Full concept MODIFICATION of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat that touches every game aspect including textures, sfx, music, weapons, A.I., items, weather, mutants, difficulty and much much more!

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Zeno's Artifact rebalance and consistency patch (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat : Mods : MISERY : Forum : Mod optimization : Zeno's Artifact rebalance and consistency patch) Post Reply
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ThatZenoGuy Resident Orange Goddess Anthro
Feb 18 2024 Anchor

Hi there Stalkers, making myself a patch for Misery that generally rebalances the Artifacts because I found they just had too many issues.


Major changes (final release!)

-All artifacts rebalanced and made more consistent, all physical damage resistances follow same formula now

-Artifacts now grouped in similar fashion to vanilla-CoP (thermal resist, chemical resist, bleeding reduction etc)

-Vanilla 'radiation' artifacts are now 'damage resist' artifacts (Jellyfish, Wrenched, Bubble)

-All artifacts and weights are the same for all classes for consistency sake

-Radiation outputs for artifacts tweaked, now level-2 containers are more useful, in normal Misery barely anything actually worked in them

-Generally artifacts are now more powerful at what they're good at, but not much better otherwise

Minor changes

-Damage resistances consistent for mutant hides too, radiation emitting from them removed as it rendered them pointless to wear

-All carryweight bonuses for artifacts/skins are 70% of the item's weight. For artifacts this means you should wear the weakest container that will prevent radiation poisoning! Heavier containers will just be dead weight

-Various tweaks and balancing to artifacts, generally now there's three tiers of artifacts. Elemental resistance artifacts are really good against elements but only go to tier 2. The other more combat-focused artifacts go up to tier 3 (example is Flame, Bubble, Goldfish, etc)

Edited by: ThatZenoGuy


Still hanging around, even making Misery Patches!

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