Set in and around City 17, "The Citizen Part Two" contains the next three chapters of our citizen's story. After the events of the previous two chapters, you find yourself rescued from the grave by rebels, among whom you are now a valuable asset. Taken to a makeshift field hospital, you recover in the hands of rebel medics. But the Combine are determined to crush the rebels out of existence, and the peace can't last long. You will face choices, and how you decide to proceed will ultimately dictate how the story plays out for you. Some choices are less obvious than others, and require you to take initiative where you otherwise might be distracted. One way or another, it's time to take back the city.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 122)

Video review

I genuinely enjoyed this mod a great deal. Meticulously well mapped with regard to the multitude of structural levels with a wonderful array of interior styles ! Visuals were excellent - from the TOD lighting, texturing, decals ( loved that bank banner ! ) along with the emphasis on a wide array of art throughout ( which I really appreciated ). Loved the the constant usage of strong colors from beginning to end as well.

A moment on the Casino - loved it ! The amount of thought, time and effort taken to construct and detail it was obvious and it came out wonderfully. Some players growled about the puzzle section and the ( really cool ) indestructible zombie there, but as an added element of urgency, it was a clever and refreshing puzzle.

Have to use your head here and there, but the game-play was generally linear with no major surprises which accompanying the story-line well, but left room for " something more ". I feel that that space would've been more than adequately filled with some ( scene appropriate ) generous
amounts of immersive mood and emotion evoking ambient scores.

I know that I'm always going on about mood and atmospheric ambients and my only real critique is that the overall feel of this mod could have benefited a great deal from some proper employments without damaging the " project goal " at all. All in all, a very solid and satisfying piece of work which I salute the efforts and creativity of the production team for.

I enjoyed this mod, but not as much as the first one, because there were no easter eggs (at least I could not find them) like in the first mod, and it was short, but I say that this is a good download!


This took me a while to realize, but this mod seems to also be part of the 3rd part under the name: The Citizen returns

I couldn't get this one to work, but the "citizen returns" words perfectly.

Great mod. Amazing work. I really like the level atmospheres and how well it all is brought together.
A little less handholding than in the original half life 2, but i like that a lot.
Hard difficulty was perfect for me.

I noticed one small bug when Larry climbs the ropes to get use a lift at the end of the game, if you break the glass before Larry gets there, then the game soft locks.

I only wish the game would provide a shortcut to easily play the game from desktop. So you don't have to use the "create shortcut" from the steam library.

This is a beautiful mod. Detailed level design stands out as does the overall art direction and WOW! the action sequences. If we traveled back in time and Valve showed off one of the rebel fights from this mod compared to that HL2 scene where you fight the first Strider in the street, you'd think HL2 was the mod and this was the actual game (minus the voice acting, but the sheer amount of dialogue and variety of voices they had for this is unbelievable for a mod; and actually it's still good voice acting for a mod, on occasion really good). I give it a 9 because it deserves it; so much effort went into this and it really pays off with a riveting and enjoyable game.

It falls short of a 10 because more than once I got stuck. At a certain point I had to noclip through a gate when a cinematic sequence failed multiple times. A couple other times I got lost on a puzzle sequence that was a little too hard and interrupted the fun of the game. Who wants to spend 15 minutes looking for a car battery? Not me, especially when this game has such great fights to offer and otherwise maintains a fantastic pace. However, the level design is so elegant I didn't mind as much as I normally would. For anyone easily frustrated I will say consider trying it on normal; it has some epic battles but some sections can be pretty tough at times.

Overall, you really do feel like you're a normal person (in this one, the Combine *really* hurt) and you have to be a team player - not a hero - to make it through. Highly recommend it, or if you don't want to play through it, at least watch the YouTube walkthrough. Valve should hire this team, and you should try this mod. GL HF!

doesn't launch


Продолжение, наверное, единственного, по настоящему сюжетного мода на хл2(story-driven) вышло лушче оригинала, во-первых сделали нормальный скин рук повстанца и избавились от копии костюма Гордона Фримена, ощущение, что играешь в реально сюжетное дополнение к халф-лайфу 2, как и в первой части, осталось и преумножилось, остался сюжетный персонаж из прошлой части, добавили модифицированный транспорт, добавили новое устройство для модифицированного транспорта, добавили сайд-задание, в одном месте добавили систему выбора, от которой зависит дальнейший геймплей, но я даю очень слабую 9/10, так как всего этого было ооочень мало, хотелось бы намного больше, поэтому эта 9/10 просто за старания, тут бы больше подошла оценка 8.5/10, ещё бы немного допилить мод и он бы мог стать просто шедевром на крепкую 9/10. Надеюсь, что авторы когда-нибудь выпустят продолжение, где можно пойти дальше и сделать полуоткрытые локации, как в играх metro exodus или terminatior: resistance.
The continuation, probably, of the only truly story-driven mod of hl2 came out better than the original, firstly, they made a normal skin of the rebel’s hands and got rid of a copy of Gordon Freeman’s costume, the feeling that you’re playing a really plot addition to half-life 2, as in the first part, it remained and increased, there was a story character from the last part, added a modified transport, added a new device for a modified transport, added a side mission, in one place added a selection system, on which further depends gameplay, but I give a very weak 9/10, since all of this was sooo little, I would like a lot more, so this 9/10 is just for the efforts, 8.5 / 10 would be more suitable here, upgrade the mod a little and it could become just a masterpiece on a solid 9/10. I hope that the authors will someday release a continuation where make half-open locations, as in the games metro exodus or terminatior: resistance.


This mod is really good one. It fits the whole HL story and it is filled with action. Compared to other high quality mods, i think that this one deserve 8. Recomanded!


bob137 says

Agree Disagree

Great mod. Rminds me of its own standalone game. Action packed and with a story line you cant beat, this is my favorite hl2 mod there is.