It was daylite wen u woke up in ur ditch. U looked up @ ur sky. That made blu B ur color. U had ur knife there with U2. Wen u stood up there was goo all ovr ur clothes. Ur hands were sticky. U wiped them on ur grass, so now ur color was green. O'Lord, Y did evrythng always hav 2 keep changin like this. U were alredy getin nervus agen. Ur hed hurt & it rang wen u stood up. Ur hed was almost empty. It always hurt U wen U woke up like this. U crawled out of ur ditch on2 ur gravel road & began 2 walk, waitin 4 the rest of ur mind 2 cum back 2U. U can C the car parkd far dwn the road & u walked 2ward it. If God is our Father, u thought, then Satan must B our cuzn. Y didnt any1 else undrstnd these imprtnt things? U got 2 ur car & tried all the doors. There locked. It was a red car & it's new. There was a xpensive lether camra case layn on the seat. Out acros ur field, u culd C 2 tiny ppl walkin by ur woods. U began 2 walk 2wards them. Now red was ur color. & o'corse those tiny ppl were urs 2

Comment History
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ DOOM3 BFG SuperSoldier v2.0.6

It could be that bitdefender is paranoid but, it's telling me that it's a virus. Never had this issue but nonetheless, I wanna doubt your maliciousness attempt or even moddb assisting in hosting dirty files. I'm going to disable bitdefender.

Good karma+1 vote
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ R6 profile

what? I know this is a very old post but ....

Good karma+1 vote
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ Veni, Vidi, Video - DBolical YouTube Roundup May 16th - May 20th


Good karma+1 vote
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ Rise And Fall

I am very intrigued. This game was one of the best game ever that I've played (I am 56yrs old). Storyline was awesome back then. I would play for hours and quit so I could eat. I wanted to savor the game by prolonging my play time but it was painful!!!

Anyways....I am very intrigued on what comes out of of this. Please keep us up-to-date with your progress. Thank you for all your efforts

Good karma+5 votes
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ Doom 3 RoE Absolute HD 1.7

as per your screenshot, I do not see that. I just get the default. When I get into the menu I will select "mods" then this mod. Still the same thing. I have also tried the: +set fs_game d3xp and even removing the + (plus sign). No go. So....if I'm doing something wrong please let me know.

Good karma+1 vote
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ Doom 3 UAC sentry bot

this is a old file but I was wondering if there's one for RoE

Good karma+1 vote
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ Nautical Nate's Moderner MW2

I will give you and all the geniuses props for your/their dedication. I find it amazing that people can script/code a game. So as far as your Mod, You state;

"I don't have any friends that play it anymore and if they did it was always on Xbox. That's something you're gonna have to figure out and if you would, please let me know. I have no idea if it works or not".

Naaaaaaht really reassuring gamers to implement this mod. I certainty wouldn't. Sounds to me you're unsure about you're mod. However, it Sounds appealing but... I'll pass. If you believe in it, then Keep working on it.

Good karma+1 vote
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ DEIMIAN's Real Metal Doom Soundtrack v2.0

yea uh...this for pc right? The only file that's zipped is a .wad

Good karma+2 votes
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ DEIMIAN's Real Metal Doom Soundtrack v2.0

Please forgive my ignorance. I had downloaded this years ago but I forgot where to put the file. There was no "readme" file so I tried a few places. In the 'base' folder and also the main directory. Anyone that can help would save me from hearing that god awful sound tracks again. I started to play it again just for nostalgia reasons.

Good karma+3 votes
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ FarCrysis X

Actually, I did find a Iron Site mod here on moddb

Good karma+1 vote
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ FarCrysis X fault for the misunderstanding. What I meant to say is; The iron sights has always been half ***. Meaning, you can't raise the gun fully to achieve true iron sight. It just raises slightly. Some may argue that it's just a "zoom" effect. would be awesome if that could be fixed. If I could? I would but I'm a coder. Again, thank you and for all your efforts and dedication.

Good karma+5 votes
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ FarCrysis X

Iron sights please, pleeeease? pretty please? LOL! Seriously though, the way its always been and now it's like "half-A$$". Great job on your mod! thank you!!

Good karma-2 votes
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ DoomDb - The official Doom WAD sharing group!

Hey...I replied to your comment about my profile. Go check it out. Anyways...I've been searching for years on how I can get (or a code) the "Sentry" to follow me throughout Doom 3. Do you know how to code that? I always liked when you can activate it but it disappears or you can't use it anymore (as you all know). It's the same identical sentry in the game "Killing Floor". Anyways...thanks for reading :)

Good karma+3 votes
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

bookcollector well said. I CC everything you said

Good karma+2 votes
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ Encrypted_God

Ever heard of the band "TOOL"? It's a hidden track on their album "undertow". It's track #69. The beginning is cool but at 15:55 is where I got this from.

Good karma+1 vote
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ Perfected Doom 3 version 7 Released

I'm aware that this mod is 5 years ago. As of last night I was browsing on Netflix and seen the movie "Doom- Annihilation". So I thought "Eh...what the hell, I'm gunna watch it". As the movie progressed, I thought; "holy ****! I remember that in the game"!?. Anyways.... Juss tonight I launched the game and I seen that I have your mod (version 6.2.3). Which I totally forgot about. I have the steam version. No BFG. Both first and RE is separate.

Question; is this only for resurrection evil? how do I install your new files. Overwrite? More importantly, Where is the DL link. I know I'm old but....please explain how I go about this.

Good karma+1 vote
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ Scary Monsters DOOM 3 Re-done

Thank you sir

Good karma+3 votes
Encrypted_God - - 18 comments @ Scary Monsters DOOM 3 Re-done

I'm not going to list or post my knowledge on computers. I will say this however, I've been around computers since 1983 (Yea, I'm old). Doom 3 is a awesome game! I've liked it since the day it came out. Anyways...Do I need to install/Add your previous files to my directory before this one. Or just install/add these. BTW...I was surfing Netflix last night and saw; "Doom: Annihilation". I thought, "Ok..let me check it out"! As it started watching, I thought; "OH YEA! I remember that!!" So I had the itch to play it again. But I'm looking for a mod, hence; that's why I'm here.

Good karma+4 votes