Full concept MODIFICATION of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat that touches every game aspect including textures, sfx, music, weapons, A.I., items, weather, mutants, difficulty and much much more!

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MISERY 2.2 released

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The MISERY Development Team (MDT) is celebrating the culmination of a three and a half year labor of love with the release of MISERY 2.2 for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat on September 23rd, 2017. We thank our fans for the overwhelming support and encouragement they have given the team. You inspired us to keep our noses to the grind stone and produce a project we can be truly proud of.

Fancy a smoke?MISERY 2.2 is happening

The devastating number of natural disasters during development have greatly impacted both our fans and team members. The recent earthquakes in Southern Mexico have directly impacted one of our team and left us with a dilemma: Should we push forward and release as advertised or wait possibly several weeks before the demonstration videos can be completed?

Our fans have waited very patiently, and while the mod deserves a consolidated fanfare and all the polish we are accustomed to providing with earlier releases, we simply couldn’t deprive our fans of what they have been waiting for any longer.

We welcome our fans to try out the mod while we are busy generating all the finishing touches it deserves. In addition to the release, we have an all new website to welcome you to MISERY 2.2 Themiserymod.com


Feedback on the mod can be provided there, on our ModDb Bugs thread at Moddb.com: Moddb.com

Please avail yourself of the FAQ and Game Guide on the website and review the installation instructions on the Bugs thread before reporting a potential bug. Kind regards Misery Development Team

Thanks again and kind regards

Misery Development Ltd.

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MISERY 2.2.1

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This update is an official merge of all internal patches since the release of MISERY 2.2. Basically, it adresses all reported issues that can be fixed from our side. The team thanks everyone who has shared valuable feedback with us and reported bugs and glitches.
This update is for you!

- Improved German localisation
- Added French localisation
- Tweaked repair feature
- Improved debug tool
- Tweaked anomaly effects
- Updated AI squad spawns
- Updated radio music
- Corrections to trade prices (to prevent exploits)
- Sun positioning corrections
- CTD bug fixes in relation to zombies
- Improved zombie AI behavior
- Tweaked NPC loadouts
- Corrections to weapon aims for 4:3 resolutions
- Text and item description corrections
- Updated credits screen

Click this link to download MISERY 2.2.1: Themiserymod.com

MISERY 2.2.1 will only be released as an All-In-One download.
There will be no 2.2 to 2.2.1 Update as some basic files needs to removed entirely from the gamedata library for the mod to run properly.

A fresh game start is required in order to avoid savegame corruption or other data anomalies.

Important update

News 22 comments
main menu design 110616

MISERY 2.x. is compilation of many mods from various mod authors. MDT requests permission from each modder to merge some mod or part of a mod into MISERY.
The good folks at Bohemia Interactive alerted us that some files we borrowed from other mods were, in fact, derived from their intellectual property(IP). To be more specific, weapon texture files for saiga, ak_pack and rpk_pack. We have been asked politely to remove those files from MISERY.

Throughout development, active MDT members have changed a lot. We are a small team and lack the resources to recompile previous versions of MISERY at this time. Those infringing files were already removed in MISERY 2.2. Effective immediately, we are removing download links to versions of MISERY that currently contain Bohemia Interactive’s IP. Barring unforeseen circumstances, we expect to release MISERY 2.2 within 6 weeks. An exact date will be announced when final preparations have been made along with appropriate promotional materials like videos.

We respectfully ask all prior MDT members and/or fans who have torrents or other postings of the MISERY 2.1.x versions remove them pending the release of updated packages which contain proper replacements for the Bohemia Interactive materiel.

Thanks again and kind regards

Misery Development Ltd.

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MISERY 2.2 update

News 48 comments

You will no longer need to haul packs full of heavy damaged loot back to base. Using either improvised tools or highly specialized kits you will now be able break down weapons, armor, and even electronics into small and large parts, debris, fabric, etc. When you use a specialized kit you may be able to extract helmets, integrated or permanently attached scopes, etc. The parts, of course, can be sold.

More importantly they can be used to bring a looted weapon from zero condition all the way up to 100% enabling you to bring the highly damaged carcass you found of your favorite model shooter up to glistening pristine condition without spending all your hard earned cash. You can use the parts on the spot in the field to repair the battle wear before you even head back further reducing your load. You can fix up high end weapons you find with bits from lesser weapons and sell them for profit. Electronics in good or bad condition can be salvaged to recover the batteries within, or even components they were made from. Did you earn an outfit you don’t want or no longer need one you have because you upgraded? Break it down for valuable spare parts and toss the rest.

When you right click on a valid tool all the weapons/armor/electronics it is capable of dismantling appear in a window you choose your target and salvage the item. Not all tools are created equal. Some need to be sharpened before use, some may break, some you will never want to leave home without. Different tools provide different results. It’s your choice to break it down in the field with whatever you have at hand or bring it back to base to squeeze every drop of value from it. Some procedures require a helper tool to complete. You can still drag the weapons back and sell them without breaking them down. You decide, it’s your hard earned loot. The dismantling process isn’t just going to lighten your load and enable you to realistically scavenge useable parts from weapons many know often have common pieces. It will unload, remove the silencer, scope and grenade launcher for you as you dismantle. No more having to painfully check each weapon for precious bullets that might be the only thing enabling you to eat tomorrow.

Parts and debris can also be used as helper materials for other repair kits making them even more effective. All these wonderful features have to be programmed for each and every variation of every item in the game. All the tables have to be built, verified and tested. Probabilities for various combinations of factors like the tool used, original condition of the item, etc. all need to be written. When complete it will be quickly but thoroughly tested and any bugs fixed. Final balancing will be done before it will be yours to enjoy. As you can see, it really isn’t a feature you would want to leave out. The rest of the team are still fine tuning and polishing other new features to truly MISERY worthy levels while our coder is slaving away with only enough chain to let him reach his paying job once in a while.

If you wanted to go to extremes you could say that MISERY 2.2 has had a status of 98% completion for the last few months. But you don't put a car on the market without a steering wheel. And the steering wheel in this case is considered a core feature of the upcoming release, that just can't be pulled for technical reasons.

Lately, we have downscaled our promotion and teasing of the upcoming version because we understand the prolonged release of MISERY 2.2 feels unbearable and provocative to many followers.

On behalf of our beloved coder and the rest of the team we thank you for your understanding and patience. We will turn the ache of waiting into true MISERY soon enough.

If you prefer to have news and updates from MDT sent to your email directly, you are welcome to send us a simple email at contact@miserymod.com with 'subscribe' as the headline. You will have an auto-reply from us and no further actions will be required from that point. You can unsubscribe any time you want.

Thanks again and best regards

Misery Development Ltd.

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Pусский (Russian translation):

Вам больше не придется таскать тяжелые кучи серьезно поврежденного хабара на базу. Использование либо подручных средств, либо специализированных наборов инструментов позволит вам разбирать оружие, броню, и даже электронику на малые и большие запчасти, обломки, обрывки и т.д.. При использовании специализированных наборов вы сможете извлекать шлемы, интегрированные или перманентно прикрепленные прицелы и т.д.. Части, конечно, можно продать.

Более важно то, что они могут быть использованы для доводки найденного оружия с нуля до 100%-ного состояния, позволяя тебе превратить найденный тобой сильно поврежденные останки твоего любимого оружия до состояния "новенькое, еще в масле" не тратя все с таким трудом заработанные деньги. Можно использовать запчасти для ремонта снаряжения прямо во время ходки, тем самым уменьшая вес, который придется нести на базу. Вы сможете чинить дорогостоящее оружие элементами более дешевых образцов вооружения, и продавать его с выгодой. Электроника в хорошем или плохом состоянии позволит восстановить батарейки, или даже элементы из которых она была сделана. Вы нашли броник которые не будете носить или старый вам больше не нужен? Разберите его на части, оставьте ценные и выбросьте остальные.

По щелчку правой кнопкой мыши по соответствующему инструменту все оружие, бронежилеты и электроника поддающиеся разборке появятся в окне, вы выбираете вашу цель и извлекаете ее. Не все инструменты сделаны равными. Некоторые требуют заточки перед использованием, некоторые могут сломаться, без некоторых вы не захотите выходить из дома. Разные инструменты дают разные результаты. Вам придется решать, разобрать все в сразу прямо в ходке, используя то что окажется под рукой, или дотащить все до базы чтобы вытащить все ценное до последнего винтика. Некоторые манипуляции потребуют вспомогательных инструментов. Вы по прежнему можете притащить оружие на базу и сбыть торговцу не разбирая. Это ваш хабар, вам и решать. Разборка снаряжения призвана не только облегчить вашу загрузку и позволить реалистично использовать годные части оружия, так как часто они общие для нескольких стволов. Это позволит разрядить, снять глушитель, прицел и гранатомет для вас, когда вы разбираете. Больше не будет болезненного тыканья в каждое оружие в поисках драгоценных патронов которые могут стать единственным, что позволит вам завтра поесть. Части и обломки так же могут быть использованы как вспомогательные материалы для других ремонтных комплектов, делая их более эффективными. Все эти замечательные возможности должны быть прописаны для каждого предмета и всех его вариаций во всей игре. Все таблицы должны быть составлены, проверены и протестированы. Возможности различных комбинаций факторов такие как использованный инструмент, исходное состояние предмета и т.д. все должно быть прописано. По завершению все будет быстро, но тщательно проверено и все ошибки будут исправлены. Окончательный баланс будет готов прежде, чем мы дадим Вам возможность его попробовать. Как можно увидеть, это действительно не та возможность, мимо которой стоит пройти мимо. Остальная часть команды все еще доделывает, настраивает и полирует другие новые возможности до уровня истинной MISERY, в то время как наш программист пашет как раб на цепи, позволяющей ему иногда сходить на оплачиваемую работу.

Строго говоря, можно сказать что готовность MISERY 2.2 последние несколько месяцев составляет 98%. Но вы не выставите в магазин автомобиль без руля. А руль в данном случае является ключевой особенностью предстоящего релиза, и это не позволяет его выпустить досрочно по техническим причинам. В последнее время вы уменьшили объемы анонсов и тизеров предстоящей версии потому что понимаем, что откладывание сроков выхода MISERY 2.2 для многих наших поклонников невыносимо. От имени нашего любимого программиста и остальной части команды мы благодарим вас за понимание и терпение. Мы превратим боль ожидания в настоящую MISERY достаточно скоро.

Если вы предпочитаете, чтобы новости и обновления от MDT отправлены на электронную почту напрямую, вы можете отправить нам простую электронную почту на contact@miserymod.com с 'subscribe' в качестве заголовка. Вы будете иметь автоматический ответ от нас, и никаких дальнейших действий не потребуется с этой точки. Вы можете отказаться от подписки в любое время вы хотите.

With Thanks to 6apcyk for the translation!

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Official website / Facebook / VK

Pressure to complete this project has understandably been mounting. The success of our friends at Team Epic with their Call of Chernobyl (CoC) project inspires us and only increases our drive to complete 2.2 and then progress to porting onto CoC’s platform.

When CoC was released, we considered switching our efforts to finishing 2.2 on CoC. Would it take longer to finish new features and make them work on CoC (while it was still evolving) or finish 2.2 and then port it over? The team judged 2.2 to be so close to completion that allowing CoC to mature and work out any kinks before moving over would be best. The significant metamorphosis of CoC in the interim strongly validated that decision. Building a mod of our size upon an ever-changing platform would have been too Miserable even for MDT.

The project was essentially closed to new ideas/features and work has concentrated on optimizing and completing the core features as soon as possible. We consolidated both the MDT and Test Lab Teams removing those inactive too long and inviting several new test lab members and translators into the fold. Behind the scenes, our friend composer Frank Gustafson, has completed all-new ambient music scores for the mod.

I'm sitting here waiting for Call of Pripyat (CoP) to download from Steam again … at least the 43rd time since our last major test package was assembled in August. You see, many if not most new patches require a new game. We don’t want you to need any of those patches, so we test and fix and test …. So the first thing we can verify is that a new game will be required for Misery 2.2. See, all the bad news out of the way right off. Now on to the good stuff … Please forgive me if you have already read some of this before. Since it has been a while since a ‘formal news update’ I will be as inclusive as possible.

We have fixed more vanilla CoP bugs and 2.0 bugs than I can probably remember. While it is always possible some new bug will be introduced with the plethora of new features, I can unequivocally state this will be the most stable and bug free version to date. Two huge things that stick out come to mind: Hermann no longer squirms away constantly when you try to talk to him and trade. Strelok should no longer run ahead and then back and forth during the finale.

Fixes have been implemented to work around corpses getting removed from the game before you come upon them. The recon squad in Pripyat that has the Kindergarten explosives, the poor stalker Flint left dying in the marsh, Even Noah and Lassie are much more likely to live to the end of the game or at least past their usefulness. The Zone is a very dangerous place, nothing is ever certain. Checks have been introduced to prevent some crashes when you do some things GSC never expected you to do. OK, so it’s less broken than ever before … You really want to know about the new features …

I’m bound to forget some stuff, but I will do my best. Tents – you can now choose a nice out of the way location and build yourself a tent for those nice nights between emissions out under the stars listening to the frogs, crickets, birds … wait frogs don’t growl like that … better check my mine field A good home security system is never wasted. That Flint bastard is still out there and all those other unsavory characters too.

The tents are realistically fragile. Bumping into them the wrong way or trying to shield yourself from bullets will most certainly destroy them. But, they provide more protection than using just a mylar blanket or sleeping bag from fallout. Different combinations of materials provide varying levels of protection, benefit from sleep, etc. A small marker will appear on your PDA if you lose your tent. The camouflage tarp can make that a reality … No, you can’t survive an emission in one yet. A whole new sleep UI accompanies the new sleep mechanics.

All those little things like grooming kits, swiss army knives and the like now have purposes. With the exception of bad ammo, I can’t honestly think of any useless items. Some need to be sharpened and there are many ways to do that. There are specialized tool kits to help you salvage parts from helmets, outfits, electronics, and of course weapons. These provide the best results, and are the most heavy/expensive. There are many ways to skin a bloodsucker as Trapper says … lots of suitable durable tools and less durable makeshift items can be used. You’ll need to discover for yourself exactly what breaks what down. Some of the toughest items need the toughest tools and so on.

So, you just put some arrogant bastards out of their Misery and you have all this loot. How are you going to hump it all back to a trader ??? Whip out your tool of choice and start breaking all that stuff down into useful parts & other bits someone will give you a few Rubles for if you want to haul it back. Lightening your load, you can use some of the spare parts to fix your gear up on the spot, save them for later, or sell them for a tidy profit. Using the right tools you might extract a perfectly good helmet from that outfit you no longer need or come upon. The Zone is still dangerous, make sure nothing can sneak up on you while you’re going through your loot. If you don’t want some of your leftover bits, be a responsible Stalker and stuff them in a nearby corpse to keep the Zone clean.

Did you ever wish you had a better melee weapon, something to keep those pesky zombies at arms length? Their breath is pretty bad … how about this shiny new AXE. Now that is a nicely satisfying meaty thud if I ever heard one Several other new weapons have made their way into the Zone. I won’t name them all, but the venerable Radom Vis pistol is in there, a new Ghillied SVD we lovingly call Fluffy is out there too.

We have some new looks, animations and sounds. There would have been more, but some of the stuff out there just doesn’t play well with all our other stuff and needed to go. Most of the iron sights zoom is greatly diminished. There are some weapons which just didn’t look right at near zero iron sights zoom and some final adjustments will be made. However, if the label says it is a 4X scope, it will magnify bare eye vision exactly 4X regardless of your chosen FOV.

Descriptions have been fine tuned to eliminate as many inconsistencies as possible. Many have been wonderfully embellished, some trimmed to fit the visible UI window better. We expect to provide translations at or near release into Russian, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and Japanese.

Outfits have been given plenty of love too. No new outfits this release, but they have been reworked and rebalanced. Some gained and some lost belt slots, some previous upgrades which engine limitations made less effective (some helmet upgrades in particular) have been tweaked so they now provide a stamina improvement. The Ghillie has been completely reworked. It will never be the best choice for CQC or anomaly exploration, but it now has significant Psy protections, an integrated and upgradeable helmet, new materials providing better heat resistance and is much more versatile. It will take more damage from bullets/explosions than a combat outfit and from exposure to locations much better suited to ecological suits because it is not intended for those purposes. Upgrades can be pricey, but you can turn the finest sneeki breeki suit into something that will keep you alive through more brushes with stray head shots (up to class IV protection for the head) and accidentally getting too close to the flames.

This brings us to the whole subject of camouflage/stealth. Outfits and some weapons have their own camouflage ratings for both day and night. Shiny stuff gets you noticed, dull stuff less so. The system is dynamic in that changing your AI switch_distance up and down scales the camouflage effect accordingly. If you extend your distance to 400 meters vs. the default 300 so you can see them 400 meters away they will notice you from further away. If your rig is a little dated, or you are using your laptop and reduce your distance for performance, the opponents vision is likewise reduced. You’ll have to figure out just how close you can get on your own Running, jumping, wandering about with your head lamp beaming away will get you noticed. Now your outfit choices, upgrades, etc. need to consider the tasks you intend to do at night with your nighttime rating in mind. Once you have given away your presence, camouflage goes out the window. The initial reaction time benefits you gain when NPC’s do their first double take disappear when NPC’s are alerted. Make sure you get them with that first shot.

There are new mutants … remember those creepy semi-transparent zombies from the tunnels in lost Alpha? The ones that didn’t seem to stay dead? Yeah, they have wandered into the CoP maps giving low visibility a whole new level of scary. Did I mention the directional indicator on your PDA burnt out? You can still see where you are on the map, but your only means of identifying the direction you are facing is what you can see. Fog used to just be wet and cool and improve your performance, now your housemates may hear you whimper a little when it rolls in on a night mission. What was that sound ?!?! Gigants have been tweaked making their attacks much less likely to cause crashes. Mutants, in general, will now find more ways to get at you. You won’t be safe everywhere you thought you were before.

Last, for now, Cromm has graciously allowed us to include Absolute Nature 4 in our release. Only the Misery theme will be included with the release package, but you can choose any of the other themes and different grass height and draw distance options or even a different look for each map by downloading the whole AN4 package. Some of the troublesome tree models from the past are fixed improving performance in those locales. Choosing the right combination of options will be important. More flora means more shadows and stuff to draw. This can tax some systems.

Some things will be harder and some easier. Choosing the right item for the job, time of day, etc. will remain paramount. I feel the balance, which is still subject to final adjustments, is quite good. There is more Alife and until you make a choice tilting the balance, there will be more likelihood initially to find neutral Mercs and bandits about.

There may be a brief warning and some proper pre-release videos just before release. Maybe just enough time to make an excuse to hang out a night with your buddy who has the really fast internet If that’s not an option, don’t use up all your data allowance downloading cute cat videos. They will ill prepare you for Misery’s cats and woe unto you when 2.2 finally drops if you aren’t prepared Misery is what inspired many of us to originally enter the modding scene. The thought of abandoning this project is abhorrent to us and we will not rest until it is completed. Please trust that we will persevere and bring you the Miserable experience you deserve as soon as the Zone allows. Until then, keep the faith and I will see you in the Zone …

Lately, we have downscaled our promotion and teasing of the upcoming version because we understand the prolonged release of MISERY 2.2 feels unbearable and provocative to many followers.

On behalf of our beloved coder and the rest of the team we thank you for your understanding and patience. We will turn the ache of waiting into true MISERY soon enough.

If you prefer to have these news and updates from MDT sent to your email directly, you are welcome to send us a simple email at contact@miserymod.com with 'subscribe' as the headline. You will have an auto-reply from us and no further actions will be required from that point. You can unsubscribe any time you want.

Thanks again and kind regards

Roger B. aka jasper34
MISERY mod PR Manager
Misery Development Ltd.

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