade instead of the usual Explosive variety. The number
of grenades you have left appear next to the normal grenade counter.

All AI Bots (US and German, Infantry, Tanks, and AT Guns) will fire
erratically into the smoke to try to hit their opponents. A lucky
shot here and there will still hit. Also, Suppression will be more
difficult since your team will not be able to focus your fire as well
as when they have perfect visibility.

Your Fire Teams will be issued Smoke Grenades as well. Press and Hold
"Grenade" while ordering to have them throw smoke into the designated


9. New Combat Dialogue:

Gearbox had the charactor actors record a bit more than is actually
implemented in the game. I tried to use as much of this as possible
to create a richer gaming experience. If you play this game a lot,
you will notice a few new phrases during combat. These are:
Post Melee trash talk, Enemy Movement, In Position, Falling In, Retreat,
Adjusting Position, Horror, Suppressing Enemy, Allied Tank Killed,
See Allied Tank, Close Explosion, Distant Artillery, and more of the
"Colorful Dialogue" unique to each character.

Incidentally, the Germans also speak some of these phrases (in their
own language, of course). I tweaked the frequency of some of the
phrases and tried to prevent the same person from talking over and
over, which can happen in the unmodded version.

A few more gestures used by the Team Leaders were also implemented.
These are: Get Down, Cease Fire, Fall In, and Point Out Enemy.


10. Checkpoint for Last Chapter in Authentic Mode:

I enjoy a challenge as much as most of you, but the last chapter in the
game has a long and emotional cinematic in the middle. Watching it too
many times can lessen its impact, so I have enabled only the one Checkpoint
immediately afterwards. If you disagree with this, you don't have to
"Reload from Checkpoint" if you don't want to!


11. Additional Mutators

11.1 Bazooka Jo

Pfc Johanningmeier ("Jo") isn't the brightest soldier and lost most of
his hearing after the jump. The only reason he's still on the front lines
is because he can haul a bazooka and who knows how many shells clear
across Normandy without missing a step. Stay clear of his line of fire,
but don't let him get too far ahead of you or he'll get himself into trouble.

11.2 No Monologues (for EiB only)

The dialogues between Hartsock and Marshall before each mission were well
done and add a great deal of depth to the story when experienced in the
context of the the entire game. However, sometimes you'd like to play just
a chapter or two without having to listen to them. Use this mutator to
skip through them and get right to the action.

11.3 Soundtrack (for RtH30 only)

Gearbox commissioned a composer (Stephen Harwood Jr.) to create
a well-received soundtrack for Road to Hill 30. However, Gearbox chose not
to feature the music in-game, claiming that it would take away from the
sense of reality by making it more cinematic. Casual players will therefore
hear very little of the score. I feel that some BiA fans may wish to
experience the game and story with the soundtrack at least once.

This mutator will play those tracks during the missions that they were
written for by the composer. For missions that did not have a track written
specifically for it, I have re-used some original tracks in a manner that
should fit the mood and action for each story and mission. I hope you enjoy

11.4 German Smoke

Germans have the ability to use smoke grenades tactically against you.
The likelihood of smoke usage will increase with their skill level
(ie. in the later missions of the game)

NOTE: Previously with Dangerous AI, Germans were automatically given smoke.
This is no longer valid; you must use the GermanSmoke mutator separately.

11.5 WZGravity

This mutator slightly changes the gravity and physics for the level to
give a more realistic effect. Grenades and dead or dying bodies will no
longer "float" through the air, but instead will drop much more quickly.
Shooting enemies will cause them to slump down and forward, rather than be
blown backwards. You will have to learn to adjust to the new trajectories
for grenades and panzerfausts.

11.6 BodyCount

Enabling this mutator will keep dead bodies from disappearing after a short
time. Older computers may experience a decrease in performance. This is
for single player only at this time.

11.7 NoTracers

As many WWII enthusiasts point out, tracer ammo was only used with certain
weapons under certain conditions. Enabling this mutator removes the
tracer fire for rifles and submachine guns, and the STG44.
Only machine guns and assault rifles (BAR, FG42) will have tracer fire.


Thanks to Gearbox for providing the SDK and creating a wonderful
game, and to Botman and the other Gearbox Forum members for keeping
the BiA Mod Forum alive.

See included CommandMod_EULA.txt
Please ask me first if you wish to utilize any of my code for your own use.

CommandMod by Rendroc 07/24/08
Email me any questions or feedback:
mjc1975 [at] gmail [dot] com

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