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[RECON] OPTIMAL HANDGUN SELF-REPAIR COST CHART (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat : Mods : MISERY : Forum : Favorite USS specialization : [RECON] OPTIMAL HANDGUN SELF-REPAIR COST CHART) Locked
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Nesingwary Gas Balloon Loyalist Faction
Jun 19 2022 Anchor

I play Recon. I like handguns. I also like money. So I did some math and made a spreadsheet displaying the cheapest combination of parts to repair a handgun to 100%.


If my math is correct (it isn't), you only need to buy Handgun Repair Kit, Universal Weapon Cleaning Kit, Small Spare Parts, and "Progress" handgun cleaning kit in order to minimize the self-repair cost. Remember, this only works for the Recon class and only applies to handguns - at least, until I do some more testing using other weapon types and classes (which I probably won't).

To use:

1) identify your handgun's current condition (%)

2) look at the corresponding entry on the chart under the "Total Cost" column and take note of this cost

3) go to Cardan and take note of the cost he will charge you to repair your handgun to 100% (oh btw I haven't left Zaton yet so I have no idea if the costs are different elsewhere)

4) if Cardan's cost is lower, simply have him repair your handgun and you are done! Otherwise, proceed to step 5

5) apply the tools in the following order:

spare parts -> (HRK + "Progress")* -> (UWCK) -> "Progress" (spam this and ONLY this once you are above 70% until you get to 100%

* ALWAYS combine HRK and "Progress" in the same step.

You must perform ONLY ONE repair action - do not repair to 100%, just use one item (or combination, if your repair requires you to use an HRK + "Progress") and then return to step one and start the process over, using your NEW current condition (%) which is now higher. Continue in this manner until your weapon is fully repaired.

This assumes you have no materials at all, and that you purchase all materials at their lowest discount (for example, only buy repair materials with max charges and only buy from Owl). If you have any other materials that you've bought, found, or salvaged, then those can be added at your discretion and will marginally reduce the cost, making the self-repair even more efficient than having Cardan repair your handgun.

Now let me explain why all this math is kind of pointless.

First of all, it might not even be optimal. The only way to be sure is to use an algorithm (Simplex or some other shit) with multiple variables accounting for each repair material - this can even include every repair material in the game as well as those you currently own. But I failed Operations Research and that kind of math is above my level. However, the process I've laid out is still pretty efficient.

Second, there are sometimes valid reasons to be less than 100% optimal which come down entirely to personal preference. For example, I like to carry a "Dvojka" gun oil and cleaning solvent on me at all times because even though it is less cost-efficient than the "Progress" kit, the thing weighs a staggeringly low 0.09 kilograms AND can be used on all weapon types and not just handguns. Additionally, it has two charges, so if you are in the field for a long time, you can repair BOTH your primary and secondary weapon from the same kit.

So yeah, just do whatever you want I guess.

Edited by: Nesingwary


Me running to Skadovsk with an overloaded backpack after doing a hit of coke

Recon sprinting back to Skadovsk with 70 kilos of broken guns and Flesh hides after doing a massive hit of coke

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Jun 19 2022 Anchor

Except to restore a found handgun in bad condition, you shouldn't ever Need to buy a thing. There are tons of repair kits & stuff to be found, and of course spare parts from salvaging things.

Nesingwary Gas Balloon Loyalist Faction
Jun 19 2022 Anchor
jasper34 wrote:

Except to restore a found handgun in bad condition, you shouldn't ever Need to buy a thing. There are tons of repair kits & stuff to be found, and of course spare parts from salvaging things.

To your point, I never let my firearms fall below 70% so the repair cost is trivial. However, I've found several rare handguns in poor condition that I'd love to restore, but couldn't possibly afford Cardan's cost, and would never expect to find them in a vendor's inventory, so my only option is to repair them myself in the most cost-effective way possible, which is exactly what led me to develop this formula.

Sure I could go kill bandits or zombies a hundred times until I have enough spare parts but that's tedious and boring. I'd rather make some money, drop the 40k for a Handgun Repair kit plus whatever else I need, and instantly have access to 4 beautiful new handguns. Obviously if it's a common and inexpensive item like a Beretta 92F you could just buy it new, but I've never seen a brand new custom Vis or OTs-33 in stock.

Edited by: Nesingwary


Me running to Skadovsk with an overloaded backpack after doing a hit of coke

Recon sprinting back to Skadovsk with 70 kilos of broken guns and Flesh hides after doing a massive hit of coke

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Jun 19 2022 Anchor

I'm saying there are multiple FREE weapon repair kits which you can use to restore a classic weapon you find. Salvaging things gives you plenty of helper materials.

Your point is taken (and thank you for the work documenting it) that if you want it 'now', this is the way. I constantly kill bandits, mercs, monolith and either freedom or duty, so I have a ready supply of helper materials.

Nesingwary Gas Balloon Loyalist Faction
Jun 19 2022 Anchor
jasper34 wrote:

I'm saying there are multiple FREE weapon repair kits which you can use to restore a classic weapon you find. Salvaging things gives you plenty of helper materials.

Your point is taken (and thank you for the work documenting it) that if you want it 'now', this is the way. I constantly kill bandits, mercs, monolith and either freedom or duty, so I have a ready supply of helper materials.

The point of this mathematicl model is to answer the question: "Do I repair with Cardan or not?" It is essential that we assume that no materials are currently owned, otherwise the model would have to include dozens of additional variables.

Also, there's no such thing as "FREE" when you are making a model of this sort. Obviously if you already own repair materials, then the cost in the chart will be less since you won't have to buy everything listed. But you also incur an opportunity cost by using those materials for repairs instead of selling them.

Theoretically, you could spend an infinite amount of time looting bandits and zombies and then you would never need to use Cardan because all your repairs would be "FREE" since you have infinite parts. Using your logic, we should never have to buy anything, since all the essential items can be found for free. But hopefully you can see why that's a silly way of looking at this problem.

Edited by: Nesingwary


Me running to Skadovsk with an overloaded backpack after doing a hit of coke

Recon sprinting back to Skadovsk with 70 kilos of broken guns and Flesh hides after doing a massive hit of coke

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Jun 19 2022 Anchor

Except for extremely minor repairs when you lack salvaged materials, it is NEVER cost effective to use Cardan. It is always more cost effective to use repair materials you get from salvage (they will save you more than you can get selling them). Repair materials worth only 1% I sell off since you can use a crowbar an infinite number of times to get 1% for many repairs. Cardan and the guy upstairs are for convenience/impatience. You can buy some things upstairs sooner than they are available from vendors.

BTW, I do not use vendors for anything except weapon/armor upgrades. I don't buy ammo, weapons, armor, pay for repairs, etc. I scrounge and use what I find. It isn't theoretical, I've played the last 1000+ hours that way. Buying from vendors is too easy for me. I do barter with NPC's, but no barmen or medics.

Edited by: jasper34

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