It was daylite wen u woke up in ur ditch. U looked up @ ur sky. That made blu B ur color. U had ur knife there with U2. Wen u stood up there was goo all ovr ur clothes. Ur hands were sticky. U wiped them on ur grass, so now ur color was green. O'Lord, Y did evrythng always hav 2 keep changin like this. U were alredy getin nervus agen. Ur hed hurt & it rang wen u stood up. Ur hed was almost empty. It always hurt U wen U woke up like this. U crawled out of ur ditch on2 ur gravel road & began 2 walk, waitin 4 the rest of ur mind 2 cum back 2U. U can C the car parkd far dwn the road & u walked 2ward it. If God is our Father, u thought, then Satan must B our cuzn. Y didnt any1 else undrstnd these imprtnt things? U got 2 ur car & tried all the doors. There locked. It was a red car & it's new. There was a xpensive lether camra case layn on the seat. Out acros ur field, u culd C 2 tiny ppl walkin by ur woods. U began 2 walk 2wards them. Now red was ur color. & o'corse those tiny ppl were urs 2

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Far Cry 2

Game review

Beautiful. Thank you very much for all your efforts. I wish I could code.


FarCrysis X

Early access mod review

Thank you very much for your hard work and dedication. It's really refreshing to know that there are old school gamers as my myself